REAGE | REACT multimedia campaign was developed for the Dianova Network (3 continents, 11 countries) by Externa Comunicación and Bloodymary Films (Barcelona) aiming to promote Health and raise awareness on drug addictions on 3 main environments: labour, school and family.
In Portugal, the campaign has been supported by 4 graphic themes and 2 spot videos, from January to June 2014.
Here’s the wrap up ROI and Social Impact results: 1.574 social advertising materials have been promoted nationwide, 5 events were held, 80 Partners and 442.423€ in Sponsorships have been raise in a close relationship, 31 in depth news were release on TV, Radio, Printed and Online Media ranging an audience of 4.7 million people, and globally 16 million People were impacted through REACT messages, materials and channels.
Dianova Portugal thanks once more to all Partners and Sponsors that have contributed to this successful campaign.
Collaborate with us… inspiring change!