Following Veganism is Pointless!

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Presented by: Dhwani Mistry BD/17/932 Textile Design

Semester 3



• Critical Thinking is the process of thinking logically ,applying reasoning and rationale about the topic before coming up with a solution or decision. •

Raw data- I learnt collecting raw data from various sources and documenting it understandable format.

Gather Information-We gathered all the useful information the the raw data collected applying the logical reasoning. We gathered information based on proven facts, opinions etc

Segregate/Distil Information-Segrating the data in a understandable format is a very important step. We distil it as proven facts, opinions, Beliefs, prejudices and useless points.


Organize information in understandable way-We organised then the segregated data to make it easy for analysis.


Analysis-We analyse the data and consider its validity , scrutiny . We study the positives, negatives and the consequences of the fact provided and with all the information try to come up for a conclusion.


Conclusion- From the analysis and studying all the aspects of the facts gathered ,we try to comeup on a conclusion without any discrimination or partiality


• ASSIGNMENT 1 Music was a totally new genre for me to research. I learned how to research all the technicalities of music and musical instruments. The one thing that interested me the most was the analysis of music, how we can relate music to mood,food,colour,season etc. I realised the analysis we did is what happens with us unconciously while we listen to music, and how it affects our mood. • ASSIGNMENT 2 We had to post a Debateable statement on Facebook and defend it to our best providing facts. This assignment help me gain public opinion and evoked major discussions, we were able to study both the positive and negative aspects of the statement and after studying and validating all the facts and opinions came to conclusion.


• Make a Statement on Social Media and try to convince/prove its legitimacy • Provide Opinions backing it up with reasoning/logic/proofs/facts


Reasoning (why I believe in the statement) • I believe Veganism is hyped . • Promoters of veganism are just talking about the good aspects . • I observed those who adopt vegan lifestyle do not consider or research about the negative effects and consequences of their adaptation. • I wanted to create awareness on these negative effects of vegan lifestyle both on humans and the environment.

• I think it is pointless because according to our food heritage and history our body is adapted to digest and process these meats and dairy products. Cutting down is these things makes no sense as it is not needed.


• Information I received can be sorted in 3 categories: 1. They agree

2. They disagree 3. They think it is individual’s choice(but do not clarify what is their own choice)


I have sorted the information in the following criterias: 1. Agreeing or disagreeing comments

2. Commenter is of NIFT or outside 3. Comments containing Facts/opinion/belief or prejudice




• Mansi Liya, Sonal Kushwaha , Rajendra Zirwal, Anamika Das, Ashutosh Singh, Tarak Gajjar,Yashmita Rao, Brijain Mistry Adita Dubey,Akansha Komal, Malvika Tripathi, Saba Kausar,Yash Shah, IsmeetKaur Sarna, Dhruti Khatri ,Oshi Gupta, Amrita Dutta ,Ishita Chaudary, Prathna Gogoi,Neha Kumar,

• Aditi Shroff,Avani Sharma, Arti Arti, Shradha Agrawal,Amrita Dutta, Shreya Barapatre, Priyanka Malani, Twinky Gajjar,Arushi Bansal, Dalima Kaushik, Kartik Gupta, Ritu Ganshani,Mishika Goel, Dhwani Shah, Mijoy Gautami, Kavisha Dalal, Sarang Chauhan, Khushi Kothari, Shivanshi Patel,Vedika Agrawal, Gitika Rohra, Niyati Pethapara, Ishita Sinha, Sakshi Mundada, Sanaya Polishwala, Anoushka Chauhan, Amrita Dutta


Outside NIFT

• Mansi Liya, Sonal Kushwaha , Rajendra Zirwal, Anamika Das, Ashutosh Singh, Yashmita Rao, Aditya Dubey,Akansha Komal, Malvika Tripathi, Saba Kausar, Yash Shah, IsmeetKaur Sarna, Oshi Gupta, Amrita Dutta ,Ishita Chaudary, Prathna Gogoi, Neha Kumar, Aditi Shroff,Avani Sharma, Arti Arti, Shradha Agrawal,Amrita Dutta,Arushi Bansal, Dalima Kaushik, Kartik Gupta, Ritu Ganshani,Mishika Goel, Dhwani Shah, Kavisha Dalal, Khushi Kothari, Shivanshi Patel,Vedika Agrawal, Gitika Rohra, Niyati Pethapara, Ishita Sinha, Sakshi Mundada, Sanaya Polishwala, Anoushka Chauhan, Amrita Dutta

• Shreya Barapatre, Priyanka Malani, Twinky Mijoy Gautami, Saran,g Chauhan, Tarak Gajjar, Brijain Mistry, Dhruti Khatri




Shradha Agrawal

Mansi Liya

Avani Sharma

Ritu Ganshani

Sonal Kushwaha

Aditi Shroff

Anamika Das

Rajendra Zirwal

Priyanka Malani

Dhwani Shah

Shreya Barapatre

Ashutosh Singh

Kavisha Dalal

Twinky Gajjar

Yashmita Rao

Tarak Gajjar

Arushi Bansal

Brijain Mistry

Saba Kausar

Dalima Kaushik

Aditya Dubey

Gitika Rohra

Sarang Chauhan


Malvika Tripathi

Sarang Chauhan

Shivanshi Patel

Ishita Chaudary

Yash Shah

Ishita Sinha

Akansha Komal

Sakshi Mundada

Neha Kumar

Facts Amrita Dutta Mishika goel Mijoy Gautami

Khushi Kothari Vedika Agrawal Niyati Pethapara Anoushka

Sanaya Polishwala Prathana Gogoi

Ismeet Sarna

Dhruti Khatri Oshi Gupta


Percentage of commenters agreeing / disagreeing or not clearifying their opinion Agree Disagree Agree without reason Think it is individual's choice but do not mention their own choice



6% 30%

Percentage of commenters belonging to NIFT or Outside


Non-NIFT 18%


Percentage of comments Based on Facts/Opinion/Belief or Prejudice Facts Opinion Belief Prejudice 27%




Total No. of comments vs. No. of useful comments

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total Useful

Comments 55 44


COMMENTS IN FAVOUR OF STATEMENT Commenters agree that Veganism is pointless because • People are just following the trend blindly as the celebrities like Beyonce , Madonna, Sonam Kapoor , Liam Hemsworth etc are living a vegan lifestyle. I think it is true as they are influenced by these celebrities who usually hire professional dieticians to plan out their Balanced diet. In our Lifestyle it is very tough to have such strict balanced diet plans and following it to stay healthy, thus it is important to consume nutrition rich simple food items like meat ,eggs and milk . • In west,Vegans explain that they have adopted veganism as the domesticated animals in kept in very poor conditions. Research by University of London suggests that cattles like cows and many more are domesticated since 10,500 years and hence they have evoled as friendly and welcoming species who prefer safety and comfort that domestication provides rather than the harsh cconditions of the wild.

• One stated everyone consumes refined sugar but it contains bone,thus no one is a true Vegan The fact is that in the process of refining sugar ,bone char is used as cleaning and bleaching agent and has no residue of it in final product. Bone char is a porous, black, granular material produced by charring animal bones. Its composition varies depending on how it is made; however, it consists mainly of tricalcium phosphate 57–80%, calcium carbonate 6– 10% and carbon 7–10%. It is primarily used for filtration and decolorization. • Saba Kausar suggested that milk is called complete meal and cutting it down is completely pointless! It is true as "Milk is labeled as a complete food because it packs all essential nutrients like carbs, proteins, fats, fibers and vitamins except iron," says Bangalore-based nutritionist, Dr. Anju Sood.

COMMENTS AGAINST THE STATEMENT Comments stating that Veganism is NOT pointless • One says eating habits are individual’s choice and hence veganism cannot be pointless. 1.

My point is even if you claim to be vegan it is not happening. Despite what you may have heard, organic foods are not pesticide-free. They just eschew synthetic pesticides for “organic” pesticides, whose ingredients occur naturally. Copper and sulfur, for instance. No matter the ingredients, though, all pesticides are used for the same thing: to commit PESTICIDE.

2. It is also pointless because I learned about the food web, which is basically a description of “who eats who” in the environment goes something like this fox eats rabbit => fox poops into the soil => the living soil then absorbs the poop(which includes the rabbit) => fruit and vegetable plants absorb that exact same soil to grow => humans eat those same fruits and vegetables This process happens EVERYWHERE in nature. So even if you’re a vegan, you’re technically eating dead animals, albeit in a more indirect liquid form.

• One states why disturb animal world when you can survive on vegan diet. 1. Humans evolved as meat eaters; we need essential nutrients such as proteins and iron to be healthy. It is true that these can be obtained from vegetable sources, but not as efficiently, and a vegan diet can easily lead to deficiencies without careful management. Eating fewer animal products would solve a lot of the problems ; but eradicating it from our diets entirely could cause health problems and is simply not necessary.

2. Talking about survival Human body is capable of surviving 3 weeks without food, so does that mean we fast for 3 weeks to save food. I think living a healthy and happy life should be the priority. 3. Research by University of London suggests that cattles like cows and many more are domesticated since 10,500 years and hence they have evoled as friendly and welcoming species who prefer safety and comfort that domestication provides rather than the harsh cconditions of the wild.

• Veganism is believed to be Cruelty-free. 1. You have to kill a lot of pests to grow just one apple, whereas you can get many, many steaks by killing just one cow. But if you accept that a cow’s life is more important than a caterpillar’s, why can’t you accept that a diabetic’s life is more important than the life of the cow whose insulin keeps the diabetic alive? Or that a cancer patient is worth more than the rat chemotherapy is tested on?

2. Veganism is resulting in lives in South- America . People are literally starving because all the Quinoa crop is being exported for all the vegans who want to live 'crueltyfree' but don't care about the local inhabitants harvesting them as much as they do of animals. 3. Problems arise from the mass production of animal products; intensive farming, factory animals, mass slaughter. For all of these reasons, and for our general good health, we should consider reducing the amount of meat in our diet. If we all ate a smaller amount of organic, locally produced meat, then we could still enjoy a diverse diet without having a negative impact on the environment. It is up to consumers to demand good quality products, rather than high volume at a low price.


Well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines, and contain all the nutrients that our bodies need.

1. But planning and following vegan diet is not at all easy! You need to fulfull all the protein requirements from this diet itself and studies say that Vegan Diets have Lower Protein Quality. Also it is tough to follow vegan diet to stay healthy in our busy lifestyles as you might not be able to find such food everywhere.

• Vegan Diet has many health benifits: • It Appears to Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Improve Kidney Function 1. It is true ,Vegans tend to have lower blood sugar levels, higher insulin sensitivity and up to a 50–78% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. They are also particularly effective at reducing blood sugar levels and may help prevent further medical issues from developing.

Can Reduce Pain from Arthritis

1. Probiotic-rich whole foods can significantly decrease symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.It doesn’t necessarily need to be Vegan diet. •

May Protect Against Certain Cancers

1. Vegan diets generally contain more soy products, which may offer some protection against breast cancer .Vegans also avoid dairy products, which some studies show may slightly increase the risk of prostate cancer. 2. On the other hand, there is also evidence that dairy may help reduce the risk of other cancers, such as colorectal cancer. Therefore, it's likely that avoiding dairy is not the factor that lowers vegans' overall risk of cancer.

Veganism Can Help You Lose Excess Weight

1. There is only one proven method for weight loss, which is to consistently eat fewer calories than you burn. You may be more likely to do that while following a vegan diet, because the foods you eat will tend to be lower in calories, but if you eat large portions or eat a lot of calorie-dense foods, there is still a chance that you’ll maintain or even gain weight. 2. Become a vegan does not guarantee weight loss.Vegans can still eat dairy-free cakes, cookies, candy, oils, butter and dairy substitutes, which can all be quite calorie-dense.

One says Vegan Diet is cheaper

1. It is true that fresh produce like rice , tomatoes , apples are cheaper option but to compensate all the nutritional requirements you will end up buying nutrition supplements and hence spending approximately the same amount of money one would spend on non-vegan food items.


Veganism is Environment- Friendly

1. It is true the listed benefits are researched and presented. It Cut Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Preserve Habitats and Species , Conserve Water.The Facts provided by this site ( are valid. 2. This site ( ) states the negative economic effect of increased demands of some vegan foods like Avocados and Quinoa in some regions that it caused imbalance in demand supply chain and the locals were facing serious problems due to such demand. It states the importance of locally grown stuff and considering the seasonality of the food.


TOTAL COMMENTS VS. VALID COMMENTS No. of Comments 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 No. of Comments

Total 55

Valid 46

CONCLUSION • From all the debating and facts provided we conclude that majority of them think it is not pointless as it is individual's choice • It is definitely individual choice but the choice individual makes should be in taken being aware of both the positive and the negative effects • From all the debating we can conclude ,rather than adapting a vegan diet we should concentrate on trying to consume a nutrition rich balanced diet ,as it is the best way to stay healthy and avoid a large number of illnesses and deficiency disorders. • We should prefer organic locally grown meat in moderate nad and try to include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible in our diet.

• From the mass point of view, veganism is good for environment. But when we look at the changing trend and the increasing demand for some vegan products, it is causing economic imbalance in countries. • We can conclude we should follow our food heritage as it is evolved depending on the locally available items and according to the season.

ATTACK I Attacked the following statement

Active Euthanasia (Mercy Killing) should not be legalized in our country The facts I provided were the following • It Doesn’t Shorten Life- In 1991, a Dutch report into euthanasia found that in 86 percent of cases, euthanasia shortened life by a maximum of a week and usually only a few hours.

• It Saves Lives-A 1991 report—written a decade before euthanasia was legalized— put the number at 0.8 percent. In other words, giving a nationwide go-ahead for doctors to legally end their patient’s lives actually halved the number of unwanted deaths. • The Public Supports It-Way back in 1947, Gallup started asking the general public if they supported doctors being allowed to end a patient’s life “by some painless means, if the patient and his or her family request it.” Since 1964, the public have overwhelmingly returned a “yes” vote—with current support standing at 70 percent.

• It Makes Economic Sense-According to CNN,In America one in every four Medicare dollars spent goes to the five percent of beneficiaries in the last year of their life

• It Improves Quality Of Life- By allowing people to choose the how and when of their death, we’re guaranteeing they’ll live what remaining life they have to the fullest, free from the pain of anxiety. • It Won’t Target The Vulnerable-Take Oregon. In 1994, it became the first state in America to legalize assisted dying, with the law going into effect in 1998. Ten years later, the number of doctor-assisted suicides stood at 341—not 341 per year, but 341 per decade. That works out at about 0.2 percent of all patient deaths—a number so tiny it hardly seems worth mentioning. • The Alternatives Are Horrifying-But death isn’t like that. Death is usually slow, painful, and undignified. And by refusing people the “right” to end their own lives, we’re increasing that pain and indignity to a horrifying extent.

In defence Shaily Ancila Tirkey states the following

• The slippery slope argument is perhaps the most important argument against Euthanasia. Legalizing voluntary Euthanasia is legalizing the right to death of terminally ill. But why only terminally ill? Why not everyone who is depressed and/or feels worthless? Why not old people who have lost the desire to live? Why not indeed! Because, once we try to play on to the fear of death, a degeneration ensues. • Legalizing Euthanasia is going to break open a wall, that will act as a trigger for a lot of more deaths. This is what ensues when we try to legally play with the fears of the populace. • A recent study found that in the Flemish part of Belgium, 66 of 208 cases of “euthanasia” (32%) occurred in the absence of request or consent 10. The reasons for not discussing the decision to end the person’s life and not obtaining consent were that patients were comatose (70% of cases) or had dementia (21% of cases). • Moreover, for a country that upholds that no innocent must be hanged, even if it means freeing 10 guilty people, legalizing Euthanasia would be turning a blind eye to the basic core of its own laws.

• Before, euthanasia was only allowed in Netherlands for people who are suffering from chronic and unbearable illnesses. But now, such action is already permitted even for people who are suffering from dementia, for people over 70 who feel tired of life, for severely handicapped individuals, and even for those who are suffering from mental illness. I believe that if euthanasia will be legalized in the entire country (worse, in all parts of the world), killing will be the norm!

Conclusion • From all the arguments I conclude that Euthanasia for the patients suffering from severe pain and illness should be legalized but for everyone over 70 or tired of life I don’t think it should be legalized. • I don’t think Eauthanasia means killing of innocent, rather in my context it means you have right to die in peace and I think still it should be Legalized.

DEFENCE My Statement was attacked by Shradha Agarwal • It is possible for a purely plant-based diet to provide the key nutrients for health, and it also eliminates the risk of consuming any potentially harmful animal fats.

• Animal fats may also transfer industrial cancer-linked chemicals and toxins from their environment. It also lowers the risk of cancer. • Meat eaters are at a higher risk of colorectal and prostate cancers. The vegan diet consists of far higher volumes of legumes, fruits, and vegetables, fibre, and vitamin C. These are believed to protect against a variety of cancers. • Also, people on a vegan diet often take in fewer calories than those on a standard Western diet. • Plant-based diets can counteract an individual's genetic likelihood of developing a chronic disease, such as type 2 diabetes. A 2008 study explains that bioactive compounds in plant foods can control biological factors that may work against the genetic factors linked to some chronic diseases. The researchers maintain that the antioxidants in plant-based foods can combat free radical cells that cause cell damage and inflammation. Other plant compounds can help to control different genes linked to cardiovascular disease, arterial plaque, and tumour growth.

• A lower BMI is linked to lower overall concentrations of LDL cholesterol and slightly lower blood pressure, even compared with vegetarians who continue to drink animal milk. Lower levels of harmful cholesterol mean that vegans have a lower risk of mortality from stroke and ischemic heart disease than people who eat meat. Also, vegan diet provides protection against several chronic diseases. In my Defence , following facts were presented, It is not always healthier to have a vegan diet. There is a risk of developing the following deficiencies • Lack of vitamin B12 Fatigue or exhaustion occurs due to the lack of vitamin B12 found in eggs, fish poultry and cheese. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA. 'A B12 deficiency can make you depressed, cause memory loss and just gives you the blues, • Not enough protein Protein is essential to the maintenance of muscle mass as well as healthy skin, hair and nails. Big issue plant-based eaters have is that no single vegetable contains all the essential amino acids one needs in their diet, unlike meat. Women need about 55 grams of protein per day and men need 65 grams. Eating peanut butter on bread is about 18 grams of protein.

• Cut back on refined carbs When people go into veganism they tend to replace their protein sources with more carbs and don't get enough fiber. Consuming too many refined carbohydrates also increases the risk of diabetes and hyperlipidemia, a condition that occurs when there is too much fat in the blood. • Be careful of protein shakes Many of the ingredients in protein shakes have hidden or synthetic sugars that cause inflammation and upset the digestive tract. The high-sugar content can also lead to a rise in blood-sugar level and eventually cause diabetes. synthetic sugars make your body crave more sugary food because they are digested differently than regular sugars. • Too many beans and vegetables Consuming too many vegetables can cause bloating and too many beans can lead to problems with the digestive tract. Beans are also great source of protein but eating them at every meal can cause GI tracts discomfort and gas. • There is also evidence that dairy may help reduce the risk of other cancers, such as colorectal cancer. Therefore, it's likely that avoiding dairy is not the factor that lowers vegans' overall risk of cancer.



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