Diabetes Wellness Autumn 2025

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ia ora whānau. I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and have recharged and refuelled for another year. I have been appointed to Chair Diabetes New Zealand and asked to write this editorial. To start, Catherine Taylor, my predecessor, brought many parts of our organisation together. Her work has given Diabetes NZ a stronger voice for advocacy and made it a financially viable organisation with a growing workforce that will ensure that the mahi continues. It is our responsibility to take this forward, and we owe it to Catherine for her eight years of determination, energy, and ‘never give up’ mindset. Thank you Catherine, from all at Diabetes NZ. My background is clinical. I trained as a dietitian, but that was many years ago when I worked in both hospital and community settings. During that time, I supported many camps for children and teenagers with type 1 diabetes. Living in Nelson, the camps were in very special places – Totāranui Beach, Charleston, Bridge Valley. Many were for local children and their families, but we also ran national camps where people came from all over the motu. These events were fabulous, with lots of fun, sun, and education in subtle ways. I think I learnt as much as anyone about living with diabetes at these camps and remain grateful to all those teaching the youngsters. My first taste of governance was as an elected DHB member in 2007. Little did I know that that would become a 17-year (and counting) career change. I find this work incredibly rewarding. Having always been part of a team, I enjoy the successes that come when people move forward on a piece of work. Yes, there are many challenges along the way, but conquering those is part of the success. Diabetes NZ has given me another opportunity to continue this mahi. I look forward to reading of all the things that are happening in the diabetes community, learning how we can help plan the future and continue to support a viable business. No matter whether you are a person with diabetes, a sponsor, a benefactor, a Diabetes NZ Kaimahi, or a governor – you are all important to the health of this fabulous organisation. We can do great things together, and I thank you for all that you do. In this first issue of Diabetes Wellness for 2025, we dance towards the upcoming autumn, where we meet an array of people who swear by dance to help both their physical and mental health. If dance doesn’t do it for you, then perhaps read about a Titirangi jeweller who finds both rest and recreation within her regular yoga practice. We also catch up on how the family summer camps have been going, as well as the semi-regular winter camp at Coronet Peak. Noho ora mai ra. Stay well. JENNY BLACK

Chair, Diabetes NZ



Diabetes New Zealand is a national charity that provides trusted leadership, information, advocacy, and support to people with diabetes, their families, and those at risk. Our mission is to ensure every person living in Aotearoa New Zealand with diabetes or at risk of diabetes has equitable access to affordable, quality diabetes care and education. Across the country, Diabetes NZ has staff and volunteers who help people live well with diabetes. Join us today at www.diabetes.org.nz

DIABETES NEW ZEALAND Patron Professor Sir Jim Mann Board Chair Jenny Black Chief Executive Heather Verry Diabetes New Zealand National Office Level 10, 15 Murphy Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011 Postal address PO Box 12441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 04 499 7145 Freephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Web diabetes.org.nz Facebook facebook.com/diabetesnz Instagram instagram.com/diabetes_nz

DIABETES WELLNESS MAGAZINE Editor Rowena Fry editor@diabetes.org.nz Publisher Diabetes New Zealand Design Rose Miller, Kraftwork Print Blue Star Magazine delivery address changes Freepost Diabetes NZ, PO Box 12 441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Back issues issuu.com/diabetesnewzealand ISSN 2537-7094 (Print) ISSN 2538-0885 (Online)

ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP Head of Business Development Jo Chapman Email jo@diabetes.org.nz Telephone 021 852 054 Download the Diabetes Wellness media kit: http://bit.ly/2uOYJ3p Disclaimer: Every effort is made to ensure accuracy, but Diabetes NZ accepts no liability for errors of fact or opinion. Information in this publication is not intended to replace advice by your health professional. Editorial and advertising material do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or Diabetes NZ. Advertising in Diabetes Wellness does not constitute endorsement of any product. Diabetes NZ holds the copyright of all editorial. No article, in whole or in part, should be reprinted without permission of the Editor.

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