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Key Club Service Week
D28s held two whole weeks filled with service projects that were avaliable to do at home! Many people enjoyed it and it was a great opportunity to get in touch with fellow members!
“Joining the live streams on Instagram made making cards and dog toys very fun since I got to do it with our ltg and other keyclub friends. Freerice app was great knowing I was helping a large amount of people in need. I would participate in events like this again. Making paper cranes was really nice and having an excuse to go out and walk is even better. I would participate in weeks of service again.”-Kimberly Agraan “Honestly, I felt refreshed and happy to participate in this. Though, I wish I went out and cleaned my neighborhood but fortunately my neighborhood does their best to maintain and help the environment. Making cards and dog toys kept me productive and made me want to work harder because I want those receiving these to have something meaningful and feel appreciated!”-Elena Tekola