Takona_Diale.exe Wasielewski_Jack.exe W:\Users\Chicago\Fall_2020\Modblock.startup
Are you sure you want to start the game?
Welcome to MODBLOCK. This is a housing program where you decide how your personalized living space will function. We believe in giving power back to the user. We believe that everybody has different needs in a home. Do you have any questions at this point? I’m not really sure. Should I? Well, we suppose not. We haven’t really started explaining anything yet. So, let’s begin.
Shall we?
Let’s topple some heirarchies. Um, ok...?
failed_housing.txt geometry_theory.txt preface.jpg the_entire_project.png unit_menu.png outdoor_spaces.png community_spaces.png sample_plan.png electrical_sprinkler.dwg hvac_plumbing.dwg life_safety_+_ADA.dwg stairs.dwg
site_iso.jpg massing_diagrams.pptx textured_site_iso.png site_plan.pptx life_safety_+_ADA[ground].dwg
bosco_verticale.pdf outdoor_module_biodiversity.png facade_options.jpg
CONSTRUCTION the_stack.pdf structural_logic.png facade_explosion.png module_sequence.png truck.png wall_section.dwg details.pptx code_matrix.xls
site_section.pdf perspectival_elevation.png courtyard_render.png street_render.png
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>FOLDER< -->item -->item -->item -->item
build_a_unit.exe the_algorithm_is_perfect.exe life_projections.exe interior_render.jpg selected_process_works.ppt
Click to view all files
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US: DIRECTIONS! Choose a file to jump to or proceed viewing all files in order.
W:\Users\YOU\Concept\Failed Housing
US: So, this is what you don’t want to do. These are the Cabrini-Green low income homes from Chicago that housed mostly black tenants from the 1940s to 1990s. Minorities in the United States are treated like monoliths, and the stale nature of this housing bloc only served to exacerbate that notion.
Ralf-Finn Hestoft/Getty Images
W:\Users\YOU\Concept\Failed Housing
US: While there was a good idea at heart to create an efficient housing system that would allow for significantly reduced rent and a large, safe community, a massive failure of the Cabrini-Green homes were their lack of consideration for the tenant’s living needs. There was an imposition of one, dull housing model that did not serve the individual needs of the varying tenants.
Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
W:\Users\YOU\Concept\Failed Housing
US: Once jobs dried up in the 1970s and drugs were injected into the community in the 1980s, the homes started to decay. The repetitive, cold design of the units began to reflect the city’s dismissive attitude towards its black residents, and by the end of the 1990s, the units were undergoing demolition.
E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune.Tribune News Service via Getty Images
W:\Users\YOU\Concept\Geometry Theory
US: Our model moves away from the static monolith in favor of the discrete block. Residents will express their individuality and be empowered through a series of choices that will ultimately lead to a building geometry that reflects the diversity of its housed community.
US: As the residents populate the complex with their personalized units and the modular parts and pieces begin to stack, a push and pull like this is achieved. This is one of our earlier conceptual images.
We think that some congrats are in order. You successfully made it through our preliminary concept discussion! Do you like us so far? Please say yes, please please pls. I guess I’m more interested than I would usually be in apartments.
Hm, well that’s good. Just curious, has it ever crossed your mind to think about this whole thing less like just building apartments and more like a process of optimizing a unique data set? What? Ah sorry, you’re right. We are just getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s just continue. It will only get clearer as we go.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\The Whole Project
US: These are your 8 modules. These are the whole project. Mixing and matching, shifting around, and combining these modules to your liking will produce the unit that will best fit your personal living style.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Unit Menu
US: You’ll see that upon mixing and matching a series of these 8 modules, you can start to put together many different living situations that would serve different living styles all the way from studios to family apartments. And these are just some of the possibilities.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Outdoor Spaces
US: Also modularized are some outdoor spaces to pair with your unit. If you have a large family, you may have need for a larger outdoor area. If it’s just you, perhaps a small balcony will suffice.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Community Spaces
US: To just continue adding more modules, we have also defined a set of shared amenities that serve the community of our apartment complex. These spaces range from work stations to play areas.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Sample Plan
US: Here you’ll find an image of what a typical floor plan might look like. Our modules are arranged around a system of double loaded corridors with special predetermined places carved out for public amenities. These public modules contain open floor plans and serve to bring light into the halls.
Hi, sorry for interjecting like this. Basically, we are about to get into a few of the more technical aspects of our floor plans, mainly covering MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and PLUMBING. Also, we have some LIFE SAFETY + ACCESSIBILITY drawings lined up. If you think those apply to you and want to look through them, just keep on chugging, but if you don’t, there will be an escape option for you in the top right corner of your screen. Hitting the escape button will send you to the next folder of this interface. In this case, it would be SITE. Sounds good. Well you’re quite the talker aren’t you? I’m just concise. Is that a jab at us? You seem smart. Extrapolate some info. Well played.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Electrical & Sprinkler
US: As we recover from your hurtful hurtful words, here are some images with information on our electrical systems and sprinkler systems. The electrical and sprinkler work for the modules will be done off-site, but the hallways with the systems that they plug into will be build on-site.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\HVAC & Plumbing
US: And now you can look at some drawings regarding our HVAC and Plumbing systems. You’ll notice that each module has a chase built in so that you can stack whatever module type you want in floors above or floors below and the system will still work, but the main service for an individual unit stems from it’s longest module.
W:\Users\YOU\Module\Life Safety & ADA
US: Now what you’re looking at are life safety plans and accessibility plans. These are just showing that we know how to get you out if there ever is a fire and that we have designed our units in an inclusive way for all living styles. We have a few special fully accessible units, but most units will just include one accessible bedroom, if you choose it, and then fully accessible shared spaces like living rooms and kitchens.
SCALE: 1 in = 1 ft
SCALE: 1/2 in = 1 ft
other useful code
US: Very quickly, this is our stair design. These exact specificactions are found in all of our stair cores, as to allow for proper egress and refuge in the event of a fire.
designed block
designed block
SCALE: 1/4 in = 1 ft
Well, I hope that you’re satisfied with the information that we’ve provided on our module plans and overall residential floor plans. Because that’s all she wrote for that folder. You’re probably wondering what on earth buildings that use a system such as this even look like, and lucky for you, we are about to start getting to that. Well that’s a relief. I was beginning to wonder whether or not you even had an aprtment complex to show me. It seems as if I’ve been roped into being a potential buyer, so you’re gonna have to really wow me and show me that I would want to live where you’re proposing. What kinds of site amenities are there? Have you even considered that? Am I just going to teleport into my room every day, like is there even a place for me to park? You talk a lot but I see no real action here. Well well. She speaks! We think you were a little more likeable when you talked a little less though. But let’s keep moving.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Site ISO
US: So, after you put a bunch of modules together to make units and then arrange them around a system of hallways, you can start to stack floors. Once you stack a bunch of floors, you get something that starts to look a little like this. Of course there’s a lot of content to unpack here, so let’s go through that. And, by the way, we just connected your VPN to Logan Square, Chicago.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Massing Milwaukee District North Line
Ramps to service Pavilion
Proposed Stop
Parking Pavilion
Two-way Loop
US: To start us off on the site, we have some main access routes as well as our parking lot. This site becomes somewhat of a transportation node, as we are proposing connecting an endpoint of the 606, a popular bike route in Chicago, to a new commuter train station.
Stair Locations
Green Space
US: As to allow for some extra green space, the parking pavilion is topped off with two sets of stair/elevator cores that lead to a system of cat-walk like plates filled with plants for residents to enjoy. Notably, the pavilion is made of the same steel module as our units.
Loading Dock
Childcare Senior Care
Loading Dock
US: Next up, we can start laying down the actual complexes. What you’re seeing here are the skeletons of our ground floors. The ground floors house different programs depending on where they’re positioned on the site, but all programs contribute to a more lively community. Retail is positioned along the main road where there might be the most traffic while childcare is protected at the back of the site.
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
US: The courtyard greenspace is very important, doing two things. First, it offers a way for the residents of our complex to gather over a shared activity such as gardening. Second, the modularity of the green space reflects the language of the building while also serving to frame paths towards the ground floor main entrances. Off to the right, you’ll see diagrams of our four green space module types.
Tall building height at scale-less back.
Vertical Circulation
Mid building height at scale of adjacent YMCA.
Lower building height at residential scale of neighborhood.
US: This is how you get around once you are inside the residential portions of the complex, just a system of hallways, elevators, and stairs. Having so many points of vertical circulation allows us to step the building height as we move to the back of the site where there is no surrounding context for height or scale. Where there’s no site context, you can do whatever you want. It’s a blank slate.
Wow, so cool. Abundant public space that’s already factored in.
US: So, remember those public space modules that we talked about when we were going over the plans? Well, these are all of their pretedermined locations within our massing. When users build and buy their apartments [yes, we are gearing this project towards purchase because why would you go through the trouble of customizing an apartment that you’re just renting], their units just won’t fill in these locations. We needed to ensure equal access to all amenities.
US: And now for the moment eveybody’s been waiting for. UNITS! The building is built according to when the different floors are sold out. Once all of the spaces are taken up with unique units on one floor, the next floor is started.
US: After the first floor, maybe two more floors sell out.
US: And then some more floors sell. . .
US: . . . until you reach completion. The speed of the selling process dictates how quickly the building is assembled. If there’s any natural lag in the selling the units, the building will reflect that and ensure that units are only built if the units will be occupied.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Textured Site ISO
US: And when you let our systems load past the pink default, you can begin to see what sort of feeling the project begins to take on once it is texture mapped. Going green is good for your health, just trust us on that one.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Site Plan
US: Once you get an understanding of the site logic, there are some smaller things that we want to point out. In the inner courtyard, we’ve included amenities like lounges, a basketball court, and a playground. This is done to promote interaction, but also fun! Get away from life for a bit and just pretend you’re LeBron James.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Life Safety & ADA [ground]
US: And finally, we’ve arrived at our plan for life & safety on the ground floor. These function a little differently than the residential floors, so we thought we should include them. Like before though, if you want to skip this portion, the escape icon is up at the top.
W:\Users\YOU\Site\Life Safety & ADA [ground]
US: Here you’ll find the accessibility plan for our ground floor.
So that was kind of it for most of the logistical stuff. We hope that you’re a bit more calm now that you’ve seen our overall layout. I am, yes. So no more typeface attacks from your end? Not for now, no Well let’s not be too eager to close that door just yet. It makes things more interesting. So.
Next step.
Let’s do a little riddle.
What’s big and green and isn’t the paragraph that you sent us in our last chat? You’re really something else. Aw, thanks! <3 <3 <3 But no, that wasn’t the right answer. The right answer is trees! Let’s talk about them some more.
W:\Users\YOU\Greenery\Precedent Bosco Verticale
US: Here is a precedent that we have in mind. You can see the wealth of trees populating this tower called “Bosco Verticale” [literally meaning vertical forest] done by Studio Boeri in Milan, Italy. Aside from the harmonious atmosphere that the plants provide, they also have significant environmental benefits which we have sought out to emulate.
o-di-albero https://www.archdaily.com/195866/in-progress-bosco-verticale-boeri-studio/5-rol
W:\Users\YOU\Greenery\Outdoor Module Biodiversity
US: Here you can see the trees in action in our module designed for public outdoor space. We have chosen trees and shrubs native to the Chicagoland area as a means to promote the biodiversity that is often lost in the city.
W:\Users\YOU\Greenery\Facade Options
US: We have a few facade options laid out for you that you can choose when assembling your unit. The type of plants that you choose will influence your units’ location within our massing, as some plants require more sunlight than others. The facade is another way for you to express your freedom of choice as well as providing the previously explained environmental benefits that facade plants offer.
Well, we gotta say. We’ve sort of arrived to the best part, or at least the part that makes it all work. Oh yeah?
And what’s that?
Construction of course! This is supposed to be a massive built object after all. It must go together somehow. It may seem trivial to the common person who’s not absolutely obsessed with creating built items and systems like we are, but we encourage you to make a solid attempt to soak all of this in. Hm. It kind of sounds like you think that me, a “common person,” am going to really have to try hard to understand construction. What makes you think it’s so difficult? After all, if you’ve drawn your ideas well enough, I should have no problem at all following along. What makes you so high and mighty? So omniscient? Isn’t your project fundamentally based on what I want? What I design? Oh boy. We’re sorry. Not really what we meant. You get wordy when you’re offended. How about we just move on? Alright, go on then. You’re lucky I’m so intrigued by all of this.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Precedent The Stack
US: “The Stack” is a 2014 modular housing complex done by GLUCK+ in Brooklyn, New York. The aesthetic or form is not necessarily significant. The building logic is. This project was built in two phases: a base phase and a modular assembly phase. The ground floor of “The Stack” is built out of concrete and steel columns, and this ground floor then supports the light guage steel modules that are simply placed on top. The image to the right is an earlier iteration of our project demonstrating the same construction logic: base + modules.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Precedent The Stack
<br>input_steel_columns 1
US: Here is an image set detailing the construction logic of “The Stack.” As with many modular projects, “The Stack” was able to build on an infill site with minimal impact because the modules were built off-site and only needed to be transported and lifted up with a crane. On-site construction time can often be reduced to only a couple of months in most modular designs.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Structural Logic
added modules on top of frame
completed frame
1 2 3 4
= = = =
concrete columns/footings CMU cures concrete plinth steel trusses & concrete hallway floors
US: Like “The Stack,” there are two main structural pieces to this project: the frame that supports the modules and then the modules themselves. The frame is constructed first, in its entirety. Our prefabricated steel modules are then simply laid and stacked around the frame.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Module Sequence
US: Shown here is just a quick series of images detailing the different layers that go into one module. All of this would be built under factory controlled conditions which would lead to high quality control. This means less waste in the construction process as well as better insulation and lower infiltration rates, all leading to lower energy usage and a lower carbon footprint.
Square patches are weld points for possible adjacent modules
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Facade Explosion
US: The modules employ a systen of custom joints that fit a series of steel tubing together to create their main structural frames. These joints serve as main attachment points for both a facade system as well as weld points for possible adjacent modules.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Truck [StudioV1.1]
This is an old iteration of a studio module just left in here to exemplify the progress of our design. The overall dimensions of our current modules are exactly the same, and so they fit on truck beds in the same way as well.
US: Of course, if we want the modules to actually be transportable from the factory to the site, they have to be designed to fit on a truck bed. Our modules are designed to be less than 12 feet wide, making them suitable for Chicago roads.
W:\Users\YOU\Construction\Wall Section
US: Here with this section, we invite you to take a closer look at how our modules touch the sky, touch each oher, and connect to the ground floor.
US: And it might seem kind of boring, but no project would be complete without building code. If you so desire, we have provided a matrix with all of the building code highlights pertaining to this project.
Did you look at all of that code? No, I actually like my own sanity. That’s a good call there partner. Omg wait. Partners? Are we partners? What are we? You’re not seeing another all-knowing, all-powerful, destined-to rule=the-earth-AI are you? You’ll be happy to know that you’re the only AI I’ve ever met. Well that’s a relief. We’re the only one worth knowing anyways. So we are partners then? Because you’re just important to this design process as we are. Without you, we are not complete. We can be business partners. Haha, yes! We’ll take it! would come around.
We knew you
W:\Users\YOU\Realization\Site Section
US: Sure, this probably could have gone in the site folder, but we thought it would be best to show you this section now since we have other images in a similar style coming up. Main thing here is that you can walk uninterrupted all the way through the site following our central datum.
US: And here’s an elevation. For contrast of course. I mean it makes sense. You see what it’s like cut open and then you see what it’s like put together. Right?
US: We know that basically the whole building is overflowing with greenery, but we think that the courtyard captures that feeling the best. Maybe it’s because of it’s more enclosed form. Would you look at that. A hug from nature.
US: This is a view straight down West Cortland street in the summer. I suppose that you could say while other buildings on the street chose to put their trees out in front, we just said eh, they would look better on top.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Chat7
Well, the time is upon us. You must choose your path. Choose your destiny. Unless you want to opt out. I’ll stay.
Let’s build.
That’s what we’re talking about! I have a question though. When are we going to talk about price?
No, no. None of that right now. This is affordable housing. This is about real homes for real people, not making profit. The most important thing for you is that you make the unit that best suits your needs. The money will work itself out in the end. We actually have a separate interface for finance. Nowhere near as fun as this one though.
Alright, well then I’m on board. show me where to start. Of course.
Follow us.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Build a Unit
US: So, let’s get this show on the road. Pick your modules. You get one big one, and then however many of the littler ones that you want.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Build a Unit
Larger space suitable for furniture.
US: You must have a preference for your outdoor space. Can you see yourself being out all the time or are you one of those that would just rather play Halo all day long in front of the computer?
Standing room only.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Build a Unit
Less dense plants (or no plants)
US: What about your facade? The main difference here is lattice density. When you have plants growing, do you want a lot of them covering your window to provide shade or just have a few that would act more like a frame?
Most dense plants
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Build a Unit
US: BING BANG BOOM and there it is! Your personalized unit! She looks pretty cute doesn’t she? Now let’s throw her into our algorithm shall we?
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\The Algorithm is Perfect
Algorithm LOADING... Hold on just a moment while we see where your personalized unit is going to fit into our massing.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\The Algorithm is Perfect
Still LOADING lmao... If a lot of module spaces have already sold out on this floor, there’s a chance that you’rs wont fit this time, but don’t worry, you’ll be given priority when the next floor drops.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\The Algorithm is Perfect
GOOD NEWS! We’ve found six possible living locations for you in our current floor based on your unique design stipulations.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Life Projections
US: Looking at where other people have already bought units and your design choices, we have located these places that would meet your needs on our current floor. Please select one if you would like to purchase. Just hit [esc] to cancel.
W:\Users\YOU\Time to Choose\Interior Room
US: And finally, here’s a quick view of what the interior of your apartment unit could feel like! We look forward to getting started on this soon! Thanks for joining, and bye!
Well, if you’ve made it this far, this is like extra credit. All we have prepared from here on out is some process work that maybe tells a bit about how our design has evolved. We won’t say much while you go through this folder. You should note that the work is roughly ordered from most recent to least recent. We hope you enjoy. . . . What, you’re not going to say anything back? Haha, just kidding. We weren’t expecting a response. Thanks for bearing with us for so long.
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Unit Study
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Site Plan
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Massing Study
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Sequencing Study
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Elevation Study
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Midterm Massing
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Early Concept
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Early Rhino Work
W:\Users\YOU\Process\Early Massing
. . .