How to help children overcome their fears?
Children have a world of their own and they tend to see many things differently. So, first of all, it is hard to see the world from their eyes. As children grow up and see the world around them they come across many scary situations, which apparently might not be scary at all for you. Most parents allow their children to move away from their fear without really trying to address it. From our experience as a reputed Montessori Pomona, CA we can tell you that this is not the right approach. It is normal for the children to bypass things they fear, but in doing so they cannot learn the facts and overcome the fear. So, here are some ideas that we provide to parents at our Preschool Pomona, CA and they have helped many children get over their fears.
Respect their fears: You should always respect and respect the fears that your children have, though they might seem insignificant to you. They will eventually grow out of these fears, but at present, you should teach them how to cope with the fears. This will prove helpful for the rest of his/her life. Spend time with them when they are afraid: Children are afraid of natural things such as spending time in the dark, sleeping alone, during the storms, etc. You should give special attention to the child when he/she is afraid. Stay time with the child until they calm down or the fear subsides. You can spend this time telling them a funny story or doing something that diverts their attention. Encourage them to communicate about their fear: You should teach the child to share all feelings and concerns, which includes fears. You should also identify certain cues when they are afraid (like fidgeting, biting fingernails, whining, etc.). Using play methods (such as dolls, puppets, stories, etc.) to encourage your child to talk about fear. Tell them about things they are afraid of: It is important for you, as a parent, to enlighten your kid about things they are afraid of. Telling them that lightning and thunder are natural things that would help them overcome fear. You can also ask them to keep their doors slightly open when they are sleeping in a dark room. Such knowledge allows them to get over their fear.
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