Illustration for an Article

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Diana Thompson Computer Drawing Editorial Illustration Project

1. Project Statement I decided to create an illustration for this particular article because the subject of it is very important to me. The United Russia party has stolen an absurd amount parliamentary election votes. I’m originally from Russia, and I was exposed to corruption and politicians’ dishonest behavior from an early age. In my illustration, I want to convey to the audience the profound violation of human rights by the Russian government. I want to show (in an exaggerated way) the fact that the Prime Minister of Russia, Mr. Putin, does not care and does not want to hear the Russian people’s desperation and protestation against him.

2. Target Audience Anyone who cares and is strongly opposed to Mr. Putin. Also, anyone who is interested in international politics. Age 25-80.

3. Objectives I want Russian people to continue to stand up and speak up for their rights.

4. Obstacles Non-russian individuals or people who stay away from politics might not fully understand the importance of this subject.

5. Key Benefit People will have a better understanding of the importance of this subject. This illustration shows that Russian citizens don’t have a right to speak up and to be heard by their government.

6. Support Statement This illustration shows that Russian citizens don’t have a right to speak up and to be heard by their government. The illustration perhaps will wake up the politicians in order to defend Russian citizens’ rights.

7. Tone Strong, ironic, exaggeratied , comic.

8. Media Print/Digital Illustration


Sketching Ideas

Sketching Ideas






Final Result

Final result

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