DiD HK - Annual report 2013-14

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2013 Annual Report 2014 DiD HK Limited 黑暗中對話香港有限公司

Content Key milestones Organisation chart Message from Our Founders and CEO Our social impact Our partners’ feedback Our participants’ feedback Our recognition Financial report

Key milestones

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Birth of DiD HK Limited

Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition opened Concert in the Dark 2010 Birth of Dialogue Experience Silence Concert in the Dark 2011 Concert in the Dark 2012 Birth of Silence Le Cabarat Launch of 360 Silence Motion Concert in the Dark 2013

Launch of Dialogue Experience

Organisational Chart Board of Directors Executive Secretary


Accounting officer Accounting clerk

Administration & Operation Administration & Operation Manager Venue Assistants


Business Development (Corporate)

Programme Development (Education)

Experience Management

Learning & Development

Business Development Director

Programme Development Manager

Senior Manager

Programme Development Executives


Director of Learning & Development

Business Development Executives Business Administrators

Assistant manager Executive Workshop Coordinator Learning &Development Coordinator Tour Guides

Dialogue Experience Silence Deaf Trainers Project Assistant

The share of People of Differences in the organisation

full time staff

Vision impaired 15 persons

Hearing impaired 3 persons

part time staff

Non-PODs staff 23 persons

Vision impaired 24 persons

Hearing impaired 21 persons

Non-PODs staff 22 persons

Our Founders &CEO

黑暗中對話(香港)成立已經五年了! Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong is already 5 years old!

Co-founder Chairman of Board Patrick Cheung 創辨人 及公司主席 張瑞霖

過去五年我們公司發展的道路,有力說明透過體驗式的學習經歷,參加者更能與視障或聽障朋友 建立同理心,使他們改變對視障和聽障朋友的觀感,甚至影響未來他們和這些朋友相處時的行為。 從我們創辦時確定「協助公眾建立對視障朋友的同理心」,為使命出發,經過不斷的演變,我們 更體會到推動社會共融才是更貼切的公司使命。在黑暗中對話工作,每天都有機會和視障、聽障 的同事共同工作,我們看到很多他們比正常人弱的地方,同時亦看到他們比很多健全人士強的地方, 這種深刻的生活體驗,令我們體會到每個人都與生俱來具備不同的能力,我們要學會欣賞別人的優點 並加以發揚,這就能讓世界更多元、更美麗。 Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong is already 5 years old! Our journey is a reflection on how experiential learning could transform social values and change our values and behavior. From our first mission of promoting empathy towards the visually impaired community, we evolved into a company with a mission to promote social inclusion. Through working together as equal partners, our staff with different abilities learned from their real life experience that every one has their unique strengths and these are all beautiful talents and skills. We just need to learn how to tap these skills and turn them into our own advantage.

隨著工作時間日久,我們慢慢地了解到聽障朋友以身體動作溝通的能力和他們對動作 Starting with our appreciation of the ability of our visually impaired team in their 觀察入微的能力,猶勝我們不知道多少倍。這種認知,反射到日常生活中,令我們反思到 hearing, smelling and touching senses, with the passage of time we also felt 我們社會經常以財富,教育水平和樣貌來區分不同階級,這是否合乎人類的本性?現實中 humbled watching our hearing impaired colleagues express themselves 每個人可能說不同的語言、有不同的天賦、喜歡不同的生活方式和信奉不同的價值觀。 through body language. We started to realize in real life, instead of dividing 正是因為有眾多的不同,人生才如此的美麗! peoples into classes according to their wealth, education background or appearance, we could just perceive all people are different with the same 逐漸我們明白到世界不存在健全人士,我們都是獨立的多元人才(People of human virtues. We speak different languages, have different talents, enjoy Differences)。我們要學會尊重和欣賞別人的長處,取代只關注別人的弱點。綜觀 different activities, live with diverse life styles and embrace different values is 香港現今的政治狀況,這種對共融的認識是每位公民都應該俱備的美德。擁抱社會各 this pluralistic feature of human life that makes our world beautiful. 種不同並學會包容,香港才能發展成多元和多姿多彩的社會。我們的教育,應讓小孩子 學會尊重而非論斷別人。透過黑暗中對話體驗式學習的各種活動(包括工作坊,體驗館 及各種大型活動),參加者能透過親身的經歷建立對不同羣體的同理心,從而更明白尊重 別人,推動共融的重要性。


all of us are “People of Differences” It gradually became clear to us that in fact all of us are “People of Differences”. We have to learn how to respect each other and appreciate the strengths of 可值得我驕傲的是我們全體員工(包括視障和聽障的同事),都非常支持公司把使命改 others rather than pick up on others’ weaknesses and show our “sympathy”. 為「多元共融,引領社會向前!」特別是有身體障礙的同事,他們放棄作為公司使命 Given the political environment in Hong Kong last year, social inclusion is such 「受益人」的角色, 寧願作為推動社會共融的一份子。由於公司從視障朋友主持的 an important virtue that all citizens have to embrace it if we want to live in a 「黑暗」發展到聽障朋友主持的「無聲」活動,我們決定起用新品牌 ─ 「對話體驗」。 multicolor society with diversity. This is especially true for our school education 過去兩年,我們創造了一系列「對話體驗‧無聲」教學及娛樂產品。無聲工作坊是讓參 system to teach our children how to respect rather than judge. Dialogue in the 加者透過肢體語言去表達自己,同時了解別人,提升自己的管理技能。「藝宴坊」是結 Dark is well positioned with our experiential exhibition, workshops and events, all 合無聲晚宴與戲劇的餐飲體驗,歷時兩小時,表演者均為聾人,為賓客帶來獨一無二的啟 aiming at transforming our participants through their own encounter with 發。「無聲飲茶」是無聲午餐體驗,開心輕鬆地認識手語。 “otherness” and learn to appreciate people who are different from them.

「黑暗中對話 (香港)」有幸地成為有盈餘的公司。如我們所承諾,將35%的淨利 潤捐贈予黑暗中對話基金會。在莊陳友先生的領導下,我們率先支持及培育多元 人才建立自己的社會企業。我們是第一個慈善基金會支持以多元人才創立的社會 企業。黑暗中對話基金會亦捐贈給於亞洲區內的視障人士。 「黑暗中對話 (香港)」的成功,是香港社會企業體系漸趨成熟之體現。我們對許 多熱情的支持者、志願者、政府和非政府組織領導人、我們的股東,以及最重要 的員工隊伍都背負極大的虧欠。希望透過我們將新焦點放在促進社會共融上,讓 公司為香港在社會共融層面上能作出更大的貢獻。

In the past two years, we grew our Dialogue Experience – Silence into an array of educational and entertainment products. Silence Workshops, aiming at opening up engagement ability to express themselves and also observe others through body language. “Silence Le Cabaret” – an interactive dinner theatre experience featuring comedy performance by our hearing impaired staff. Participants were totally amazed at how they could enjoy 120 minutes of no sound and are still so amused. “Silence Yum Cha” - a fun way to learn and appreciate the fun of hand signs.


Engaging people of differences to create social impact DiD HK Ltd. has been lucky in running a profitable business. As promised, we are donating over 35% of our net profit to DiD Foundations. Under the leadership of Mr. Chong Chan Yau, we are also pioneering in supporting and nurturing People of Difference in establishing their own social enterprises. We are the first charity foundation supporting social enterprises run by People of Difference. DiD Foundation also give donations to visually impaired organizations within Asia. The continuous success of DiD HK Ltd. is a reflection of the maturity of the Hong Kong social entrepreneurship community. We are greatly in debt to many passionate supporters, volunteers, government and NGO leaders, our shareholders, and most importantly to our dedicated team of staff. Hopefully with our new focus on promoting social inclusion, DiD HK Ltd. could make greater contribution to promoting social inclusion in Hong Kong.

The first step is the hardest 第一步總是最艱難的 回望五年前開業之初,「黑暗中對話 (香港)」體驗館一定 面對過不少障礙和挑戰。但體驗館的起步十分順利,足證 那句話並非全對。公司仝仁抱著的態度面對難關,開業的 第一步相比後來的階段,甚至可說是相當容易。不過即使 在第二、第三階段,在財務回報、員工滿意度、顧客反應、 傳媒報道、社會認同及獲發獎項各方面,一切都是 成功的, 公司上下都感到欣慰和自豪。事實 證明,德國人那句話是 錯的:並非萬事都起頭難,在往後的發展,隨著早期衝鋒 陷陣精神的減退,難題往往更多。業務上軌道之後,日常 營運的種種挑戰、磨擦和溝通問題,都需要恆久的關注。 作家鮑伯‧班福德 (Bob Buford) 的名著 ─ 《人 生下半場》 說得很對,遊戲的勝負取決於下半場,誰先入球並不重要, 關鍵是 誰踢進最後一球。

Global Founder Dialogue Social Enterprise Andreas Heinecke 「黑暗中對話」 創辨人 海勒奇博士

A German quote says: “The first step is the hardest”. Looking backwards how DiD HK started five years ago there were certainly some hurdles to overcome and challenges to manage. But the exhibition centre in Mei Foo performed quickly very well, and the quote shows that it only reflects the half truth. The first steps are compared to what is coming up later on even easy, because a spirit of optimism coins a beginning. Later on, maybe as step two or three, financial return, employees’ satisfaction, visitor’s reactions, media coverage, awards and recognition show quickly evidence, and everyone feels happy and is proud what was achieved .But as a matter of fact the German quote is wrong: Not the first steps are the hardest. The steps 12, 13 or 14 are pretty difficult, because the spirit of the pioneers is gone. From now on a daily operation with hourly challenges, conflicts, communication issues, and lots of changes need to be balanced. Bob Buford, author of the remarkable book “Halftime – How to move from success to significance” stated correctly that every game is decided in the second half. It’s not important who scores the first goal. It’s important who scores the last one.

五年下來,「黑暗中對話 (香港)」進入下半場了。公司已打好基礎,現在要達致的,是鞏 固原有基礎,同時兼顧創新。在這兩方面,「黑暗中對話 (香港) 」都成功做到了:創業團 隊功成身退,讓年輕一輩取而代之。本來的仝仁作業,已逐步提升為正規的企業,業務和 創新俱表現出色。除了黑暗體驗,公司還成立了無聲體驗,並且構建了新的品牌,將各色 各樣業務歸納其中。「黑暗中對話 (香港)」的社會效益已在 各種調查中得到肯定,除了經 營日常的體驗活動,更支援亞洲地區其他「黑暗中對話」的經營者。起步 不是太難,「黑 暗中對話 (香港)」有很好的條件迎戰下半場。我相信大家都清楚知道,不論有多大樂觀和 熱誠,隨後的路不會是容易走的。不過,我肯定「黑暗中對話 (香港)」已準備好迎接下半 場,甚至是加時比賽。在此謹祝「黑暗中對話 (香港)」蒸蒸日上。


an equation between consolidation and innovation After 5 years DiD HK enters the second half. The base was laid, and from now an equation between consolidation and innovation need to be found. DiD HK succeeded on both fronts: The first generation of doers stepped back, and gave space for a younger generation. A family club turned into a company, and showed great performance and true innovation. A second operation was built up, and a brand as an umbrella was found to cover the vast spectrum of activities. Evidence was shown through profound impact measurements, and despite lots of concurrent activities on ground, DiD HK had an open ear to support other Dialogue operations foremost in Asia. Getting started is easy, and DiD HK is well prepared for the second half. I am sure everyone knows despite all optimism and enthusiasm the last steps are ascended the hardest and rarest, and I am sure DiD HK is even prepared for the third half. Good luck DiD HK.

「精益創業」的方法 the Lean Startup approach 時光飛逝,「黑暗中對話(香港)」創辦已經五年了。見證著我們公司的穩定發展,其「多元人才」攜手共 創的社會效益不斷提升,實在令人鼓舞。近期,不斷有人向我問及創辦公司的經驗。張瑞霖和我當時所用 的,其實就是現在人們通常稱為「精益創業」(Lean Startup) 的方法,不過當時這叫法還未出現。公司從小 做起,不斷嘗試及改良,那正正是這方法的要點。我們經常以創立本公司的經驗,作為「精益創業」的示 範例子,與有志一展身手的社會創業者分享。 「精益創業」方法不但可以用於創業階段,亦可用在業務已上軌道的公司。事實上,所用新產品和新服務, 都可以用同一方法設計和推出。「體驗‧無聲」及許多其他產品,基本上就是用這方法構建出來,然後推 出市場。善於使用「精益創業」方法,或許正是我們對香港以及鄰近國家和地區的社會創業界所能作出的 其中一項貢獻。

Co-founder & director KK Tse

創辦人及董事 謝家駒

Time flies. Five years have passed since the founding of DID HK Ltd. It is heartening to witness the steady development of the social enterprise and the ever-expansion of social impact created by our people of differences. Recently I have been frequently asked about the startup phase of our company. It turned out that Patrick and I had actually used an approach that is now commonly referred to as the Lean Startup approach -- although we were not aware of the term at that time. But the way that we started small and kept on experimenting and making changes is the essence of this approach. Using our case as an example of Lean Startup could enable us to share our experience even more effectively with aspiring social entrepreneurs. What is more, the Lean Startup approach does not cease to be relevant after the company is up and running. Indeed, all new products and services could be designed and launched by using this approach. Indeed, Dialogue Experience – Silence and many other products have been developed with basically the same approach. One of our contributions to the social entrepreneurship field in this part of the world could well be the productive use of the Lean Startup approach in the social sector.

以”創效於樂“為綱領, 創造非一般的獨特 藝術形式 creates an

unique experience of Impactainment “ Impact + Entertainment” Founder of Dialogue Experience Silence Fiona Wat 對話體驗‧無聲 創立人 屈紫薇

2011年,在「黑暗中對話 (香港)」的支持和啟發下,我開始了社會創業家的生涯,成立了 對話體驗. 無聲及 藝宴坊,藝宴坊 是全球首個無聲劇場晚宴體驗,以”創效於樂“為綱領,創造非一般的獨特藝 術形式。 Through the support and inspiration from DID HK Ltd, I embarked my journey as a social entrepreneur in 2011 and founded both Dialogue Experience Silence and Silence le Cabaret, the world’s first silence theatrical dining experience, the performance creates an unique experience of Impactainment “Impact + Entertainment” and represent a different perspective of the art world for the general public.

Since then, I have experienced a miracle journey in collaboration with different stakeholders and partners to evolve, create, develop and finally to execute our mission.. This is what Social Inclusion is all about –to make the impact to the society. Regardless of physical challenges, our team never stops striving in reaching our dreams, expressing our thoughts and act outside the norm. Receiving 2013 Social Enterprise Champion Award – Innovation, encourages our team continue to endorse new perspective of social inclusion, diversity and equality. Provide sound guidance yet impactful influence to the community is one of our visions.. Through the first launched of Dialogue Experience Silence in Hong Kong 2011, we continue to provide employment and training opportunities to our hearing impaired members. We offer a meaningful and respectful job environment, with continuous guidance, expanding their knowledge base and concept. These aspects can be conveyed to physical / mental support and nurturing the growth of each member. This is my vision to empower and ignite the individual inner aptitude.

一路走來,我跟不同夥伴,持份者共同創作、研發新 體驗,實踐我們的使命。這如夢幻一般的旅程,使我 感到,這是真正的共融,我們可以引領社會邁步向前。 團隊各人樂於跳出框框,不會讓身體限制給難倒,發 揮內心的無限潛能,可以讓美夢成真。2013年,團 隊贏取了社會企業大獎 (創意思維),這是有力的 強心針,是團隊繼續創造共融、平等、尊重差異的新 角度。 對話體驗.無聲其中一個重任,是為聾人社群帶來益 處。從2011年成立至今,每年都有新的聾人加入我 們團隊受訓。這當然是具意義和尊嚴的工作,但除此 之外,我們更能把知識傳遞給他們,達至真正的賦權, 支持、培養每一位聾人,讓他們發揮自己的長處,展 現自我。

證明我們對社會的影響力 proved our social impact to society


五年前... 我決定從事社會企業, 開展一段新的旅程。那時我的 思想仍然停留於如何以自己的商業、社會工作及治療 的背景去改變社會。如果問我同樣問題,我會說, 這些 年被身邊的人所啟發, 我明白到自己也是一個多元人 才, 是我的榮幸。我們珍惜並尊重社會上不同的美。 我會引用我出色的工作夥伴屈紫薇的一句話:「殘疾 並不是物理上的事情,而是那些令我們無法正常活動 的盲點。」十分幸運地這幾年我們在財務上可持續發 展, 並完成了:




得到香港大學 馮禮健博士及Monica Lo; 香港浸 會大學Susanna Chiu的支持, 讓我們完成了社會 影響的報告, 以證明我們對社會的影響力。


支持數個多元人才的社會企業家以發展其社會 企業。

Five years ago... I have made up my mind to start my journey to be fully engaged in social enterprise. By that time, my though was still on how can I contribute to change the society for social good based on my hybrid identities of business, social work and therapeutic background. We are so lucky that we are financially sustainable in these years...With the support of The University of Hong Kong Dr. Sammy Fung and Miss Monica Lo; The Hong Kong Baptist University Miss Susanna Chiu, we have done the social impact reports and proved our social impact to society. 1.

We make our donation to Dialogue in the Dark (Hong Kong) Foundation.


With the support of The University of Hong Kong Dr. Sammy Fung and Miss Monica Lo; The Hong Kong Baptist University Miss Susanna Chiu, we have done the social impact reports and proved our social impact to society.


We have supported a few POD social entrepreneurs on developing their own social business

讓我們繼續的動力是當我們看到其他人被啟發及 加入社會變革的行列 。我們通常會用殘疾人士的 就業率作為此社會企業的主要指標。 此外, 我認為關鍵的是人們如何共同營造尊重和共融的新社 會價值。我們可以看到不同身份的加入以包融所有可能性及共同合作以創美好未來的遠景。未來 的路是肯定不容易。社會氛圍或許不好、吵嚷不休, 但我們仍然需要找到創新的方法來擴大我們的 社會影響。經過在對話體驗多年的實踐, 我們發現不管在做黑暗中對話、對話經驗或對話體驗‧無 聲, 我們都堅持包容的社會價值。我衷心感謝我的核心團隊、同事、董事會成員、股東,以及「黑 暗中對話 (香港)」的支持者。因為你啟發性的對話,熱情與無條件的支持,觸動到如此多的人。

共同營造尊重和共融的新社會價值 to co-create a new social value of respect and inclusion What keep us going on is the time we see people get inspired and join in this array of social change journey. We usually use employment of disadvantage people as the primary indicator of a social enterprise. Furthermore, what counts to me is how people get evolved to co-create a new social value of respect and inclusion. We can see their migration of identities to embrace all kinds of possibilities and wishing to co-work for a better future. Roads ahead is for sure not easy. Social atmosphere may be not good and society may be rumbling. We still need to find innovative ways to widen our social impact. After years of practice in Dialogue Experience, we find that no matter we are doing Dialogue in the Dark, or Dialogue Experience, Dialogue Experience – Silence, we are upholding the social value of Inclusion. My heartfelt thanks to my fellow core teammates, colleagues, Board members, shareholders, and fellow supporters of DID HK Ltd. Your inspirational dialogues, your passionate heart and unconditional support touch so many people.

Our Social Impact

Our Social Impact

The statistic & research

year 2011Apr 2012 Mar

No. of workshop


2012 Apr 2013 Mar


2013 Apr 2014 Mar


No. of workshop pax




No. of EE visitor


No. of students








Social Performance Measurement 2013 by Sammy Fung (Ph.D, CPA (HK)), Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong.

invested in

Dialogue Experience


Dialogue Experience (DE) aims to align its values and principles with all the involved stakeholders.

14.7 of

social impact is generated

Transformational Impact of DE experience

Dialogue Experience (DE) aims to align its values and principles with all the involved stakeholders.

Sources: Chui S. (2014). Theory of Change of DiD HK - A scoping study. Centre of Human Resources Strategy and Development, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Our Social Impact

“Inclusive Life – Show Your Different Abilities“ 傷健共融,各展所長

(accumulative number from 2010 - 2014 April)

50,000+ youths were inspired 啟發逾 5 萬名青少年

“Inclusive Life – Show Your Different Abilities“ 「傷健共融,各展所長」 為推廣聯合國《殘疾人權聯公約》的精神和核心價值,向年青一代灌輸共融 文化,勞工及福利局自2010年起主辦「傷健共融,各展所長」青少年計劃, 並由社會企業「黑暗中對話」協助推行。透過體驗工作坊和學校教育系列活 動,本計劃成功啟發逾5萬名青少年認識《公約》的精神和核心價值,並學 會尊重差異和欣賞殘疾人士的才能,共建無障礙的社會。另外,本計劃開設 「聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》青少年大使」培育課程,青少年大使參加多元 培訓和社會服務體驗,在專業人員和殘疾導師的指導下,全面理解在生活中 實踐平等共融的要訣,並協力以實際行動向大眾宣揚公約精神。 With the aim to promote the spirit and core values of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention) and let people understand and respect the abilities of the disabled to jointly build together a barrier-free world, the "Inclusive Life - Show Your Different Abilities" Youth Education Campaign was hosted by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and supported by Dialogue in the Dark. Through participating in the Experiential Workshop and School Education Series, over 50,000 youths were inspired to understand the Convention to cultivate an inclusive society. Besides, this is the third year to have the “Ambassadors of the Convention” Nurturing Scheme, after a series of inclusion workshops, social service experiences and an inclusion art production; the Ambassadors were well understood on the spirit of the Convention as well as importance of social inclusion. They turned learning into action to further promote the core values and spirit of the UN Convention to the general public in a deep way.

“Inclusive Life - Show Your Different Abilities"「傷健共融,各展所長」

number of helper 工作人員數量




applications Mentors

142 applications

Youth Ambassadors

PODs’ Volunteers

“Inclusive Life - Show Your Different Abilities"「傷健共融,各展所長」

number of participating student 參與學生數量

19,183 13,442







Our Social Impact


in the Dark


in the Dark





暗中 作樂 The flagship event“Concert in the Dark”, the world’s first concert held in complete darkness with a management team that consists of visually impaired talents, Bring music back to its original form Experience a world of pure music with ears and boundless imagination in complete darkness. As the world’s first revolutionary experience blending music, darkness and communication together, our missions is to raise public awareness of People of Differences and advocating social inclusion in the community. Proceeds from the concert after deducting expenses will donate to Dialogue in the Dark (Hong Kong) Foundation. 世界上第一場在黑暗中舉行的演唱會 「暗中作樂」,是我們的旗艦活動,管理 團隊包括健視與視障人士。在黑暗中,用耳朵感受純粹的音樂,加上無邊的想 像力,把音樂帶回原形。作為世界上第一個革命性將音樂、黑暗、交流融合在 一起的演唱會,我們的使命是提升社會對不同人士的關注和提倡更多的包容。 演唱會的收益扣除開支後,會捐贈給「黑暗中對話(香港)基金會」。

Our Social Impact

Silence le Cabaret

什麼是「Cabaret」? 「Cabaret」源於19世紀的巴黎,是一種流行在餐館和夜總 會的歌舞表演,其受歡迎之處在於能讓觀眾一邊在輕鬆愉快 的氣氛下進餐,一邊欣賞表演。 藝宴坊 藝宴坊(Silence le Cabaret)帶來全球首個結合無聲晚宴 與戲劇的餐飲體驗。整場晚宴將於無聲中進行,表演者均為 聾人。透過這個創新的活動,為賓客帶來獨一無二的啟發, 讓不同能力的人士都可以一同創建一個共融、美好的社會。

Silence le Cabaret Cabaret was originated from Paris in the 19th Century, Cabaret is a special form of entertainment that takes place at venues such as restaurants or nightclubs, with the audience sitting at tables in a less rigid and more casual atmosphere, often dining and drinking. Silence le Cabaret brings to its audience the world’s first DINNER AND THEATRICAL performance presented by a troupe of DEAF performers, in an environment of complete silence. Through this innovative and fun event, we hope to bring customers a UNIQUE LIVE EDUTAINMENT EXPERIENCE, while also creating a positive impact to society.

Our Partners

Their feedbacks



香港鐵路有限公司 品質管理及員工身心發展訓練經理

星展銀行集團 財資市場業務總監

全黑環境亦是市面上獨有,非常新鮮。 同事在工作坊後明白到平 日在工作上 自己有太多局限的想法,其後會反思 如何去突破及克服自身的限制和不足。

「對話體驗 。無聲」的團隊培訓工作坊 充滿創意和啟發性﹐而他們的聾人導師 亦表現得非常專 業。 他們的悉心帶領和 富感染力的分享﹐讓我們一百多位來自 中﹑港﹑台三地的同事﹐在「完全 寂靜」 這極具挑戰性的環境中,體驗和反思了 溝通﹑創意﹑信任及團隊協作的重要性 .

Ms Miranda Kwan, Senior Manager of SGS

The experience serves as a good reminder for me as a leader


Gabriel Ho

Regional Manager, Talent Development

I really feel that I learned something special during the evening; as what had initially been quite a frightening space for me then became a very Comfortable and enjoyable experience. I highly recommend Silence le Cabaret to anyone looking for a new experience

Tom Chan


Managing Director of Commercial Group, HK We integrate with our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals on a corporate level by inviting our privileged corporate customers to share the same goal and vision for a good cause.”

蔡振榮博士 Dr Chandra, Yanto 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong 「對話體驗」成為了一個很好的例子,去解釋 如何將一個社會干預的小想法變成一個創新的 想法,而在同一時間保持財政的可持續性。在 個人層面上,「對話體驗」為遊客不論學生、 青年、專業人士、商務人士,提供了大開眼界 的機會,從弱勢群體的角度體驗他們的生活。

DE offers rich-and-thick examples of how a small idea for social intervention can be turned into an innovative idea while at the same time remain financially sustainable. At a more personal level, DE is an eye-opening experience for any visitors – students, youths, professionals, business people – to experience life in a different way from the lens of the less disadvantaged people.

Ghini L.H. Chan


EDU Association Ltd. 全黑獨特的活動讓同學打破以往的框架,組成 隊伍合作完成目標。在聆聽視障人士的分享時, 常常都感動到我們的學生,令他們開始思考自 己在如此幸福的環境下,可以為社會作出甚麼 貢獻。 The unique darkness team activities allowed the students to break through the barriers between teammates. Our students were touched every time they listened to the sharing of the impaired helpers from Dialogue in the Dark and started to rethink what they could do for the society when they were having all the resources in school.

謝志康老師 Mr. Tse


香港鄧鏡波書院 Hong Kong Tang King Po College 黑暗中對話時,我非但不能為生領路更要不斷 依賴身邊的 人,靠彼此的聲音互相照應,連基 本的走路都顯得困難極。幸 而,導賞員不斷為 我們指明前路,才得以於漆黑中得到安全 感。 in the dark, I could not reply on myself, I had to ask for help even for as easy as walking. We communicated by voice. Fortunately, our tour guide showed us way to go, we got security from him.

Our Participants

The interviews

Interview with PODs in DiD We are free to voice our opinion and my superiors would not force me to follow their ideas every time. 我們可以很自由地發表自己的意見,而且我們的上司都不 會強行要求我們跟隨他的意思工作

訪問同行伙伴 現實上,我們都在同一條船上,我們是一個團隊,我們都 有同樣的目標,所以我們有著很強的互信基礎。

In fact, everyone is on the same boat. We belong to one team. One should trust each other together with that common goal. Trust within us is strong.

Interview with Corporate Dark Workshop Participants Inside the darkroom, I understood that I could not do everything just by myself and was forced to seek help. Now I have learned to open my heart to trust and rely on 在黑暗中,我發現我不能每一件事都單靠自己, 我必須要尋求幫助。如今,我明白到我需要開放 自己去相信他人。 Since DiD workshop, I have been conscious not to let my word shurt or make people feel uncomfortable. I have a closer relationship with my family members

專訪企業 , 參加工作坊

自工作坊體驗,我開始注意自己的言辭,不想讓自己的說 話傷害他人或令人感到不舒服,在回應別人以前會先表達 關懷,我跟家人的關係因而變得更親密了。

Interview with Corporate Silence Workshop Participants The Silence Motion was fun, challenging and I think really match well with our team building objectives. I will definitely recommend this again to other groups.

無聲戲動既有趣又具挑戰性,我認為非常能夠配合 我們團隊建設的目標,我亦會再次推介此活動給予其他團體。

專訪企業 , 參加工作坊 It was a wonderful evening of fun and laughter, as well as being a truly educational and memorable experience. It’s hard to describe the awkwardness that one feels at the start of the evening and the elation that follows as the ability to communicate without sound becomes apparent.

這是一個有趣和歡笑聲兼備的晚上,極具教育意義的難忘體驗, 一開始有種難以形容的尷尬,隨後又為能夠於無聲中進行溝通而興奮。



awards 2013-2014

Financial Report



( HK$ )

( HK$ )

NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment



I nv estment in equity instrument







Trade and other receiv ables



Cash and cash equiv alents



























CURRENT ASSETS I nv entories

CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables Tax payable


DID HK LIMITED Statement of Financial Position AS AT 31st MARCH 2014


2013 ( HK$ )











Profit before taxation



I ncome tax expense







Cost of Sales / Serv ices Gross Profit Other Rev enue Administrativ e Expenses

Total Comprehensiv e I ncome for the year Div idend

DiD HK Limited 黑暗中對話香港有限公司 Dialogue Experience Square The Good Lab , L1 The Sparkle , 500 Tung Chau Street Cheung Sha Wan , Kowloon 對話體驗坊 長沙灣通州街500號星匯居L1好單位 Dialogue in the Dark Experiential Exhibition Shop 215, 2/F Nob Hill Square, 8 King Lai Path, Mei Foo, Kowloon 黑暗中對話體驗館 九龍美孚景荔徑8號盈暉薈2樓215室 www.dialogue-experience.com.hk

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