1 minute read
A conversation wi A conversation wit
Written by Ang Lexi Lacey (5C47), Jerald Yeo (5C31) and Valencia Toh Xin Yi (5C47)
Tonight,at8.30pm,Ireliveourfavouritememoryfor thelasttime.
It is a Thursday night You once mentioned that every day has a feeling associated with it, and thereforeacolourassignedtoit.Icanonlyrecallthat Wednesdays were the colour green (your favourite). It was originally assigned blue, but that led to your all-too-exaggerated reaction asking where I would have assigned green, since every other day already had a colour assigned to them. I then told you Wednesdays could be green instead because no other day felt more green than Wednesdays, laughing at a colossal persistence on your part (I forgot how adamant you could be about simple thingslikethis) toconsumethemseparately.Anabsurdthought.I addedacakeIknewwastoolargeforustofinish, andsomeicing
Itwas852pm,andthefluorescentlightsflickeredover our heads. I guess it was kind of scary, like in a Bgrade horror film, the few moments before a jumpscare,intensifyingmusic,orsomethinglikethat.
Itstartsoffwithatriptothesupermarketlocated alongthebeach.Itwasyourbirthday.(Mine too,butwedon’tcelebrateanymore)Ihad agreedtopayforwhateveryoupickedout Youpickedcerealandmilk,abagofchips, andpopsicles.Youtoldmecerealcould makeapartofanymeal,aslongasit wasconsumedaftermilk Youmeant
As soon as we had gathered all that we wanted to purchase, we quickly went off to pay The airconditioningwasatadbittoolowforyoutohandleany longer. I saw that you were practically shivering. You didn’t admit it though, when I pointed it out. (You were stubborn like that, as all fourteen-year-olds are) Stuffing the items into bags, we made our way to the beach.
The wind gently brushed against our faces and a sprinkling of stars embellished the night sky, our only source of companionship this moonless night We could vaguely see ships in the distance, similar to movingcities,driftingslowlyby.Anindistinctglowlined the horizon, the fading parameters of this memory, far beyond our reach. We sat and ate and watched the flickering of stars marking the passing of every moment You pestered, and I sang, reluctantly, the