An occasional newsletter from the Digital Humanities Research Librarian
Andrew Lang letters now online
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The new Digital Collections Repository now contains an interesting selection of letters to, from, and about Andrew Lang , celebrated early twentieth-century anthropologist and alumnus of the University, perhaps best known for his extensive series of colouredFairy books. We have selected about 50 letters as a "taster" of our much larger collection , and many of these show his relationship with two other St Andrean scholars, David Hay Fleming and Sir William Craigie. Ten further letters to his friend Mrs Herbert Hills show him in more relaxed, witty and unguarded mode. Transcriptions of many of the letters are provided, as Lang's handwriting is sometimes a challenge! View these new digital versions from their homepage in the repository at
New Digital Books
William Spence, An essay..on logarithmic transcendents (1809) sQA342.S8
Zacharias Ursinus, Catechesis religionis christinae (1591) TypBE.B91WC Ralph Erskine, The militant's song (1725) TypBE.D24RE
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Several new digital books have been added to the repository. These include William Spence's An essay on the theory of the various orders of logarithmic transcendents (1809), Ralph Erskine's The militant's song (1725) and Zacharias Ursinus' Catechesis religionis christinae (1591). We aim always to select for digitisation items in our Rare Books collections which are unique, or of special interest, to St Andrews, and which are not usually digitally available elsewhere. See all the books we have digitised so far on the Digital Books page
Ideas for digital projects? If there is material in the Library's collections which you would find it useful to have digitised, or which could be the subject of a digital humanities project, I would be glad to hear from you. I can be contacted at
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From: Dr Alice Crawford, Digital Humanities Research Librarian, University of St Andrews Library, North St, St Andrews. KY16 9TR. Phone: 01334 462317. Email: