Simplified Nature

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Are We Simplifing The Nature A Small International Cooperative Experiment

STARTING POINTS Simplified Nature

What is nature? Is nature just what we could see, hear, and feel? With the development of modern technology, science and technology can easily simulate our perceptions about nature. Does this means that technology can eventually replace the “nature” in our perceptions, or does our knowledge of nature be simplified as memories and impressions? Can we try to reach the complexity of nature?

6 Countries 8 Participators 1 Question 2 Topics

THE CONCLUSION Nature Complexity


THE EXPERIMET Nature Complexity

8 Participators been invated to share their ideas of nature and discuss the complexities with in. I start with a simple question: ‘Could You Please Provide Me Something Presenting Nature?’ I’ll collect the materials given by all participators. Then I will try to guide to go deeper with two topis: Topic 1: Other Sensory Natural Perceptions Topic 2: Socio-Cultural Perspectives of Nature In this way to explore complexity with all participators.

Nature should not be simplify to landscape or perception. Instead, Nature is an endless movement which bring transformation to our living environment. 002




From The Question ‘Could You Please Provide Me Something Presenting Nature?’ Spotify Link

Participator No.1 ( Iran )


Participator No.3 ( China ) Hoppípolla, Sigur Rós ,Takk…

我所能感受到的 一切有生命的东西 All the living things I can feel


Participator No.2 ( China ) 00:32 am, 18th of Ocotober, 2020

Leave the road, take the trails. —Pythagoras

Picture Found Online



Participator No.5 ( Egypt ) Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)

Participator No.4 ( Indonesia ) Google Search, Keyword ‘Nature’

Landscape in New England Participator No.7 ( US ) NH, United States



Participator No.6 ( Italy ) 19th of Ocotober, 2020


Participator No.8 ( China ) Qinghai, China




DEVELOPED RESULTS After Discussion with Topic No.1 and No.2 Photograph

Participator No.6 ( Italy ) Brescia, Italy

Pavilions in the Mountains of the Immortals

Participator No.2 ( China ) Qiu Ying (c. 1495 – c. 1552 AD)

Background Sound of Provided Self-Portrait Participator No.8 ( China ) Qinghai, China

Industrial Revolution

Participator No.4 ( Indonesia )


Old Photo

Participator No.3 ( China )

在冰岛的冬天,把所有衣物 脱掉跳进水坑。像是一场梦, 又那么真实。音乐响起的时 候,我就仿佛置身于广阔无 垠的,被冰雪覆盖的白色的冰 岛。这个原生乐队谱写了生 命最本真的力量。

Screenshots from Cabaret ‘Tomorrow Belongs to me!’

In the winter in Iceland, take off all your clothes and jump into a puddle. It's like a dream, yet so real. When the music sounded, I felt like I was in the vast expanse of white Iceland covered in snow and ice. This native band composes the most authentic force of life.

Self-Portrait II Participator No.8 ( China ) Qinghai, China


Participator No.2 ( China ) XiYuan Temple, China

Participator No.7 ( US )


Cabaret (1972)

Participator No.5 ( Egypt ) Yayoi Kusama


Participator No.4 ( Indonesia ) Relationships between Nature, Climate, Enviroment, Producer and Foodchain.





Nature As A Social Sculpture 7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks), Joseph Beuys

‘ 7000 Oaks is a sculpture referring to peoples’ life, to their everyday work. That is my concept of art which I callthe extended concept or art of the social sculpture. ’ – Joseph Beuys

THE PROJECT 7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks) With the help of volunteers, Beuys planted 7,000 oak trees over several years in Kassel, Germany, each with an accompanying basalt stone. In response to the extensive urbanization of the setting the work was a long-term and large-scale artistic and ecological intervention with the goal of enduringly altering the living space of the city. The project, though at first controversial, has become an important part of Kassel's cityscape.

The project was of enormous scope, and met with some controversy. While the biggest difficulty of the project was raising the money, the project had its share of opponents. Much of it was political, from the conservative state government dominated by the Christian Democrats. (The mayor of Kassel was a social democrat who stood by Beuys). Some people thought the black stone markers were ugly, even piling pink stones on the sites in 1982 as a prank. Also, a motorcyclist had died as a result of one of the stone markers. However, as more trees were planted people's perception of the project as a parking lot destroyer had met with increasing tolerance.

It is a movement from the tradition, the expected, and the established for an inclusive openness. Completed in 1987 by his son, Wenzel, on the first anniversary of his father's death (and included in documenta 8), the project is still maintained by the city.

7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks) Joseph Beuys

inaugurated at Documenta in 1982. © Joseph Beuys/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo- Bil


S o u r c e :h t t p s : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / wiki/7000_Oaks



055688ADVANCED LANDSCAPE DESIGN 7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks), Joseph Beuys

Nature Is A Slow Transformation As an artist, Joseph Beuys explored many different mediums but the ideas behind his art were his defining legacy. Nature was a perpetual theme and through his statement ‘everyone is an artist’, Beuys maintained a universal ideology for living and for greater society to live by. Beuys creation of the concept “Social Sculpture” was the basis for this ideology of universality and of a natural process; his intention was to ‘widened [the] concept of art in which the whole process of living itself is the creative act.’ His project 7000 Oaks is a reflection of such philosophies. ‘7000 Oaks is a sculpture referring to peoples’ life, to their everyday work. That is my concept of art which I call the extended concept or art of the social sculpture.’ – Joseph Beuys

Inaugurated at the international art fair Doumenta 7 in Kassel, Germany in 1982, Beuys project involved the planting of seven thousand oaks, each paired with four foot high basalt columns. Beuys planted the first on March 16th, several months prior to the opening of the exhibition. The planting continued over the next five years throughout public spaces in the inner city, negotiated through site proposals submitted by residents, councils, schools and other local associations. Beuys wanted to bring the forest into the urban environment. The last tree was planted at the opening of Documenta 8 in June 1987 by his son, Beuys passed away in 1964 at the age of 64. The project is both small in scale and intimate, as well as highly ambitious and vast in its undertaking. The realized project in Kassel was only the first stage of an ongoing scheme of tree planting to be extended throughout the world as part of a global mission to effect environmental and social change, an action towards urban renewal. Cities which have furthered the project include Oslo, Sydney and especially in New York where it is supported by the Dia Art Foundation. ‘The planting of seven thousand oak trees is thus only a symbolic beginning. And such a symbolic beginning requires a marker, in this instance a basalt column. The intention of such a tree-planting event is to point up the transformation of all of life, of society, and of the whole ecological system.’ ‘I believe that planting these oaks is necessary, not only in biospheric terms, that is to say, in the context of matter and ecology, but in that it will raise ecological consciousness – raise it increasingly, in the course of the years to come, because we shall never stop planting.’ – Joseph Beuys, 1982

Beuys aim was to present to the future a change in people’s and their communities’ attitudes towards nature and their environment. Mirrored by the constantly changing relationship between the tree and the stone, symbolically, so to do people’s consciousness and engagement should also change and progress. Whereby projecting an initiative to effect environmental and social change on a global scale. Beays has been credited for his visionary approach in linking art, social engagement and the natural environment and pioneering work within the field of art and ecology and in the lineage of Land Art practices from the 1960s. Source:



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