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Working out from home

Getting out and about can become a daunting thought when summer (or a COVID outbreak) is in full swing, writes DENISE BROWNSDON.


This summer was a record breaker and – as I know all too well – sometimes (often) those long, hot spells really test your willpower to leave the airconditioned comfort of home. Then there is the frustrating reality of COVID and the limitations it can put on what we want to do. Now, probably more than ever, we need to be staying active. We aren’t travelling as much and, because of lockdowns and restrictions, many of us are reducing how active we are. For our physical and mental wellbeing we need to keep moving. Some people may not feel comfortable in the current climate to be heading to an indoor gym but that doesn’t mean you can’t be doing something! There are a number of trainers holding outdoor training sessions at local parks. Get on to your local community Facebook page and ask about the ones around you. Many offer you a free trial for the first time too, which is a great way to see if the trainer and workout style will suit you. If you’re not ready to be in a group environment, what about an early morning or evening walk or jog? It’s easy to social distance in both of these options. There are also trainers providing online guided workouts in real time (or ones that are pre-recorded to do when it suits you). This style was my favourite during our previous lockdowns. And there are some great free Metafit style workouts available online, and you can download a free Tabata style timer for your phone too. Metafit is body weight based (so no equipment required) and easy to modify if you aren’t able to do some exercises. When I first started at the gym I was unable to do sit ups so I sat on the floor or a weight bench and did little abdominal crunches and I progressed from there.

The key to working out from home is staying accountable. Schedule it into your day and treat it like any other important appointment that you can’t cancel or postpone. Grab your towel and water bottle and head outside (it doesn’t matter what size space you have either as you can scale the exercises to suit your location) and just get active (plus the fresh air makes it so much more enjoyable)! It’s 20-30 minutes of working up a good sweat and then you can relax. My knee recovery is coming along well too. I must admit I got a bit frustrated with how slowly it was going so I had a good chat with my physiotherapist and my trainer. Together we made some changes to my program to mix things up a bit. I’m now able to join back in on some of the circuit classes with some modifications. I’ve recently been able to increase the weights I lift as well – all because I’m listening to my body and integrating suggestions from the physio. I finally was able to get a couple PBs (personal bests) for myself in the gym which has definitely boosted my confidence and determination!

Don’t be afraid to share your achievements with other people. I felt a bit weird at first sharing photos online about my achievements with my friends but after I did, a few friends messaged me telling me that it inspired them to think about what could they do to get started. If I can help inspire one person to make changes, then I’ve succeeded. While we all continue work through the chaos of COVID-19 and the constant changes it brings, stay positive and remember to make your health a priority!

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