ish You a Ver W y We
Christmas &
H a p p y
N e w
r a e Y
Good Luck in your future endeavors Ms. M. Jones!
Mrs. Telethia Barrett with HORIZON BANK recognizes Williams Elementary students for their hard work. Students received certificates and passes to the Lakeshore Classic at Gary Westside LA.
CONGRATULATONS: Kennedie Crumble (1st Grade) Jamela Jones (2nd Grade) Zanavia Perry (4th Grade) Dayton Davis (5th Grade)
Winter Concert
Mrs. Geertsema's Class Under the direction of music teacher, Ms. Ashley Walton, Williams students were invited to sing in the Winter Concert at West Side High School!
Mr. Henderson's Class
Making a Difference in the Community
9 Days of Fun!
Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Elf on the Shelf Pranks!
lass C s ' ham t a e Ch Mrs.
Students participate in disability awareness lessons and activities
Mrs. Ge ertsema 's Class
Ms. Scott's Class
Winter Scenes
Painted by Williams Ms. Jaime Woodson, Art Teacher Students K-5
Winter Scenes
Join us for our next event!
Math Tutoring Program Launch
Parents and students learn more about literacy!
Each sudent received a FREE Book!