LIVING WITH Over the next few issues, TEENA TOWNSEND will be looking at how we can live better by cutting down on the clutter – starting with our pantries!
We’re all familiar with the overused modern jargon for learning to live with less – minimalising, decluttering and downsizing, to name just a few. But cutting back can seriously improve our own health and wellbeing, not to mention the health of our planet! Living with less stuff doesn’t necessarily mean purging your home. Instead, it's about adopting a different approach to the way you live your life on a day-to-day basis. Small actions such as recycling, reducing what you bring into your home, and finding better ways to do things – such as food shopping, cooking, cleaning, commuting – can all make a big difference. An easy place to start is rethinking our habits around food.
Grow your own
vegetables, herbs and even eggs • Fruit, are within reach. You don't need bags of room – a balcony tub, a wall garden or raised vegetable beds will do the trick!
pick what you want when you need it, • You reducing waste and ensuring what you eat is as fresh as possible.
you’re harvesting your own food you • When know what you are getting – no unhealthy pesticides, herbicides etc.
are no carbon miles for getting it from • There your garden to your kitchen. too much harvest, make it into products • Iftothere’s keep for a later date – see next tip.