7 minute read

Meet Your Board of Directors

Director of Communications and Internal

Urvish Patel



What are your responsibilities as the Director of Communications and Internal?

I am a part of the Student Association’s internal and external processes on communications and media publications – making sure that student’s voices are heard. I encourage students to engage in student life initiatives, activities, and events where they can expand their network and grow an appreciation for a diverse student community. Everyone can thrive and support one another to navigate challenging times and celebrate collective wins.

What motivated you to run for this position at the SAGBC?

I started off my journey to support GBC students as Career Peer Coach in 2019. Later on, I served as the Arts Design and Information Technology Representative in 2020-2021. I realized, I have this drive to want to help and support the people I really care about which is the student community of GBC. With my commitment, I have learned that united, we students can bring a positive impact and that motivated me to run again for this position to contribute more during this year.

What impact do you hope to leave on the SAGBC community this year?

I aim to bring our students back together through online social interactions, by collaborating with different departments and bringing more awareness about SAGBC services and events. I would like to utilize my technological abilities to expand our reach with GBC students, hear and amplify their student voices, the challenges they have been facing, and ensure more mental health support during this term.

How can students stay connected with the GBC community during an age of remote learning?

There are several activities student can get engaged. SAGBC hosts various interactive events like Virtual Trivia, Scavenger hunt; several departments at college like student life and career services, also opens opportunities to socialize during the events like chit-chat Friday and career talk. Volunteering, will be an amazing way to get to know new people, make new friends along with contributing to GBC community.

Director of Education and Equity

Sri Krishna Rajan


What motivated you to run for this position at the SAGBC?

My desire to make a difference by spreading awareness, information, and contributing to the GBC student community is one of the most compelling reasons for me to run for this role. Being a student and volunteer advocate, has enabled me to become more involved with the student community and to better understand and experience the issues and concerns.

What are your responsibilities as the Director of Education & Equity?

As an elected board member, my roles will include being involved with the GBC student body; campaigning for education and justice issues both internally and externally with the college; and government and collaborating with CFS to raise student voice. I am also responsible for creating an inclusive and safe atmosphere within the college to foster our students, as well as ensuring that their voices are heard, and their needs are met.

What impact do you hope to leave on the SAGBC community this year?

I want to motivate and inspire our members and leaders to move towards sustainability in order to make our SAGBC community prosperous. I’d like to successes in all of the strategies and goals to end structural injustice, gender inequality, protect our environment, and ensure that all of our students experience peace and prosperity. Sustainability is the way of future and together we can bring a bigger influence on SAGBC community.

How can students stay connected with the GBC community during an age of remote learning?

Remote learning has enabled us to learn more, and it has provided us with a unique opportunity to stay connected with one another. The best way to stay connected with the GBC community is to take advantage of all social emotional events, virtual interaction, or networking opportunities offered by GBC or SAGBC on all platform.

Director of Operations

Sagar Sharma


What motivated you to run for this position at the SAGBC?

I graduated from GBC and therefore am an alumnus to the college and SA community. I always appreciated the kind of services provided by the SA to the students. To contribute in making the SAGBC services more feasible and worthy for both international and domestic students, I decided to try and play a crucial part of the organization – you can catalyze any change by being a part within the system.

What are your responsibilities as the Director of Operations?

As the Director of Operations, my job responsibilities fall mostly on the operations side of SAGBC related to finance and budgeting of our organization. I personally enjoy taking part in making the student welfare programs, best delivered, in the given situation so I do not restrict myself to my responsibilities. I usually enjoy being a part of all the services provided by our organization to the students and assist in any capacity I can.

What impact do you hope to leave on the SAGBC community this year?

I would very much like to make the best of my contributions to help the student community in achieving their academic goals, without feeling any pressure. Until learning go back to “normal” and remote learning could be taken back to physical learning in school. At the end of my term, I want my ‘student beneficiary’ goals to be fulfilled and that my work leaves a legacy at least remembered among the students of GBC, whom I serve.

How can students stay connected with the GBC community during an age of remote learning?

As we know the times are crucial and unprecedented and the situations are like never seen before. We believe that the contribution of each student and their will to stay connected and be a part of community, will let them stay connected to GBC community. We, in SA are committed to take new initiatives daily to support students with their needs in their academic journey. I would request even students to come forward and give us your feedback so that we can help you stay connected and facilitate needs much better.

Director of Student Experience

Bharavi Desai


What motivated you to run for this position at the SAGBC?

Being a student myself, my personal wish is to have the most fruitful and exuberant experience at GBC. This motivated me to do anything I could with my capacity to help create this kind of environment for all students. The best way I can do this is by honouring the position I have been elected to and performing all duties to enhance students’ experience. Working with my peers to achieve this goal will give me great satisfaction. I feel that I can contribute positively and encourage students to expand their skills.

What are your responsibilities as the Director of Student Experience?

My key responsibilities are to collaborate with the different departments linked to student experience. I will work with various student’s club to develop a diverse student network in order to facilitate a unique student event calendar. I will work hand in hand with the board to identify and implement strategies which will optimally utilize SA services and activities. I will also be a part of meditation committee to create a safe environment to ensure that students get necessary support in difficult situations. This will enable me to create a dynamic, productive and enjoyable student experience on campus.

What impact do you hope to leave on the SAGBC community this year?

One of the biggest challenges students are facing during the COVID pandemic is on their mental health and productivity. I would like to work to create an environment that allows students to believe in themselves and their abilities to overcome any situation. This would be the biggest achievement at the end of my term. I want to focus my efforts to encourage a positive attitude and outlook amongst the SAGBC community. Achieving our dreams with a focus mind and inner joy is the best way to achieve success.

How can students stay connected with the GBC community during an age of remote learning?

During this difficult time, we have seen now more than ever there is an urgent need to stay connected and work as team in order to succeed. This can be achieved by conducting activities and workshops on different topics that are of interest and beneficial to students using various online platforms. Social media can be used as a pivotal medium, we can create online communities that connect students that have the same interest and concerns. We just need to keep students engaged during remote learning to ensure that they do not feel isolated and provide best support possible.

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