Week 6 Progress Buck Dam to Galax 17 miles
Abou t5m iles f rom Dam , Frie Buck s Bridg Junct e sta ion n d s ma as it jestic span s the below river .
Gambetta Tunnel is carved right through the cliff side. Tunnels in this area were dug without the use of explosives and required grueling manual labor.
ns u r ek e r C o t t l u i n a t r t s e e h h C ot t es l d i e l v l ro p para d d n n a a x s ht g i Gala s l u f i t beau ounds. s
Near Cliffview, numerous white-tailed deer wander along the trail and neighboring fields in summer.
The final miles of the challenge take us back to Galax - and there's the caboose!
Congratulations on completing the CommonHealth 100 mile New River Trail Challenge!
VICT O I kn RY!! ew w ! We' e co ll u
see ld d o it. y o for o u in ur n the fall ext acti cha vity llen ge!
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