70 Anniversary of TEC CARNERO! ARE YOU READY?
BE TEC! Washington CLOSE UP!
INDEX • • • • • • • • •
70 Anniversary Comics Carnero Be Tec Differences Between Bi and Multi Vines Intercampus 2013 Foro del lago Washington Close Up
70 Anniversary
By: Diana Garcia
This September, a celebration will be held at the Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey; The reason is that this system is fulfilling 70 years of being made, worked and done. It was founded in September 6th, 1943. For this celebration, the school is inviting all the other Campi to join them in Monterrey in order to make a national festival. Of all the Campi around Mexico students of many different groups, like basketball, football, soccer, dance, leadership, and more, went to this festival to make an awesome event. The students were at Monterrey for a week to practice the things and dances that they are going to present at Friday night. They will be making a dance performance per each campus and they are going to present it to the public.
The event will be transmitted by a web page so people can watch it and feel like if they were in Monterrey celebrating with them and watching all of the performances that students will present. This event is also an opportunity for meeting people and making a lot of friends. It is an amazing experience and you learn more things when you are out there. It is a totally great trip going to another campus and being with students from the entire republic. It is incredible the amount of people that are there. Finishing the event, all the students are coming back to each of their talking about how it was, and how they felt.
There is a girl in my class called Marilyn
A dog had just bit me in the leg
Does she looks like Marilyn Monroe?
And, How was it? BAD
No, because she looks like Marilyn Manson.
It just broke 3 theeth
By: Berenice Coronel
Carnero, for some people is just another Tec’s event of induction, but for others is a really fantastic experience. In some campus, Carnero is a group, but in campus Leon is formed by JoLuM and Clip, depending on your qualities, you can choose between being instructor or just staff.
There’s a national training so the ones who were there (this year was held in Aguascalientes), gave a special training for the group that went there. Everything was getting prepared since early august with a training that lasted 3 days. Then, on august 30th, “Carnero eslabon” took place with approximately 200 students. It was a really cool experience to everyone because most of the people thinks that this is an initiation but it is not.
In fact, it is an integration activity in which first of all, you have to give up all your fears and loose your shyness because most of the time you have to do “ridiculous”. things or super extroverted things. Carnero changed my life because fortunately had the opportunity of being guide and participant. It is really cool how you get involved with a group of persons. The way you learn how to work in many ways and when you see a challenge completed. I would love to have Carnero more often because you make more friends and get to know other ones; it also is pretty good because you have to look up for extra help, “sponsors” to have all the materials, food and things that are required for every activity. Finally thanks to carnero, you can discover your leadership and how you can influence in others opinions.
Be TEC! Find the words that are described on the sentences, all of them are about TEC. 1) Is the animal that represents the school? 2) It’s an event that last 3 days, you represent a country & you have to defend it depending on your situations. 3) It´s like a ritual in first semester, you have to go with old clothes because you finish all dirty. 4) It’s a place when you can print things, study, X V X E I V O M L V Y S G N C W N K S T work on computers, etc.M H U L A C J U O L B P V Q A I D H G U And it’s located in the D T Y I X N N I D B P U A J S K E Z L S school. KNBITJTXJPSOEVVOBGVV 5) It’s the average that YMUSHEVZYJPRSYYNEMAV you have to have in order to pass the subject.N O T E B O O K T W S G E O H Q A K A M 6) Is a trip that you do D R V H E B A N N N E X T U B N G U C L when you are on 5th FDKCKDLUERKSHTWGMLVT semester to the United C N Q Z W H Y M V C Z T Y O R I W W U C States. ZXKZUKJCEJVNITHEALLF 7) There are … & one OFAYMEEESNNEJHRHTEHA final exam. YEFDVGSTRWWDKROYEWEN 8) It’s something you need to always bring to O G B N G S J X K A G U Y T N U P P Z V class in order to take X V N E Y S G B P E W T G X X J B U S H notes. 9) When you finish your X K K F Q H Q A O W K S H M H M Z I G H partial exam, the next Q I G J D G Z H O F V Q A B G E I C S F class is always a relaxedO R E N R A C B L M K D H B U J V C O S class , sometimes we O F E T W O J P A R C I A L S B P G V E get to see a…? IIJTICXGVCVMMLZIZJBK 10) They are students VFVGMHLHHYBXLNEAHWMM that make a lot of events, proposals, parties, etc. . These groups are called … (in general)
Differences between multicultural & bilingual By: Monica Reyes
Have you ever felt wrong about your decision? Like if you didn’t make the right choice, choosing between two things but you don’t know the differences, the benefits or anything about that choice, you just made it and you have to live it. Well that’s why I make this article, to help you to know if you have been right about your decision of being cultural or bilingual in this school, TEC. Well, I have friends in both sides, multicultural and bilingual. For experience I think bilingual is better, cause you don’t have a lot of pressure, I have a friend in multicultural that she actually loves that program but she says that is kind of difficult but it is nice because there’s not a lot of people,
therefore the friends you make are the friends you always have in your class and you make a good friendship, you can even call it family.
For the other side of the school, there’s US. The bilingual program of the TEC and it’s also cool, you don’t have all the classes with the same mates, you have many groups, many friends in all your classes so is really nice cause in each classroom you make new friends and everything. I think that I would love to have all my classes in English but then I realize that I’m not that good at it so I wouldn’t probably have the best grades in multicultural. What I dislike is that bilinguals have to course Art & Culture and the multicultural don’t. I think it should be obligatory for every student! I think that at the end each side program can develop you as a person, every single day they teach us something, we don’t have the same classes, the same friends or the same relations but the TEC always teaches something as equal, “To be yourself” and I think that’s the most important thing, to grow up as a good person, as a person who wants to get better every single day, someone that doesn’t give up so easy. Tec always help us to see the best that is in us, the best we can give. That is why, that whether you are in bilingual or multicultural, everyone has the chance to show that each one of us is important in his own way.
By: Diana Garcia
Last October, several representative groups had gone to the Intercampus that this time was held at ITESM Sinaloa. The teams had to travel more tan 14 hours by bus to get there. Some of them had left at 6 am and arrived at Sinaloa at 10pm. This is a whole adventure for the students and a great and big opportunity. They had convived a lot between them. They had stayed at a big hotel. The representative groups were sport teams like: football, basketball, tennis, voleiball, swimming, and some more.
The teams had to play against other campi, like Guadalajara, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, etc. The rules for each sport are different, so the way to determine who will win, were different too. Some have to win all of their matches to pass to the final and win, others were for match winning, and others were for the differences of points (goals). This can be a big opportunity for the students because they meet new things, new people, the Campus installations, and more.
Some of the results that the Campus Leon had are: -Football soccer manly youth: Got till the semifinal and then they loosed in penalties. - Football soccer higher women’s: Won the second place. - Basketball manly youth: They played the final, but they loosed.
 Intercampus is an event that is held every year for the representative groups of all Tecs. And it is a way of showing to the schools, and students which Campus is better talking sportly, and what they have to improve to become better.
“Foro del lago� By: BereniceCoronel
Actually the dance company has about 65 dancers whom since the semester begun, are training and getting ready for this amazing show. Foro del lago is not just another presentation or show, in fact is the most important and more expected for the public, the dancers and also the organizers. Year by year, since 6 years ago, have been prepared and presented various shows, all with a different theme and always with a message that seeks to impact on society. Usually this event takes place in the month of January as part of the program of events of the fair of Leon, Guanajuato. As a dancer, preparing for this event is really heavy, but in the end it is always worth, since all technique learned in class, the sweat poured into trials and even blisters that can reach out, make it worth seeing the astonishing result that has to have spent so many hours.
As a expectator, is one of the most anticipated entertainment, the one of the dance company of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, since they have that spark that infects us all and makes us feel like going down to the stage and dance with them. Is amazing how an entire program turns around a theme and from there leave all their choreography, costumes and music companion. Year after year, this event has been gaining more and more importance, being agreed so at least the next presentations of three years. Hoping everything is running okay, the presentation of the next year, will be on January 16 and the theme is still a surprise for the public. Choreographies began to mount since the month of September, but the heavy lifting comes in preseason, which conducts the last weeks of December and early January
“Washington D.C close up” By: Monica Reyes
Well for my experience, at first I didn’t wanted to go to Washington , just the thought of being the whole week talking about the government of the U.S.A & stuff was making me sick but my parents ask me to give the chance to met new people , to learn other cultures so I agreed to go at the last minute & if you ask me , I will never regret that decision.
Close Up is a program that invite many school of all the U.S.A to have a reflection about the thins that are happening in the government so they can give their ideas and opinions. But you don’t just talk about politics all day , you get to visit the White House ,memorials , the Capitol Hill and stuff like that so you get to know how your government works in action and democracy.
The first day we checked in into the hotel, we have dinner with all the other Close Up students and I didn’t have an idea of what we were going to talk about so I sit with a American girl and I asked her about what was going on right now in the United States & she began to tell me everything and by the time it was late I get more and more interested about the situation.
You get to know so many people that when I came back I just tell my mom : “I have a new house in Miami and other places” . You make friends , you get ther information to stay in contact with them and that’s something that you always going to have for the rest of your life , is an experience that you will never forget because that listen to you , they hear your opinions but they actually care about you as a citizen so that teach me a lot and that is an experience that change my whole life forever.
By: Berenice Coronel Diana Garc铆a M贸nica Reyes