3 minute read


As the days shorten and we head towards winter, so rolls round that time of year when we can plan to protect our health over the cooler months.

To get a Covid booster:

• You must have had at least your first two Covid-19 vaccinations.

• It must have been at least six months since your last Covid-19 vaccine.

• It is recommended you wait at least six months since testing positive for Covid-19.

Diabetes NZ advises people who live with diabetes to get both the Covid-19 booster and flu vaccinations. Health officials dubbed last year’s flu season as ‘one of the most challenging we’ve seen in recent years’.

‘Last year, we saw a combination of Covid and the flu adding to the strain on our hospitals. This year, we can help avoid that by getting boosted against Covid and getting a flu jab as well,’ says Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall, Minister of Health.

The new Covid booster is a mix of both the original Pfizer Covid vaccine and the Omicron variant, in one. You are only able to have the Covid booster if you have not had Covid in the last six months and are over 30 years old or at a higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19.

Just like the Covid-19 vaccine, the flu vaccine will not completely stop you getting flu, but it will reduce your chances of getting flu and should stop you getting really sick and avoid hospitalisation.

The flu vaccine is free for people aged 65 years and over, and those at higher risk, Māori and Pasifika aged 55 years and over, pregnant people, and those who have long-term conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart conditions, children aged six months to 12 years old, and people with mental health and addiction issues.

Both of these vaccines can be taken at the same time, and you will receive the vaccines at separate places on your arms and with different syringes. It takes around two weeks after your flu and Covid vaccinations to be best protected.

There are many places for you to get your vaccines. You can book through www.BookMyVaccine.co.nz, call Healthline, or contact your GP, pharmacy or healthcare provider. For Covid-19 vaccination advice, call 0800 28 29 26 (8am–8pm 7 days a week)

For general health advice and information, call 0800 611 116 anytime www.healthline.govt.nz

You can get more information about flu and the vaccine on the Ministry of Health’s websites:


https://www.health.govt.nz/yourhealth/conditions-and-treatments/ diseases-and-illnesses/influenza

https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/ flu-vaccine-protect-kiwis-winter


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