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Estrangement to Affinity A Recital of Tapsamrat Pujya Gurudev's biography by Yug Diwakar Gurudev

In every era, one or another great Saint, a Guru, A Yugpurush – a person icon of a particular era) is born. That Yugpurush, who for years and years... affects time, domain, people… environment, here, there and everywhere. And such a Guru when born, triggers a change in the surroundings just before his birth. A Yugpurush is that individual whose arrival, whose birth is lead by a presage in the surroundings. The environment indicates his arrival. Such was a saint of this era, Tap Samrat Gurudev Ratilalji Maharaj Saheb. He was Guru, whose presence had an effect that existed not only during his time, but is still present today in spite of his absence. Remember this always, anyone whose Guru resides in the heart, that Guru whether physically present or absent, whether in

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existence or not, will always be alive and active in the disciple's heart. For him, it's irrelevant whether his Guru is in front of him or near him or within sight, whether he is visible or not, whether he is non-existent or not. For the disciple, his Guru is persistently present in his heart. Why? Why so? Until one does not feel, realizes or accepts the being of a Guru (Gurutva) until that is not realized, the acceptance of a disciple cannot occur. Until the Gurutva is not realized, the discipleship will not be accepted. The acceptance of a disciple develops when the Guru shines not only in the eyes but within, occupies not the lips alone but the heart, is seen in gratitude not only with joined palms but all over one's existence, and when this happens, when this actually happens, that's

when slowly and steadily the person develops into a disciple from within. Such a Guru, whom I have realized not only from my eyes but from within, whom I have realized not just through refuge but in true existence, in whose presence I sat as an audience and he became a constant companion residing in my heart, such was this Guiding light Tap Samrat Gurudev Ratilalji Maharaj Saheb When a Guru treads into our lives, we feel that we've found a Guru, but we have to remember that a Guru does not come along in one's life for the first time. We believe that we have found our Guru but we have to remember, this is not the first time that we have met him. Life after life…lifeafter life…many birthswe have been meeting him. A Guru is not discovered for the first time, he

It's irrelevant whether his Guru is in front of him or near him or within sight, whether he is visible or not, whether he is nonexistent or not. For the disciple, his Guru is persistently present in his heart. exists life after life he is connected to us, it's only when the connection is recharged that we suddenly feel that we have come across our Guru. It happens many times that all of a sudden the mobile phone stops working, and we start wondering as to why it has stopped. Then we realize that the prepaid amount is exhausted... now if you do not recharge, no matter how many times you try using it, it is not going to work but the moment you pay, recharge it, it works. The phone no. is still the same, it had simply stopped working for a short time. Are you going to proclaim that the phone no. is new or the connection is new? No! Connection is the very same and so is the no. but the validity of the no. had expired. The moment it was recharged... and similarly every time the Guru comes in proximity, treads into your lives, it feels as though you are meeting him for the very first time. No! For the very first time we meet someone we do not have intense emotions for them. When we meet over and over again, life after life, we acknowledge them. This is not the first acquaintance; this connection always existed. The coming together of a Guru and his

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disciple is never for the first time. It is an eternal togetherness from infinite times, it could be in any form or relationship, it could be a mother in one life, and father in another life, it could be a wife in one life and a husband in another life, It could also be a son in one life...the relationship could be any but life after life the connection continues. Now, that very soul plays the role of a Guru. Hence we experience the inspiration and guidance of a Guru; if the soul takes the role of a mother then we are mothered. The soul is the same, this connection between onesoul with another soul is known as 'Runnanu Bandh'. Being able to pay homage to the ascetics is the outcome of good deeds earned but being blessed with a Guru is only through 'Runnanu Bandh'. Priests or Ascetics come our way through good deeds but a Guru comes our way only because of 'Runnanu Bandh'. Such was Tap Samrat Gurudev Ratilalji Maharaj Saheb, who was the Guru of thousands. HE was born in a small village, it is not necessary for prominent peopleto be born in big cities. A person may be born in a remote place and then become well known to everyone everywhere in the world, including those living in the remote areas. He may be born in a small-unknown village and become a well-known figure to all everywhere. Such was Vavdi.... what was the name? A village called Vavdi, a small village.. Parabvavdi... In this village, Vavdi there lived a small family, living not in a Mansion. There were many mud houses amongst which lived the Raiyani family. In this small house lived father MadhavjiBhai and Mother Jamkubai. I am relating to what occurred 100 years ago so

that we recognize the greatness of such great men from their birth. There are some whom we are not aware of during their presence and only appreciate them in their absence. There are those whose very presence makes us feel different. He is different from others. His thoughts are different, he has different kind of personality. At Madhavbhai and Jamkubai's place in the evening, a small boy is playing with the steel plate and spoon creating various sounds. There was a time when people would rejoice by producing sounds with a steel plate and a Ladle, thus expressing their happiness. Everyone was rejoicing, kids were playing with crackers, some were in their office doing LaxmiPujan - a prayer to the Goddess of Wealth. Those who conducted businesses would perform this sacred ritual of writing:

May my intentions be like Shalibhadra, and My wisdom be like Abhay Kumar, My powers be like Guru Gautam When they were remembering all three of them together, a feeling of tri-power arose...and the child is hitting the “Thali” in great intensity... people begin asking, what happened my child? Why are you hitting the thali? Where are you going? Hey! I am going to Madhavjibhai's place and upon arriving to his shop he reveals, ”Aperfectly fine looking son has been born in your family.” People during the old times would celebrate with pure heart and innocence. They did not hold any conceit within them. They would celebrate for others just like they would for themselves. In small villages, houses would be separate but the hearts of the people were has happened? Homes are separate and the hearts of those living in these homes are also separated. When there are too many material gains, there are unnecessary feelings of attachment, desire and hatred associated with it. In olden times, people did not have too many possessions but they were self-satisfied. In such a home, where, Madhavjibhai and Jamkubai resided, a small child was born and the newly born child had a special shine in his eyes.. His face had a special brightness. Everyone around were observing him, they were all going through an exclusive experience. But until, we do not know the future we are not able to recognize completely. It's worth understanding when we do not know a person's future, we can never recognize him or acknowledge him.. What if I pinpoint one of you and tell you that after this birth you will be born in the MahavideshKshetra as “Tirthankar Naam Karma Bandh”

The coming together of a Guru and his disciple is never for the first time. It is an eternal togetherness from infinite times, it could be in any form or relationship, the relationship could be any but life after life the connection continues. This connection between onesoul with another soul is known as 'Runnanu Bandh'

i.e. you will surely become a Tirthankar in the next birth. The people surrounding him, who used to look at him blankly, will look up to him with gratitude, respect. A while ago, we were just looking at him, now we actually recognize him. In this way, till we do not know the future we shall not be able to recognize or acknowledge greatness. People around were happy to see the newborn but they were ignorant of the fact that this newborn of Jamkubai is the savior of many souls, leading them to the path of liberation or Moksh. Many were happy in merriment in the superficial way. How many children did Madhavjibhai have? Nine.When a great person is born, he slowly spreads positive energy around. After Ratilalji was born, Raiyani family was experiencing a different kind of energy, a different kind of joy. With each day, day after day, as time passed, nobody knew that this child who was playing in the lanes of the village was going to emerge into a great personality. What happened in Ratilalji's life what took place, how it happened? Even today we observe that the tree shelters many small birds, how many small birds build their shelter on it. Similarly, under Ratilalji's shelter, thousands of lives seek their well-being. How the journey begins? How does a seedgrow into a sapling and then a tree and how this journey moves on, what happens next? Finally how does small Ratilal grow into inspiring personality, the great Ratilalji ! To be continued...

With Best Compliments: Aoaoaoaoaoa Moaoaooa

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