Forever Young 2019

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JUMP IN & HELP OUT TErI MacbrIdE aLways PLaNNEd TO bE acTIvE IN HEr rETIrEMENT – aNd sHE Is. Advice: GettinG Old Ain't FOr SiSSieS emerGency PrePAredneSS tiPS FOr SeniOrS lOnG term inFOrmAtiOn FOr WOmen iS yOur diet mAkinG yOur ArthritiS WOrSe? Forever >>> Young
Hip replacement, August 19 Personal record breaker, September 22
Recovery times vary by patient and diagnosis. 2 april 2019 | Forever Young
World-class orthopaedic care, close to home.
Forever Young | april 2019 3 04 GettinG Old Ain't FOr SiSSieS: tipS FrOm A FinA nciA l AdviSOr 07 emerGency prepAredneSS tipS FOr SeniOrS 08 Jump in And Help Out: teri mAcbride tAlkS AbOut vOlunteerinG in Her retirement 10 lOnG term cA re: impOrtA nt inFOrmAtiOn FOr WOmen 14 bA bySittinG FOr Gr A ndpArentS 15 liFe cAre pl A nninG: A ne W ApprOAcH tO A n Old prOblem 19 pArkinSOn'S diSe ASe: A FiGHt yOu cA n Win 22 iS yOur diet mA kinG yOur ArtHritiS WOrSe? Contents Spring 2019 Fred Scheller Publisher Dennis M. Lyons Editor magazine staff Bryce Kile Design Editor Scott Sanders Advertising Sales Manager Cindy O. Herman Writer/Contributor A publication of The Daily Item ForeverYoung ON THE COVER: For the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way Day of Caring in 2017, Teri MacBride joined her former employees from PPL Electric Utilities in stacking firewood at Selinsgrove’s Little Norway II Ice Skating Rink. Photo: PPL ELEctric UtiLitiEs
4 april 2019 | Forever Young Financial advice StorY:
Getting Old Ain't For Sissies Affordable Senior Living 1430616374 Call SEDA-COG & ask for Rental Housing: 800-326-9310 Quality, affordable apartments are available for rent! Features: • Affordable rent; includes most utilities • Free monthly health & wellness events • Handicap accessible • Pet friendly • Maintenance-free Where: Dalmatia, Danville, Lewistown, Montoursville, Selinsgrove, Williamsport Eligibility: Income eligible & ages 62+ for all except Dalmatia: 55+. 1430616130 Get the most out of your rehab stay 570.286.7121 901 Court Street Sunbury, PA 17801 GET BACK TO ACTIVE
robin FELtman
adviSor, 18th Street Financial

One of my favorite clients called yesterday just to tell me about something she saw in aarP magazine. i love that. then she added, “You know, robin. You’re probably old enough to get that magazine now.”

isn’t she cute? at 91, she can say whatever she wants. but she has a point. We’re all getting older, even if we still feel like kids. most of my clients are 60-plus, and trust me, that was once a lot farther away than it is now. Her gentle nudge was a good reminder. We are all “getting up there,” and there’s much to think about.

one item that is crucial to review as we age is life insurance. Even if you’re retired and the kids are gone, a good life insurance policy should not be cashed in lightly. it offers big tax advantages, especially here in Pennsylvania. on the other hand, some people tHinK they have good coverage when they really don’t. i see it all the time—old life insurance policies eroding from the inside out while the owner isn’t looking. Premiums haven’t increased, but cash value is being quietly consumed to cover the growing cost of insuring the owner’s life. Eventually these policies, and the death benefits they once promised, simply disappear. Luckily, we can often rescue the coverage before it’s too late. a good reason to schedule a review!

a common goal is to retire and collect social security as early as possible. think carefully before doing that. You will likely get more benefits with a different strategy; and besides, there could be unpleasant side-effects. if you think, for example, that health insurance is pricey when your employer helps, you will be astounded at the cost to buy it yourself at age 62. there are lower-cost options, but not everyone

qualifies. once you’re 65, you can enroll in medicare and related coverage, with many plans costing less than under-65 plans. Good medicare advice is essential, however. Don’t just call the company advertising on tV, or respond to the junk mailings you’ll get each week. medicare choices matter, and one mistake can affect you for life. You need not worry about the cost of advice; no reputable agent should charge you—i certainly won’t.

When you do retire, it’s a good idea to roll your 401(k) or other retirement funds into an ira so that you can take charge of your money and be able to access information about it easily. more importantly, once you retire and have less time to make up for inevitable market losses, you might consider moving funds to safer investments to protect your nest-egg.

Every adult should have a will, and perhaps a power of attorney for financial and health matters. another good idea is to pre-pay for your funeral, since funds spent that way are generally safe from a medicaid spend-down if you end up in a nursing home. Long-term care, while something no-one wants to think about, affects all of us at some point. medicare does not usually cover it, and traditional Longterm care insurance is too expensive for most people. insurance companies recognize the problem and have started offering alternatives to make the coverage more flexible and affordable.

“Getting old ain’t for sissies,” as the saying goes. but with a little planning, i think we can handle it.

For assistance with these matters, you should contact a Financial advisor.

Forever Young | april 2019 5
120 Hardwood Drive (behind Giant) Lewisburg, PA 570-556-4191 | The place where seniors can come and... 1430616409 Stay active! Be Happy! Eat Well! We have a variety of different programs for all ages and ability levels. Join a community of peers that are welcoming and inclusive. Your new friends await in an environment that is fun and social. Our Cornerstone Kitchen café offers fresh, whole foods made here from locally sourced ingredients.
6 april 2019 | Forever Young

Emergency preparedness tips for seniors

natural disasters can strike at any time, and when they do, the damage is often considerable. according to the United nations office for Disaster risk reduction, between 2005 and 2014 natural disasters caused $1.4 trillion in damage across the globe, affecting 1.7 billion people along the way. Various preventive measures can protect people and their homes from the potentially devastating impact of natural disasters. For example, oceanfront communities may be able to decrease property damage by exacting certain measures, such as building homes on stilts.

another way to prevent tragedy related to natural disasters is to develop an emergency preparedness plan before the next storm strikes. that's important for everyone, but especially so for seniors, many of whom live with mobility issues that can compromise their ability to escape the eye of oncoming storms.

in recognition of the potential problems seniors face when natural disasters strike, the american red cross offers the following tips to seniors and their families so aging men and women can make it through such situations safe and sound. Make arrangements to contact loved ones. • Prior to an emergency, seniors and their support network should make arrangements to make immediate contact once a disaster strikes. Determine who will make initial contact and how that contact will be made (i.e., via phone, text message, social media, etc.), as well as who will be responsible for providing assistance if necessary. such a plan lets everyone within the support network know their responsibilities. exchange keys. • make sure everyone in the support network has keys to seniors' homes. in so doing, support networks are increasing the chances that someone will be able to reach potentially vulnerable seniors if the primary contacts are incapable of doing so. let others know where emergency supplies are kept. • Everyone should have emergency supplies in their homes. seniors should not take it for granted that such supplies can be easily found if they become incapacitated during a storm. make sure such information can be easily accessed during a storm by emailing it to your support network and/or posting the information in a convenient location in your home, such as on the refrigerator. Share your evacuation plans. • in the wake of recent disasters, many communities that did not previously feel vulnerable to natural disasters have devised evacuation plans for residents. seniors should share these plans with their support networks. Doing so makes it easier for relatives to find you if you must evacuate your home before help arrives. Share important medical information. • seniors should share medical information, such as healthcare providers and a list of the medications they're taking. this can make things easier for emergency responders to successfully treat people who become incapacitated during storms. Emergency preparedness strategies save lives. more information about how seniors can prepare for emergencies is available at

Forever Young | april 2019 7 Toll-Free: (888) 275-4236 info@loneoak 8 Commerce Avenue • Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Benjamin Wilhelm CRPC®, AAMS® Owner of Lone Oak Financial Services SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION TODAY THIS IS THE MOMENT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR Your opportunity to spend more time with your family, travel to your favorite destinations and dedicate time to what you’re most passionate about. Are you prepared? Lone Oak Financial Services, LLC is registered with and securities and investment advisory services through Brokers International Finance Services, LLC, Member SIPC. Brokers International Financial Services, LLC is not an a liated company. Lone Oak Financial Services does not o er legal or tax advice. Please consult the appropriate professional regarding your individual circumstance. Financial Services 1430615860 • Wealth Management • Retirement • Estate Planning • Medicare

Jump in and help out

civic-minded parents showed teri macbride, of Lewisburg, the importance of volunteering. a two-year stint in albania serving with the U.s. Peace corps taught her the importance of trustworthy leadership to guide volunteer efforts.

also having admired many other committed community volunteers, macbride determined she would lead an active and early retirement. “ there are many excellent groups out there and causes i care about. in selecting which groups i actually work with, i assess the cause, whether they practice good governance and if activities are open and transparent,” she said.

that interest in transparency was influenced in part by her experience in albania, where she served 2003 to 2005, as the country was moving out from under decades of a totalitarian, communist regime.

“People had a real distrust of organizations and government. incidentally it’s the same in this country now, too,” said macbride, who retired as regional affairs director of PPL Electric Utilities in may 2017, at the age of 59. “culturally they were not accustomed to volunteering outside of their house, and the family unit was everything.”

macbride now volunteers at some level with nine organizations, frequently serving on managerial boards but also rolling up her sleeves physically.

“Every organization needs extra hands and good strategic leadership as well as strong fiscal management,” she said. “i feel that’s how i can make a difference. i like to build connections, avoid duplication and provide support and insights to ensure good governance and smart operations.”

Last year macbride was appointed to serve as a member of sEDa-coG’s natural Gas cooperative, helping businesses and neighborhoods get better access to Pennsylvania’s natural gas to be more competitive.

“ the energy industry is changing rapidly,” she said, adding that helping businesses access affordable energy “fulfills an intellectual curiosity to learn more broadly about the energy industry and connect some dots.”

macbride’s interests and career in electric energy also comes into play as a board director and member of the Facilities committee with the Union-snyder agency on aging.

“Her experience and background really lend themselves to us as an organization that aids seniors and is also responsible for four different properties,” said Holly Kyle, executive director. “she is so engaged in the community, it enables us to have broader

Teri MacBride, of Lewisburg, always planned on being active in her retirement. Here is a list of the organizations where she now volunteers. League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area • Merrill W. Linn Land and Waterways Conservancy • First Community Foundation • Partnership of Pennsylvania

Union-Snyder Agency on Aging • Camp Victory...A special camp for special kids • Billtown Blues Association Inc. • SEDA-COG Natural Gas Cooperative • Union County Higher Education • Facilities Financing Authority Glenpool Club Inc. •

connections. teri is just a very smart woman and very resourceful. Her broad experience has really helped us.”

as a 20-year-member and former board member of the merrill W. Linn Land and Waterways conservancy, macbride enjoys working with other volunteers who share a commitment to preserving the natural beauty and open spaces of central Pennsylvania. because of that commitment she has pushed herself to campaign for funding so the conservancy can do more in the future.“Hardly anyone likes to ask for money,” she said. “it’s

8 april 2019 | Forever Young
PROFile: TeRi MacbRide

uncomfortable sometimes, but because i believe in the organization and have confidence in how they use funds to do good work, it’s not so awkward, and very rewarding.” sometimes volunteer activities can coincide with more personal goals. shortly before retiring, macbride became recertified as a lifeguard at the Greater susquehanna Valley Ymca, in sunbury.

“i love to swim. it was a good match of my interests, and being a lifeguard benefits my own health,” she said. since then she has volunteered as a lifeguard at camp Victory, a columbia county camp for kids dealing with chronic illnesses, and at Glenpool club, in Lewisburg, where the pool sometimes had to close early when student lifeguards returned to school at the end of august.

“i’m happy that families and working people like me, before i retired, can swim through those last weeks of the summer,” macbride said. “We stayed open last year at Glenpool even after Labor Day, which was just terrific.” not surprisingly, she has also served as a board member at both Glenpool club and camp Victory. more recently macbride signed on with the billtown blues association, in Williamsport.

“What i love about teri and her contribution is that she’s looking at things in a fresh way,” said bonnie tallman, founding member and executive director of the billtown blues association. “an organization that’s 30 years old, with a very small number of volunteers, tends to do things the same way year after year. teri encourages what seems to be

working and points out what needs to be reconsidered.”

“i saw how much billtown needs volunteers,” macbride said. “my husband and i both have a real interest in blues music. We started as ticket takers at concert events, and i now serve on the board as the secretary. one thing i can do is take minutes. that’s easy for me.”

that matter-of-fact attitude of seeking out “one thing i can do” exemplifies macbride’s approach to volunteering. she strives to help organizations because she knows how even a small amount of effort can make a difference.

“Find what interests you,” she said. “Don’t be afraid to try new things. You get to develop new skills and meet new people along the way. it’s important and rewarding to do something for a cause you care about.”

macbride praised her former employer PPL for its belief in strong community involvement.

“PPL fosters volunteerism and also matches employee and retiree dollar contributions,” she said. “i think that sets a really good tone and message. i just wish more companies would do that, and i believe they should.

“ the needs are great. i see and admire many other people who jump in to an organization and get involved.” too many times, she’s seen people waiting to be asked to join an organization.

“building strong communities is not a spectator sport,” macbride said. “my advice is, jump in. Don’t wait. and if you know others who might be a good fit, ask them to join you. so many things are needed. Just jump in.”

Forever Young | april 2019 9 Possible risks of LASIK include but are not limited to: dry eye syndrome, which can be severe; possible need for glasses or contact lenses after surgery; visual symptoms including halos, glare, star-bursts and double vision, which can be debilitating; and loss of vision. Allenwood • Bellefonte • Danville • Downtown Lewisburg • Lewisburg • Middleburg • Mi inburg • Muncy • Paxinos • Shamokin Dam • Williamsport 1-866-995-EYES (3937) Call TODAY to schedule your next visit!
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important information for Women

independence and living with dignity as we age is everyone’s goal. However, meeting this goal is more difficult for women. although we do long-term care planning for everyone, longterm care planning is especially important for women to understand. Women have a longer life expectancy than men, outliving men by an average of approximately five years. Living longer equates to more long-term care costs.

Women who reach age 65 can expect to live an average of 20 more years, and expect 13 more years for those who reach age 75.1 more than 70 percent of the residents in a nursing home are women.2 on average, women will need long-term care for 3.7 years while men will only rely on it for 2.2 years.3 additional financial stress is placed on widowed women, as living longer than a spouse includes losing the additional income of the spouse. a widowed woman age 75 or above has a median household income of only $14,600, while a married couple of the same age has household income of about $35,000.

What Would happen to a Woman’s assets if she needed long-term care? currently, the average nursing home cost for just room and board is $10,043.28 per month, or $330.19 per day. With women averaging 3.7 years in a nursing home, this equals a shocking average cost of $445,921.63. Without proper planning beforehand, a lifetime of savings is depleted at an alarming rate. an individual does not qualify for medicaid benefits, whether in a nursing facility or her private residence, until her countable assets are spent down to either $2,400 or $8,000 depending on her income. it is imperative for everyone to plan for longterm care, to ensure that their needs and wants are met. For women, however, it is even more crucial. Planning is more than just protecting assets. as you can see, it is critical to protecting the well-being and dignity of a surviving spouse at home, which

1 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “Health, United States, 2006.”

Table 27. Data year is 2004.

2 U.S. Census Bureau Estimates, data year 2005.

3 AARP Public Policy Institute analysis of data from the 2004 National Nursing Home Survey.

typically is a woman. Long- term care costs hit women twice: first in providing care to a parent, spouse or other loved ones, and then again later in life when a woman needs long-term care for herself. Without planning, a woman may already have limited assets after they have been depleted from the long-term care costs of a spouse or other loved one.

Women are more likely to be a caregiver to a spouse, partner or other family member, outlive a spouse or partner and as such, receive the financial toll of said actions. Unfortunately, the act of caregiving can also take a toll on the caregiver’s health. a summary of the facts clearly shows the critical need for long-term care planning for women:

Women are more likely to be a • caregiver for a spouse or partner

Women are more likely to outlive • a spouse or partner

losing a spouse or partner results • in a dramatic loss of income Significant assets may be lost to the long- • term care costs of a spouse or partner

Serving as a caregiver has an adverse • affect on a woman’s health adding to the need and cost of long-term care

Proper long-term care planning is critical for everyone and, as you can see from this article, even more imperative for the spouse at home, typically a woman, to continue with her life with independence and dignity.

the practice of Elder Law is a specialized area of the law and as such, it is important to pick an appropriate knowledgeable attorney to assist in this critical planning. rHP Law Group has spent more than 45 years helping clients navigate through the complex area known as elder law. if you would like to discuss your situation further, please contact Ken Potter at (570) 743-2333 or (888) 505-6115. You can also find more information, including the upcoming schedule for our free Elder Law seminars, on our website at

10 april 2019 | Forever Young lOng TeRM caRe

Will the cost of long-term care be more like long-term despair?

ATTEND A FREE SEMINAR TO LEARN: Do I need a power of attorney?

Should I transfer my home to my kids? Can my kids be liable for my nursing home care costs?

It’s always best to plan ahead. But it’s never too late to do something.

In this free seminar presented by Attorney Ken Potter, you will learn that something always can be done to protect the loss of assets to nursing home costs.

Forever Young | april 2019 11 SEE YOUR BEST LOOK EVEN BETTER Recieve a caring, conscientious eye exam for the entire family by Optometrist Amy L.R. Spotts, O.D. 40% OFF ALL IN-STOCK FRAMES TES 11 & 15, SELINSGROVE (ACROSS FROM APPLEBEE’S) | 570.374.4444 BEST EVEN BETTER BEST EVEN BETTER 40% OFF ALL IN-STOCK FRAMES When you purchase lenses POWER OF THREE! $330 INCLUDES: VARILUX PROGRESSIVE PLASTIC, NO LINE BIFOCALS, TRANSITIONS AND CRIZAL ANTI-REFELECTIVE COATING! D ESIGNER EY E GLASS Receive a caring, conscientious eye exam for the entire family by Optometrist Amy L. R. Spotts, O.D. ONLY $129 CLEAR PLASTIC LENSES WITH SCRATCH GUARD. Some restrictions apply. PROGRESSIVE NO LINE BIFOCALS Present this Ad during visit. Offers expire 04.30.2019 $129 ONLY PROGRESSIVE NO LINE BIFOCALS CLEAR PLASTIC LENSES WITH SCRATCH GUARD. Some restrictions apply. Present this Ad during visit. 880 N. SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL, ROUTES 11&15, SELINSGROVE (ACROSS FROM APPLEBEES) I 570.374.4444 1430615861 1430615862 With a 40 year history and a commitment to the future, we are ready to provide “The Comfort of Confidence.” 1372 N. Susquehanna Trail Suite 130, The Courtyard Offices Selinsgrove, PA 17870 OFFERING FREE SEMINARS Call us today for the next available date(s) and reserve a seat to attend either or both seminars. You won’t know if your estate plan didn’t work, but your family will. ATTEND A FREE SEMINAR
TO LEARN: Why estate planning is not only for the wealthy How to avoid the heartache and cost of a guardianship How to protect your legacy from a child’s divorce How to protect your children from being disinherited if your spouse remarries The cost and consequences of not planning Attorney Karen Hackman can help you to be proactive about planning for the unpredictable with a comprehensive estate plan.
a stroke? BE FAST to save lives
we want
If you think someone is having a stroke, BE FAST: • B • E yesight changes • F ace drooping • A rm weakness • S • T ime to call 911 12 april 2019 | Forever Young
signs of
(a.k.a. a “brain attack”) happens when disability. at Geisinger. “That’s why
everyone to BE FAST.”

Strokes on the rise under age 45

Stroke risk increases with age, but about 10 percent of the 800,000 strokes in the U.S. each year strike adults younger than 45. Researchers believe this is partly due to rising rates of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure among younger adults. But there’s good news: These strokes are preventable.

“The same foods that help us keep our weight at a manageable level and prevent diabetes and heart disease can help prevent stroke, because heart health and stroke are closely linked,” says Dr. Zand. “Focusing on nutrient-rich foods that are good for your heart can help cut your stroke risk.”

Foods that reduce risk of stroke

Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and contain important nutrients

sweet and white potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, prunes, melon and soybeans, are high in potassium and can help maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, albacore tuna, trout and mackerel, can help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol low, which in turn keeps your heart healthy and reduces your risk of stroke.

Whole grains

and white rice, many of the healthy nutrients are stripped out,” Dr. Zand explains. “That’s why we recommend choosing whole grain bread and cereal, oatmeal and brown rice.”

Low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt, milk and cheese, give you all the nutrients of full-fat dairy products, including calcium, protein, vitamin D and potassium — without all the saturated fat and cholesterol, which raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. Many health complications, including stroke, can be avoided through watching your diet, exercising more, cutting back on alcohol use and giving up cigarettes. But even with proper

Stroke care at Geisinger

Geisinger treats all types of strokes, including the most severe. We have the best diagnostic tools, and the latest medications and protocols to treat stroke patients and provide treatment for each patient both in the hospital and with follow-up care.

Forever Young | april 2019 13

babysitting for grandparents

Witnessing your children getting older and starting their own lives and families can be bittersweet. there is pride that comes with seeing their successes, but the melancholy of knowing that the years have passed so quickly. although you may no longer be tucking your children into bed, reading them bedtime stories or bandaging "boo-boos," when your children have children, the chance to nurture can start anew.

one of the great joys that comes from having older children is the ability to welcome and love grandchildren. Grandchildren are points of light in people's lives and provide the exuberance and excitement that reminds you of your own youth. Grandparents often are thrilled to be involved in the care and upbringing of their grandkids. some may also live with their grandchildren to help take some pressures off of adult children.

babysitting is one way that grandparents can be a frequent fixture in their grandkids' lives. if it's been some time since you cared for little children, it's well worth it to take a refresher course in child care.

m ake sure it's safe

conduct a safety audit of your home if grandchildren will be coming over to your place. are outlets secured with covers? are medications you may be taking out of reach? Do you have gates to block stairs or restrict access to certain rooms? modifications may be needed.

assess your health

chasing after children can be a workout. be sure you are up for the challenge and have the stamina. if you have any medical conditions that can impair judgement or reaction time, you might want to reconsider babysitting.

take directions

the way you parented may not be the same way your own children parent. be humble and follow their lead with regard to instructions. the parenting guide apt Parenting advises that you should ask about the eating and sleeping habits of the child. You may have to defer to your own children's guidelines on discipline and behavior.

14 april 2019 | Forever Young
learn What's neW many things regarding childcare have changed in the last 20 years, including safety laws and guidelines. be
you are up to
you aren't
involves everything
can be
joyous task for grandparents who are ready for the job. 1430615859 Celebrate each year with Peace of Mind Earn 3.65% apy with a GBU* Preferred 8 Tax-deferred Annuity. year rate. Current non-guaranteed RENEWAL RATE for years 2-8 is 4.0%! 2% Minimum Guarantee. $10,000 Minimum deposit. Call today as rates may change at any time. Robin Feltman 570.374.4788 1.800.326.9514 21 North Market Street, Selinsgrove PA 17870
date on
changes. and if
certain about something, ask. this
bar widths to car seat installation. babysitting

Life Care Planning A New Approach to an Old Problem

life care Planning is a relatively new holistic approach in elder law which addresses all of the challenges presented by long life, illness and disability. a Life care Plan connects your concerns about long term care as you travel through the later stages of your life with the knowledge and expertise of a team of certified elder law attorneys, a care coordinator, and a public benefits specialist who will be with you and your loved ones every step of the way to assist you in making the right choices and answer your questions.

the Life care Planning Law Firms association (LcPLFa – www.lcplfa. org) is a national network of law practices that offer legal services, care

StorY: mariannE KrEisHEr, Esq., cELa KreiSher MarShall & aSSociateS, llc

coordination and advocacy support to help clients and their families respond to the challenges of aging, long-term illness and disability. the Law offices of Kreisher marshall & associates, LLc in bloomsburg are members of LcPLFa and the only law firm in our area to offer this service. We work with you to create a Life care Plan that is customized to fit your needs and desires.

We provide you with a roadmap to follow to achieve your goals. and, when changes occur, we are there to explain the options.

our team

certified elder law attorneys • (cela s) have frequently been referred to as the “gold standard” for elder law and special needs planning. the cELa certification is approved by the Pennsylvania supreme court and its rigorous requirements ensure that the cELa has the specialized expertise to handle these complicated issues. currently there are only 58 cELas in Pennsylvania and Kreisher marshall& associates, LLc has two – marianne E. Kreisher and marissa b. marshall.

Forever Young | april 2019 15 1430616430 FREE SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS DAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 9AM - 1PM at The Miller Center 120 Hardwood Drive (behind Giant) Lewisburg, PA 570-556-4191 • REFRESHMENTS • GIVEAWAYS • PRESENTATIONS Presented by: Centurion Group, LLC
continued on page 16

elder care coordinator (ecc) helps seniors and • their families navigate the complicated health care continuum. our Ecc, Elaine m. spicher, bsW, is a social worker with over 20 years of experience helping seniors and their families in a variety of settings. Public Benefits Specialist & Staff work tirelessly • to compile the myriad of documentation needed to comply with the state’s requirements. our staff is friendly and helpful and here to set your mind at ease and get answers to your questions. there are three principal goals of the Life care Plan that we will help you develop and implement: care coordination. • Your Life care Plan is focused first and foremost on your good health, safety, and wellbeing. We help you and your family obtain good care, whether your care is provided at home, a personal care home or if necessary, a nursing home. this is the most important of all goals, for it goes to the very heart of your quality of life in your later years. We help you make decisions relating to your health care, long-term care, and special needs. our care coordinator has extensive knowledge about the costs, quality and availability of resources in the community. she focuses as a point of contact for the family and assists in coordinating services to help you take care of your loved one. legal a ssistance. • We develop an estate plan that strives to meet your goals -- wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advanced directives, and guardianships, if needed. our team helps you find resources to pay for good care and

helps you spend your money wisely and prudently on your care needs. the Life care Plan protects and preserves the assets you have accumulated during a lifetime of hard work, thrifty behavior, and astute investment decision making. We work with you through the maze of choices and options to find the best, or often, the most comfortable solution to the asset protection problem created by the need to pay for quality long-term care. Patient advocacy. • our goal is to protect the elder’s right to safe and effective care in the least restrictive environment. our care coordinator locates and coordinates needed care and community services, offers family education and serves as the senior’s advocate. this lightens the load for family caregivers, improves the senior’s quality of life and can even postpone the need for nursing care. if problems occur with a long-term care facility, our certified elder law attorneys get involved to resolve the issues as quickly as possible. in addition, our life care planning clients are given access to a medicare advocate to assist with the maze of medicare – denials, open enrollment, etc. Life care Planning is ideal for loved ones in declining health who are having difficulty with self-care activities, unable to live at home without assistance, have an increased reliance on family caregivers and searching for ways to pay for longterm care.

to learn more about Life care Planning and connect with our knowledgeable staff, call the Law offices of Kreisher marshall & associates, LLc at (570) 784-5211 ext. 2 or e-mail at

If I am diagnosed with a chronic illness, how can I keep from losing my home and assets?

How will I manage the care of my elderly parents? What will I do if there are problems?

How can I be sure that my care will be managed according to my wishes?

How can I age with dignity and live as independently as possible for as long as possible?

16 april 2019 | Forever Young 1430616157

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at Montgomery, the Spa at Ross Bridge in Hoover and the Spa at the Battle House in Mobile are always highly ranked for pampering their guests. All five of these spas are part of the RTJ Resort Collection and feature innovate treatments inspired by Southern Hospitality. Clearly great golf and spas work well together in Alabama. Come experience them for yourself.




Resort Collection on Alabama’s Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail

After a round of golf, enjoy a relaxing massage or body treatment at a great Marriott spa. In North America, five of the top Marriott and Renaissance spas are found on Alabama’s RTJ Spa Trail. For guest satisfaction, the Spa at the Marriott Shoals in Florence and the Spa at the Grand Hotel in Pt. Clear are consistently ranked in Marriott’s top 10. For Renaissance Hotels, the Spa Forever Young | april 2019 17
18 april 2019 | Forever Young Call to arrange a visit and complimentary lunch. 570.275.1824 9 Justin Dr., Danville, PA 17821 • Warm, cozy, private living space • Engaging activities • Home-style meals • Convenient location near medical o ces • Safe & secure environment • Professional, compassionate care VINTAGE SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY KNOLLS E n j o y L i f e a t V i n t a g e K n o l l s ! Enjoy Life at Vintage Knolls! At Vintage Knolls, you’ll enjoy… 1430615812

Shouts from instructors coupled with loud music pumps out of the Performance training Gym inside the miller center for recreation and Wellness in Lewisburg. “Green! red! now blue!” an army of coaches calls out to their “Parkies,” or those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, the color for them to punch on the heavy bag. this section of the miller center, often reserved for elite athletes that are either headed for, or are already in, a Division i college program, is instead full of men and women who refuse to let a neurological disorder define their quality of life. the program is known as rock steady boxing, and is the only program of its kind in the susquehanna Valley.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. While the trademark shuffle and hand tremors are how it is often seen, the indicators vary, especially in the early stages. speech can soften, arms might not swing when walking and the symptoms worsen over time.

Personal trainer cindy murphy, acE certified group fitness instructor, oversees three different Parkinson’s disease fitness programs offered at the miller center. rock steady boxing uses a non-contact boxing curriculum that trains participants in agility, speed, endurance, strength, accuracy, balance, hand-eye coordination, and footwork. PWr! moves incorporates exercises that target cardio, strength and flexibility and Pedaling for Parkinson’s is a low-impact monitored cycling class used to increase brain connectivity and a more efficient use of oxygen.

Participants at the miller center say their exercise has been effective in slowing the disease’s progression. Fred schaeffer of Lewisburg was diagnosed in 2008 and participates in rock steady boxing and PWr! moves. schaeffer began to have significant problems with gait, balance, muscular stiffness and fatigue. His doctor prescribed physical therapy and once he got going, he wanted more. " the PWr! moves program was so effective at resolving my problems that i decided to work with miller center personal trainer cindy murphy one-on-one to maximize the benefits of exercise." schaeffer "highly recommends" the Parkinson's classes and the use of a personal trainer to fight against the disease. "i believe that i am more mobile and independent now, at 78 years old, than i was earlier in my journey thanks to cindy and the miller center." murphy can attest to the progress schaeffer has made and doctors say there is science to back it up. Dr. John rice, mD, a neurologist at Evangelical community Hospital, says exercise is helpful for an individual with Parkinson’s Disease to help with maintaining balance and mobility. benefits include helping one maintain their stride length and walking speed as well as spinal flexibility. murphy said that state-of-mind improves as well. “classes also help decrease symptoms by positively affecting their mood and self-confidence.”

Forever Young | april 2019 19
1430614703 CATAWESE Coach
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John Michaels (red) of Lewisburg participating in Rock Steady Boxing at The Miller Center as coach Kim Murphy (black) looks on.
Lines, Inc
Photo: tHE m i LLE r cE nt E r

While exercise has proven vital to the “Parkies” in maintaining physical health, support groups have provided all-important emotional encouragement and created a community of peers. Walk in the Parkies is a free support group that meets monthly at the miller center. courtney matrey, community relations coordinator for senior Helpers of sunbury, is a frequent contributor to the support groups. “senior Helpers got involved because we felt it was a great opportunity to spread awareness and help educate the participants and the community about Parkinson’s. We wanted to show the community just because you have a Parkinson’s diagnosis doesn’t mean you need to be defeated by the disease.”

the support group meetings go far beyond Parkinson’s talk. topics range from financial and estate planning to keeping one’s spirit up. Last month, the meeting was a surprise baby shower for personal trainer Lis reed. senior Helpers has been a presenter several times, and is there to, “support, grow, educate and just be a listening ear. as a home care agency, we see the good, bad

and the ugly of Parkinson’s disease. We help educate the families, caregivers and clients on how to manage everyday living,” matrey elaborated. “one person with Parkinson’s is one person with Parkinson’s. When the participants all come together, they are fighting together. in just 30 minutes, you can see their whole demeanor change. they’re doing things they were told they wouldn’t be able to accomplish. Every day when they step into class, they are beating the odds.”

While a Parkinson’s diagnosis can be physically and emotionally overwhelming, murphy doesn’t want anyone to lose hope. “ there is absolutely hope after a diagnosis. this disease does not have to define you and you are not alone in this fight. if you are reading this right now and coping with your diagnosis, don’t give up. come watch a class and you’ll see how we fight together as a community and support one another by giving each other strength.”

reach cindy murphy at the miller center in Lewisburg at (570)556-4191 and read more about programs for those with Parkinson’s disease at

Fred Kelly of Selinsgrove takes part in a Rock Steady Boxing footwork drill at The Miller Center designed to build leg muscle while enhancing dexterity and coordination.

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Photo: tHE m i LLE r cE nt E r

rooms overlooking the Senator golf course. With the Marriott’s 20,000 square feet of meeting space, 96 guest rooms and luxurious Presidential Cottage combined with three world-class golf courses, business and pleasure can definitely interact in Prattville.

THE ROBERT TRENT JONES GOLF TRAIL AT CAPITOL HILL offers three magnificent 18-hole championship golf courses. The Marriott Prattville is part of the Resort Collection on Alabama’s Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. Visit or call 800.949.4444 to learn more.

GOLFERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD COME TO CHALLENGE THE JUDGE and the two other golf courses in Prattville at RTJ Capitol Hill. Bring your clubs and come take on Judge hole number 1, voted the favorite hole on the Trail. Complete your day in luxury at the Marriott and enjoy dining, firepits and guest
1430616167 Forever Young | april 2019 21
» COME JUDGE for Yourself.

is your diet making your arthritis worse?

These 4 foods can trigger joint pain

the cDc has reported that over 50 million adults in the U.s. have been diagnosed with arthritis. not only is it one of the most common chronic conditions, it’s also a leading cause of work disability in the nation.

“arthritis is a general term for conditions that cause pain and inflammation in the joints,” says Dr. michael suk, chair of Geisinger’s musculoskeletal institute & Department of orthopaedic surgery. “While it’s often thought that these conditions affect only those 65 years and older, anyone can develop arthritis – even children,” adds Dr. suk.

if you have arthritis, you know how challenging it can be to live with the condition. Everyday things like taking a walk, exercising or even holding a pencil can be very painful.

You may see an orthopedist or a rheumatologist for help treating and managing your arthritis symptoms. However, research suggests that you can also help reduce your joint pain by cutting back on foods that cause inflammation and following an anti-inflammatory diet.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all diet for people living with arthritis, reducing these 4 foods from your diet might give you some relief.


Fried, processed foods

“ these foods are higher in saturated fat, which can worsen inflammation – and diets high in saturated fat can raise your risk of developing heart disease,” says Dr. suk. try cutting back on fried meats and frozen meals, and instead, try to eat more foods containing unsaturated fats. try incorporating avocados, olive or canola oils, olives, nuts and seeds, and fatty fish high in omega-3 fats like salmon, mackerel and tuna into your diet. Hello, omega3s! research has shown that adding more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet can help cut down on arthritis pain.


Sugars and refined carbs

Processed sugars found in prepackaged foods and refined carbohydrates (white rice, potatoes, bread and crackers)


can worsen arthritis symptoms. “our bodies turn refined carbohydrates into sugar more quickly, which can increase inflammation in the body,” says Dr. suk. instead of “white” carbs, choose whole or multi-grain options. also, watch for added sugars in your foods (look for ingredients that end in “ose,” such as sucrose and dextrose). try cutting back on soda, candies and processed foods.

Salt and preservatives

Eating too much salt may increase inflammation in your joints. many prepackaged foods contain a lot of salt and other preservatives to promote a longer shelf life. try cutting back on the salt in your diet to see if your arthritis symptoms lessen. avoid prepackaged meals, which are often high in salt. instead, try eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.

dairy 4.

For some, high-fat dairy (milk, cheese) products may cause inflammation due to the type of protein they contain. “ this protein may irritate the tissue around your joints and cause arthritis pain,” notes Dr. suk. cut dairy from your diet to see if your arthritis symptoms improve. instead of getting protein from meat and dairy, try getting it from foods like spinach, nut butters, tofu, beans, lentils and quinoa.

improve arthritis symptoms

With your diet

“no one diet can make your arthritis go away, but paying attention to your diet and making slight changes can help ease your symptoms,” explains Dr. suk. cutting back on the foods that promote inflammation in the body (and joints), including more fresh fruits and vegetables and more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can really go a long way in reducing your arthritis pain.

22 april 2019 | Forever Young
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Forever Young | april 2019 23 1430615813

Oticon Opn’s BrainHearing™ technology makes speech easier to understand and conversations easier to remember, so you stay on top of what’s important The better you hear, the more engaged you are in life – and being socially connected helps keep your mind active and sharp. Research links people with hearing loss with a higher risk of cognitive decline and conditions such as dementia*. The Oticon Opn™ hearing device can help. It uses BrainHearing technology to reduce your listening effort and make speech easier to understand. With Opn, you can stop worrying about your hearing – and start engaging in the moments that matter. Ask your hearing care specialist how Oticon Opn can help you live life to the fullest.

24 april 2019 | Forever Young 2470 Old Turnpike Rd. (Route 45) in Brookpark Station Lewisburg, PA 17837 570.524.3277 1430615857 With better hearing, you’re open to more possibilities Oticon Opn’s BrainHearing™ technology makes speech easier to understand and conversations easier to remember, so you stay on top of what’s important hearing – and start engaging in the moments that matter. Try Oticon Opn absolutely risk free. Dr. Angela Muchler Au. D., CCC-A Dr. Kelly Cormell Au. D., CCC-A Try Opn Free for 2 Weeks. Financing Available! Call For Your Appointment.

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