3 minute read
Missionary Disciples Revd Dr. Joel Edwards CBE Page 25
from FOCUS April 2021
compassion, justice, love, humility, generosity, sharing, integrity, honesty and contentment. These are the visible expressions of the fruits of the Spirit.
ii) Moving with the currents of the times
All the three temptations of Jesus are indeed warnings for us to lead a life worthy of praise (Lk.4:1-13; Matt.4:1-11) These are: (i)Stones to become loaves of bread (ii)jumping from the pinnacle of the temple and (iii) falling down and worshiping the devil. The whole body is involved in the sinning against God’s will. The message is this: Do not try to match your life with all the fashions of this world, and conformity to the world is the sign of spiritual decay. Jesus has warned us to resist them.
2. Living with the renewal of mind
The Greek verb: anakaineo means “having newness in character and nature”. To get trained in godliness-(I Tim.4:7b-8) is the divine calling of a Christian. Boldness in Christian life implies stripping off the old self and transcending the boundaries created by geography, gender, race, caste etc. This happens through the enlargement of love, enrichment of love and employment of love. In offering life as a sacrifice to God, we fulfill mission in Christ’s way. The value system of the followers of Jesus varies in accordance with their perception of Jesus. Those who followed him for the sake of miracles to get their needs satisfied (St. John 6:2, 26) and others who expected of him to be their political leader to achieve political goals (Lk.19:37-38) have had a low profile of spiritual values in their discipleship. A life pleasing to God will be a commitment to seek in doing good to one another and to all. It has been well stated in the following way in the daily pursuits of life: In home-kindness; in business-honesty and integrity; in society-accountability; in work- thoroughness and excellence; in play-fairness and co-operation; in life-thankfulness and gratitude. This is well stated in the message of John the Baptist in Lk.3:8: “Bearing fruits worthy of repentance.” The words of Pope Francis are worth recalling when we sum up the divine challenge. To quote: “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the Sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.” Living for others is the rule of Nature. We are born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. One’s care for others is the visible manifestation of his/her spirituality at work as we read in St. Matt. 25:40. The Bible characters give us the portraits of their character to lead a life worthy of their calling. Someone has rightly qualified and given us a brief sketch of them to imitate in the pilgrimage of our life. Let me narrate them: Pray like Nehemiah, obey like Daniel, lead like Moses, serve like Thomas, believe like Mary, fight like David, build like Noah, love like Jesus, and above all follow the mission strategy of Paul: “All things to all people” (1Cor. 9:22). In Christian life style, we need to “strive always to do what is good for each other and for everyone else”(1 Thess.5:15).
Living by the gospel in our own life is a call from above to take up the cross daily. A true disciple is asked to remember and repeat the prayer of Jabez recorded in 1 Chron. 4:10: “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying and God granted him what he requested” (NKJV).
“OH, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”
God opens His arms wide open to extend love to everyone in a borderless world. May we do the same in His power for His glory.
Good From Far, Far from Good
Dr. Rajiv G. Patel, Flower Mound, Texas
Living in the age of an invisible threat, Going away with just one breath.
Affected by an entity which doesn’t discriminate, No guns, no swords can eliminate
Coming together, by staying apart Are we sheltering in and doing our part?
Time to keep the faith, Stronger soon, be patient and wait.
Listen to nature’s reboot. Resistance is futile, your efforts moot.
Appreciate the unsung heroes, Look around, find them in multiples of zeroes.
Wake up, spare time to smell the roses; Life offers plenty in small doses.
Live life like there’s no tomorrow; Have no regrets or sorrow.
Hope is not just an illusion, Getting there without any delusion.