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The 5000 Club community luncheon volunteers are very heartened by the generous response from local individuals and companies to the recent article in The Local (April 24, 2023).
The article focused on the club’s future following the election of new president, Sandy Breen, when our founding president, Loretta Little, came to the decision to step-down from her leadership role after eight months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and recovery from the after-effects of treatment for cancer.
Recording the 5000 Club’s history was not the intent of the article and any omission of the role of the local Anglican Parish in the club’s founding is regretted. However, it is incorrect, as stated, that Loretta “came on board at a later date”, after the 5000 Club was founded by the parish.
For the record, Loretta had volunteered at the Sacred Heart lunch in St Kilda for years and after moving to Daylesford felt that a mini version of the lunch would be welcome in Hepburn Shire. Speaking to an Anglican parishioner she was informed that the Daylesford Parish was considering establishing a lunch in Stanbridge Hall.
Loretta contacted Father Andrew Eaton and his wife, Monica, and together they put together the framework for the project with the support of the parish. The first lunch attracted 12 guests, with Fr Andrew helping with setup, Monica cooking soup, and Loretta cooking the rest of the food. Loretta bought groceries from her own funds to supplement the menu and was the organiser and planner for the weekly lunches. After Monica ceased cooking soup, Loretta assumed this task, and many years of soup came from her kitchen.
Until May 2019, the 5000 Club paid the parish for utilities and rent for use of Stanbridge Hall. The club then sought incorporation as an independent organisation and moved to the pavilion at Victoria Park.
Loretta remains as an ex-officio member of our committee and under the leadership of our new president, Sandy, the wonderful 5000 Club volunteers continue to do what they have done for over twelve years…to serve the people of Hepburn Shire. - the Committee & members of the 5000 Club.
Letters and musings are always welcome. Email news@tlnews.com.au
People could be forgiven for thinking English actor Jason Statham had taken up playing table tennis at Victoria Park in Daylesford. He was snapped by internationally renowned photographer and Hepburn resident Margund Sallowsky. It's actually Julian McLucas, also from Hepburn. You can meet him and others at the Vic Park Table Tennis Centre on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays from 10am to noon.