Diabetes Wellness Summer 2023

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ia ora koutou. Longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures are upon us, which also means Diabetes Action Month has landed too. I have watched this campaign grow from a day of activities for groups across the country into a full month’s engagement and awareness programme, involving nationwide exposure, fundraising, and opportunities to bring communities together. There are multiple opportunities for us all to be involved, so I hope that each of us will take the opportunity to educate, support, enjoy, and advocate for our diabetes whānau. As I hunt for ways to pay for CGMs that help both of the type 1s in my whānau live their best, healthy lives, I am grateful, firstly, that I have the opportunity to even consider covering the cost ourselves. More importantly, I am beyond grateful for the many years of advocacy by Diabetes NZ, medical professionals, and other groups that have made funded CGMs a likely reality. Thank you to the many individuals who have shared their personal stories, challenges, and vision to inform the government, opposition parties, medical professionals, and anyone who will listen. So many studies have made the case for significantly improved health outcomes for people with diabetes who have access to appropriate technology. Not to mention the inevitable savings for the health system! I look forward to sensors being equitable standard diabetes management practice. This has been a challenging year for many. I’d like to acknowledge the challenges that our diabetes whānau across the country have faced due to weather events. Thank you to those who are helping meet their diabetes needs. As the CGM campaign shows, our diabetes communities can do amazing things together. This Summer edition of Diabetes Wellness should really be named Diabetes Wellness on Wheels, as we meet Barry, a successful rally driver from the Bay of Islands, Nicole, an artistic roller skater, and Sue who last summer biked the infamous and difficult grade five Old Ghost Road. Our regular contributor, Craig Wise, reminds us of the large choice of bikes to be hired – a perfect past-time while on holiday. We also meet Amy Maslen-Miller – the ‘Samoan Scientist’ who is researching the link between traditional Samoan foods and type 2. Happy and safe holidays everyone! LYNDAL LUDLOW

Advisory Chair, Diabetes NZ

Diabetes New Zealand is a national charity that provides trusted leadership, information, advocacy, and support to people with diabetes, their families, and those at risk. Our mission is to provide support for all New Zealanders with diabetes, or at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, to live full and active lives. Across the country, Diabetes NZ has staff and volunteers who help people live well with diabetes. Join us today at www.diabetes.org.nz

DIABETES NEW ZEALAND Patron Professor Sir Jim Mann Board Chair Catherine Taylor Chief Executive Heather Verry Diabetes New Zealand National Office Level 10, 15 Murphy Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011 Postal address PO Box 12441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 04 499 7145 Freephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Web diabetes.org.nz Facebook facebook.com/diabetesnz Instagram instagram.com/diabetes_nz

DIABETES WELLNESS MAGAZINE Editor Rowena Fry editor@diabetes.org.nz Publisher Diabetes New Zealand Design Rose Miller, Kraftwork Print Blue Star Magazine delivery address changes Freepost Diabetes NZ, PO Box 12 441, Wellington 6144 Telephone 0800 342 238 Email info@diabetes.org.nz Back issues issuu.com/diabetesnewzealand ISSN 2537-7094 (Print) ISSN 2538-0885 (Online)

ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP Head of Business Development Jo Chapman Email jo@diabetes.org.nz Telephone 021 852 054 Download the Diabetes Wellness media kit: http://bit.ly/2uOYJ3p



Disclaimer: Every effort is made to ensure accuracy, but Diabetes NZ accepts no liability for errors of fact or opinion. Information in this publication is not intended to replace advice by your health professional. Editorial and advertising material do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or Diabetes NZ. Advertising in Diabetes Wellness does not constitute endorsement of any product. Diabetes NZ holds the copyright of all editorial. No article, in whole or in part, should be reprinted without permission of the Editor.

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