Quiet Mind Retreat | Diamond Mountain Retreat Center
Bhrowsing for a peaceful and relaxing getaway? Diamond Mountain offers a quiet mindretreatforthoselookingtoescape thehustleandbustleofdailylife.Feelfreeto contactusifyouhaveanyqueries.
Quiet Mind Retreat
We believe in retreat as a way to help all people achieve their personal, spiritual, and professional goals. We practice and live the Buddhist tradition of Je Tsongkapa(who lived 1357-1419). The center was founded 19 years ago by Americans who were trained in this tradition byKhenRinpoche,Geshe LobsangTharchin(1921-2004), one of the greatest Tibetan lamas of modern times. Diamond Mountain Retreat Center, wholeheartedly welcomes everyone: users of the ancient methods for attaining deeper spiritual realization as well as modern secular seekers after a happier, more balanced life. With our deep and expansive knowledge of meditation and retreat, we can support your journey, no matterwhatyourlevelofexperienceis.