February 25, 2022

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Update Update

Taking states by storm

DECA members head to Detroit to participate in competition

DECA, DECA, DECA. There is no doubt that most students at DHS know this phrase well. Whether it is from the daily announcements or a poster on the wall, the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is a well-known club. DECA had qualification tests on Feb. 15 and Feb. 16, and all of the state qualifying DECA members are set to attend the state competition on March 10 and 11 in the Huntington Place convention center located in CompetitionsDetroit.are an important aspect of DECA and one of the main interests of many participants. Participants of the competitions are given a unique task to provide a solution based on the event. From there, they then have those solutions rated by judges who each cover the respective category on the National Curriculum Standards. The four different categories, called clusters, are marketing, business management and administration, hospitality and tourism, and finance.

Students may choose one of four categories that they want to focus on depending on what they are interested in. Clusters allow students to be unique with their approaches while also tackling types of challenges and fields that they enjoy.

“They can use it to further their knowledge and maybe what a future career would be for them,” marketing teacher and DECA adviser Erin Royalty said.

These categories all bring different perspectives to challenges making them both unique but familiar. For example, marketing focuses on reaching many different people with sales, while hospitality and tourism details on how to help more people find a solution. They both cover a similar topic, but do so in a manner that requires a completely different skill set and angle of approach.

In order to enter these events, participants must qualify by taking an online written test, consisting of 100 questions taken in a 90-minute timeframe. If the participants move along to States, then they have the option to make a written solution to a challenge that they were assigned beforehand. These participants then present the solution to a judge assigned to their respective cluster.

The roleplay choice is more “on the spot” than the written solution. Participants have no clue what the prompt that they will be given. Groups have 30 minutes to prepare while solo participants have 15. The participants then present their solution in 15 minutes to the judge, who will then rate the solution. Participants do have some control over the prompt that they are given, because the scenario varies depending on the cluster that the student or students choose.

“It’s sort of like a big game of pretend, so they might be acting as the general manager for a hotel chain who’s been asked by the CEO of that chain to come up with a way to increase guests staying at their hotel,” Royalty said.

This year there is the first team competing in the written competition since Royalty’s advising, with members being sophomores Paige Ebeling and Mc.Kenzie Storch.

“We’re doing marketing for a product, and we’re trying to expand our full products around the country and around the world,” Ebeling said. “Our whole project is about women’s athletic wear. A lot of women’s athletic wear is thinner, mostly for people who want to stay in shape rather than get in shape.”

DECA has the goal of preparing members to be as confident as they can be for any challenge that may come up in their adult life. The scenarios that the participants are assigned often mimic that of real-world scenarios that could

occur in a


for things like regular job interviews, college admissions, class presentations, andItnetworking.”isnotalljust about preparing students, however. DECA also strives to make the experience memorable. DECA thrives on honing in on the skills that the students are working to improve, as well as completely building new skills in the process. These skills range from interacting with people, to dealing with income and expenses of business.

“I can’t tell you how many students have come back and said ‘I can’t believe how much this helped me’ or somebody who joined as a senior would say, ‘I wish I joined as a freshman,’” Royalty said.

DECA has been at DHS for 48 years. In this time it has seen a few adviser changes as well. Prior to Royalty, there were two predecessors. The first adviser was Charley Brunner, who retired around 14 years ago now. Then, Melissa Deboer stepped into the position, advising DECA until six years ago.

“We have our biggest club ever this year,” Royalty said. “We have 118 active members. Which means people that have participated in events. When I first started helping with DHS DECA, I think we had 25 students in the club. So it’s grown a lot and that brings challenges too.”

Along with these competitions, students have the option to become officers for DECA. These officers are students who manage separate parts of the club to help the students learn, along with streamlining the way DECA runs. These officers range from being the Officer of Fundraising to the Officer of Administration.


Updated yearbook order details

For students placing a yearbook order between Feb. 1 and March 25, the cost is $70. If there are extra copies at the end of the year, yearbooks can be purchased on distribution day for the same price. However, for a guaranteed copy, students can pick up an order form to fill out from Room 218. From there, students can return the form with a payment of cash or check to journalism teacher Cammie Hall, with all checks being payable to Dow HighStudentsSchool.also have the opportunity to fill out their order online at

seniors’DistributionYearbookOrderCenter.com.daywillbepriortothelastdayofschool.AgroupofstudentshaverecentlyexpressedaninterestinrestartingthePingPongclubthisyear,andthereisapossibilitythatthisendeavorcouldofficiallycometofruitionthissemester.Thefinalstepintheprocesshasbeenthesearchtofindastaffmembertoactastheofficialclubadviser.Thereasonforthepostponementoftheclubisthelackofanadviserforit.Inthepast,PingPongClubwaspreviouslyadvisedbyhistoryteacherThomasEvans,buttheclubendedafterbeinginoperationforafewyears.Anystudentcaninitiateanewclubaslongastheyfindateacherwhowouldbewillingtosupervisethemeetings.Similarly,anypastactivitycanberestoredifenoughstudentsareinterestedandanadviserisfound.JuniorEllyKutriebisoneofthestudentsthatisinterestedinbeingamemberofthenewandimprovedPingPongClub.“Ilikepingpong,it’saprettyfungametoplay,”Kutriebsaid.“Ilovetoplayitwithmydadandfriends.IfeellikealotofpeopleatDHSwould[joinit].Itcanbesomethingtheywillbelookingforwardto.” the video game

“I love being an officer because I feel a lot more involved in the club,” senior and Officer of Outreach Emma Schultz said.

“I feel like I am able to help a lot more members because my first year in DECA I felt I didn’t know anyone and I really didn’t know what was going on ever. As an officer I am able to help people who don’t really know what is going on.”

This year there are nine officers in DECA, which is greater than the previous number of eight. With the amount of students who join and the new challenges and opportunities that arise, more officer positions have opened to ensure that the club runs smoothly. The majority are seniors, but there is one junior and two sophomores who are also officers this year. Each year in May, officer interviews are held and are conducted by the adviser and the current officers.

“I think the best thing about DECA is that you get practice in the professional world,” Shultz said. “A lot of people think that DECA is going to be scary, because you have to talk to a judge and you have to really think on your feet. But I advise anyone to join the club because it really is a low pressure situation and you get so prepared for it that it is not even a big deal.”

At the end of the day, DECA is an opportunity for students to improve professional skills and take advantage of the opportunity to better their techniques when it comes to presenting and using their experiences in the club to take with them into their future careers.

DistributiveEducationClubs ofAmerica

PRACTICS MAKES PERFECT: DECA: Junior Katherine Grey and adviser Erin Royalty share a laugh at the role play practice on Feb. 17 in the cafeteria.

DISTRIBUTIVE: Junior Alex Price prepares her business scenario prior to presenting and receiving feedback from volunteer judges. EDUCATION: Seniors Emma Schultz and Ellyana Tierney work as a team to complete their scenario before presenting. Schultz is the VP of Outreach for the club. CLUBS: Sophomore T’Emi Oshin discusses her scenario with a volunteer judge. Each person participating in an individual event receives 10 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to present their scenario to a judge.OF AMEFICA: Freshman Christine Cai practices her presentation and discusses her scenario with a judge during a practice dedicated to improving her skills before the state competition.

Commencement speaker evaluation is underway

At this point in the commencement speaker process, a list of seniors who are interested in speaking at commencement has already been made.

Friday, Feb. 25 is the deadline for the students who have expressed interest to upload their graduation speech submissions through the website Flipgrid using the code sent to their Candidatesemail. are to record a video of themselves presenting their speech for the judges to evaluate. The panel consists of a combination of both staff and students together.

The speech should not be above five minutes long, and should include a title as well.

A decision for the 2022 commencement speakers will likely be announced in mid-March after the selection committee comes to a decision over a two week period.

Assistant principal Jennifer Coppens will then make the announcement for the chosen speakers in the Class of 2022 Google Classroom when the news is available.

entrepreneursYoung learn about business while school,balancingwork
Hall of Fame inducts alumni, coaches as newest eight members
Hayden Culver staff writer Katie Hagen editor-in-chief Ping Pong Club seeks new adviser Vlad Vasylyk staff writer photos by Rachel Erdmann graphics by Brooke Seymour
H. H. Dow High School, Midland, Michigan • https:// update.midlandps.org • @dowhighupdate
O P I N I O N F E A T U R E S P O R T S Fortnite:
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Volume 45, Issue 6 • February 25, 2022
DECA Today is... National Rubber Ducky Day

Entering high school marks an important point in young people’s lives. In one’s adolescence, they have more responsibilities, more important choices to make, and must learn key skills in preparation for their future. This is especially apparent now when we’re all choosing our courses for the coming school year. Many of us are trying to find the best classes for us and our interests.

We want to achieve goals and set ourselves up for success. But many classes do not teach for learning. They teach to pass tests, get credits, and drill information into students’ brains. Rapid curriculum completion and frequent tests leave students scrambling to study more. Rather than getting a chance to truly learn, they learn how to spout facts they don’t fully understand. Because of this, tests are curved, and students get used to pretty meaningless report cards.

Our tracking of student progress is false. How can we know how well they are doing when we’re hiding it from ourselves? How can they know they need to step it up if their scores reflect no errors? Students are also put under unnecessary stress. The conditions are below ideal for learning, and teacher-dependent students either don’t know how to take control of their own education or don’t realize a need for it until it’s too

Ourlate.world doesn’t need a generation of mindless young people who blindly follow instructions, complete assignments, and wait for good feedback or a pat on the back. We don’t need heaping workloads with no clear purpose. This year, my first year in high school, opened my eyes to something important: students can not always depend on teachers to teach them everything they need to know. Everyone learns differently, and all teachers teach differently. These different styles may not match perfectly, and that requires kids to take that step towards greater responsibility.

In the past, I would give my best effort and strive for perfection. There was only room for A+. Then, I realized that would drive me insane and that it wasn’t the best way to learn. But if I had a relaxed teacher or an easy class, I would slip. This realization gave me a horrible feeling like I didn’t know how to learn by myself without being babied each step of the way.

This year is different. I’ve realized the most enjoyable and most rewarding classes are the ones that require you to think for yourself. Expanding that to a broader scale, we can’t just nod at what we’re taught in class without questions. We should ask why. What causes these relationships we learn about? How do they fit into context with what we know? How can this information be applied to understanding future topics? When I ask these questions and seek out answers, I am learning and doing much more than I could before.

We all need a balance between school and life. Students and teachers alike need to make time for everything. So I propose a different way to make this happen: less work.

Counterintuitive at first glance, but perfectly logical. I remember reading a Forbes article about the best managers of the most successful companies. One common trait that they all had was that they understood that their employees had their own lives and needs outside of work. In addition, they also trusted them to innovate and do good work.

So give a problem set and ask students to do as many as they can. Give them questions, and when they answer, see if they can go further with their knowledge.

Less required work with more critical thinking will help us learn more in school, and will therefore challenge us to better understand ourselves each time. Students want to improve, and improvement requires time.

Number one victory royale

Fortnite, Call of Duty, among top selling games today

This past year has provided the world with plenty of brand new games that were fun for a few months, but have since fallen off the ranks in player count and have decreased in numbers.Justsome of the most sold games of 2021 include Call of Duty: Vanguard, Madden 22, Spider-Man Miles Morales, MLB The Show 21, and even Minecraft nearly 11 years after it was onlineThereleased.mostpopulargamehowever is currently moreplayerachievementsplayersis“battleasplayersandwhichusersofsurgethecount,playerdipa2021,prodidmillionastormplayingroughlyAccordingfivethevideopopular2017,withoutthesinglehandedthemecountthetheservicesstreamersmostplayers.standingwithviaplayersroyalePUBG.Battlegrounds,PlayerUnknown’salsoknownasThegameisabattlestylegameinwhichdropontoanislandparachute,andaretaskedbeingthelastplayeroutof100otherPUBGisoneofthepopulargamesamongonlivestreaminglikeTwitch.AlthoughPUBGisoneofhighestplayedgamesonmarket,withapeakplayerof696,704,it’sbattleroyaleisverysimilartothebestgameonmarketrightnow,whichisadoubt,Fortnite.ReleasedbyEpicGamesinFortniteisyetanotherbattleroyalegenregamethatisdominatingvideogameworld,almostyearssinceitsrelease.toPlayerCounter,3.1millionplayersareFortniteeveryday.Fortnitetooktheworldbyinearly2018andamassedplayerusercountof125players.Whilethegameexperiencealargeexodusofplayersinlate2020andearlyandslightingamehassincemadeaandhasreachedupwards350milliontotalFortniteasoflate2021.Thegamehasseasons,lastsabout10weeks,isatimeframethatgivesachancetoprogressfarastheycanintothepass”.Thebattlepassa$10purchasemadebythatrewardstheirwithnewskins,emotes,andunlockablesforthe

player. In October 2019, they introduced Chapter 2, which is a new reset group of seasons, and are now in Chapter 3 in 2022.

With the introduction of Chapter 3, Fortnite has begun to receive more of the older players that had quit playing the game during Chapter 2. Popular Twitch streamer Ninja has been one of the most notable returnees to start streaming Fortnite again.

Due to its recent surge in popularity, junior Tyler Huber is just one of many who have hopped back onto

making a pretty big comeback,” Huber said. “It’s also fun and competitive to play in and I like to have good competition when I playAgames.”lotofpeople would even go as far as to say that Fortnite in its absolute prime, from season one to about season four from Oct. 25, 2017 to July 12, 2018, is the greatest video game of all“Calltime.me crazy but I think probably the best game of all time might have to be season one and two of Fortnite,” junior Ethan Johnson said. “That was probably the peak of games for me, nothing has really topped that since Althoughthen.”player counts in Fortnite have gone higher in the past couple years, most agree the game isn’t as fun as it used to be in earlier seasons.

As a gaming community, gamers have been incredibly unfair to Fortnite. The cultural change that Fortnite has brought to video games single-handedly puts Fortnite on the Mount Rushmore of video games, and is one of the top three onlinegamesvideoin

history of online gaming.

Because this game has been measured against nothing other than top-tier status, the game has received a lot of unfair negative attention in the past couple of years. If they don’t change anything, fans say the game is boring. If they update and make changes to the game, fans will complain that the game changed too much. The truth is, this game’s peak is unlike no other; it single handedly took control of the gaming world in less than a year and still controls the market almost five years after its release. Love or hate Fortnite, it’s clear that gamers will miss it when it’s gone.

The highest selling game of 2021 was Call of Duty: Vanguard, the latest installment of the Call of Duty franchise. While the game was a bestseller, it actually was criticized by fans and was considered subpar compared to other Call of Duty installments like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The sports gaming world has had numerous disappointing years of title releases in recent years, but San Diego Studio’s release of MLB: The Show 21 was one of the highest rated sports games of the year, and made a huge chunk of sports video game sales. Bringing the game to cross-gen, the baseball simulator saw an incredible boost in sales compared to previous years when limited to only


scale developed games like EA’s Madden series, and Take Two Interactive’s NBA2K

Withseries.aplethora of games on the market, Fortnite still continues to deliver as the best overall game out there.

Excessive amounts of screen time causes health risks

A question asked by doctors when conducting an annual checkup is, “How much time do you spend in front of a screen on a daily basis?” After giving their answer and likely being advised to cut back on the screen time, most people don’t give it a second thought. Should we be keeping our screen time in check, though? After all, there is a reason why doctors ask this question.

The recommended amount of time spent behind a screen for teens is two hours or less. On average, a teen spends seven hours a day online, not taking time spent strictly for schoolwork into account. This is way beyond what it should be and needs to be talked about more to help prevent the dangers of too much screen time.

According to UCI Health, increased screen time can lead to complications such as fatigue, eye strain, restlessness, as well as increased risk for problems such as obesity, anxiety, and depression. There are plenty of factors that can lead to these mental and physical ailments, but many people are prone to these issues because of increased screen time. Technology is all about convenience. In this day in age, it is impossible to get around hefty amounts of screen time, despite all of

the aforementioned effects that can be detrimental to one’s health. Most school assignments are posted online and are to be turned in the same way.

This begs the question of how to cut down on screen time while also fulfilling any digital responsibilities. It is important for everyone to regulate their time spent on devices to make sure that they are not going overboard. This can be done in a myriad of ways. Ways to decrease the amount of time spent on screens include setting limits on devices, turning off notifications, picking up new or old hobbies, and hiding or even deleting apps that make up a majority of one’s focus when they are on their

Theredevices.aremany things that can be done. It is said that boredom inspires creativity, but phones constantly stimulate the brain and take away these “lightbulb moments” that our brains so desperately need. Although using computers at school these days is difficult to work around, informing students about the effects of additional screen time outside of school is important too. After the school day, another way we can prioritize setting the phone down and

prioritizing creativity are to take a walk, read a book, exercise, and more.

Although technology is the new way of life, it simply isn’t best concerning individuals’ health in the long run. It is crucial for the amount of time spent online to not surpass the recommended two-hour limit unless absolutely necessary. While it can be entertaining to waste the day away on sites such as Instagram and TikTok, it isn’t the best move when it comes to prioritizing health and creativity.

My Turn with Elisa Costeux
Fortnite“Probably[is the best] because it’s making a pretty comeback,”big
Tyler Huber,junior
graphics by Brooke Seymour
OPINION2 UpdateFeb. 25, 2022

Debate over best coffee shop is over

There are currently 11 coffee shops all around town, but how do these shops rank against one another? Two Update staffers visit these 11 coffee shops to determine which one is the best in Midland overall. Each shop was rated based on the coffee’s taste

and price, the shop’s environment, the variety of products, and the quality of the company’s service. From these categories, their results were totaled up to give each shop a final grade.

Live Oak

Coffee Chaos, located on the corner of Jefferson and Wheeler has been a Midland classic for years. Coffee Chaos has a few specialty drinks that are absolutely delicious, including the Chaos Mocha, that comes hot, iced or frozen. Unlike the traditional chocolate mocha, the Chaos Mocha is made with white-chocolate and caramel, topped with whipped cream and even more caramel. Another menu item worth trying is the classic Frozen Hot Chocolate. This drink is a perfect cup of thick, chocolaty, deliciousness perfect for non-coffee lovers. Not only does Coffee Chaos have a wide variety



of refreshments including lattes, mochas, espressos, smoothies, and teas, they also have a few options for food products as well, such as muffins, scones, and cookies. Additionally, their prices are suitable when compared to the quality of product that one would get. For example, a large frozen drink, such as the Chaos Mocha, comes out to $5.46. Despite all of the good qualities that Coffee Chaos has, their environment in the store is lacking compared to other cozier environments Midland coffee shops have to offer.

Overall Rating:

Near Main Street, Espresso Milano on Ashman Street has possibly the best specialty drinks in town. A small Mudslide sells for $4.50. Imagine a coffee and chocolate ice cream blend, but in an iced drink form; that is the best way to describe a Mudslide drink. The taste was on point, more sweet than bitter. This unique signature drink beautifully balanced the coffee and chocolate ice cream. Although they are most known for their coffee and specialty drinks, they also offer

tea, breakfast items, and baked goods. Not only was the service quick and pleasant, but they also offered free samples of the Mudslide before I bought it and they gave me two stamps on the punch card. If customers get them all punched they can get a free small coffee. The atmosphere was perfectly peaceful and quiet for a coffee shop. Espresso Milano was very clean and the style of the coffee shop fit right into the downtown feel.

Overall rating:

Starbucks is the ultimate coffee chain in town, but how does it compare to the locallyowned coffee shops? For starters, Starbucks has the ultimate menu and they can make just about anything that the customer wishes, making customizations to their drink as the order states. They have a large variety of hot drinks, coffees, and teas, as well as cold coffee, flavored teas, and even blended drinks. As for food, Starbucks serves breakfast sandwiches, egg bites, muffins, donuts, croissants, cookies and other bakery-like items. They even sell patterned tumblers, cups, and other merchandise items. With all of the elite coffee shop options, Starbucks certainly isn’t number one, however the refreshers are their stand out

item, specifically the strawberry acai lemonade refresher. Despite their coffee products being overpriced at times, a venti refresher only costs $5.04, which is a decent price for a large chain like Starbucks. One downside of the shop is their immense traffic. At times, the line is wrapped around the building or out the door, taking about 20 minutes to get a drink. Although the Starbucks staff is incredibly hardworking, it’s almost impossible to keep up with the constant rush at Starbucks. Additionally, their environment isn’t as cozy as other places in town, and the noise and chaos may be a distraction if someone is trying to get some studying done.

Overall Rating:

Midtown contains a fan favorite. Live Oak Coffeehouse located on Ashman Road not only sells the regular coffee and bakery products, but they also have recently added a lunch menu featuring quiche, pomona, pot pie, grilled cheese sandwiches and salads. Live Oak also offers a special menu around the holidays, which gives them an extra inch against their other local competitors. Their Valentine’s day menu includes drinks such as a white chocolate strawberry latte, a blended lavender and raspberry lemonade and a creme brulee flavored cappuccino. A typical twelve-ounce iced vanilla latte comes out to $4.84, which is a lot more reasonable than other coffee shops. Additionally, their coffee is richer and more flavorful than most

coffee shops, so customers are bound to be impressed with their prices when compared to the quality of the drink. The aesthetic of the shop is no doubt one of the most elite in town, covered in plants and other greenery as well as wood accents and hanging lights. Live Oak has developed a space for creation including spaces for working, art or studying. Plus, they have puzzles, games, and crafts all around, adding to the cozy environment. Additionally, they have merchandise, coffee products, cards, chocolates, mugs, and other gift shop items. Overall, Live Oak is definitely a coffeehouse worth visiting in Midland if someone is looking for quality, inexpensive coffee with an incredible place to enjoy it in.

Overall Rating:

Creation Coffee

B-Creation Coffee was established in 2020 and is located on Eastman Road, which is fairly close to DHS. They have the usual coffee menu items such as lattes, matcha, espressos, and hot chocolate, but carry additional coffee related products in store. Customers can find Creation merchandise, coffee beans, mugs, cups, coffee pots, and even coffee filters, which is much more than an average coffee shop. As far as the non-coffee related products go, they carry smoothies and tea, but a drawback is that they don’t carry many food products. Their french vanilla latte is a classic, however the

drink was a little pricey compared to other options in Midland. But, many might argue that the price is worth it because of their specialty grade coffee grounds. A 12-ounce latte came out to a little over $5 which is a little more than most coffee shops in town. If someone is looking for a minimalist but cozy vibe of a coffee shop, Creation is definitely the place to go. They have a variety of seating options, such as couches, comfy chairs, and tables that are set up to accommodate anywhere from two to six people.

Overall Rating:

Energize Midland was established just over a year ago and located in the plaza off of Wackerly Road. Although this isn’t a typical coffee shop, they do feature coffee flavored products and protein teas. One of their most popular items are their tea bombs, which come in a number of fruity combinations. Some fan favorites include Cotton Candy, Fruit by the Foot, and Razzmatazz. One can also purchase additional aloe shots or add boba to the tea bombs, which are worth the extra $1 upcharge. The Razmatazz tea bomb has the perfect balance of sweet and sour, plus the orange

boba perfected the taste. A small tea comes out to $4.83 without the boba, and $5.83 with it, which isn’t unreasonable for a 16-ounce drink. However, the other large portion in their menu includes protein coffees and shakes that come in a variety of chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream and fruit flavors. Even though they aren’t the average coffee shop, the interior of Energize still gives the same coffee shop vibe. It’s relaxing, cozy, and a great place to catch up with friends or study. Plus, the staff is super quick and friendly, which is definitely a bonus for Energize.

Overall Rating:

Grove Tea

BGrove Tea Lounge on South Abbott Road doesn’t only have tea, they have a wide variety of breakfast, lunch, deserts, baked goods, coffee, even including a kid’s menu. Their regular hot vanilla latte comes out to be $4.25, which is pretty reasonable. The latte had a balanced taste even though it was a bit more bitter than sweet. The taste was great and the temperature allowed for drinking right away without burning a tongue. The service was very fast, especially for how busy it was at 11:30 a.m. The staff was very friendly,


Boomerang Coffee Lounge located on Ashman Circle has a variety of drinks and food items. They have various types of coffee, tea, cookies, brownies, and brunch menu items. The classic 12 ounce vanilla latte was $5.25. While the bitter espresso flavor hit first, the taste of the sweet vanilla and milk came in later. Overall it tasted great for a vanilla latte and it had the perfect temperature for drinking. The service was so kind and efficient too. They also were very helpful by showing how their

conversational, and helpful, even though they were close to rush hour. The bright, updated atmosphere felt so inviting. It’s full of natural light and unique light fixtures, and Grove is surprisingly spacious for a coffee and tea lounge. Some seating can fit up to eight people and there are bars and couches for customers who prefer to sit alone. The Grove Tea Lounge has a drive thru and online ordering as well, making ordering that much more convenient.

Overall rating:

punch cards work and they gave a punch on it with the purchase. Although Boomerang is a little small, the biggest tables only fitting up to four people, the atmosphere is gorgeous. It’s so clean, inviting, bright, and relaxing. The walls have designs hand painted on and there’s a bar available for customer seating too. The high ceilings and natural lighting are beautiful, and definitely create an inviting space for coffee lovers.

Overall rating:

Biggby Everyone so conversational, and They asked to make the Because they just recently, the lobby isn’t and customers have

Overall rating:

Live Oak Coffeehouse crowned as the best coffee shop in town by Brooke Seymour

Update Feb. 25, 2022
Biggby’s second location in Midland is located on Eastman Street. A vanilla latte was ordered in the smallest size of 16 ounces for $5. This would be recommend to customers who prefer their coffee strong. It tasted balanced but it was the most bitter of the coffees. They don’t just have coffee though. Biggby has tea, hot chocolate, baked goods, desserts, and breakfast items. The service was on point.
order was done correctly.
to use the drive thru.

Changing the world one teen

Students acquire real-world experience through channeling their skills into profitable


interests outside of studying for tests and completing homework assignments for their classes. In the case of these three students,

these interests have lead to small business

Whetherendeavors.it’ssolely to make some money or an outlet to put one’s creativity on display, these student-run businesses make it possible for young people to do both at once.

From lawn-mowing to cheesecake-making, high schoolers utilize their gifts to learn about the business

Student-runworld. businesses are an opportunity for young people to practice the art of business, one sale at a time.

Drew’s Lawncare Service

As opposed to making goods for his business, junior Drew Doty provides services to others. He owns a lawn-care business and has been doing yard work for many years, going all the way back to age seven. His unnamed business is in operation through all different seasons with the goal to ensure that Midland residents’ lawns are looking their very best all year round.

“I don’t really have a name at this point, but I hope to create a business name that represents me well,” Doty said.

In addition to making a couple of extra bucks during the year, the part about his business that Doty loves consists of the opportunity to help people do things that they may need help with when it comes to their lawns. Not only does he mow lawns, but he also offers fertilization services, landscaping, fall and spring cleanup, and even snow removal in the winter months.

In the beginning stages of Doty’s business, his first

customers were his surrounding neighbors. From then on, he found great enjoyment in doing lawn care for them, prompting him to expand his business to others who would be interested. Through this passion, he’s found a real interest in entrepreneurship and has dreams of continuing it in the future.“Ido plan on andstripesamyBrenttogotDrewDotyMiddlestartwasentrepreneurshipfamilyveryreallyDotyentrepreneurshipcontinuinginthefuture,”said.“ItissomethingIenjoydoingandkeepsmeactive.”Althoughnoneofhisclosemembersareintheindustry,ithisfatherthathelpedhimuphisbusiness.JeffersonSchoolteacherBrentwastheonethatdrovefromjobtojobbeforehehisdriver’slicense.“Ineverhadtodoanythingmotivatehimtodohiswork,”said.“Hewasgrabbingmowersandsnowblowersatyoungage.Healwayslikedtheintheyardwhenmowedacleandrivewaywithout

any tracks in it. He used the shovel, snowblower, and mower without any coaching. It was something that he wanted to do on his own.”

His family members helped boost his confidence and taught him how to make smart business decisions. In addition to consulting others with operating the business in a smooth fashion, Drew also has learned of the importance of good customer service and ensuring that the customer is happy with the result of the service that he provides. If they aren’t satisfied, he makes sure to make it right for them.

As his business grew, word of mouth wasn’t the only way his business spread with others. He created business cards as a means to share his contact information with prospective customers. Looking forward, Drew plans to continue these endeavors in the future.

“I hope that he learns that his hard work will help him to be successful in the career path that he chooses,” Brent said.

One Stitch at a Time

From the time that senior Chloe Coston started selling snow cones in Haiti at twelve years old, she has always felt like having an entrepreneurial mindset is in her blood. Now operating a small business called One Stitch at a Time dedicated to creating crocheted goods and homemade products, Coston’s experience has traveled with her from Haiti, right into the heart of Midland.

The inspiration for One Stitch at a Time came when Coston was at home sick, and her mom came home with yarn and she started to learn to crochet.

From there, she started posting her creations on Instagram and Facebook. Once people started reaching out inquiring how to purchase her items, she figured that her crocheting passion would be a great fit for selling them to customers.

Many students may want to run a business for a short time in their teenage years, but Coston’s passion for entrepreneurship is something that she hopes to carry with her into her career.

“I really want to do international business,” Coston said. “This has given me a bunch of experience in the real world with customer service and sales and marketing and a bunch of other aspects of a business. It’s been really eye-opening to see the whole picture from a smaller scale.”

The means through which she sells her products is mainly through Instagram. Once she posts pictures of the item, people can reach her by either commenting on the post or sending a direct message to the account for order placements. On occasion, Coston will make items customized for the customer, like having a specific

color or sizing for the customer.

Along with the importance of networking and partnering with other sellers, another business lesson that Coston has learned throughout years with handling orders is the importance of being organized. Once an order placed by a customer, she will immediately place the order in a spreadsheet so that she keeps track of them.“In the beginning, I was so disorganized with the way I handled my orders, from the way I handled my orders to the way I packaged them to everythingdelivery,


it’s such a journey, figuring how to do things correctly efficiently.”Coston’s mother and experience with the business world are what initially inspired Coston and helped her to explore the social marketing side of things.

mother owns a local event decorating business called Poppins, and it was her drive in the entrepreneurial world that prompted Coston pave her way as well.

“[My mom] is very entrepreneurial in that too,” Coston said. “That me to get on social media.

With my mom being actively aware of the marketing department, I was able

CLEAN AND CROCHET: These crocheted wash cloths are available for purchase on Coston’s Instagram. The washcloth’s are $7 each.

CLEARING A PATH: Doty’s yardworking skills are apparent as he works on shoveling the driveway prior to his father getting home. A GUST OF AIR: Doty helps his grandparents with yardwork using a leafblower to clear the debris off of their patio. GOING FOR A RIDE: Doty is pictured mere moments before he attempts to test out his new quad that he had previously purchased with his own money. RAKING THE WAY: Doty rakes away the leaves that have fallen in his yard. photos courtesy of Drew Doty
FEATURE4 UpdateFeb. 25, 2022
SNUG to arehelpsold

entrepreneur at a time

profitable small businesses

accountInstagramand learn how to advertise my business online and do it effectively.”

As for the future of her business, Coston is still undecided about where she thinks it could go. She is sorting through the idea of how to grow the business without it turning into a manufacturing business.

For this particular crocheting business, Coston can see herself hiring another employee in the future and creating a more stable team; however, although she loves this business endeavor, she would also love the opportunity to start a bigger business in the future to further her entrepreneurial interests.

TimeAshlyn’s Cheesecakes

Sophomore Ashlyn Rutterbush started her own side business when the pandemic first started in 2020, however, she’s been baking with her grandma since she was little.

Named Ashlyn’s Cheesecakes, the inspiration for the business came from when she made her first cheesecake for her step-sister’s birthday party. After finding a recipe on Pinterest, Rutterbush found the process very easy and received a lot of encouragement from those around her to sell her cheesecakes.

Family friends as well as members of her church were some of her first customers. These people were the ones that encouraged her to pursue selling her desserts and therefore inspired her to start Ashlyn’s Cheesecakes.

With about 60 different flavors, she purchases a variety of ingredients from Walmart. The prices for the full cheesecakes vary depending on the size of the Althoughcheesecake.Rutterbush enjoys baking as a hobby, she doesn’t see herself making this into a full-time career once she gets out of school. Ashlyn’s Cheesecakes is a way for her to stay busy, make some money, and learn the ins and outs of the small business industry.

Although she doesn’t know if she’ll be making cheesecakes long-term, she definitely loves the aspect of staying busy and starting something new.

As for how customers are able to reach her, it’s been a combination of social media and word-of-mouth. An Instagram account and a Facebook page have been created for the business, as well as a website

showing reviews, pictures, and order forms. Rutterbush’s mother had assisted her in spreading the word through Facebook specifically, selling cheesecakes from her mother’s following.

“It’s word-of-mouth and social media,” Rutterbush said. “Since I started it, it kind of just exploded in my church and my youth group. So like, everyone knows me there as the cheesecake girl,” Rutterbush said.

As a student and a member of the varsity pom Rutterbushteam, has had to juggle the realities of being a asentrepreneuryoungwellasbeing a student-athlete.Ideally,making orders about a week or so in advance gives her the time she needs to carve out time from her schedule to make the cheesecake. Because of her demanding schedule during the school year, the holidays are often times that are good for business for her. The cheesecakes can also be frozen for extended periods of time, making it so that she can get on top of her orders.

As for what she’s learning throughout this process of being in business, Rutterbush thinks that being bold with her career

personal level is one of the most valuable lessons that she has learned.

“If you’re going to have social media or make a website, show who you are,” Rutterbush said. “Like, tell the people who you are, why you are doing it, what you’re doing because people really like young entrepreneurs. They think it’s so cool and unique.”

For Rutterbush, putting her heart and soul into her endeavors is an aspect that is extremely important to her. With customer service, she finds that being kind can take any entrepreneur a long way.

Her experience has been a testament to realizing that when a mistake is made, there is always a lesson that can be learned from it to improve for the future. Through the birth of Ashlyn’s Cheesecakes, Rutterbush has learned about the importance of remaining organized and making sure that every cheesecake she makes is up to par.

“Always make sure that whatever you’re doing is done right,” Rutterbush said. “Your reputation reallyWithmatters.”theselessons learned, Rutterbush can take these lessons into her professional career post high school.

RASPBERRY DELIGHT: Rutterbush sells an array of different cheesecakes that are marketed on both her website and Instagram. On Sept. 19, 2021, Rutterbush posted a picture of a raspberry cheesecake with a white chocolate swirl. Other cheesecakes made by Rutterbush can be found on her website and Instagram. CINNAMON SWIRL: Rutterbush sold this cinnamon roll cheesecake to the Great Lakes Loons baseball team. “They also ordered death by chocolate and lemon glaze,” Rutterbush said. SPRING SPIRIT: In honor of Mother’s Day, Coston sold handmade daffodils on her Instagram for $10 a flower. AS A BUG: Coston crochets baby hats help keep them warm in the winter. Hats sold for $10 each. PERFECT PUMPKIN: Coston sold crochet pumpkins on her Instagram for the fall season. photos courtesy of Chloe Coston graphics by Brooke Seymour photos courtesy of Ashlyn Rutterbush
Update Feb. 25, 2022 FEATURE 5

Black History Month 2022

How this immensely important month is being celebrated

Gen Z has never been bored, at least not in the way other generations have. We grew up in a generation where we had everything and nothing to do all at once. Whenever we start to feel bored, all we have to do is pick up our phones to have limitless access to the entire world. We consume so much information, not only from social media but from TV and music as well, leaving no room for us to think forBoredomourselves.is

a result of a lack of stimulation. We have so much stored up energy but we don’t have anything interesting to do with it. Whenever I’m bored I usually watch a show or two, or seven. Sometimes that’s not enough. I know I’m not alone when I say I usually end up on my phone through most episodes too. It’s too much restlessness, a never ending hunger and thirst for stimulation. But too much stimulation can leave no room for boredom. Although it might feel good in the moment, long term it can be very damaging.

It’s interesting for me to think that watching a show after school to help myself relax and destress might actually be doing the opposite. If anything, I’m probably overstimulating myself. We need to be kind to ourselves and spend time with our thoughts and give our brains a break from the daily input of stimuli all around us.

Although boredom can be, well, boring, it can be beneficial too. It can even help our creative minds run more smoothly. When I think about it, it makes sense. Some of my best ideas in writing have come to me when I’m just staring off into space thinking. I’ll talk to myself in my head, come up with original characters and tell myself stories. Kind of like creating those fake scenarios in your head before you go to sleep, but instead it’s during the day, almost like daydreaming.

Just taking time to sit down and talk with your own thoughts can broaden your creativity. Giving into boredom might even help you to disconnect yourself from all the craziness and stress life can bring us sometimes. It can help us to get our thoughts in order and make focusing

Boredomeasier.really is a good thing; in moderation it’s great for our mental health and perfect for inspiring creativity when we lose it. To be honest, I don’t think I’m bored enough. I need to set aside time to allow my creative mind to think when I have nothing else to do. Although distractions can be nice sometimes if you’re overthinking, I also feel like distractions can enable us to not think for ourselves. Maybe this is why I feel original thoughts are becoming increasingly more rare.

I’ve heard it said somewhere before that our minds are the most creative at night and the least creative in the afternoon. I’m not sure if it’s true for everyone, or at all, but it’s very true for me. During the day we are distracted by life and everything that comes with it. But for me, at night I force myself to lay there waiting for sleep to take me. In the waiting my mind runs wild- I’m bored. But, my thoughts run free. I write most of my poems inspired by ideas sparked between midnight and 4 a.m. Most of the time I can’t wait until morning to write, I have to get up right away and write down all my thoughts. I usually edit them in the morning, and sometimes those ideas seem great in the moment but need to be brought back to reality come morning. However, when I compare my midnight thoughts to the level of creativity my brain has in the afternoon, it’s pathetic really. I wish I could write like I do at night all the time.

Anyway, if you find yourself lacking creativity, take some time to be bored. Don’t be afraid of it. It can feel really relaxing and freeing from the world’s responsibilities and pressures. Boredom may be boring, but it serves a purpose nonetheless. BoredomKilling

Feb. 1 is the start of Black History Month and is a time to celebrate the important achievements and culture of Black Americans throughout history.


The idea of Black History Month was first planted in 1915 by Carter G. Woodson. Woodson was a Harvardeducated historian, author and journalist that studied African-American history. The originatedidea after he attended a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the aboutofthetobyrollinggotinAmendment13thIllinois.Hetheballin1926advocatingthepublicimportancelearningAfricanAmerican

history and

achievements. Since then, Woodson’s idea has morphed into what is now know today as Black History Month.

Every year since 1928, Black History month has adopted a certain theme that is decided by The Association for the Study of African American Life and History, or ASALH. The theme for Black History month 2022 is “Black Health and Wellness.” This year’s theme focuses on Black practitioners and their impact on western medicine. The Black community has come together to build many hospitals and nursing schools such as Howard University College of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and many more.

Not only have hospitals been built, but clinics have also been built to cater to the needs of Black people. These clinics have been made to combat and counter any discrimination that Black people may encounter in more established

organizations and systems. Along with an emphasis on physical wellbeing in the 2022 theme, emotional and mental health are being taken into consideration as well. According to The Association for the Study of African American Life and History, the understanding of Black health and wellness is a concept that has grown throughout the years and continues to evolve day by day. A wide variety of podcasts such as BLACK HEALTH LIT and Better Black Health, are available on Spotify that are focused on the health of the Black community as they continue to face discrimination in mental, emotional and physical health.

Along with that, there are many online therapy sites such as Therapy for Black Girls.

Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to focusing on providing Black girls with therapists that are immersed in their culture and can help them with anything that in terms of mental health needs.

MPS and the Midland community as a whole have made more efforts in recent years to have more conversation around theTheoccasion.organization Anti-Racist Midland was founded by a group of MPS alumni that challenged the district with ten requests that they hoped they would then carry out and implement. The demands ranged from implementing more curriculum on Black history, to banning hateful symbols such as the Confederate flag on school property. In August 2020, the district complied and banned the Confederate flag on school grounds. MPS has also issued district-

wide statements in classrooms that emphasize the importance of supporting a diverse community within the schools. To contribute to this mission, “diversity is a strength” stickers were placed on students’ Chromebooks in the beginning of the 2021 to 2022 school year, serving as a reminder of the district’s commitment and goal to be more inclusive.

On Oct. 23, 2021, Midland Center for the Arts launched Voices of Black Midland, a digital art exhibit that displays oral histories of Midland community members. The exhibit emphasizes Midland’s Black history and how it continues to evolve today. A total of 23 Black community members were interviewed. Fourteen of the 23 interviewees currently reside in Midland, and nine people that had formerly lived in Midland. The interviews shed light on the experiences and troubles that Black community members face today. Voices of Black Midland was created by Anti-Racist Midland, Midland Area Community Foundation, and Midland County Historical Society. The goal of Voices of Black Midland is to amplify and spread Black voices within Midland, while sharing new perspectives.

Voices of Black Midland is open to anyone both online and in person. In addition, according to Midland Daily News, a traveling exhibit will be available to schools around Midland by some time in the beginning of 2022.

“It is important for all of us to acknowledge the positive influence Black and other marginalized cultures have on us,” Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion De’Ondre Hogan said. “It is important for all of our students to feel seen, cared for, and that they belong. We can start by understanding the perspectives we bring to the table, and being willing to learn about other experiences and perspectives.”

Eversince the influx of social media took center stage in the early 2000s, many would agree that people live on their phones and that their world has become intertwined with online life. Today, with a catalog ranging from YouTube to Twitch to TikTok, these social media platforms helped many pass the time spent stuck inside during a pandemic. These apps have the main purpose of entertaining users through the scrolling of a personallycurated screen. A lot of creators on these platforms form meaningful bonds with their fanbase, striking the hearts of people all over the“Comfortworld creators are influencers that people take comfort in or identify with and enjoy their content a bunch,” senior Mace St. Sauver said.

Within social media comes content creators, meaning people who make content for the enjoyment of others.

YouTube and Twitch have been around for years, and over time viewers have grown attachments to a variety of creators. Most of these creators provide a meaningful connection to their fans. Some bring joy and happiness, and others may bring comfort to those struggling with various issues in their life.

Junior Cassandra McGaugh believes that comfort creators impact students specifically.

“It’s a way to destress after a long day,” McGaugh said. “You could just watch this person do their thing and it’s really enjoyable to see.”With COVID disrupting day to day life within schools, students’ mental health has taken a toll. From being held inside on and off, students can feel overwhelmed.“They’rejust real people,” senior Ashleigh Prisby said. “This allows them to be genuine about the things that they do and say. When someones struggling with something, if [the comfort creator] has gone through something similar they’re able to give genuine advice from theirTheseexperiences.”contentcreators are found relatable usually due to sharing in various situations that their followers might experience as well. Because of this aspect, many people can relate to them much more on a personal level.

Students can relate to different content creators based on their persona. One may relate to their shyness, awkwardness, or their kindness. Each content creator has

their own unique personality. No one is the same, that is why there’s one for everyone.

“I really enjoy watching Technoblade,” St. Sauver said. “And probably Wilbur Soot as well.”Nevertheless, people may also get this same comfort from different things such as movies, TV shows, and even musical artists. Prisby opens up about her own comfort movie, explaining why she finds comfort in it.

“My comfort movie would be ‘Guardians of the Ga’Hoole’ movie,” Prisby said. “I rewatched it about 30 times as a kid and I loved the book series.”

According to Patient, research shows that rewatching movies provides an emotional regulation, which is a calming sense. This happens because the person already knows how the movie is going to end, therefore, they already know how it will make them feel.

“I have personally rewatched ‘Tangled’ and ‘The Princess and the Frog’ a few times,” McGaugh said. “When I rewatch these, I always get a wonderful calm feeling.”

McGaugh believes that she feels more of a personal connection to content creators because they are real people that share a personal connection with their audience.

So while movies and shows are a comfort to a lot of people, it can be said that content creators can provide much more comfort for some people. Some students find it much easier to be able to escape from reality and watch creators online due to their personalities and real life experiences.

Seeking comfort virtually How students rely on internet for comfort
“MPS is engaged inseveral projects aimedat promoting youthadvocacy, mentoring,and cultural competencylearning opportunities,” Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, De’Ondre Hogan
Kirsten Kenyon & Charlie Tolley managing photo editor & staff writer
graphics by Brooke Seymour
FEATURE6 UpdateFeb. 25, 2022
with WainwrightCassidy
Cassidy’s Chaos

Ccompetitions, the Winter Olympic Games brings in thousands of athletes, coming from over 200 nations to participate. The Winter Olympic Games occur once every four years, alternating with the Summer Olympic Games which occur every two years in between the Winter Games. The modern Olympics were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games held in Olympia, Greece from the eighth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D. The games were held every four years from 1924 to 1936 and then were interrupted by World War II. They resumed in 1948.

Due to the pandemic hitting the world in 2020, that year’s Summer Olympic Games were rescheduled for 2021, although it kept the original 2020 title due to marketing purposes. Because of this, the 2022 Winter Olympics took place just

was about 10.6 million viewers across platforms. On the corresponding night of the 2018 Olympics, there was about 20.5 million viewers. These low numbers could be due to multiple reasons including the pandemic, modern technology, and modern politics. According to multiple sources like Fox News and The Wrap, the 2022 Opening Ceremony broadcasted by NBC had a total of 16 million viewers, which is down 43 percent from the previous games. These numbers are a lot closer to the viewership numbers of the 2020 Summer Olympics which broke records for the lowest-rated audience for the Summer Games since 1988.

The 2022 games are the second Olympic games that have been held during the global pandemic. Due to the pandemic, no public spectators are allowed to enter the

announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics. According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the reason for this is due to ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. The boycott doesn’t include athletes from Team USA, they have the freedom to make their own decisions. This just means that the United States will not send an official delegation to the Olympics who usually participate in the opening and closing ceremonies. The boycott also includes Britain, Australia and Canada. The boycott is possibly another reason that viewership has declined. Many people didn’t support this stance and believe that it is wrong that the United States is politicizing the Olympics.

Historian Paul Matzko believes that the decline in viewership and ratings is likely due to other, more simple reasons. Matzko points out that most people watch the highlights of the games on YouTube instead of sitting down as a family each night to watch.

“When we were kids, you watched the Olympics because what else were you going to watch?,” Matzko said.

Modern technology has really changed the way that people enjoy watching big events. In the busynessconstantoflife, most people prefer to read the highlights on Twitter or watch a clip from YouTube rather than sitting down each night to watch the games live. How Olympicsthe are streamed also may viewership.affect It is peopleconfusingsometimesfortoknowwhere they can find certain events to watch. The 2020 Summer

low viewership and ratings which caused NBC to expand their offerings of streaming the Olympics across cable, social, and digital channels. On NBC’s Olympic website, there is a section that includes the schedule of events happening. It shows that they are streaming on NBC, USA, and Peacock. Although this lays it out for people, some people may not know to go to their website to find this information. Overall, it’s possible that there would be an increase in viewership if this information was more widely known to the people who would be interested in tuning in.

“The viewing experience needs to be streamlined,” credit analyst Patrice Cucinello said. “It’s confusing from a user experience, to go: ‘Wait a second. Do I have to watch it on the NBC app? Can I watch it on Peacock? When am I going to watch it? Why can’t I watch it on demand?’ You need a simplified user experience or people get frustrated.”

The time zone difference also plays a role in viewership. Beijing is 14 hours ahead of Chicago, meaning that if someone wants to watch an event that is happening at 3 p.m. in Beijing, they would need to watch it at 2 a.m. If viewers do not watch an event live, there is a chance of information of event outcomes spreading through news and social media before someone might take the time to watch for themselves. Most people view the Olympics at a delayed schedule. The time zone difference causes some hours to have extremely low viewership, while other hours are really popular. Because of this, brands try to secure a spot during times when most people are watching on their TV. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, there have still been two Olympic Games held. Whether or not the two have been successful ones may be up for interpretation, but nonetheless they have taken place. The 2024 Summer Olympic Games are next, and with them still being a couple years out, the possibility of a venue full of fans coming to enjoy the Games is still a possibility.

was the cheapest ticket price at the 2022 Super Bowl. graphics by Brooke Seymour
On and off the field: the numbers behind football’s biggest event 7Update
36,000,000 US households watched the 2022 Super Bowl. $6,500,000 is roughly how much NBC charged for 2022 Super Bowl commercials. 70,000 people went to the 2022 Super Bowl at the SoFi Stadium. 23-20 was the final score. The Rams beat the Bengals. $150,000 is the amount of money each player from Los Angeles Rams received. 3,000 is the number of people it takes to produce the half time show. $33,730$4,114 was the most expensive ticket price at the 2022 Super Bowl. $10,000,000 is the minimum cost to produce a Super Bowl half time show. Emma Mertes managing copy

Walker, Whelan amongst eight newcomers to the HOF

DukevsUNC gonna know their name


TheDHS Hall of Fame (HOF) was founded in 2014, with six members in it’s first class getting inducted in 2015. Since then, there have been eight members inducted in 2018, and eight more members were inducted in 2020.

DHS athletic director and HOF committee Chairperson John Streeter leads the seven person committee, which makes the decisions on who gets inducted into the HOF and when. Along with Streeter, the other people who make up the committee are any current head coach of a sports team, a school administrator, a faculty manager, a previous head coach, and a couple of previous HOF inductees.

As committee Chairperson, Streeter loves having the opportunity to manage the HOF committee and experience.

“I took over in 2018 as the athletic director and I wanted to do [the HOF] again and it’s worked out well,” Streeter said. “It’s one of the most enjoyable things that I do as an athletic director. It’s fun to learn about the history and the accomplishments of our past and it’s really a neat thing.”

The HOF will be inducting eight new members this year, with an official ceremony planned for Feb. 18. The eight new members are Bob Juday, Kim Dinh, Becca Mills, Gerald Rudy, Gary Strickler, Howard Swift, Stephen Walker, and Beth Whelan.

Juday was a six-time letter winner, earning letters in football, baseball, and boy’s basketball. In football, he earned the Saginaw Valley League (SVL) Player of the Year award, the Detroit News Dream Team Quarterback, and the Detroit Free Press 1st Team All-State Quarterback. In baseball, he was named Detroit News 1st Team All-State, Detroit Free Press 1st Team All-State, and was the MVP of the Michigan High School East/West All-Star game.

Dinh was a 2009 Division 2 Individual State Champion, and a three time Saginaw Valley League (SVL) conference winner in the years 2007-2009 for DHS before Graduating in 2010. Dinh was a 2009 Regional Medalist, a two time SVL MVP in the years 2008-2009, and was chosen four times for the 1st team All-SVL, as one of the best players in the SVL.

Mills earned numerous varsity letters in volleyball, track and field, and girl’s

basketball in the years 2008-2011. In her basketball career, Mills was a three-time first team All-State selection, and a two-time Saginaw Valley League MVP. In 2011, Becca finished third in Michigan Miss Basketball voting, an award for the best female high school senior basketball player in Michigan. Mills is DHS’ all-time leader in career points and rebounds, scoring 1,524 points and grabbing 875 rebounds.

Rudy earned multiple varsity letters in track and field as well as boy’s basketball from 1978-1981. In 1981, Rudy led the basketball team to district and regional championships, was Co-MVP with teammates Mike Hoyt and Tod Gugino, shared Best Defensive Player with Gugino, shared the James Barclay Award with Hoyt, and was part of the All-Area Team, as well as an All-State honorable mention. Rudy graduated as salutatorian in 1981.

Strickler was the boys swim coach at DHS from 2001-2020, the girls swim coach from 2004-2014, and the girls soccer coach from 2009-2014. Strickler and his teams won a total of 31 total SVL championships. He helped the boys team win 17 SVL


helped them win the District championships in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014. He won SVL coach of the year in 2011. He retired from coaching after the 2020 season.

Swift earned five varsity letters and excelled in football for DHS from 1968-1971, and developed a reputation as a fierce competitor and an excellent defensive player. He was a three-time Daily News All-Area honoree, and led the Chargers in tackles as a linebacker for

three consecutive years. Swift is still DHS’ all-time leader in tackles made. In honor of Swift, who passed away in 1995, the football team created the “Howard Swift Hitter of the Year” award, which is given annually to the Chargers’ leading tackler.

Walker earned many varsity letters in cross country, as well as track and field from 2006-2009. In cross country, Walker was the Division 1 Individual State Champion and was the Gatorade Michigan Boys Cross Country Runner of the Year in 2009. In track and field, Walker was a seven-time regional champion, five-time Division 1 All-State runner and a two-time state runner-up in the 1600 meter event. Walker holds the 800 meter, 1600 meter, 3200 meter, and 5k record times for DHS.

Whelan began her career with MPS in 1977 as a paraprofessional at Siebert Elementary School and eventually moved to DHS. During her 40 plus years with MPS, she held many positions, including coaching the softball, volleyball, and basketball teams. She retired from her paraprofessional job in 2010, but has continued to work at DHS as the Chargers’ athletic facilities manager. In 2017, she received the Lloyd Osborn Award in appreciation of her service and leadership in Midland sports and the community, and the softball team’s annual tournament is named the Beth Whelan Charger Classic in her informationhonor.More of each member can be found in biographiestheiron their plaques near the gold gym.

Being inducted in the HOF is an honor and will be tied to these eight individual’s for the rest of their lives, as they get recognized for their athletic endeavors throughout the years.

“[These eight individuals] will be in the Hall of Fame forever so they will be in the first-class or second class or third class or fourth class,” Streeter said. “Hopefully, this tradition will continue as we get more and more names.”

Twice a year in the state of North Carolina, the sports world turns their attention towards two of the most storied teams in college basketball’s history. A rivalry dating all the way back to 1920, the Duke vs. North Carolina rivalry is a matchup categorized amongst the greatest rivalries in sports.

Titled “The Battle for Tobacco Road’’, the two teams have produced a fierce and bitter rivalry that always delivers a show for sports fans all around the nation.

The year was 2007. It was a chilly, March evening in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The Duke Blue Devils traveled 10 miles down the road to play their rival North Carolina, and the game that pursued was a barn burner for the Withages.14seconds left and an 84-72 North Carolina lead, UNC Center Tyler Hansbrough lay on the floor spewing blood out of his nose and onto the court after going up for a layup and catching a flying elbow from Duke’s Gerald Henderson. Hansbrough, deemed with the nickname “Psycho T” from his belligerent playstyle, immediately rose from the floor menacingly, with blood pouring down his face, and was held back from Henderson and his Duke teammates. Hansbrough finished the game with 26 points and 17 rebounds.

The camera shot of Hansbrough being held back by teammates, a fountain of blood running down his face, with a terrifying look in his eyes, was the everlasting picture representing the historic rivalry.

Rewind 15 years earlier, 1992 saw one of the grittiest, hard fought battles in the rivalry’s history. Another battle in Chapel Hill, number nine ranked North Carolina was matched up against number one ranked Duke led by Naismith College Player of the Year Christian Laettner.

UNC was held without a single field goal in the last nine minutes of the game. They did however knock down 12 of 14 free throws in that stretch, including two clutch late game free throws from North Carolina’s center, EricAsMontross.Montross settled into the charity stripe to shoot his free throws, blood streaking down his face after being fouled, he knocked down both free throws and put UNC up 75-73, serving Duke their first loss that season.

Perhaps the greatest matchup ever between these two teams was the 1989 ACC championship game. The season series was split at one apiece. It was single-handedly the most aggressive and hard fought battle in the two teams’ history. This game was the spark that took the rivalry to the next Therelevel.were 49 total fouls called between the two teams throughout the game. Carolina led most of the game but they couldn’t stop Duke’s Naismith College Player of the Year, center Danny Ferry, who played almost the entire game with a gash under his eye after getting kicked in the face during an altercation at the beginning of the first half. The Tar Heels got the last laugh coming out on top 77-74.

This year will be the first year that the two team’s legendary coaches haven’t gone up against each other since 2002, with the recent retirement of the longtime North Carolina basketball coach Roy Williams. Coaches Mike Krzyzewksi and Williams developed an incredible bond and friendship over the years. Despite the rivalry between both schools, they still have a mutual respect towards one another.

Duke routed UNC earlier this year on Feb. 5, with a score of 87-67 in Krzyzewski’s 36th and last game in Chapel Hill. Duke silenced the rowdy North Carolina crowd early, jumping out to a 31-8 lead in just the first 10 minutes of play. Duke took the lead and never slowed down, routing UNC by 20

Thepoints.twoteams will meet again on March 5 at 6:00 p.m. on ESPN at Cameron Indoor Stadium in Durham, North Carolina.

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER: HOF 2022 inductees receive a standing ovation at their induction ceremony during halftime of the varsity girls basketball game. The ceremony took place in the cafeteria and gym on Feb. 18. photos by Eliezer Maldonado
“[The HOF] is one of the most enjoyable things thatI do as an athletic director. It’s fun to learn about the history and the accomplishments of our past and it’sreally a neat thing.”
John Streeter athletic director
STANDING IN THE HOF: Athletic Director John Streeter hands inductee Gary Strickler a trophy during the induction ceremony. Strickler coached at DHS for 19 years, from 2001 until he retired after the 2020 season. photos courtesy of John Streeter Bob Juday Kim HowardDinhSwift Gary Strickler Becca Mills Gerald Rudy Stephen Walker Beth Whelan
SPORTS8 Update
Craig’s ColumnWorld’s
Feb. 25, 2022

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