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15. Theme – Jan 2023, FOCUS Vol. 11(1): ‘Kerala Christian Diaspora’ Page
from FOCUS October 2022
1. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2018). Origins of the Universe,
Life and Species: New Perspectives from Science and
Theology. (Covenant Books). pp. 1040. ISBN: 978-164003-190-6 2. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2019). Promised Land: Whose
Land, Whose Promise, Who Shall Inherit. A Complete
History of God and Humanity with Reference to Middle
East. ISBN 978-1-64300-991-9. 3. Cherian, Plammoottil V, (2019). America The Beautiful.
Our Vanishing Heritage. Why Our Hallowed Faith Matters? ISBN 978-1-64670-337-1. 4. Cherian, Plammoottil V. (2020). Our Crumbling Civilization and Collapsing Universe of 5 Percent. Biblical Explanation of Scientific Evidence Universe Spins to Its
End. ISBN 978-1-64468-511-2. 5. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2020). Christ Over Virus, Iniquities and Death (COVID-0030) The Balm of Gilead for
Nations without Christ and Politics without God. A scientific and theological explanation of end-time pestilences. ISBN 978-1-63630-080-1. 6. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2021). Caste, Color, Culture and Christ. Theological and Genetic Truths of the Nonsense of Racism. ISBN 978-1-63885-054-0. Copyright © 2021 Plammoottil V. Cherian. All rights reserved.
First Edition 7. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2022). Distress of Nations (Luke 21:25): A Sign of End Time. pp. 288. ISBN 978-163885-926-0. 8. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2022). Democracy in America:
Is it in Peril? Social-Theological reasons why democracy fail or in danger. Paperback ISBN: 979-8-88644051-5. (in Press) 9. Cherian, Plammoottil V (2022). Finishing the Race: Socio-Theological Reasons of Despair by Confusion. (In press)
Books already published can be previewed online at Apple iTunes stores, and Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles, if you type “Plammoottil Cherian books.”
Excerpts from Newswire for Press release of “Distress of Nations” who distribute books worldwide.
Plammoottil V. Cherian, M. Div., Ph. D, is a Member of Chicago Mar Thoma Church, and a former Associate Sec retary of the Diocese of North America. Europe. He is a talented author, has completed his new book, “Distress of Nations, A Sign of End Time”: a faith-based analysis of the current moral crisis of the world. Wielding supreme command of biblical theology, world history, many branches of science, popular culture, and the politics of America for the last fifty years, and with rare skills with a pen, author Dr. Plammoottil Cherian explores the current state of the world, in chaos and explains that many in the world are under a strong delusion as prophesied in 2 Thess. 2:3–10
Theme – FOCUS – January 2023, Vol. 11 (1)
Over the years, the pattern of the Christian migration from Kerala has shifted from internal (within-India) to external (outside-India), to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Malaysia and Singapore in 1930s, to the Middle East in the 1950s, and later to North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The Kerala Christian Diaspora—defined as people living outside the State of Kerala—has followed this broad migration pattern as well, who have made contributions to the growth and development of the State through remittances, investments, philanthropy and other means.
The origins of Christianity in Kerala date back BCE 52, to the tradition of Apostle Thomas arriving in Malabar to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to His disciples to share the good news (“Gospel”) of salvation for all through Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15). The January 2023 FOCUS issue on the Kerala Christian Diaspora theme will examine the State of the Kerala Christian Diaspora globally.
Commensurate with the emergence of the Kerala Christian Diaspora, the various Kerala Christian denominations have also progressed well in different regions of the world. During this past hundred years or so of growth and consolidation, the Kerala Christian Diaspora has grappled with issues regarding identity, heritage, and community in alien settings. The issues have increasingly become more pressing, as the Kerala Christian Diaspora transitions to the next generation and beyond, with greater assimilation to local societies and severing ties to the original Kerala roots. We are inviting articles dealing with our understanding of our Diasporic existence, its purpose, mission, its integration with local communities and responsibilities for creating a community of ‘atonement’.