What can you buy with a penny?
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streets & sidewalks
moreparks & playgrounds
shopping & retail development
newhealth &
fitness options
El Dorado Works
The people of El Dorado are determined to make our community a great American city. We believe that it is incumbent upon us to change the direction of population decline, job losses and business closings by creating an environment that offers opportunities for the residents of El Dorado and Union County. We want the amenities that come with a good quality of life; we appreciate the arts and entertainment; we enjoy our parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities; we want safe streets and sidewalks; and we understand the need to provide good jobs for those who live here, as well as for those who we hope to attract in the future. Based on the accomplishments of the El Dorado Forward plan that voters approved in 2007, this temporary one-cent 10-year general sales tax is dedicated to community development.
El Dorado Works nondesignated 6% Construction & Maintenance 20%
Community development 15%
Public Works 32%
Festival City Development 12% Economic Development 15%
community development (15%): Quality of life initiatives; with 6 percent to parks and playgrounds including sports, recreational and outdoor venues or projects. public works (32%): Improvement of streets, water, infrastructure projects and other projects associated with the improvements of municipal property; with 20 percent dedicated to expanding parking, sidewalk improvements and transportation services. economic development (15%): Targeted projects to increase employment opportunities and funding for the management of economic development operations; with 5 percent set to help commercial and retail development projects. festival city development (12%): Services and infrastructure to produce a public festival and special events environment; and services for the promotion of arts and entertainment district activities. construction / maintenance / non-designated (26%): Assistance for new developments and expansions; with 10 percent for the maintenance and operations of municipal facilities, and 6 percent for non-designated needs, unanticipated or without classification.
WHAT CAN I DO? Support the El Dorado Works Plan. Encourage city officials to support the El Dorado Works Plan. Place an El Dorado Works sign in your yard. Tell others to vote YES! Cast your vote for El Dorado Works during the special election.
re moentertainment
moresports &
recreation fields
jobs & employment opportunities
VOTE for
el dorado works early voting begins
tuesday, June 2 election day
JUNE 9, 2015 f o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n
el dorado works o n e ce n t wo r k s @ g m a i l . co m fa ce b o o k . co m /e l d o ra d owo r k s