Dian AP. Journey feb 2017

Page 1

Profile & Experience pg. 01

A little introduction to Dian and her experience.

2 in 1 Supermarket pg. 03

Developing the in-store service for Indonesian Supermarket.

Smart Shopping Cart pg. 13 Jaguard pg. 21

Make shopping activity better in a smart city.

Monitoring platform for building security.

CONTENTS. Personal and sharing platform for food lovers.

Dahar Yuk! pg. 33

Build interactions by using the element of surprise.

Twelve pg. 43

Drying wet clothes to solve backpacker traveler’s problem.

Travpack pg. 49

Dian Anindya


(Freelance Designer)

Part of scrum team work with design sprint method. Involved in Projects such as designing Website, Mobile App, VR.

Bandung, ID

FSRD - ITB Jan 2016 - Jun 2016

Frequently used creative tools.

(Assistant Lecturer)

Facilitating student in basic 3D Visual Class at Faculty of Art and Design Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Bandung, ID

Creativeans Pte. Ltd Jun 2015 - Aug 2015

Singapore, SG

(Product Design Intern)

Working in Interdisciplinary design team to produce creative solution for global companies. Did user research, ideation, to prototype. Learnt to presentate using 3D modelling and product photoshoot.

Red and White Project AIESEC Bardo (English Teacher) Jun 2013 - Jul 2013

Jendouba, TN


Teaching English to children and youth in Tunisia suburb area. Held an interactive conversation class to introduce English language and Indonesian Culture.

01 | Profile & Experience

Frequently used office tools.

UI/UX | Research | Sketching Rapid Prototyping | 3D Modelling 3D Rendering | Basic Photography Basic 2D Motion/Animation Presentation | Leadership

Field of Interest




Art Culture

Service Experience




PROFILE Love to explore and learn through various people and different environments. Used to work in a team or independently to realize creative ideas.

(Head of HRD)

Developing Professional Skill & Knowledge of society members. Initiate the first designer/maker workshop.

Industrial Design Student Society ITB Mar 2014 - Des 2015

(Professional Relation) Maintain and expand networking focused on professionals.

Bandung, ID

Education Bachelor in Product Design (GPA 3.5/4.0) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Language Indonesia (Native Speaker) English (Proficiently Spoken)

(Head of External Relation)

Maintain and Expand Network of TEC ITB with external entrepreneurship parties.

Techno Entrepreneur Club ITB Jan 2014 - Sept 2015

Bandung, ID

Award & Recognition 1st Winner. Social Innovation Competition 2014 Jakarta, ID

Bronze Medalist. International Students Capstone Design Project 2016

(Unit Facilitator)

Facilitating and archiving activities of Art and Cultural Clubs/ Organizations in ITB.

Seni Budaya KM ITB Sept 2012 - Jul 2014

Bandung, ID

Incheon, KR

Top 18. ITB Innovators Move 2016 Bandung, ID

More About Dian https://id.linkedin.com/in/dianindyap +62 81808484364 Dago Suites Apartment 1219, Bandung, Indonesia 40135

(Food Stand Coordinator)

Pasar Seni ITB 2014

Responsible for more than 100 tenants in Pasar Seni, one of the biggest art market in festival in ASEAN. Bandung, ID



Profile & Experience | 02

2 in 1 Supermarket Easy Shop and Deliver 2017 A Project by Dian Anindya

Portfolio 2017 Dian Anindya

Supermarket has been established in Indonesia since 1971. In store, Indonesia still use an old conventional way of shopping, which has been established in US in 1939 which has offered a lot of innovation ever since to enhance the shopping experiences to increase sales.

How can we develop the services in Indonesian supermarket store?

The latest development of technology are for the backsystem like POS, and use online platform as promotional tools.

2 in 1 Supermarket | 04


Customers may go alone or in a group to supermarket. Even when they are alone, they may buy stock to be used together.




For personal or Home


Shopping Patterns



For personal

Probably go together, buy for personal/together



1. Leisure

05 | 2 in 1 Supermarket

2. Make Time

3. Buy and Go

Shopping Plan

Desired Purchase

Sometimes shopping can be planned, or unplanned. Customer might come because it is located on the same building like malls, or near where they did activities.

Brought While Shopping

Items can be big or small, can be heavy or light, can be few or many.

Vehicles Motorcycle





Public Transport


Supermarket Conditions

Can be consideration to pick items, postpone or cancel shopping Crowded


2 in 1 Supermarket | 06


Development and improvement on Public Transportations, make people easily go without car.

Emergence of Online Shopping with Delivery system, Personal Shopper

Don’t have to go through traffic

Can’t see/test the product

Stay home/ I can go to other place

Can’t choose product freely

Don’t have to carry it home

Might miss promo

07 | 2 in 1 Supermarket

RESEARCH SUMMARY Developing In Store Service + online and delivery system that is already established to solve crowdness issue that may causes unefficient time uncomfortable shopping experience.

The idea is to create alternate system where customer can deliver from store. The alternate system is 2 in 1, that customer can get the product they need in hands directly by putting inside the basket, then go to cashier to pay the item inside the basket and the rest they have scanned to be delivered.

1. Search

2. Choose

3. Compare

IDEATION 4. Decide

5. Pay

Innovation on Transaction System. Combines Delivery.

1 Take Basket

2 Find Desired Product

7 Set Delivery Schedule

3 Put Into Basket

8 Go to Cashier

9 Scan the Items

More 10 Items Cashier

Instead of taking trolley, customer now can bring only basket for items they want to get right after payment. This means more use of express lane. 1 trolley lane can be converted to 2 express lanes.

4 See Product for Home Stock

10 Review Order

5 Scan Product

11 Pay Purchase

6 Put Product Back

12 Purchase Will be Delivered

Self-Checkout Delivery Transaction

For those who need nothing right away can use the self-checkout machine, so they don’t have to wait in line at all when it is shift break. 2 in 1 Supermarket | 08

The main color used is red, the color is used in most supermarkets in Indonesia.

The Self-Checkout Delivery machine is mainly designed for Indonesian women, because women shops more and men tends to carry their own groceries. So, it is best operated for 150-170 cm. While it is still greatly operated for 145 cm tall to 185 cm tall.

The chosen design gives more dynamic image with its curve form. It is also designed for supermarket to be able to design their interior, make use of the space available. With its curved form, it gives a little privacy space for user to review their purchase and proceed to payment that is confidential.

09 | 2 in 1 Supermarket


Role-Play on real -scaled low fidelity paper prototyping and mock ups to get hands on the product fast, and get feedbacks, especially on size and positioning on interactive media or physical design. The tested player is 150 cm and 160 cm women, and 170 cm and 180 cm men.

Besides size and positioning, use of static and dimmed color also tested to give more interactive information and feedbacks, so the product is easy to operate. The scanning process uses personal phone, it is tested to work in low MP camera and old OS, to make sure it can work in most devices.

2 in 1 Supermarket | 10

Step to enjoy 2 in 1 Supermarket Services

Scan Items

Order List

Get Barcode

Customer can scan the barcode of desired product, review their order list, and get barcode for whole list, as simple as using their smartphone.

Scan on Self Checkout Deivery Machine They can proceed payment to express cashier if they buy items they want to carry, or they can scan the generated barcode, use the machine to delivery all the products.

11 | 2 in 1 Supermarket

Review Order Customer can review their order, edit their delivery information.

Pay Paying is really simple, just by choose the cashless payment available and tap the card onto the machine.

Review Payment Status After the payment completed, customer can monitor the delivery status using their phone

See the delivery payment video simulation at bit.ly/cashless2in1simulation

2 in 1 Supermarket | 12

Smart Shopping Cart

Shop smart in a smart city. 2016 International Student Capstone Design Project (IS-CAPS) Aditya Rachman P. Andyaningrum F. Dian Anindya Hyun Yoon Hyeok Kim Ju Yun Nam Gung Seung Nadya Komara P.

41% of shoppers have abandoned a purchase due to long queue times 86% avoid shops if they perceive the queue to be too lengthy 74% would turn to a competitor Research on queueing has shown that, on average, people overestimate how long they’ve waited in a line by about 36%

(How Long Does It Take To Lose Your Customer report by Intel and Box Technologies)

(Richard Larson, M.I.T Researcher)

Can we make our queue time in store more efficient?

Smart Shopping Cart | 14

In Korea, demand of shopping industry like clothes and cosmetics are high, not only for daily use, also as merchandise for tourists.

Scanning process at cashier is like a final check to ensure that consumer buy and pay for the right product.

In cashier, activity that takes quite time is scanning. However there is also other activity that makes the transaction hampered is returning items.

RESEARCH SUMMARY Fasten the scaning process and avoid returning/getting items at cashier.

Time Efficiency

Benefit Store Customer Satisfaction

Product Concept

15 | Smart Shopping Cart

The idea is to combine the scanning feature with cart/basket, so customer can buy and scan the product. The item and price will also shown by the product.


+ + On process, user stories and sketches are created based on observations. The final design is using RFID to detect items and automatically calculate the price.

Smart Shopping Cart | 16

Once user put a shopping item inside, it will automatically detect item. The item name and the price will shown on the screen for few seconds, then the calculated price will be shown. Auto Detect and Calculate Item


The shopping basket can be carried easily like regular basket, and can be expanded for more space. When it gets too heavy, the basket can be attached to a stroller.

17 | Smart Shopping Cart

PROTOTYPING Avoiding the basket misreading items from the other basket, reading range outside the basket is tested by using metal to cover the electromagnetic, while also testing the affected scan range inside the basket to create the right prototype size.

The prototype for testing uses RFID reader, controller and small LED screen.

The expandable feature comes from two separated basket. The bottom basket is transaparent so the items inside are easy to see when it is way on the bottom. The prototype comes with simple patterns for more aesthetic final touch.

Smart Shopping Cart | 18



Scroll 1


Spending is easily tracked using webapps which can be accesed inside the store. To login, user simply input the cart number written by the basket, and it will show all the items inside the basket. With simple interface and simple scrolling gesture, this platform is easy to use. For further development, not only benefit for user, but the store can also make use of this as ads platform to increase their sales.

19 | Smart Shopping Cart

Smart Shopping Cart lets Shopper tracks their spending and pay easily. It is also time efficient, especially for tourist who needs buy souvenir before they fly back home.

The global team project is also appreciated and won bronze prize when it is presented in Incheon, Korea.

Smart Shopping Cart | 20

JAGUARD Building Security Sprint 2 Project at Labtek Indie

Energy Building as one of the tallest building in Jakarta needed a system to monitor the security. Team of security are patrolling according to schedule and the shift is rolled everyday. Patrol activity is also monitored by the security chief.

Objective: Monitoring platform for security chief (CSO) Shift scheduling platform for security team leader (LSG) Check and report platform for on going shift security (SG) Jaguard’s logo as a color scheme of the design

Jaguard | 22


The platform is designed according the need of the Chief Security Officer (CSO), to monitor the progress status and security performances.



I want to see which SG on duty, so I can see their performance.

I want to access the monitoring feature from computer and see the overall status and location of SG on duty.



In the overview, I want to be able to choose the date as I want so I can see the daily performance

When I monitor, I want to see the visualisation of the building to know the latest checkpoint update, so I know the patrol progress.




When I open the dashboard I want to be able to click to see the progress of each level.


I want to see the pop up preview picture and notes on incident report.

Dashboard Menu

23 | Jaguard


I want to see the range of time so I can see the performance in a period of selected time.

I want to see indicator of each checkpoint and the exact time it is checked.

OvervIew Menu

The building (Story 3) has 39 floor, preferable clicked onto the building (Story 4) and it needs to be visualized in same page with other features, because the user needs to see the overall status while monitoring (Story 2)

CSO IDEATION Shows overall and ongoing progress on screen after logging in.

Scroll On duty and shift details, also notes on report.

Line for Levelling

The use of line for building with clickable 39 floors function. Bigger floor map is next to the building to show more detailed progress Use of color to differentiate the information about the progress for easy monitoring.

Represent Floor

Not Yet




Jaguard | 24

Alternative Vertical/Horizontal Charts

For the overview, the platform needs to be able to show the information of selected time, whether daily (Story 7) or in a period of time (Story 8). After the testing, the information about checkpoint report will show depend on the selection mode.

Shows report and notes on incident.

Scroll On duty and shift details

For the shift information still shows daily because the change of shift everyday. It can be changed using up and down button or dropdown menu that will show the selected range date.

25 | Jaguard




6 2 3






1 USER STORY 1. See which SG on duty 2. See the overall status and location of SG on duty 3. Building visualisation and latest checkpoint update 4. Click and see the progress of each level (dropdown feature, click on building / button) 5. Pop up preview picture and notes on incident report. (Pop up to center of page when image is clicked) 6. Indicator of checkpoint and time it is checked. (Detail: Time shows to second 00:00:00, colors to show the indicator status) Jaguard | 26


USER STORY 7. Choose the date for daily performance 8. Performance in period of selected time (Report shows from the latest date scroll down to oldest date, Shift shows daily with the dropdown from latest scroll down to the oldest date choice of selected period) 27 | Jaguard



The platform is designed for Leader Security Guard to choose the composition of patrol that day. The arrangement is done by LSG at the beginning of the day. LSG is also a Security Guard that is changed daily.


When I organize the round schedule everyday, I want to arrange the composition of each team that day, so the SG can work.


LSG uses the same page for login, like CSO. However with their account the next page shown will be a dropdown menu for arranging compositions.


Jaguard | 28



USER STORY 9. Arrange the composition of each team that day (Dropdown menu, and pop confirmation when it is applied)

29 | Jaguard

10 11

During patrol, I can mark the checkpoints on the assigned route, to give information progress to the head office.

When I start my shift, I am logged in as myself and my team partner, so it will be marked by server to show performance


When I see incident, I can report a picture as a prove to head office.


When I see incident, I can send message and report the details to head office



SG USER STORY The platform is designed for Security Guard, based on their duty to patrol and check on the route assigned, show their performance progress, also report when there is an incident.

I can categorize the incident report so it will be easier for CSO to differentiate the report.

Jaguard | 30

SG IDEATION There are 2 physical actions given to the device:

Tap Device

Touch Screen

Login/Logout check on points

Input Data Choose Option/List


Use of color, like changing or blinking, also added information to show that the device is working.

31 | Jaguard

To fill data from provided options, it is preferable by the user to use a firstly blank dropdown menu, instead of easy one-click on a provided answers. A one-click is a desired action for submit button.



12 11 13 14

USER STORY 10. Logged in as SG on duty (By tapping device>choose the shift and team>Logged user name will show) 11. Mark the Checkpoint (Tapping and it will be sent to server, the number of point checked wil increase) 12. Report Incident Picture (Picture taken will replace the camera icon) 13. Send Message and Details of Insident 14. Categorize the Insident (Use of Dropdown) Jaguard | 32

Dahar Yuk! Accomodate food ethusiasts to share their love for food.

Eat. Food. Repeat. 2016 Ahmad Faruq Andieta Octaria Dian Anindya Vivian Maretina Ahmad Faruq

Bandung has a lot of culinary places, from street food to 5 star high-end restaurant with various choices. Therefore, many people think of Bandung as “City of Culinary�.

As one of the most crowded city in Indonesia, Bandung serves not only for those who are citizens, but also many people from all around Indonesia, who study or work in Bandung. With decent weather and touristic places, Bandung also favorable for tourists, every week-or even everyday, tourists come to enjoy Bandung.

However, there is still lack of information about food that is detailed and specific, according the needs of the user.

Dahar Yuk! | 34

SHARING BEHAVIOUR People like to share, either with public to spread the things they like, or to friend for review, update or invitation to go together. Many people like to give tags and locations, to spread the information on culinary to a more specific area or topic, and detailed information.

AFFORDANCE LIMITATIONS It does not always mean about price, but also there are many kind of cases that can limit the kind of food we want. It can also because of time, location, friend’s preferences, etc.

SERVICE SAFARI EXISTING PRODUCT Different kind of platform are used for different kind of informations. Many people follow personal page like blog or instagram to find the person’s reccomendations or recipe. This considers intimate/based on specific needs. While a more public platform shows the common favourite, general ratings, an other “wide” informations.

35 | Dahar Yuk!

Interesting Photo Great Headline New First Impression expensive

great place

6 or more people unsuitable promo

The existing platform, although comes from specific person, still viewed as a wide information. We see the big blank picture first that we assume fit for us, but when we click we see many things that does not match and decided to find a new one, repeatedly, until it is decided.

soup available

The portion is too big and expensive, can’t get promo

Interesting Photo Great Headline New First Impression


User Preferences

a little far soup available great rating great price

Seems nice. I don’t mind to go that far.

Sharing feature is desirable

Accomodate a specific user preferences of product

Product Concept

Dahar Yuk! | 36

INSIGHTS Collecting all the insight, the one chosen is classified, that focused on a more specific information, starts from user, as a personal or a community.

IDEATION OFFLINE ALTERNATE SOLUTION Finishing the below journey is a completion of platform tasks. Identifying the possible pain from the touch points led to the alternate use of the application, offline mode. Offline mode is temporary, it saves the last detail accessed by the user. So when user is on their way, the app will saves details provided about restaurant like map, and use of future update for coupon.

Internet Connection Creating ID -Forgot Pass -Verification Code

Notifications on Connection Problem Alternate use of Security Questions Instead of Sending

37 | Dahar Yuk!

GPS Map doesn’t work Lost Connection Offline Map, save targeted location

Availability of Promo Can’t Sync No Connection Real-Time Update Future Sync

PROTOTYPING APPLICATION MOCK UP Before designing the final product, Mock Up is created and evaluated, within the team, and get feedbacks from the potential user, especially about the special features such as integrated community and personal filter preferences.

Search Filter


My Favourite Find Resto

News Contains: From Friends What’s Popular Promo My Favourite is where all the history and bucketlists. Search resto, Integrated with Filter


Gives tag on categories we want/don’t want


Location preferred


Money we have/ like to spend

Dahar Yuk! | 38

USER SCENARIO It’s Malik’s birthday and he wants to invite Ari and Riris for dinner. He’d like a japanese food and his budget is 200.000 Rupiah.

Filter Menu

9PM I have to pick up my friend @Bandung Station

Ok, but prefer soup. Karaoke 9.30 PM @Cihampelas





In location filter, Malik can set the location preference not only for him, but also using add friends location feature, Dahar Yuk! will filter according the intersection of Malik (10 km from home), Ari (5km from station) and Riris (5km from Cihampelas).

39 | Dahar Yuk!

Malik set the wallet filter to 65.000, because his budget is 200.000 for 3 person.


Filter Menu Malik uses category and add Japanese because he wants to eat japanese food, then add Friends and Dinner, so that only those opens at night will shown. Last he adds soup for Riris.


Dahar Yuk! | 40


Chat By clicking on profile, Malik can also chat Ari and Riris. In points menu, Malik can redeem for discount, or see the automatically updated point after he paid and reviews the restaurant.

41 | Dahar Yuk!


Using Dahar Yuk! Finding food will be more easy and suitable for you, or your group. Arranging to eat together. constrain of difference on preferences will not be a problem anymore.

Dahar Yuk! | 42

See you at

Twelve Surprisingly Build Interactions 2015

Interdisciplinary design work: Ayaka Hatakoshi Ayako Izukawa Dian Anindya Hitomi Sato I Made Abirama Lukas Satriadi Ratriana Amini

Understand the cultural value of Bamboo material.

Dig deeper about Indonesian Culture, observe the way people in daily and interact with each other.

Bamboo as “Modern” and as “Traditional” material.

Bamboo as part of activities of everyday life


BAMBOO PRODUCT Togetherness Interaction Connect People


Product Concept

Twelve | 44



Gather People



After the main concept, 5 elements were specified as the value of the design. Using Bamboo material, the object will have surprise element, that will create communication and gather people to build or as a platform for interaction, either people to people or people to product.

To realize the concept, the design will be put in a public space to facilitate interaction. Shadow is used as element of surprise, put in outdoor space using sunlight to show the natural value of bamboo.

IDEATION To meet the final concept, many idea sketches from the use of color, interactive gesture, to many creative shapes to create surprise feeling. It is finally decided to give information to communicate in certain time.

45 | Twelve

Finally, it is designed to be seen only at 12 o’clock, while in another time it can only be seen as a beautiful naturally shaped bamboo object with abstract shadow. We chose the shadow to be seen at 12 because of the lunchtime. In Indonesia, it is when position of the sun is exactly at the top.


The use of light-shadow is tested using 3D for simulation. The way of shadow created from natural light also observed at 12 o’clock and an hour after to see the shadow movement.

Twelve | 46

TWELVE can be seen as a time reminder, while it also give surprise feeling when it happens or probably looking forward for the event. TWELVE can work as a meeting point, at the same time it can also encourage people to see the material of bamboo from a different perspective, not only as a traditional material. Finally, it will build interactions.

Twelve | 48

TravPack Dry and Move A project that uses applicable tecnology to solve traveler’s wet clothes problem during the trip.


Dian Anindya

Exhibited at

Spotted on

When we pack, usually the first thing we think about is clothe. How many is needed How we keep in our bag What kind of clothe we need

What happen when the clothes are dirty? Many traveler will wash their clothes because they have limited clothe they can bring.

What happen when it is time to move and the clothes are still wet? Put in a plastic bag, however after some time the clothes will become smelly.

Travpack | 50

Target User: Backpacker Traveler. Traveler who bring limited clothes during the trip. BACKPACKER RESEARCH

Solo Traveler

Hostel Hopper

Outdoor Traveler

Urban Traveler


Different types of traveler will meet different kind of place and situation. The differences can be extreme, like: Snowy and hot weather; Spend the night at the hotel and inside a tent; Independent or depend on others. Carry 35L-75L backpack, depends on the journey time. USER SCENARIOS Understand the behaviour of the traveler when travel from place to place. Traveler takes different kind of transportations, and stick with their belongings or in nearest or given place.

OBSERVATION & ROLE-PLAYING Frequently used item put within hand-reach, either in compartments available or hang it.

51 | Travpack


Rolled Towel

Near Fire

Fan, AC

Wind, Sunlight

The weather is not always great for drying, also there might be limited place to hang the clothes. The waiting time until the clothes dry can be vary.

Dryer Machine


The product should be portable so it can be easy to carry, adjustable for the flexibilty of clothes, and different storage space. It can help to dry clothes while the person travels.

Product Concept Portable


Travpack | 52

The idea is to use attachable system to the backpack, therefore it can be used when needed, and keep it when unnecessary. It Uses the heat from the sunlight to dry the clothes, however in unwanted situation or weather, it uses alternate heating energy. It is placed on top, to get the great amount of heat from sunlight. In addition, it is also easier to extend from backpack and unlike side part, the top is not really used by traveler while moving.

IDEATION Using thermally conductive smart textile, it can quickly help transmitting the heat energy to dry the clothes. By using smart textile, the density of the textile can be designed so the pores can release the water and receive the heat. So although it has pores, the designed smart textile can also avoid dust coming through and dirtied the clothes.

53 | Travpack

The design functionally 2 side, the inside and outer part. The clothes will be put inside the outer compartments using thermally conductive textile. The portable heater can be additional put in compartments inside. It uses portable battery as source of energy.

PROTOTYPING After modelling using paper, the prototype was made using polyester material as the base part to insulate the heat, so it safe to use. The top part uses low density textile filled with copper wire, with black color as the most conductive color to simulate the thermally conductive material.

Travpack | 54

The portable heater prototype uses wire heater covered with alumunium material at the top part for fast heat transfer. The other side is covered with polyester material for heat insulation.

The prototype had been tested to dry wet socks in indoor place.

Dry Tested

55 | Travpack

Travpack is attachable to 35-75 L backpack. It can dry 1-2 piece of clothes on the road. Because usually traveler carry small amount of clothes, like undies or swimsuit because it is a waste of energy to dry few amount of clothes on drying machine.

It has compartments for the use of portable heater, while when it is not in use, it can be used to put other things.

Travpack | 56

TravPack helps traveler to dry clothes while moving.

There are amazing journey awaits on the road and it cannot be wasted because of the wait of drying clothes.


The innovation was appreciated as Top 18 and exhibited in ITB Innovators Move 2016.

57 | Travpack

It is also spotted on local media, the article can be found by the link above.

It is the end of the journey! Thank you for coming along. If you love it, it would be delightful to hear from you! Kindly contact dian.anindya@gmail.com +62 81808484364 dianindyap

Dian Anindya Project Journey Feb. 2017

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