Foundations of Fat Loss II

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Visit for More FREE Articles, Q and A, and “How To� Videos The 3 Foundations of Fat Loss (Part 2 of the 3 part series) By Michael Collins ......................................................................................... Scrap everything you've heard about fat loss and start with the Foundations! In the first part of the Foundations of Fat Loss Series, we explored the exercise portion of fat loss which builds in your natural fat burning furnace, resistance training. In the second part of the Foundations of Fat Loss series, we cover the other half of exercise- the extra calorie burnerCardiovascular Training. Cardiovascular Training. Cardiovascular training is another foundation of fat loss. Given that the majority of gyms have an abundance of cardio equipment- treadmills, bikes, Stair Master's and elliptical machines, cardio is the most popular fat loss modality. But here's the catch- if you truly want to lose fat, it's not what machine you use, but how you use it. The number one factor in using cardio for fat loss is intensity. Whether you're sprinting around the park, riding the recumbent bike, or cranking out on the elliptical machine, the amount of fat you lose in in proportion to the intensity you put forth. Intensity can be increased in various ways, and can be applied to all forms of cardio exercise. For example, if you are on the recumbent bike, you can increase the level (resistance) you are pushing against. You could also increase the speed at which you decide to pedal. The same goes for an elliptical machine- you can increase the resistance on the machine, and you can increase the speed with which you perform the movement. Remember, the harder you push yourself, the more calories you'll burn in a short amount of time. The more the metabolic demand on your body, the longer you'll actually burn calories AFTER the workout. The second factor in making the most of your cardio workout is to change the variables. For example, in the gym, you can change machines, you can change the resistance and pace on the machine. Often you can also change directions and incline. If you're working out outdoors, you can sprint in different intervals and change distances. You can change the speed at which you run. You can run on flat surfaces or hills. Get creative.

The reason you want to change variables in each workout is this; each time your body perform the activity, it gets neurally efficient. This means your body "remembers" the movement and gets better at doing it. This in turn allows the body to go on auto- pilot, which decreases the number of calories burned. By combining intensity and uniqueness of movement, the body continues to burn calories; not only when performing the activity, but for hours after. This is the key post exercise increase in metabolic rate called "EPOC" or Excess Post- Exercise Oxygen Consumption. One of the best ways to increase EPOC is through interval training. Specifically, alternating a burst of high intensity with a period of low intensity (to allow recover enough for another burst). Here is a powerful sample program below. (Adjust for your personal conditioning level)

Monday Elliptical Machine 20 Minutes Total 2 Minute Warm uplevel 8 at 70 RPM's Full Speed: 30 second burst- level 15 at 90 RPM's alternate with 2 minutes level 10 at 70 RPM's

Wednesday Recumbent Bike 15 Minutes Total 2 Minute Warm Uplevel 8 at 55 RPM's Full Speed: 1 minute burst- level 14 at 90 RPM's alternate with 2 minutes level 10 @ 70 RPM's

Saturday Sprinting at the park or beach 17 minutes total 3 minute jog (loosen up the body, light stretch)

Choose landmarks approximately 30-40 yards apart, depending on your individual conditioning Sprint as an Olympic sprinter would- fluidly and as fast as possible between landmarks. Once you pass your landmark, slow to a light jog for approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds. Perform another identical sprint Alternate the sprint and the jog until you've completed 6 sprints.

Immediately after the workout, you want to feed your body the proper nutrients. There is a crucial 2 hour window of opportunity in which the body is like a sponge, absorbing a higher rate of nutrients. We need to take full advantage of this window. (Part 3 of the series) Part III of this article will be in the next issue. (Sign up below to receive part III before everyone else. You'll also receive in your inbox right now, our Special Report: The Dark Side of Dieting: 21 Mistakes to Avoid. AND... a free Food Calorie Count chart! )

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If you're truly looking to lose weight fast, we have included a few key workouts that you can use to make your cardio more effective in black book of secrets. It also includes 60 other fat loss tips, tricks and techniques.

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