Diabetes Wellness Summer 2023

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THE SAMOAN SCIENTIST We meet Amy MaslenMiller, who is researching the traditional Samoan diet of the 19th century to see if it can play a part in addressing the onset of type 2 diabetes among Samoan New Zealanders.




my Maslen-Miller is in the second year of her PhD. She is part of the team at University of Auckland looking at how genes unique to Māori and Pacific people affect the way energy is stored and used and how this might link to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gout, and cancer. ‘My research is trying to address type 2 diabetes by learning more about our genes so our people can live healthy and longer lives.’ Known as the Samoan Scientist on social media, she posts regularly, hoping to widen the reach of her research as well as

show that science doesn’t have to be scary. Currently, she is looking to recruit 200 women in the 18 to 50 age range who identify as Samoan, so she has taken to social media to find participants. PODCASTS, TIKTOK, AND INSTA

Amy has been making her own podcast for the last four years, before she even embarked on her PhD. Passionate about science, she hopes her example will encourage other Samoans to pick it up. She has been making short videos, introducing potential participants to her workspace. Aware that science can be seen as


‘When I think about our knowledge today, we will be ancestors for our people 100 years from now. So I believe it is important for us to share and document our knowledge for the next generation.’

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