Architecture ’ 1. Savannah infill housing project 2. Diagramatic model of Peter Zumther Therm Vals 3. Massing model of ground manipulation 4. Harbor Pilot House
1. Popular canal in Indiana that I used to visit often. 2. Tampa River Walk that I visit often with my friends now.
Pictures of me and my two younger sisters.
Hobbies Various different art pieces I have worked on during the summer of 2020
M2 Color + Culture
M2 Color + Culture
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M7 Color + Balance Balance is the relationship of different hues to one another when each is perceived to be equal in perceived visual weight. There are three types of balance symmetry, asymmetry, and radial. Cool colors are heavier than warm colors. Light colors appear to be closer than dark colors.
Images of balance seen in living room designs
M7 Color + Rhythm Rhythm is a natural evolutionary trait in nature that can be transferred to interior spaces and can be further emphasized with color. Rhythm can be seen all throughout nature. There are a lot of different types of rhythm. The five different types of rhythm associated with color are repetition, alternation, progression, continuation, and radiation.
Images of rhythm seen in different interiors
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