7 April 27-29
WELCOME! AIA Orlando is excited to be the host chapter for the 2017 AIA Conven on! Orlando is widely known for our worldclass theme parks and a rac ons; however those of us that call Orlando home recognize that this is only part of the story of our vibrant city. The Orlando area also offers a vibrant diversity of architecture (from Frank Lloyd Wright, Bauhaus to Calatrava), has a vibrant arts community, an innova ve technology and simula on industry, and is leading hub for healthcare. The 2017 AIA ConvenƟon provides a unique opportunity to showcase our members, allied members and local partners. Our par cipa ng sponsors will be exposed to an an cipated 20,000 conven on a endees, represen ng decision makers from across the building industry. Planning engaging ac vi es to showcase Central Florida to a endees is our number one priority. We are also crea ng a custom architectural-focused Visitor’s Guide. With an expected print run of over 10,000, the guide will feature local not to be missed architecture as well as restaurants and other entertainment venues throughout the city. Distribu on of the Guide will include: in Conven on a endee bags, at the AIA Orlando info desk located near registra on in the conven on center, at the AIA Orlando Host Chapter Booth on the exhibit floor and various other loca ons throughout the conven on center. Other planned ac vi es include: •
Over 50 unique educa onal tours throughout Central Florida
Exhibits showcasing local projects and local talent at the Conven on Center and other local venues throughout the city
Publica on of the defini ve AIA Orlando Architecture Guidebook, highligh ng local architecture, (This guide will be offered for sale on the registra on website, at the Conven on, and a er the Conven on).
We have plenty of op ons available to partner with you to leverage the Conven on. Sponsorships will put your brand and projects in front of thousands of Conven on a endees. Exclusive sponsorships are available to provide premium opportuni es. Also, if you have ideas for something new and exci ng to offer, please don’t hesitate to contact us and see how we can customize your par cipa on. We can’t wait for AIA Conven on 2017! We hope you are as excited as we are to showcase our vibrant city! Sincerely,
Tim Gibson, AIA
Holly Stenger, AIA
2016 AIA Orlando President
2017 AIA Orlando President
AIA Convention 2017|Orlando With the AIA Conven on 2017 coming to Orlando in April 2017, now is the me to share Orlando’s iconic architectural prominence with an an cipated audience of nearly 20,000 architects, design, and building professionals. As the architecture industry’s largest event, the AIA conven on is an unparalleled opportunity to network, engage, and exchange with industry insiders and the latest trends and ideas. With an AIA Orlando sponsorship, you will be plugged into a group of dedicated design and building professionals. From educa onal tours to conven on and events, AIA Orlando offers many exi ng opportuni es to showcase your organiza on’s commitment to the advancement of the built environment.
With the purchase of a PlaƟnum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Donor sponsorship, your company will receive various beneficial op ons and great adver sement opportuni es. Here are few details:
HÊÝã C« Öã Ù BÊÊã«
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Take advantage of this highly visible opportunity, posi oned at a key loca on on the main trade show floor. The host chapter booth is envisioned as a focal point oint nt of the show s floor and will feature local architects and local architecture. The incorporated ated ed lounge will prov provide a welcomed respite for the most intrepid show floor adventurer. T®ã½ SÖÊÄÝÊÙ Exclusive Sponsorship of the Host ost Chapter Booth Sponsor Logo on signage prominently inently nently displayed display dis in the booth, co-branded with AIA Orlando PlaƟnum Level Sponsor Benefitss IÄò Ýãà Äã: $50,000 | E
AIA OÙ½ Ä Ê AÙ «®ã ãçÙ Gç® ÊÊ» The first available guide to offer visitors and na ves alike an overview of styles and forms of buildings spanning nearly a century and a half of growth in Central Florida. The guidebook introduces the major ci es from Daytona to Lake Wales, and architects who have shaped the communi es, including Murry S. King, James Gamble Rogers II, Nils M. Schweizer and Gene Leedy, with essays by ten knowledgeable experts. It showcases historic buildings from the early twen eth century, mid-century modern, to the present, as well as the only campus designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and a new spectacular Polytechnic University by San ago Calatrava. A bevy of buildings at Walt Disney World and Celebra on Florida by Leading Na onal and Interna onal architects Robert Stern, Arata Isozaki, Phillip Johnson, Michael Graves, Venturi Sco Brown, Graham Gund, Welton Becket, Walt Disney Imagineering and Architectonica round out the collec on. The guidebook will be available through the conven on registra on process and at the Host Chapter Booth; it presents an opportunity to make a las ng impression on conven on a endees. Circula on: 1,000 Access to this all important convenƟon take-home is limited and Ɵme sensiƟve. Available prior to August 1, 2016 only.
Logo + Message On Inner Back Cover Silver Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $50,000 | E
Logo + Message on Sec on Divider Bronze Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $5,000 | 12 O
Listed in Book on Featured Recogni on Page Donor Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $1,500 | 10 O
AIA N ã®ÊÄ ½ Eò Äã VʽçÄã Ù S«®ÙãÝ Help support the cost to provide shirts worn by over 150 AIA Orlando staff and volunteers staffing the 2017 Na onal Conven on. Your brand will be seen by every a endee as they are helped and directed throughout the en re event.
Eø ½çÝ®ò SÖÊÄÝÊÙÝ«®Ö : $15,000
With the purchase of a PlaƟnum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Donor sponsorship, your company will receive various beneficial op ons and great adver sement opportuni es. Here are few details:
V®Ý®ãÊÙ’Ý Gç® Showcase your company in the AIA Orlando Visitor’s Guide, featuring Central Florida’s highlights and significant architecture. Complete with a rac on informa on, restaurant recommenda ons, and nightlife recommenda ons, this guide is available to all conven on a endees with their registra on package. Place your company’s name in the keepsake that a endees will use throughout the conven on. T®ã½ SÖÊÄÝÊÙ
Logo + Message Inside Front Cover Silver Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $15,000 | E
Full Page ad in Guide Bronze Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $5,000 | 5 O
Half Page ad in Guide Donor Level Sponsor Benefits IÄò Ýãà Äã: $1,500 | M O
E ç ã®ÊÄ ½ TÊçÙÝ One of the most popular and an cipated parts of the Conven on is the educa onal tours. Over 5,000 a endees each year a end the educa onal tours. As the sponsor of a tour, be able to a end the tour and network with a endees. • Company literature distributed on tour bus • 1 cket to tour to allow networking with the a endees • Ability to address the tour a endees on the bus or at the tour loca on • Recogni on on signage in the tour departure area IÄò Ýãà Äã: $5,000 | Mç½ã®Ö½ ÊÖÖÊÙãçÄ®ã® Ý ò ®½ ½ , ÊĽù 1 ÝÖÊÄÝÊÙ Ö Ù ãÊçÙ
D®ÝÖ½ ù BÊ Ù SÖÊÄÝÊÙ We will display your 36” x 36” display board in the host chapter gallery located in the conven on center where thousands will pass each day. Sponsor must provide one 36” x 36” foam core display board. Specifica ons for board will be provided when contract is received. IÄò Ýãà Äã: $750 Ö Ù ®ÝÖ½ ù Ê Ù | Mç½ã®Ö½ ÝÖÊÄÝÊÙÝ«®ÖÝ ò ®½ ½
MORE WAYS TO JOIN THE PARTY Don’t have a specific program in mind, but want to show your support for AIA Orlando and get exposure for your company? A general sponsorship contribu on will help AIA Orlando offset our general conven on expenses, and provide you with numerous sponsorship acknowledgement benefits. Sponsorship opportuniƟes begin at just $1,500. See the chart for a list of benefits per sponsorship level.
As part of our ongoing commitment to raise the awareness of Central Florida’s depth of ar sanship, there is an opportunity to sponsor a notable interac ve ar ul experience that captures the ci zenry of Orlando and conven on a endees alike by leveraging the depth of our greater ar s c community to bring our urban enviroment to life. Three types of opportuni es for raising the awareness of Central Florida’s cultural depth and commitment to art and design:
1 2 3
Permanent design installa on that elevates awareness of the built environment within our city with a long-term impact within the City of Orlando. This opportunity illustrates your long-term commitment to the community and your passion and support for the local, noteworthy, art and design birthed within Central Florida. Event-based interac ve performance installa on in a public space ed to a scheduled AIA 2017 Conven on event to occur at a downtown venue. In collabora on with architectural design firms as partners, interac ve ar sts will create a memorable experience intended to bring the built environment to life and provide a place within a place through the art of “place-making.” Scheduled interac ve performance installa on on-site at the conven on center in conjunc on with the 2017 AIA conven on. This opportunity is focused on 2017 AIA conven on a endees on loca on at the conven on center. Fully suppor ng our mission to elevate awareness of what the central Florida community of art and design has to offer by enhancing one of the programmed events with an interac ve performance / or display.
With all of these offerings, your organiza on will have contributed to a noteworthy and memorable experience that shows your commitment to impac ng the urban environment by eleva ng the awareness of how ar s c place-making may occur in many expected forms and can occur within our community now and into the future. PLEASE CONTACT CHRISTY NORCROSS FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THESE UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES.
AIA O rlando Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Sponsorship Levels PlaƟnum $50K +
Iden fica on at the AIA Orlando Office throughout 2017
Company name and logo on signage at the 2017 Host Chapter Booth
Company name and logo on signage at the 2017 Host Chapter Info _Booth
Use the “Level” Sponsor of the 2017 AIA Orlando Conven on on your _Company’s Printed Materials
Your Company Literature displayed in the AIA Orlando offices in 2017 _(Provided by Sponsor)
Recogni on at, and Complimentary ckets to the 2017 AIA Orlando _Golf Tournament
Weekly Recogni on with logo in the AIA Orlando Chapter ele er from _sign-on date thourgh 2017
Lis ng as a conven on sponsor in all AIA Orlando Publica ons during _2017
One year complimentary 2017 AIA Orlando Allied membership
One year complimentary 2017 AIA Orlando Founda on of Architetecture membership
Company name listed in the AIA Orlando Visitor’s Guide
BENEFITS Recogni on in the 2017 Conven on On-site Guide Company Lis ng and link on the AIA Orlando Website from sign-on _through the end of 2017
Complimentary ckets to the All A endee Party
25% off ckets to the AIA Orlando CEU Cram Event
In Kind sponsoshirps available, please contact Christy Norcross for _more informa on
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P½ Ý ÊÄã ã C«Ù®Ýãù NÊÙ ÙÊÝÝ ã (704) 208-9321 ÊÙ 2017Μ ® ÊÙ½ Ä Ê. Êà FÊÙ PÙ® ®Ä¦ OÖã®ÊÄÝ
SÖÊÄÝÊÙÝ«®Ö CÊÃîãã : Alan Helman, FAIA | Helman Hurley Charvat Peacock/Architects C.T. Hsu, FAIA | C.T. Hsu + Associates Tom Chandler, AIA | Schenkel Shultz Architecture-Orlando Danny Gordon, AIA | Hunton Brady Architects Jed Downs, AIA | Cuhaci & Peterson Architects Mike Chatham, AIA | Helman Hurley Charvat Peacock/Architects Suzanne Barnes, AIA | Studio +
AIA CÊÄò Äã®ÊÄ 2017 HÊÝã C« Öã Ù CÊ-C« ®ÙÝ: Dan Kirby, FAIA | Jacobs Jacki Hale, AIA | Hines
AIA Orlando Sponsorship Contract Pٮà Ùù CÊÃÖ Äù IÄ¥ÊÙà ã®ÊÄ Legal Company Name: Mailing Address: City:
Zip/Postal Code:
Web Address:
Show Contact Person:
SÖÊÄÝÊÙÝ«®Ö C«Ê® : Pla num
M ã«Ê Ê¥ P ùà Äã: Make checks payable to AIA Orlando and note 2017 AIA ConvenƟon Host Chapter Sponsorship in the memo line. Check enclosed in the amount of : $ MAIL TO: Allison Goldenberg, AIA Orlando, 801 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 109, Orlando, FL 32803 Please invoice: Donor will be invoiced immediately. Please charge to credit card #:
CVV Code:
Name as it appears on card: Expira on date:
Sponsor Signature:
Please circle:
For more informaƟon, contact Christy Norcross by calling (704) 208-9321 or via email to