2020 ISSUE 2
gamer r u o d’h
editorials Wong Yee Ching, 5C11 Hi Dunmanians! Without a doubt, 2020 has been tough on all of us. What seemed like a fresh start with endless possibilities and routes to explore soon reared its ugly head, revealing a tumultuous journey ahead of us. Disruptions in all aspects came one after another relentlessly, throwing many of us into a state of initial panic and worry about the unknown. Lifestyles and learning methods changed as new routines set in. Yet, our experience thus far may have been a blessing in disguise, for as we slowly adapted, we changed and grew in the same aspects of life that had once instilled fear in us. At the end of the day, what’s truly important is to be grateful for what we have, as well as to aptly apply our insights gained from this experience to navigate our future. In this issue, we look back on what we as a Dunmanian family have collectively experienced since the start of the outbreak of COVID-19, and what we can expect as we move forward. Following a conquest gameplay theme where readers act as players in the videogame, with COVID-19 as the common enemy to defeat, our team has worked hard in ensuring that the contents of the issue are both engaging and stimulating, as well as easy to digest since it follows a chronological timeline. Lastly, to our fellow Dunmanians, we hope that you will enjoy this issue of D’hour, and find comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this journey towards the “final” phase.
Zhang Yu Hao, 5C37 德明学子: 大家好!
经过漫长的筹备,高中出版社新一期杂志破土而出! 这次,出版社为大家带来了全新的抗“疫”主 题。
2020年,一场突如其来的疫情肆虐全球,打破了所有人的生活节奏。德明学子的生活也受到了 影响。这一期,我们将让大家了解德明校园的抗“疫”过程,德明人如何在疫情的威胁下负重前行,在 前进的道路上留下自己的足迹。 与此同时,我们也采访了一些德明的老师和学生,让他们分享抗“疫” 感悟。 希望这一期杂志能够与同学们产生共鸣,让大家振作起来,团结抗“疫”!大家要相信,彩虹总 在风雨之后,一切都会好起来的! 在此,我们也要衷心地感谢出版社的负责老师们 —— Mdm Hong Lan (洪澜老师) 和 Mr Mark Ho。有了你们的细心教导和支持,我们的杂志才得以顺利出版!
levels Ready Player ONE 1.1 - Uncharted Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.2 - 既过年关,也过难关 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1 - Season Of Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1 - "Sorry, My Camera Is Not Working.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2 - 网有上难事 网有上难事 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1 - Coronacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2 - Quarantimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3 - 危中有机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1 - "Hello? Can Hear Me Or Not?!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.2 - 抗“疫”到底 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
walkthrough HAND SANITISER Hello PlayerDHS, welcome to the Journey Towards the Final Phase. We’re in the COVID Terrain, where the deadly Coronavirus resides. In each stage, it will attack you with infectious disease, compromising your immune system and health. Your task is to defeat the Coronavirus and come out of the COVID Terrain stronger and more resilient than before. As much as you develop new combat techniques to face off the virus and adapt to the volatile environment, there are still unforeseen circumstances that will throw you off guard. Therefore, you have to stay alert and be prepared for battle at all times. Note that as you become stronger, so does the virus. Some words of caution: you have to be extremely careful in this journey, for the virus can cause mild illness, pneumonia or even death! Do stay safe by always wearing your mask, practising social distancing, and maintaining good personal hygiene. It’s your best shot at survival! If you experience symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat and headaches, or any difficulty in breathing during the process, seek medical attention immediately. If you fail to recover from the illness by disobeying Quarantine Orders, it’s GAME OVER. But don’t worry, you were chosen for a reason! With your endurance and quick wits, as well as the help of your fellow players, I’m sure you can beat all obstacles faced and eventually restore order and safety to the world. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself! I’m Hand Sanitiser, your ally in this treacherous conquest. I will be fighting alongside you and together, we will defeat the seemingly insurmountable Coronavirus! After all, teamwork makes the dream work, am I right?
HAND SANITISER Before we venture into the COVID Terrain, please select your Gameplay Character.
HAND SANITISER You have chosen the Circuit Gamer! An interesting choice, I must say... These are your Character Stats.
Circuit Gamer Lv
1 Exp
HAND SANITISER All Character Stats are capped at a maximum of 5, so your ratings are considered relatively average. Although the barrage of ‘3s’ may seem average as of now, fear not, as you will have the chance to obtain a higher rating by upgrading your character as you conquer each level. With that, let’s dive into the gameplay! Are you able to rise to the occasion, Circuit Gamer? Welcome to ‘Ready Player 1’!
“EH, WHAT HAPPENED?” When the devastating Australian bushfires suddenly erupted late last year, no one could foresee how the remainder of the year would devolve further into chaos. In December 2019, COVID-19 was identified in Wuhan, China. Singapore, being in China’s backyard, was one of the first to receive the bad news. Dunmanians held differing views towards the news. While some remained nonchalant and unfazed by the worsening situation China was in, others grew uneasy and distressed at the unprecedented chaos. Regardless of the initial reaction, a horrible pandemic that was to cause a tragic loss of life right here in our little red dot was soon to be endured by all.
“I’M SCARED.” There were definitely Dunmanians who experienced feelings of anxiety and worry at the growing strength of the COVID-19 virus. For these students, the news of the onslaught of an unknown and merciless pandemic meant that early precautions had to be taken to protect their families and themselves. When interviewed on their initial response towards the news of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, Joy Lim from 5C11 expressed her worry about the deadly virus spilling into Singapore. Concerned that the virus would make its first emergence at a time when Singaporeans did not have their guard up, Joy shared how she already started wearing masks to school even
when it was not made mandatory by the government. While some may consider the actions of these students sharing the same sentiments as Joy to be unnecessary and paranoid, it truly reflects the valuable foresight our Dunmanians possess - a quality which the school has been actively honing us with. On the same note, kind-heartedness and empathy have also been shown by Dunmanians against the backdrop of ominous developments in China. Many students who were interviewed conveyed their worry and distress for the China citizens and other fellow Singaporeans who were unable to leave Wuhan. Considering the overwhelming strain placed on the frontline workers in China, these students projected their concerns as to whether these unfortunate victims of the initial wave would be able to tide through seemingly insurmountable odds.
“WHO CARES?” We also noticed a handful of Dunmanians who were relatively unfazed by the initial reports of the growing pandemic in China. When interviewed about his initial reaction towards the outbreak of the virus, Kingold Wang from 5C35 responded that although he was mildly concerned for those who had to face the immediate threat in Wuhan, he remained largely skeptical about the virus being infectious enough to be transmitted to Singapore in a significant enough volume. Kingold and those who shared his sentiment did not feel this way without justification; with the announcement of the MERS-CoV (incidentally, a distant relative of COVID-19) back in 2012, Singapore wasted no time implementing measures that would quickly neutralise the virus’ threat.
Moreover, earlier this year, COVID-19 was still in its infancy, and very little had been known about it. Coupled with the Chinese government’s relative non-transparency regarding infection rates, and research to be conducted on the virus still not being made a priority on the international stage, the threat that the virus posed was understated and underestimated. Many Dunmanians did not take substantial preventive measures until the reality of Singapore’s predicament really started to sink in.
healthcare sector being overwhelmed yet again. Conversely, other parents demonstrated their unwavering faith and confidence in Singapore’s healthcare sector to tide through this uncertain period. In particular, Mr Chua, a father and doctor, shared his views on Singapore’s healthcare sector being “one of the best in the world” due to “our well-trained staff at all levels and excellent infrastructure”. As for Mrs Tan, a parent in the finance sector, she expected that the travel and tourism industry would be severely disrupted, potentially wreaking havoc on one of Singapore’s key industries.
“WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?” Whether or not people felt that they were ready to face the future, it is likely that no amount of bracing could prepare anyone for the harrowing nature of the virus situation that was to strike home in time to come. This was, and is, uncharted territory.
“MUM AND DAD, HOW DO YOU FEEL?” Dunmanians’ parents, too, held interesting insights and responses towards the first wave of the outbreak in China. Other than similar attitudes of concern or stoicism, their parents adopted a multitude of different lenses through which to view the outbreak. The moment COVID-19 struck Singapore, with the memories of the SARS pandemic still deeply etched in their minds, some parents expressed their perturbation at Singapore’s
Always has been.
Wait, it’s all COVID-19?
也过难关 庚子鼠年,如期而至。可今年的农历新年却失 去了活力和热闹,中国的新型冠状病毒疫情来势汹 汹,举国上下战鼓频催。 虽身处新加坡,但我们每一 个人的内心都被牵动着。开年之初,想必所有人的 心里都暗自感慨一句: “既过年关,也过难关!”
2020年1月11日,病毒的脚步悄悄降临。中国 官方媒体报告了第一位死亡的61岁中国男性。此 时正值春节前夕,数不胜数的家庭将在这个期间出 行,看似欢愉的氛围掩盖住了病毒所散发出来的死 亡气息。 然而,2020年1月23日,拥有超过1100万人口 的武汉突然宣布“封城”。举国上下人心惶惶,此时 此刻,人类终于意识到自己的渺小和微茫。当轰鸣 的铁皮车碾压过最后一株小草,当筑起的高楼阻挡 了树木蓬勃的生机,当人类的枪口终于对准无处可 逃的生灵,枪响之后没有赢家,我们从来都没有向 自然予取予求的底气。
文稿: 杨雅琦(5C22), 陈铭(5C12) 采访: 陈铭(5C12)
之中最温暖的赞歌。 德明校内也笼罩在这样阴霾压 抑的气压之下,往日里的语笑喧呼全都转为忧心如 焚。 在采访刘志强老师时,他这样描述道:“起初我 并没有很担心,还以为会像中东呼吸综合症般不会 扩散到全球各地,但是万万想不到啊!”
之后,刘老师还补充说明了自己的担忧之情: “这个病毒的攻势太快太猛烈了,到目前为止都无 药可医,一旦染上就算痊愈, 多多少少都会有后
遗症吧。 ”
希望和曙光是隐藏在灾难背后的春暖花开,这 是一种无论在哪个时代,哪一种泥泞之下,都值得 我们为之坚守和奋斗!
就在同一天,一名来自武汉的66岁男性旅客在 新加坡被确诊为新型冠状病毒肺炎,成为了新加坡 的首个确诊案例。 之后新增确诊如雨后春笋破土而 出,几天之内直线激增。2月7日出现本地社区感染 现象后,新加坡政府立即将疫情警戒层从黄色升至 橙色。 越是千钧一发之际,存亡绝续之时,越能研读 人性的平凡而伟大,越能看见柳暗花明 中曦光出现。德明高二的学生们自主 发起捐款活动,老师们也纷纷在 课堂上鼓励和安慰每一位 同学。 德明大家庭的 凝聚力紧紧连 结着每一个 人,彼 此 的 陪伴便成 为了疫情
checkpoint 1 HAND SANITISER Hey Circuit Gamer, welcome back to base! Now that you’ve more or less familiarised yourself with the COVID Terrain, it’s time for some self-reflection. Having witnessed the terrors lying ahead of you, how did you respond? Were you afraid of the unknown, anxious and uncertain? Or did you take these foreseeable trials and tribulations in your stride, and remained steadfast in the belief that you could get the better of them? When faced with a difficult situation, it is always good to be open-minded as opposed to indulging in our fears, when it may appear to be the instinctive course of action to take. As bleak as the situation may look, adopting a positive attitude and having faith in ourselves to navigate the uncharted territory ahead will go a long way in breaking free from this daunting abyss of uncertainty. Regardless, I’m sure that this first round of surveying and exploring your surroundings has increased your awareness and exposure to the impending threat of the Coronavirus you will be facing in time to come. For that, your Perception has been raised from 3 to 4!
Circuit Gamer Lv
2 Exp
Good job on levelling up, Circuit Gamer, but this is not the time to be complacent. The road that looms in store for you will only be more arduous, and you must step up your efforts in order to defeat the Coronavirus. Always remember: it is better to anticipate than react. Stay on guard and keep a keen lookout for the curveballs hurled your way. Lastly, do take note of and abide by all the safety measures in place. To be prepared is half the victory. With that, it’s time to suit up as we’re plunging head first into ‘Double Trouble’!
The February thaw marks the end of the cold, lifeless winter and anticipates the blossoming of springtime. For Dunmanians, the change of season came as we embarked on a new academic year and expanded our family - not only had we welcomed a new batch of Year 1 students, we were in the midst of integrating more than 100 Senior High students through the Joint Admission Exercise. However, amid this welcome change to the Dunmanian family, an unexpected change unlike that of flowers flourishing, was impending in February. It was only in January that the first case of coronavirus was reported in Singapore. Dunmanians’ routine remained similar to previous years. Until it was not. The Senior High Orientation, a hallmark initiation activity that typically spans the first 3 days of the SH academic year, was briefly disrupted by an adventitious announcement: the DORSCON alert was raised from Yellow to Orange. Flowers are expected to blossom in springtime; this unanticipated change was like cacti blooming in the Sahara desert. With new rules and guidelines in place, the Orientation was completely halted. Although the flags of the four houses still flew high, there was still a question mark hanging over whether or not the large-scale event, which heavily involved team-building activities, would still continue. Having looked forward to Orientation, many felt dejected and disheartened. However, most still harboured hope and faith that the flame would be kept alive by the Orientation Committee.
“We knew we had to take the situation in our stride and deal with the restrictions, try our best to carry on and hope that it would all turn out well,” recounted Charlotte, the former House Captain of Kirin. After an arduous week, the Orientation finally began with revised activities and rules that prioritised students’ health and safety above all else. “I vividly remember seeing the Orientation Committee editing the proposals and programmes at 5am, having emergency meetings until the wee hours of the morning. It was even more challenging when the venues and the COVID-19 restrictions kept changing, meaning that the finished programme for one day could be totally rejected within hours,” Charlotte explained. Despite the odds, Avalon 2020 was still successfully carried out. The battle with COVID-19 had just begun, but the Orientation Committee displayed an enduring and uplifting spirit. Aside from the disruption to fun and games, COVID-19 also intruded into our classrooms. Students had to be seated one metre apart during lessons and lecture venues had to be changed. Teachers were also affected: they had to adapt to technology and give live lectures online. Additionally, students and teachers ere preparing for a potential nation-wide lockdown. There was definitely uncertainty in the air
and a mixed bag of emotions experienced by students and staff alike- some were fearful that this would bring disruption to their learning experience, while others were eager to face this challenge head on and were fast to adapt to the new environment. As the new academic year took a turn, we were all forced to adapt. This was tough on all of us, especially those who had just entered their new classes, surrounded by new faces and a different learning environment. Not only that, COVID-19 took a toll on the learning of students who will be taking major examinations this year. Many were stressed out and fearful to embrace this new environment. Faced with newly imposed limitations, some volunteering opportunities were stifled, while other community activities shifted to online platforms.
programme.” “However, what I thought would be a simple two-way communication of asking and answering questions turned out to be a lot more difficult,” he added, as he could not monitor their progress, among other limitations.
During this period of uncertainty, both students and staff faced a myriad of challenges. At the same time, they dealt with the fears, doubt and anxiety that were cast upon them. Despite this unprecedented season of change, we were able to see Dunmanians’ growth. However, not everything in nature blooms all year long . . .
While the change facilitated the continuation of such activities, a set of challenges was introduced. Having successfully applied as a volunteer in the Heartware Tuition Programme, Teo Zuo Rui has been serving students in primary schools as a tutor. With new social distancing measures, the programme transitioned to a pilot online Tuition Programme, which involved online messaging as the mode of communication during sessions. Many were stressed out and fearful to embrace this new environment. “At first, I was surprised (in a good way) that I could continue with this programme, but also worried, as I was not sure what to expect from an online tuition
checkpoint 2 HAND SANITISER Congratulations on overcoming the first of many obstacles ahead, your response to abrupt and unexpected last-minute amendments was extremely commendable. Not only did you exercise tremendous adaptability in the face of numerous uncertainties, you also managed to gear yourself up emotionally, harnessing the spirit of readiness to withstand imminent challenges. In light of your tenacity, we would like to award you with an Antimicrobial Face Mask™! Moreover, your exceptional performance has earned you a level-up in Willpower from 3 to 4. Cheers for this upgrade! The abilities to adjust and persevere are crucial in helping you navigate the unpredictable COVID Terrain. In this ever-changing and volatile landscape, these characteristics will aid you in maintaining a strong front even in the face of adversity. I hope that you will be able to use your dogged determination to your advantage and prevail over difficult predicaments. The fight is far from over, Circuit Gamer, and we have no time to waste. Moving on to ‘The Trying Threes’, let’s see how long you can last in the face of immense mental and physical pressure!
Circuit Gamer Lv
All players are not to step foot outside of base. If you have left, report back to base immediately and stay indoors. The Circuit Breaker has commenced. I repeat, the Circuit Breaker has commenced!
Stay calm, Circuit Gamer. It seems as if we can’t leave the base for now. I’m not quite certain of the predicament but I guess we have to heed orders from the Headquarters for now.
“ Sorry, My Camera Is Not Working.” Working. ” by Beatrice Teh (5C42) and Lim Jia Hui (5C35)
With more time from not having to travel, the luxury of being able to eat and attend classes concurrently, and the comfort of dressing in home clothes, home-based learning (HBL) does seem like a lot of fun. But what happens to the teacher who never really knows if anyone is listening to him, or the parent who needs to juggle a demanding boss and three toddlers? What happens when the Wi-Fi crashes, the social life falls apart and life becomes video-call after video-call? Is HBL really all that rosy? When COVID-19 invaded Singapore, schools closed and students continued their education through online learning and video telephony. Two months into HBL, students seemed to be doing fine and recently, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung even announced plans to incorporate HBL into the regular school life, showing that HBL does have its benefits. What do teachers, students and parents think about this approach? Should HBL then be part of our ‘new normal’? Let’s find out!
Teacher’s Responses Q: How were your lessons affected? A: Topics more suitable to be learnt via HBL were pushed up. Plans were also put . . . to review and reteach the matein place rials when we returned to school. New digital resources were explored or created, and disseminated online. Even the usual discussions and grading of works were done via the Internet.
Mr Tan Lee Hwee
Q: What were some of the pros and. cons .. of HBL teaching? Do you personally find it effective? A: Some students truly enjoyed the HBL as they were able to learn at their own pace. On the other hand, being locked at home for weeks spells madness for some. While some lost focus, others lost track of their time management. Some even ended up using the internet for purposes other than for their studies. In short, looking at the current situation, rather than evaluating the effectiveness of HBL, we should rather be cultivating the correct habit and use of blended learning.
Mr Tan Lee Hwee
Students’ Responses Q: Do you personally find HBL effective? (NEGATIVE) A: To me, HBL is ineffective as being in the comfort of our houses, we can lie on our beds whenever we want to and it requires a lot of self-motivation
and discipline to follow a schedule. In school, however, we’re forced into a fast-paced environment and there is a timetable that we have to adhere to and I think that that is what drives many people, including myself, as compared to HBL where I just don’t feel as motivated.
Claudia Tan, 3I (POSITIVE) A: I love HBL. I like having the freedom to decide my day. I can also watch lectures at double the speed which reduces the chances of me falling asleep. More importantly, I have more time to do other things!
Vernice Gu 5C41
... Q: Would you prefer integration of online learning even when the pandemic is over? (NEGATIVE) A: I prefer physical lessons as I prefer to have a clear line between work and rest. With the integration of online learning, our school days don’t seem to end even when school hours are over, as we still have to watch recorded lectures from home.
Parents’ Responses Q: How do you think your child was coping? (NEGATIVE) A: I think my child was coping well but she always seemed to be watching lectures because apparently the lecture videos are longer. I always hear her video-calling her project mates as well, and she told me it is inefficient for them to do group projects online as sometimes the group mates are not actually doing work behind the computer.
Linda (Parent) (POSITIVE) A: I think my child copes better with HBL; she had more time to do other activities and she picked up baking and sewing during the Circuit Breaker period, I’m proud of her!
Joel (Parent)
Claire Liew, 5C45
... Q: What were some challenges you faced in regards to work and telecommuting, and balancing looking after your child? A: Working hours are longer, and there is hardly any lunch break because your superior could just call you anytime. Having to balance this and going out to buy food for my boys, in addition to helping with the housework is really not easy.
Karen (Parent)
As we can see, just like how there are two sides to the story every time a student says “Sorry, my camera is not working”, there are two sides to how effective HBL can be. But our fight against COVID-19 continues. While we may have varied views on how much we like the ‘new normal’, we must acknowledge the importance of adjusting the way we live, work and play. The world will never be the same again, but that might not be a bad thing, right?
网上有难事 文稿/ 黄一涵 5C31 蔡抒恩 5C22
前段时间,新冠病毒肆虐,新加坡进入了“阻断措施时代”(Circuit Breaker), 办公,上学都通过网络完成。 “趴”在网上的生活对大家来说都是一段新奇的体验, 但当新鲜感褪去,阻断措施不为人知的一面方才展露。
首先,同学们反映了许多网课的问题。一是网课经常会遇 到技术性问题,如相机打不开、网络不好会卡机、上课有延迟 等等,影响上课体验。二是长期盯着电脑屏幕会伤害眼睛,再 加上久坐又“管不住嘴,迈不开腿” ,将会引起许多健康问题。 三是网课不如线下课一般让人集中注意力。在家上课,大家会 被周遭的其他事物影响而分心。同时,同学之间讨论的机会也 大大减少,思维无法碰撞出新的火花,知识无法拓展、沉淀,学 习效率受到影响。
其次,老师们从线下转战到线上。这意味着他们不仅需要在短 时间内熟悉科技辅助工具,还需要不断调整教学进度。若学生在 网上无法专心听课,老师们也有心无力。因为距离,上课少了严肃, 学生态度变得懒散,甚至对老师的提问不予回应。受访老师表示, 线上教学恍若自言自语,很是寂寞。当她针对性地给个别学生补习 时,虽然大多数同学都会认真做题,但仍有极少数趁机放松。她需 要在居家学习结束后重新为那些学生补课,工作量反而增加了。不 得不说,居家学习不仅是对学生自律的测试,更是对老师耐性的考 验。
同时,家长们也开始了网上办公。 受访者 表示,网上办公很不方便,老板担心员工的工 作效率降低增多了开会次数,殊不知这反而 增加了员工负担。
其实,大家在阻断措施期间面临的难题都是可以被化解的。比如说,上网课 遇到技术问题时,可以向大人求助。除此之外,学生们更是需要调整好自己的心 态与学习态度,上课注意力不集中等问题自然迎刃而解。再比如说,老师可以向 家长了解并反映学生的状况,与家长一起督促学生认真学习。最后,家长们也需 要调整心态,提高工作效率,减轻自己的工作负担。 同时,在家办公也给家长们节 省了许多通勤时间。因此,只要合理分配时间,家长们也一定能适应网上办公的 生活。
总而言之,在“阻断措施”期间,每个人都面临过挑战,但只要大家团结一心, 众志成城,就会看到胜利的曙光。
checkpoint 3 HAND SANITISER Many concerns arose from the Circuit Breaker, from figuring out technical conundrums to coping with psychological and perhaps financial stress. Full-on home-based learning (HBL) was an unfamiliar experience for all as the line between work and play was blurred, but with the help of your Allies (parents, teachers and friends), you were able to emerge with greater resolve from various setbacks. More importantly, players also had to practise self-discipline to complete the level’s objectives on time without any supervision or pressure from external parties, which helped to train their independence. The immense changes to your daily routine might have been unsettling, but you gave it your all to overcome these odds. For trying your best to make do of the situation, your Willpower have levelled up from rating 4 to rating 5. Moreover, for revising consistently and diligently, your Intelligence has been upgraded from rating 3 to rating 4.
Circuit Gamer Lv
With the huge boost in your competencies, you are much better equipped for upcoming adversities. Now for your next mission briefing. In view of the rampant spread of the Coronavirus, the Circuit Breaker has been extended. In addition, to relay our gratitude for your stellar performance so far, you have been awarded leave in the form of the May Holidays. Do take this well-deserved intermission to properly rest and recharge. You are not allowed to leave base until our Frontliners, the strongest and bravest of our pack, manage to contain community transmission of the virus. You must be quarantined in your bunk and you are sternly advised from meeting fellow players to minimise spread of the virus. I understand that you may be disappointed, but however undesirable this arrangement is, it is absolutely necessary. It is up to you to decide what you want to make out of these circumstances, and we will be closely assessing and evaluating your behaviour during this period before deeming if you are fit to continue this conquest. With that, welcome to Level 4, ‘Four Times the Charm’, where you will hopefully spend time working on your emotional wellbeing, physical health and social relationships.
c a a n t o i o r o n c by Jaz Low
(5C21) & Wan Shi Yun (5C11)
How have you been coping during the Circuit Breaker (CB) period and beyond that? Most of us were probably stuck at home lying in bed all day during the CB, suffering from low motivation levels and struggling to get by in this isolating experience. However, despite the obstacles we may face during this tumultuous pandemic, it is important to adopt a positive outlook during this crisis and stay productive and informed. A group of Dunmanians rose to the occasion by encouraging other students to stay physically active and mentally stimulated during this trying period.
During this CB period when most of us spent the past couple of months shut in our homes with no access to gyms, fitness classes r e dd i n g and outdoor group sporting activities, the motivation to keep fit has been a struggle. Excuses such as “I have no equipment” or “How to keep fit when I’m at home?” have become obstacles hindering us from staying active. But it was precisely because we were stuck at home that exercising became even more important, in order to keep our fitness goals on track.
# DH S S h
To help motivate Dunmanians to exercise, our sports leaders initiated #DHShredding. The weekly live workouts served to motivate Dunmanians to keep fit and active in the comfort of their homes with common household equipment during the CB period. The online sessions offered 3 different levels of intensity, catering to Dunmanians of varying sporting abilities. As Sports Leader Ren Fangying has said, “The purpose of our initiative is not to pressurise Dunmanians to obsess over working out and their physical appearance. Rather, we hope that participants will recognise the importance of maintaining their physical health and wellbeing amidst this restricting CB period. After all, the only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.” Another component of #DHShredding was the “5 Tags 20 Reps Challenge” on Instagram, which rallies Dunmanians to do 20 repetitions of any workout and challenge five other friends to do the same. In addition, there was the “30 Day 50 Reps Programme”, in which a series of exercise videos was released everyday for a month on the @dhssports Instagram page. This generated a convenient schedule for Dunmanians to follow along to keep fit.
t Project Cla irvoyan
Another notable endeavour was Project Clairvoyant, a class-initiated VIA project by 6C44 aimed at providing factual and accessible information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in Singapore. In addition to delivering timely advice regarding sustainable habits and tips on spending time wisely during quarantine in the form of weekly newsletters, the team uploaded local updates and interesting global trivia onto their website. Publications sat down with Tan Yin Lynn from 6C44, the IC of this project, to find out more.
Scan for website!
Qn: Thank you for agreeing to this interview. First of all, what inspired you to come up with Project Clairvoyant? Lynn: It was our civic tutor that first suggested to come together to do something during these uncertain times. One of our classmates was very keen on the idea and together with the class committee, we brainstormed and came up with an online platform to help Dunmanians ease into the Circuit Breaker, as well as make this period more fruitful for them. Qn: I see that the class is split into different committees. What makes your team function successfully? Lynn: As there were different topics covered, the class was split into different teams (such as topics, editing and publishing) to streamline the processes. Each class committee member took on the role of a coordinator of each team in order to facilitate communication between the class and teachers. The splitting of teams lessened the job scope for each member, allowing the class to do their tasks more effectively. Qn: What have been the most rewarding and challenging parts of this project? Lynn: It is especially rewarding when we have friends or even teachers taking notice of our humble project and mentioning that the emails and articles shared have been useful or enlightening. The challenge was definitely trying to engage the school population since there are limitations to using an online platform such as email fatigue, or an overwhelming amount of content already available online. Qn: Lastly, apart from your website, what are some resources you would recommend to Dunmanians if they are looking for credible news sources or helpful lifestyle tips?
Lynn: When researching for information, we always check if the information is from an established (and preferably local) source. Before sharing information on platforms like social media, verify the information by speaking to other friends, or cross-referencing to other sites. When searching for lifestyle tips, try to be as specific as possible. The internet can be very helpful!
Quarantimes By: Steffie Tan Ling En (5C48) and Heng Kai En (5C32)
If you have Instagram, or any sort of social media account, you may have seen your friends and family posting pictures of their ‘quarantine hobbies’ during the Circuit Breaker.
To-Do Lis t:
As people are forced to stay at home and have more free time than they know what to do with, many have taken up new pastimes and hobbies to occupy themselves with. with.
In this article, we will be exploring some of these hobbies, and how different Dunmanians were able to keep themselves happy and safe during the Circuit Breaker period.
Exercising A popular pastime that Dunmanians have been engaging in during the Circuit Breaker is exercising. On social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, professional fitness trainers and influencers alike have been uploading their workout routines for their fans to follow.
E x a m p le s : .5 million Chloe Ting ( 2
stag followers on In
1 3 .8 million follower Alexis Ren ( 13 on Instagram)
Oh Waitheen from 5C44, who has followed Chloe Ting’s workouts throughout the circuit breaker period, explained that she was unable to exercise as much as before due to the school closure. As such, by making use of the spare time she had during the Circuit Breaker period to work out, she could feel herself becoming stronger and healthier after one month of consistent exercise!
Some of us may have started this hobby way before Circuit Breaker started, while some of us may have only picked it up when we were stuck at home with nothing to do.
No matter how we started out, it’s safe to say that cooking has helped quite a number of Dunmanians pull through this stifling period, especially with how easy it is to find recipes online and prepare them for friends and family.
As a matter of fact, many Dunmanians have found cooking to be a way to bond with their family, either by making meals together or by following the latest food trends, such as making Dalgona coffee. One such example is Ms Shafaa, a self-proclaimed “Circuit Baker”, after she engaged in baking for the first time during the time she spent at home.
Gaming For many of us, having to be stuck at home is tiring. As such, a number of us would turn to hobbies like gaming to boost our energy. Regardless of the platform that we use, gaming is an activity that helps both individuals and groups alike. It can bring us together, especially if we use it to bond with our schoolmates.
by D Played s e m a G
S k r ib b l .i o O v e rc o o k e d e nd s M o b il e L e g PUBG
ans unmani
S d o r ic a V a l o ra n t P e rs o n a 5
” I saw a lot o f pe op le p o st their b on In sta g r a m , a nd I a ke s t h o u g ht t h e y a ppetis in g . lo o P lu s I al re ke d ad ly li ked fore the C b re ad b e ircu it Bre a ke r , s o it s ee m ed li k the rig ht e choice . ” - Ms Shafa
For Jocyn Yang of 5C45, Mobile Legends is a game that she enjoys with her friends, choosing to play it when she takes a break from her studies. Whether or not she and her friends walk away with a victory, it still ultimately helps them bond and recharge for another round of studying.
Not to mention, gaming can even help us connect with people outside our regular social circles, widening our outreach to individuals from all around the world, making us feel a little less lonely even when we’re cooped up at home. Evidently, Dunmanians have engaged in a wide range of hobbies and pastimes during the Circuit Breaker period, acquiring new skills and staying active in the process. While school has resumed and we are once again loaded with homework and revision, we hope that everyone will continue to pursue their interests in their free time and stay healthy!
昱浩(5C37)-文稿: 张 危机之所以被称为危机,是因为危机在带来危险的同时,也会带来机会。 当危机来临时,如果我 们能够保持冷静,沉着应对,往往能化险为夷,抓住机会,获得意想不到的收获。
德明政府中学的陈振辉老师(Mr Alan Tan Chin Hui)在应对这次疫情危机时就做到了化“危”为 “机” ,为同学们做了很好的表率。在疫情居家隔离期间,陈老师充分利用时间,开发出了新的菜谱, 并受邀在八月参加由新传媒公司举办的第二季“King of Culinary <Season 2> 三把刀”厨艺大赛! 届时,陈老师将带着自己的作品,与三位明星厨师同台竞技。
当被问及为何会选择在疫情期间开发菜谱时,陈老师直言自己除了想为孩子奉上可口的食物 外,也想利用居家隔离时期做一些自己感兴趣的事。 其实,这就是化“危”为“机”的宝贵精神。 在疫情 危机爆发后,陈老师不仅没有恐慌,还在看似十分不利的局面下抓住机会,取得了本职工作之外的 成就,真的是十分了不起! 其实,陈老师这番化“危”为“机”的经历对所有德明学子都有借鉴意义。 作为学生的我们,应该像 陈老师一样,抓住这一特殊时期的机会提升自己。例如,我们可以利用居家闲余时间培养自己的兴
趣爱好,巩固学业。 又或者,我们可以提升自己的电脑技术,为未来做准备。
总而言之,作为国家未来的栋梁,我们必须要明白:当危机来临时,我们不能只关注“危” ,而忘记 了去发现“机”的存在。 因为,机会往往与风险同行。 只要我们有着善于发现机会的眼睛,我们也一定 能像陈老师一样,化“危”为“机” ,成为更好的自己。
Q: 疫情期间,我们的生活或多或少都受到了影响。 对 此,您有什么想对德明学子说的吗?
陈老师: 大家不用过度紧张,只要学会合理利用时间,就一 定能够兼顾自己的学习与课余生活。
checkpoint 4 HAND SANITISER Looks like four times was really the charm! As you managed to bring Level 4 under your control, Phase 1 of the Circuit Breaker has coincidentally ended. It was extremely heartening to see you find the silver lining and make productive use of your time. There might have been instances where you were frustrated, and resented feeling helpless, and it’s perfectly normal to experience these emotions. This pandemic has derailed our timelines and affected our life plans, and it’s okay to feel upset about it, but we can at least take small comfort in being in this together, and having each other to rely on for comfort and solace. Notably, in regards to the initiatives proposed at a school level, the energising spirit of empathy stirs in the hearts of our fellow players. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. It is laudable that players have chosen to look at the sunny side of life and exercised their creativity to benefit others. Through the fruitful implementation of various plans, players have honoured the spirit of community and displayed compassion during these unparalleled times. While working on your fitness and mental health, your stamina and resilience has indubitably improved. Great work on reaching rating 4 for Strength! In addition, for exercising shrewd discernment and critical judgement when met with sources of information related to the pandemic, you reached the maximum rating of 5 for Intelligence!
Circuit Gamer Lv
At this point, having freshly stepped out of Phase 1, you may have heaved a sigh of relief. However, now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Most pertinently, the Coronavirus still poses an insurmountable threat to our lives, and what the world urgently needs now more than ever is solidarity so that we can all leave the COVID Terrain behind us. Currently, though the world may be full of suffering, it is also full of opportunities to overcome these hardships. What are some of the key learning lessons you can derive having experienced the devastating effects of the Coronavirus so far? Take the next few moments to gather your thoughts and hear what others have to say in ‘New Horizons’.
Within the last few months, much of what we knew about school was overturned as home-based learning replaced our physical school compounds. The changing world around us with new conflicts arising daily may have caused many of us to be disoriented, overwhelmed and lost. However, as we navigate the new normal, what’s important is that we gained something valuable from this experience. In this section, we summarise some of the key takeaways from the Circuit Breaker.
No Prizes for Guessing if We’re Wearing Pajamas During home-based learning, many of our habits changed, from setting our alarms much later to wearing whatever we wanted to lessons on Google Meet. This newfound freedom brought about different problems, as it can be far more challenging for students to learn effectively when they can no longer clarify their doubts readily. As a result, some struggled to understand new concepts and keep up with the syllabus, and there came an even greater need for students to be more self-motivated to learn. Whether or not we’re wearing pajamas behind the screen, what’s
” ! ? NOT
more important is that we try our best to absorb the lesson content, and go even further by reviewing our notes to truly understand what we are taught.
Not All Heroes Wear Capes This pandemic has also brought to light the sacrifices of those whose services often go unnoticed - medical staff, supermarket staff, factory workers, and the list goes on. It is heartwarming to see Singaporeans showing appreciation to the frontline workers, spreading love in these difficult times. Truly, what this pandemic has taught our nation is that not all superheros wear capes - some wear coats and goggles, some wear NTUC polo tees, and some wear neon yellow vests.
By L iew Y un
Viruses Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Discriminate This pandemic has also brought to light the sacrifices of those whose services often go unnoticed medical staff, supermarket staff, factory workers, and the list goes on. It is heartwarming to see Singaporeans showing appreciation to the frontline workers, spreading love in these difficult times. Truly, what this pandemic has taught our nation is that not all superheros wear capes - some wear coats and goggles, some wear NTUC polo tees, and some wear neon yellow vests.
Down to One Roll of Toilet Paper A crucial battle we had to fight during the pandemic was one against xenophobia. At the height of the virus outbreak, many even harboured fears towards individuals from China and started avoiding them, and this was a response found not just among racists. No matter the reason for any form of xenophobic behaviour, it is undeniably rude to turn our precaution into aggression and discriminate against people simply because they
Yi Claire (5C45) & Teh Eng Hui B
42 (5C e ric e at
were born in China. Seeing how the once contained virus turned into a pandemic, we know that no one in this world is immune to it, so if the virus doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t discriminate, why should we?
Looking Beyond Our circumstances have allowed us to advance further into the digital age, where blended learning approaches have become common in schools, and students are expected to be more independent in their learning. This may also translate into changing career outlooks for our nation - one where jobs become more digitalised as we continue to uncover the capabilities of technology. However, as we strive to meet the demands of the fast-changing world, let us not neglect the many amongst us who are displaced from the digital world, as a nation is only as strong as its weakest member.
文稿: 张昱浩 (5C37), 夏川蛟 (5C37) 2020,一场突如其来的疫情肆虐全球,打乱了 我们的生活节奏,阻断措施也让我们的生活产 生了巨大的变化。在这场人类与病毒的战役中,德 明人,你还好吗? 来自4E班的曹盟漪同学就遇到了一些挑战: 曹盟漪, 4E “学习方式从线下变成线上之 后,自己在家里上网课更难集中 精 神,因 为 和 妹 妹 共 用 一 个 电 脑,所以在 同时需要看视频的
重回校园,对你来说新加坡的 新常态是怎样的呢? 曹盟漪同学(4E)表示: “我觉得新常态就是要 一直戴口罩,然后很难出去玩。以前周末或者放假 期间,和朋友一起出去玩是很正常的事情,但是因 为疫情肯定会再三考虑。 人与人之间的相处方式肯 定也会和以前不一样,新常态应该利用电子通讯设 备与他人沟通。 以前放假讨论小组作业都会一起去 麦当劳,现在只可以在家里做,然后一天可能要视 频2-3次。 ”相信大家对此也深有感触。
时候会有点不方便。 ”
不过,盟漪同学没有被困难打倒,她不但通过 错开使用电脑的时间解决了问题,还利用节省 下来的通勤时间参加了公开课。从逆境中成长学 习,迎难而上,曹盟漪同学,好样的!
那么,在抗疫过程中我们还能 学到什么呢?
徐熙诚同学(5C37)指出了社会凝聚力的重要 性: 徐熙诚, 5C37 “在这种非常时期,大家都能够齐心协 力,做好各自的本职工作,共同抗击疫情, 这让我十分感慨,也为自己身处和谐社会 而感到幸运。个人方面,我认识到了社会 责任感的重要性。 ”
疫情结束后,我们的生活还能 回到从前吗?? 回到从前吗
应昀倩同学(6C31)则认为,疫情结束后我们还 能回到从前的生活:
傅方胤同学(5C22)认为,未来的生活一定会有 所变化,尤其是学习方式:
应昀倩, 6C31 “我觉得疫情结束之后生 活 是 可 以 回 到 原 样 的,几 年的习惯不是几个月说变 就变的。而且,除了在公共 场合有人流管制以及口罩 约束以外,新加坡如今的常 态其实和以前已经差不多 了。 ”
傅方胤 5C22
“我听说网课这种形式在未来 可能将会成为教学方式的一种, 也就是说,我们的学习方式很有 可能会有所改变。 ”
德明加油,新加坡加油! 其实,这次疫情危机给大家带来不少影响。 但是,我们应该认识到,在危险之下也暗藏着许多 机会。比如说,这次的疫情就很好地锻炼了德明学 子的适应能力,也让德明人获益良多。 因此,当危机来临时,我们一定要沉着冷静,在 解决危机的同时抓住机会提升自己。最后,我们要 对自己有信心。 我们要相信,只要不放弃,只要有毅 力,我们终会胜利!
傅 方 胤 5 C 2 2
曹 盟 漪 4E
应 昀 倩 6 C 3 1
徐 熙 诚 5 C 3 7
conclusion HAND SANITISER Welcome back, Circuit Gamer. Congratulations on completing the final task we have designated for you (as for now!). Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re glad to see that you have returned enlightened with newfound insights from the relentless set of challenges you have had to face when battling the Coronavirus in the COVID Terrain, or even during the Circuit Breaker when you were unfortunately confined to your base. Overall, your fruitful takeaways have certainly helped to channel points towards improving your Perception, and we have rewarded you with an upgrade to rating 5 as a token of appreciation for your efforts. Moreover, throughout your journey, you have displayed wisdom, courage and humanity, all of which count towards shaping your strength of character. As such, you have also achieved rating 5 in the category of Strength.
Circuit Gamer Lv
The journey thus far has certainly not been easy. With little training and preparation time, inadequate information about the COVID Terrain disseminated to you, as well as the abrupt reformations you had to adjust to, your valiant attempt to navigate this crisis has been recognised by all of us, and will definitely go down in history. As mentioned before, this crisis has yet to come to an end with the Coronavius still posing a grave and looming threat to us all. The battle is long from over. Therefore, your job as the Circuit Gamer to restore order and balance in the world remains as crucial as before. COVID-19 will reshape our world. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know yet when the crisis will end, but we can be sure that by the time it does, our world will look very different. We hope that with your accumulated knowledge and developed capabilities, even after you have left base to venture other terrains, you are well-equipped to deal with future problems the virus may entail.
HAND SANITISER Seeing as how the gameplay has come to an end, my parting words to you would be to always keep your guard up for any signs of danger that has the potential to wreak havoc in the world. Stay alert and maintain an optimistic outlook. Always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. I hope you will bear the learning points you have gained from your time spent in the COVID Terrain in mind and apply them to your future endeavours. Until the time comes for me to return as your trusty companion and ally, I bid you farewell. Wishing you all the best! Signing off, Hand Sanitiser
credits EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Wong Yee Ching
ART EDITOR Kwek Shi Qi Marielle
Zhang Yu Hao DESIGNERS WRITERS Liew Zheng Yuan Liew Zheng Yuan Chen Ming Yang Ya Qi Lecia Cheok Yun Zhen Sie Hao Yang Lim Jia Hui Teh Eng Hui, Beatrice
Chua Wengyan Huang Yihan Heng Kai En
Chen Ming Lecia Cheok Yun Zhen
Lim Jia Hui Tew Jia En Heng Kai En Lu Jia Qi, Celestine
Steffie Tan Ling En Jaz Low
Wan Shi Yun Liew Yun Yi Claire
Mr Mark Ho Mdm Hong Lan 31
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DHS Publications Senior High
德明政府中学出版社 高中部