4 minute read
We meet up with Sir Ralph Norris, the Chair of the Diabetes New Zealand Research Foundation and look into what the Foundation does.
The Diabetes New Zealand Research Foundation (DNZRF) is a new organisation that brings together the research funds held by Diabetes NZ and the former New Zealand Diabetes Foundation.
The Foundation has just launched its website. Its mission is to end the significant harm caused by diabetes in New Zealand.
The main outcomes of the Foundation are:
• To see advances from the research it funds.
• To see more people with and at risk of diabetes with the tools and proper care they need to control their condition.
• And to see more New Zealanders in remission from type 2, as well as fewer people getting type 2, and gestational diabetes, due to better prevention measures.
Twenty-five years ago, Sir Ralph was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He says it came out of the blue and that he didn’t know much about diabetes. He was also surprised to learn how common it was and that type 2 was increasing significantly, almost at epidemic proportions. ‘Given that I have been fortunate to have excellent support and management of my diabetes, I felt the urge to give back and help others, through funding research to improve treatment and hopefully find a cure in the future. When asked last year to Chair the Diabetes New Zealand Research Foundation, I readily agreed.’
Given the increasing prevalence of diabetes, Sir Ralph says it was decided that uniting and combining resources would be better value for money and increase the Foundation’s profile. The objective is to achieve similar prominence as the Heart Foundation.
The number of people living with diabetes is significantly higher than those with heart disease.
The Foundation’s Trustees, in addition to Sir Ralph, are Catherine Taylor, Dr Helen Lunt, Dr Rick Cutfield, and Professor Jeremy Krebs.
In 2021, a report was funded on the Economic and Social Cost of Type 2 Diabetes. This report found that the disease was becoming of epidemic proportions and would make increasing demands on the Health budget without significant improvement in awareness, lifestyle, and dietary habits. The Foundation sees its role in not only supporting advocacy to Government, but also making the public aware of the issues and funding research to provide better support and health outcomes.
The Foundation will work in partnership with others to ensure the best possible research outcomes from a limited pool of funding. It will work closely with the New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD), Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre, and Healthier Lives – He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge.
The Foundation is currently working with a small team of volunteers, with secretarial services provided by Diabetes NZ. The aim is to both grow the capital base of the fund and to start providing some funding for targeted research relevant to New Zealanders living with diabetes. During their summer vacation, five medical students were co-funded to complete a piece of work, and they will continue that activity. The Foundation is also investigating a larger annual grant and that will be advertised next year in partnership with NZSSD.
Sir Ralph Norris is currently Chairman of Craigs Investment Partners, and a Senior Advisor to BGH Capital Melbourne. His previous roles were as CEO and Managing Director of ASB Bank, Air New Zealand, and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. He has also chaired the NZ Business Roundtable, NZ Bankers Association, Australian Bankers Association, Pacific Basin Economic Council (NZ), Fletcher Building, and Contact Energy.