The Creation Series of Books (Draft)

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Copyright © 2017 Carole Leah. All rights reserved. No part o‰ this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (except p.23), recording, taping or by any in‰ormation storage retrieval system, without the written permission o‰ the author, except in the case o‰ brie‰ <uotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. WestBow Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: WestBow Press A Division o‰ Thomas Nelson & Zondervan 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, {N 47403 1 (866) §28-1240 Because o‰ the dynamic nature o‰ the {nternet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those o‰ the author and do not necessarily re‰lect the views o‰ the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility ‰or them. Re‰erences pp.15-16 Scriptures ‰rom the {nternational Children’s Bible © 1§8§ published by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. p.16 Photograph courtesy o‰ Stephen Dorey *p.23 From Diana Bentley’s How and Why o‰ Readability Produced by the University o‰ Reading {nstitute o‰ Education, Reading R>1 5EX, UK {SBN: §78-1-4§08-0§17-5 (sc) Library o‰ Congress Control Number: 2013§17484 Printed in Asia by Last Revision Date: 18/01/2017

Set B: The }esus Series Book 1

The Light Written by Carole Leah {llustrated by Floyd Yamyamin

A      a

Note to Parents and Teachers This is the ‰irst book in ‘The }esus Series’ o‰ sixteen books ‰or 4–5 year olds to read themselves, ‰orming the second set (B, orange) o‰ Diamond Books, a Bible-based reading project. Books 1–8 ‰ocus on what }esus said about himsel‰, shown in }ohn’s gospel. Books §–16 tell what }esus came to do, based on {saiah 61:1–2 and Luke 4:16–21. This book teaches that }esus is the light o‰ the world. Help a child to memorise the Bible verse and its re‰erence (p.16) by speaking them aloud. Use a replica diamond to explain that just as a diamond has many sides, so >od has many names to show what he is like. The alphabet’s ‰irst eight letter sounds are introduced in Books 1–8, one per book. This book majors on ‘A’ and ‘a’ letters and o‰‰ers help with writing them (p.3). There are suggested activities (p.17); charts to aid recall o‰ letter sounds (pp.20–21); and new words ‰or a child to learn in order to read the book (p.23). {n addition, there are pages to read to and discuss with a child, including details o‰ the contemporary characters (p.3) and reading tips (p.18). 2

Here are Todd and Anna.

( The dots and arrows show how to start writing the underlined letters.)


apple Todd is 5 and nearly 6 years old. Did you know that apples are so good Todd now has a little sister, Anna. to eat that it is said, ‘an apple a day Anna is adopted and is 2 years old. keeps the doctor away’? 3













Dad has a light.


Mum has a light.


Todd has a light.


Anna has a light.


Dad has a Bible.


{n the Bible, }esus is the light.


}esus said,

“{ am the light o‰ the world.” }ohn, chapter 8, verse 12


Suggested Activities yy yy yy yy yy

Look ‰or the items beginning with an ‘a’ sound among the illustrations. Count the number o‰ ‘a’ and ‘A’ letters in the main text and titles. Point to all the capital letters on pp.20-21. Make a light, e.g. by putting batteries into a torch and switching it on. Look at the alphabet charts on pages 20-21 which show the ‰irst eight letter sounds o‰ the alphabet. There are 123 varying letters or letter combinations introduced in this project, each identi‰ied with a re‰erence number. The charts can be detached and displayed above the charts ‰rom Books §–16 which show the last 18 letters o‰ the alphabet. The illustrations help children to remember the letter sounds. yy Use the words on p.23 (re‰erenced in each corner with the Set letter and Book number). Separate the words by cutting along the lines so that they can be read to an adult. The words can be enlarged, photocopied and matched by playing paired games, such as ‘snap’, to rein‰orce the learning. (Some o‰ these resources can also be downloaded ‰rom the website –


Remember Every letter o‰ the alphabet can be big (e.g. ‘A’) or little (e.g. ‘a’). A big letter is called a capital letter. A name always begins with a capital letter (e.g. ‘Anna’). 18



Cut out and attach to p.21. >lue p.21 chart onto here.



dog 3

cat 2

blue 1


D  d C  c B  b A  a

Cut out and glue to p.20 chart. Then these can be attached to the top o‰ the alphabet charts in Books §–16.

– 123 E  e

egg F  ‰



G  g



H  h


hat 8



Apply }ohnson’s 5-Finger Rule,* i.e. count on one’s ‰ingers the number o‰ words a child ‰inds di‰‰icult to read. {‰ more than 5, then delay the child’s reading attempt. {nstead, read the book to the child. Store the words in a pocket, e.g. attach a triangular piece o‰ thin card across the bottom corner o‰ the inside back cover.

New Words

a Anna


has B1

light B1

The B1



is B1

Light B1




Mum B1



B1 B1

the B1

Todd B1



Also Available Set A

  The Creation Series – ‰or reading to 3–4 year olds (a boxed set o‰ eight books)   The Creation CD – sounds and songs associated with Set A   The Creation Songbook – words and music ‰or The Creation CD songs   The Creation Activity Book – ‰or use with the Set A books

Set B

  The }esus Songbook – words, music and CD o‰ songs associated with this set o‰ books, ‘The }esus Series’ (See to keep up-to-date with all the latest books and other resources.) 25

Contact Details Website: Email: Blog: Facebook: www.‰‰orChildren Linked{n: Twitter: @DiamondBooks Address: 85 Cornelius Drive, Pensby, Wirral, Merseyside CH61 §PZ, UK Telephone:


+44 (0)151 321 0325

Look out ‰or the next book!


Carole Leah became a Christian at a youth camp while reading a >ideon New Testament. As a specialist reading teacher, she was asked and ‰elt called to write these books so that young children would learn about >od while also developing their reading skills. Acknowledgements  Thanks are due to many people including all the teams at WestBow Press. The Steele ‰amily, Michelle Dalton and Elizabeth McAsey have helped with practical support; Carole’s mum (Pat) and brother (Mark) released the ‰inances to begin the publishing process; Maggie Allen read the proo‰s; and the prayer team did their o‰ten unseen work magni‰icently. The most thanks go to Almighty >od who has called, inspired, e<uipped, provided and been so ‰aith‰ul throughout. Carole would like to dedicate this set o‰ books to her late husband, Mike, who accommodated this project in their home ‰or many years!


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