iabetes NZ continues to grow its activities and expand its reach into more local communities. Over the last year, we have increased the number of Hauora Kaimahi (Diabetes Community Coordinators) in the field, with appointments now in Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Waikato, Tairāwhiti, and Southland. This new role connects people who have diabetes with educational and clinical support. It also works alongside primary healthcare clinicians to enable access, improve equity and provide psychosocial support. Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand has recognised the value of this work and increased funding to Diabetes NZ so we can continue to expand and grow. This is stunning news. A further significant decision has been made by trustees to divide a portion of the funds towards research purposes to support people with diabetes. We have joined with the former New Zealand Diabetes Foundation to create the Diabetes New Zealand Research Foundation. These funds, held by Diabetes NZ for research purposes, have been transferred to the Research Foundation and now total just over $2 million. Collaborating with the New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD), the Research Foundation will be seeking applications from university students to undertake small pieces of research relating to diabetes. This is a small step as the new Diabetes NZ Research Foundation establishes itself with a new purpose and focus. We are very excited with the opportunities this initiative offers. Planning is well under way for Diabetes Action Month, with the theme Diabetes Matters. Why has this theme been chosen? Because diabetes does matter. • People with diabetes matter and deserve to live well. • People with diabetes deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and support. • There are big issues to be addressed around diabetes in New Zealand because it is a big problem. Diabetes Action Month provides us with an opportunity to talk about those concerns and also take action. I hope you will participate in supporting us all to turn the tide on a health condition that is placing an increasing burden on individuals, whānau, and the health system. In this issue, we celebrate the Muaythai Moekes and their recent impressive wins in Malaysia. Our Hauora Kaimahi for Waikato tells us about the wonderful work she is doing in the community. As the weather warms up, we offer advice on keeping levels level in the summer heat. In the recipe section, you will find delicious recipes all centred around fresh summer berries. And for those who want to get away from it all this summer, we hear what it’s like to go tramping and camping with diabetes. Happy holidays everyone! CATHERINE TAYLOR
Board Chair, Diabetes NZ
Diabetes New Zealand is a national charity that provides trusted leadership, information, advocacy, and support to people with diabetes, their families, and those at risk. Our mission is to provide support for all New Zealanders with diabetes, or at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, to live full and active lives. We have a network of branches across the country that offer diabetes information and support in their local communities. Join us today at www.diabetes.org.nz
DIABETES NEW ZEALAND Board Chair Catherine Taylor Chief Executive Heather Verry Diabetes New Zealand National Office Level 10, 15 Murphy Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011 Postal address PO Box 12441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 04 499 7145 Freephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Web diabetes.org.nz Facebook facebook.com/diabetesnz Instagram instagram.com/diabetes_nz
DIABETES WELLNESS MAGAZINE Editor Rowena Fry editor@diabetes.org.nz Publisher Diabetes New Zealand Design Rose Miller, Kraftwork Print Blue Star Magazine delivery address changes Freepost Diabetes NZ, PO Box 12 441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Back issues issuu.com/diabetesnewzealand ISSN 2537-7094 (Print) ISSN 2538-0885 (Online)
ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP Business Development Manager Jo Chapman Email jo@diabetes.org.nz Telephone 021 852 054 Download the Diabetes Wellness media kit: http://bit.ly/2uOYJ3p
Disclaimer: Every effort is made to ensure accuracy, but Diabetes NZ accepts no liability for errors of fact or opinion. Information in this publication is not intended to replace advice by your health professional. Editorial and advertising material do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or Diabetes NZ. Advertising in Diabetes Wellness does not constitute endorsement of any product. Diabetes NZ holds the copyright of all editorial. No article, in whole or in part, should be reprinted without permission of the Editor.