Dickinson Magazine Fall 2016

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fall 2016 VOLUME 9 4




D I C K I N S O N M AG A Z I N E FA L L 2 0 1 6 VO L U M E 9 4 N U M B E R 2

Published by the Division of Enrollment, Marketing & Communications Publisher and Vice President Stefanie D. Niles Executive Director of Marketing & Communications Connie McNamara Editor Michelle Simmons Associate Editor Lauren Davidson College Photographer Carl Socolow ’77 Design Amanda DeLorenzo Printer Intelligencer Contributing Writers Matt Getty MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson Tony Moore Katya Hrichak ’17 Magazine Advisory Group Jim Gerencser ’93 David Richeson Adrienne Su Robert Pound Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy Donna Hughes Nicole Minardi Website www.dickinson.edu/magazine Email Address dsonmag@dickinson.edu Telephone 717-245-1289 Facebook www.facebook.com/DickinsonMagazine © Dickinson College 2016. Dickinson Magazine (USPS Permit No. 19568, ISSN 2719134) is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October, by Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, Cumberland County, PA 17013-1773. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, PA, and additional mailing office.

[ contents ] 8 Alumni Weekend 2016: Candid moments from this year’s celebration of the college’s past, present and future. 10 Worst Election Year Ever: No, not 2016, but 1856. 12 Tests of Time: ALLARM celebrates 30 years of citizen science. 16 Fertile Ground: Dickinson’s food studies certificate program asks new questions with a classic liberal-arts twist. 24 Culinary Carlisle: A photographic journey through iconic eateries and new dining destinations. 30 Sequence Initiated: Young Park ’87 and GeneOne make medical history with the first human trial of a Zika vaccine.

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We want to hear from you! Send letters to the editor via email to dsonmag@dickinson.edu or mail to Dickinson Magazine, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013-1773. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.





Dickinson matters


college & west high


in the game



beyond the limestone walls

34 our Dickinson 50 obituaries 52


24 13


In late August, several of the founding faculty of the new food studies certificate program gathered over a meal at the College Farm to discuss the origins of the program and what food studies means for Dickinson and beyond. Read about that conversation on Page 16. Photo by Carl Socolow ’77.

closing thoughts

[ Dickinson matters ] The $64,000 Question NEIL B. WEISSMAN, INTERIM PRESIDENT


recently received a letter from an alumnus who raised concerns about the cost of a Dickinson education. How could we possibly justify our current price tag, he asked? Why couldn’t we deliver a quality education at a lower price? It’s the $64,000 question. And one that I am asked often. I thought it would be useful to share a portion of my response to the concerned alum here with the entire Dickinson community. We know that $64,000 a year is a sizable investment. We also are confident that the investment purchases an even more valuable product: a high-quality, individualized education that prepares students for the complex, challenging world in which we live. And that product cannot be delivered cheaply. Here’s why. Our central value proposition is the personal interaction of students with faculty who are both excellent teachers and researchers, and with student life and other staff who have much to teach as well. Big universities control costs via large classes with hundreds of students and (recently) online instruction; we emphasize the opposite. Our average class size is 15, and students have frequent access to hands-on laboratory work, field trips, service learning, seminars and independent study. These are all techniques with proven high impact on learning. But they are expensive. To put this in economic terms, we rely on large numbers of highly trained specialists to deliver our product and will not resort to the academic equivalent of mass production. Dickinson students have names, not numbers. Our model resembles, as one provost put it, the older ideal of apprenticeship. The skills

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our student-apprentices learn—critical thinking, effective communication, problem solving using insights from multiple fields, learning how to learn—are key for success in the 21st century. All this means, however, that we have a much larger expense for personnel than many other institutions. Salaries and benefits are our largest budget line by far. There are other drivers of cost too. Technology, for example. Maintaining over 2,200 computers and more than 100 smart classrooms is no small budget item. Here, too, the cost of highly trained professionals recurs, as we employ 50 of them in our computer services division. Likewise, our 50 years of leadership in global education and more recent prominence in sustainability carry a significant financial investment. Moreover, government regulations mandating a variety of expenditures—such as support for students with disabilities, education and enforcement on Title IX issues, and more demanding building codes—drive up costs. These are frequently very worthy expectations to which we willingly respond. But the mandates typically are unfunded. I must of course add that only a minority of our students pay the $64,000. Over 71 percent of them receive Dickinson financial aid. Our grants average $29,750 (and higher if one includes need-based grants only). This year Dickinson will give $49.5 million in grants; financial aid is our second largest budget item after salaries and benefits. These numbers don’t include outside financial aid to students. In fact, a significant minority of our students pay less to attend Dickinson than they would to attend a flagship state university. We are addressing the high cost of education. For example, we recently went through a yearlong zero-based budget exercise to ensure that we use our resources optimally. Our commitment to efficiency is reflected, I would argue, in our ability to compete with colleges with much larger endowments. But seeking efficiencies around the margins cannot reverse the primary driver of tuition. That driver is the human capital needed to provide an extraordinarily valuable educational experience. Given that, our chief way to sustain access and control cost will undoubtedly be increasing our resources for financial aid. Dickinson is comparatively underendowed for aid; most of our grants come from the operating budget. So it is up to us on campus to make the case for more robust support for financial aid. And it will be up to the wider Dickinson community, especially alumni, to answer the call.


[ college & west high ] Awards and Grants Neil Weissman, interim president, and Shalom Staub, associate provost for academic affairs,

were awarded $650,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the college’s Civic Learning and Engagement Initiative. The grant will launch a four-year initiative to significantly enhance civic learning and engagement in the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum. Specifically, the grant will provide project and seed funding for a new faculty position in practical ethics and incentives for faculty to infuse civic learning and engagement more broadly throughout the college’s curriculum. The latter will involve departmental study groups to help define specific civic learning goals and community engagement opportunities, interdisciplinary faculty seminars focusing on critical social issues, creation of a collegecommunity learning network and faculty development workshops on inclusivity. Participating faculty members will have the opportunity to apply for internal grants or reassigned time for related curriculum development and scholarly projects. Dengjian Jin, professor of international

business & management, John J. Curley ’60 and Ann Conser Curley ’63 Faculty Chair in International Studies, Business & Management, was one of just two recipients of the 2016 Schumpeter Prize, awarded biennially by the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society to scholars who contribute to the study of evolutionary economics, which includes the studies of economic change, innovation, innovation policy and natural innovation systems. Jin is the first liberal-arts professor to earn the prize. He was recognized for his 2016 book The Great Knowledge Transcendence: The Rise of Western Science and Technology Reframed, in which he traces the history of knowledge and of knowledge evolution from prehistory to the modern era. Associate Professor of Earth Sciences Peter Sak and Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences Jorden Hayes received $7,922 from the National Science Foundation, in a supplement to an existing grant, for their research project “Using Seismic Refraction to Image the Deep Critical Zone, Basse-Terre Island, Guadeloupe.”

The Social Science Research Council-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Program awarded $30,000 to Assistant Professor of History Evan Young for his project “Family Matters: Managing Illness in Late Tokugawa Japan.” Antonio Rivas, visiting assistant professor of

Spanish and Portuguese, has been selected for participation in the research project MIRED: Digital Challenges for Contemporary Literary Microfiction, a Genre’s Consolidation from Print to Web. The project was awarded 25,000 euros as part of the National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society, managed by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Rivas also published by invitation, “El espectáculo inefable: el circo visto por Ramón Gómez de la Serna” in Intermedios, a catalogue accompanying the exhibit “La cultura escénica en el primer tercio del siglo XX espa ol” at the Centro Cultural Conde Duque de Olivares (Madrid, 2016). Assistant Professor of Economics John Cogliano received $2,700 from the National Endowment for the Humanities-Summer Seminars for College and University Teachers to participate in the institute The History of Political Economy. The three-week program was held at Duke University’s Center for the History of Political Economy. Publications Lorelei Koss, professor of mathematics,

published “Elliptic Functions with Disconnected Julia Sets” in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2016). Koss writes, “In this paper we investigate elliptic functions of the form fΛ = 1/(1 + (℘Λ)2), where ℘Λ is the Weierstrass elliptic function on a real rhombic lattice. We show that a typical function in this family has a superattracting fixed point at the origin and five other equivalence classes of critical points. We investigate conditions on the lattice which guarantee that fΛ has a double toral band, and we show that this family contains the first known examples of elliptic functions for which the Julia set is disconnected but not Cantor.”

Professor of Physics Hans Pfister, Sun Woo Kim ’13 and Tyler Ralston ’15 published “A novel gridded solar air heater and an investigation of its conversion efficiency” in Solar Energy (vol. 136) in which they describe their design for a highly efficient solar air heater (SAH) that could be inexpensively and easily constructed and would pay for itself, through energy savings, within about one year of use. They outline a streamlined SAH design, in which air is pushed through the solar air heater via a small fan. The air, while passing through six specially corrugated layers of sunlight-absorbing grids, is heated as it interacts with the hot absorber surface. This SAH can be used to heat a room or small building; several SAHs can be configured as a carbon-footprint-reducing, supplemental system to heat a whole house. It also can be used to efficiently dry and preserve food. Read more at dson.co/ pfistersolarenergy. Professor of Spanish Alberto Rodríguez and Professor José Angel Ascunce (Universidad de Deusto) co-edited the book Nómina cervantina. Siglo XX, published in Germany by Edition Reichenberger. In this book Rodríguez has published the following essay: “Rara invención. Aspectos formalistas y existencialistas en ‘Cervantes y la libertad’ de Luis Rosales.” Jorge R. Sagastume, associate professor of Spanish, recently published “Helmut Hatzfeld y Leo Spitzer: sobre la tradición de la crítica cervantina en lengua alemana” in Nómina cervantina. Siglo XX. Ed. José Ángel Ascunce y Alberto Rodríguez, professor of Spanish. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger (2016). Sagastume also published three short stories that appeared in two different journals: “Eine neue Ära,” “Blutiges Zwielicht,” “Liebesspiele in den Tagen der Grossen Ordnung,” Ostragehege: Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst, Trans. U. Rachowski und M. Ritterson, Dresden: Hille, 81 (2016) and “Egal, was du sagst, du könntest verschwinden,” PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachigerAutoren im Ausland, Trans. U. Rachowski und M. Ritterson, PEN International, Berlin (2016).

See more faculty and staff publications at scholar.dickinson.edu.


On Calaveras and Cartoonists The Trout Gallery’s latest exhibition celebrates José Guadeloupe Posada and the Mexican Penny Press José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) was one of Mexico’s most influential political printmakers and cartoonists. He is best known for his satirical representations of calaveras (skeletons) in lively guises, which have become associated with the Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebrations. The works for this exhibition are generously on loan from David Sellers P’06.

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[ college & west high ]

Opposite page: José Guadalupe Posada. Es esta calavera tan barata… (It is this very cheap calavera sheet…), detail, after 1895. Above: Manuel Manilla (attributed). La viejecita dichosa, Cuento (The Blessed Old Lady, Story), n.d. Top left: José Guadalupe Posada. El fantasma de la catedral de México (The Phantom of the Mexico City Cathedral), after 1917. Bottom left: F. Gamboa, Imp. Talleres Graficos de la Nacion, José Guadalupe Posada / La exposicion de su obra en el Palacio de Belles Artes, 1943.

Be sure to attend the lecture and opening reception on Oct. 28 during Homecoming Weekend. Learn more at dickinson.edu/homecoming.


Questions for

Executive Chef Richie Rice

After eight years as head chef with Dickinson Dining Services, Richie Rice has taken up the tongs as executive chef and is bringing unique flavors, local ingredients and fresh perspectives to the menu.—Lauren Davidson 1. What’s your favorite dish on Dickinson’s menu? Anything with Asian influence, in particular the Vietnamese flank steak salad. 2. How has the move toward locally sourced ingredients changed things for you? Locally sourced ingredients generate a more conscientious vision of menu planning, and locally themed dinners have become very popular. More often than not these ingredients come from Dickinson’s organic farm, which shows great interaction between the farm, dining services and student/customer relations.

3. One of the campus favorites is beef brisket, which you describe as having been roasted in a “state-ofthe-art rational oven.” What exactly is a rational oven? Our “rational” ovens are relatively new to us. They are computerized, programmable and multifaceted. Time and temperature are interconnected in the dishes for which we program cooking. Overnight cooking and holding/maturing are the secret to the brisket. 4. It seems like Sriracha hot sauce is on everything these days. Why do people love it so much? I think its popularity lies in the fact that it is a multiflavor, multifaceted sauce, not just a flat-out hot sauce. 5. We hear you have a secret hummus recipe. Why go to the trouble of creating a special recipe? I like to create new recipes and unique proprietary flavors. Anybody can buy premade anything, but creating your own allows for flavor profile adjustment. It is also less expensive to make your own. 6. How did your mother’s salmon cake recipe end up on Dickinson’s menu? My mother’s salmon cakes were always my favorite. Salmon is a big hit, with its

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omega 3 oils and great flavor. And the cakes are made from fresh salmon fillets, which makes all the difference in the taste. Kudos, Mom! 7. What’s your go-to seasoning and why? Lawry’s Season All, which is flavorful, without being overpowering. I also like a small splash of Tabasco to brighten the flavor of cream-based recipes. 8. How often are new recipes incorporated into the menu, and how do they get selected? Every semester there are new items, but fall 2016 marks my first opportunity as executive chef to really diversify things. 9. If you were stranded on a desert island, what’s the one food you would want to have available to eat three meals a day, every day? It would be seafood (shellfish in particular). I could either eat it forever or have a wonderfully gluttonous demise! 10. What’s your favorite Carlisle eatery, and what do you order there? I like to eat at the Rustic Tavern. Although my tastes are extensive, I can’t resist all-you-can-eat crab legs and steamed clam night.

Carl Socolow ’77


[ college & west high ] Last year, 13 faculty members answered that question by crafting their own culinary creations as part of dining services’ new Faculty Sandwich Series. Each sandwich was featured for two weeks exclusively in The Quarry, starting with Professor of American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Amy Farrell’s smoked cheddar, cucumber, avocado spread and onion sandwich on sourdough bread and wrapping up with Associate Professor of Italian and Film Studies Nicoletta MariniMaio’s classic Italian bruschetta sandwich with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil and olive oil on ciabatta bread. “The series brought some excitement to the regular menu and gave us a glimpse into the tastes and interests of the featured faculty members,” says Emily Smith, lead supervisor of retail operations.

Sandwich... What kind of sandwich would you be?

“We brought these two sandwiches back by popular demand so our customers can enjoy them one last time,” Smith says. Up next and the first new sandwich of the fall was a classic lox and bagel creation by interim President Neil Weissman. See the full list of 2015-16 sandwiches at dickinson.edu/dining and check back as each special is revealed throughout the 2016-17 academic year.—Lauren Davidson

Photos courtesy of dining services.

You Were A

The series picked up in September with the fall 2015 favorite, Associate Professor of International Business & Management David Sarcone’s Italian “Sangweech” followed by the spring 2016 favorite, Associate Professor of American Studies Jerry Philogene’s caprese-style sandwich.


[ college & west high ]


Photos by Carl Socolow ’77



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Whether attending events or just hanging out with classmates, Dickinsonians from around the world returned to campus June 10-12 for Alumni Weekend, a celebration of the college’s past, present and future—from the Quad Party (1) and the Alumni of Color Launch Event (2) to the Delta Nu 45th anniversary reception (3) and the John Dickinson Society and Old West Society reception (4).




Worst Election Year Ever No, not 2016, but 1856. By Robert Strauss

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ow a condominium building, Music Fund Hall, the first New World theatre to be built specifically for concerts, sits near 8th Street on Locust in Philadelphia. In 1856, it held the presidential convention for the newly formed Republican Party. A couple months before, four blocks to the northwest, a similar first presidential convention for the nascent American, or “Know-Nothing,� Party took place at the old National Hall. Three blocks south of that, and five blocks west of Music Fund Hall, is the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the keepers of the majority of the papers of the Democratic Party standard-bearer that year, James Buchanan, a Dickinson graduate (class of 1809) and the only presidential candidate ever from Pennsylvania. That the three major parties all had a Center City Philadelphia provenance in 1856 may be coincidence, but the presidential race that year was among the strangest, and most important, in American history.

[ college & west high ] The Republicans and Know-Nothings (the nickname comes from the secretive nature of the party—its adherents would say they “know nothing” when asked about the party’s dealings) both emerged from the ashes of the Whig Party. The Whigs held the presidency only three years before, but their drubbing in the 1852 election and the deaths of their senatorial stars—Henry Clay and Daniel Webster—both just before that election caused it to fall apart. Those who held views favoring the abolition or at least the limitation of slavery drifted to the Republican Party, started mostly by those in the relatively new Western states. The most prominent of the Whigs-turnedRepublicans was Sen. William Seward of New York, but he took himself out of the presidential sweepstakes, mostly because he did not think the party could win its first time around. As German and Irish Catholics immigrated to the U.S. in the mid-19th century, nativists felt threatened, and from that the Know-Nothing Party got its start. Both, though, were parties without someone at the top. Millard Fillmore, that last Whig president, felt short-changed when the Whigs bypassed him for the 1852 nomination, so when the Know-Nothings approached him— despite his never having had anti-immigrant or nativist leanings—he jumped at the chance to get back to the White House. The Republicans, who were never going to get on the ballot in many Southern states, chose one of the great celebrities of his time, John C. Fremont. Fremont and his guide, Kit Carson, had laid out the pathways to California and the Pacific in four major expeditions in the 1840s and 1850s. Meanwhile, incumbent President Franklin Pierce was shunted to the sidelines, primarily over his mishandling of whether Kansas would enter the Union as a free state or a slave state and how that would play out with future states. After 16 ballots at the Democratic convention in Cincinnati, the party gave the top spot to an old war horse, James Buchanan.

Buchanan had perhaps the best governmental resumé, then and now. He had been a state legislator, a U.S. House member, a U.S. senator, minister to Russia and to Great Britain and secretary of state. He reportedly had been offered U.S. Supreme Court seats by two presidents. But his resumé also laid bare that he was mired in past politics. He was 65 at his inauguration in a country where living until 40 was an achievement. He was nicknamed “Old Buck” and was of the ilk called a “Doughface,” a Northerner whose face was so mushy he was molded into the dough of Southern (i.e., pro-slavery) thought. “The stakes were high in 1856,” says Michael Birkner, a history professor at Gettysburg College and co-editor of James Buchanan and the Coming of the Civil War (2013). “The Democrats outmaneuvered the Whigs in the South, where the Whigs just could not advocate the elimination of slavery. The Republicans could not yet be a national party, but the tension around slavery was really the only main issue.” The campaign was ruthless, even though none of the candidates, as was usual in 19th-century elections, gave a stump speech or traveled anywhere, leaving their campaign to surrogates and, sometimes, letters to publications. For instance, Buchanan’s sisterin-law’s brother was the famous songwriter Stephen Foster, whose family was prominent in Pittsburgh politics. Foster gladly wrote campaign songs for Buchanan, but copyright laws being what they were then—pretty non-existent—the Fremont campaign used Foster melodies like “Old Kentucky Home” for pro-Republican campaign songs, perhaps trying to foster the idea that even Buchanan’s in-law was against him. Meanwhile, the Know-Nothings, who tried to compete in every state, getting on ballots in the South when the anti-slavery Republicans couldn’t, stoked anti-immigrant subterfuge and

even riots in some cities. In the end, however, Buchanan won all the Southern states, plus a few in the North and in the West, including his home state of Pennsylvania. Fillmore won Maryland and Fremont won 11 mostly northeastern states. Almost immediately, Buchanan fed his own demise. In the interim between election and inauguration, he surreptitiously influenced the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dred Scott v. Sanford case. The decision essentially negated all the previous anti-slavery compromises, making the institution legal across the land and denying citizenship to all African Americans—slave and free. As president, Buchanan managed to make the wrong choice every time it mattered. He advocated buying Cuba in hopes of making it a slave state to equalize the free ones. In Kansas, his hesitation caused a bloody border war. And in the last months of Buchanan’s term, six states seceded, a move he said he could not stop by his interpretation of the Constitution. “I guess you could say Buchanan was a good candidate in that he won,” says Matthew Pinsker, Brian C. Pohanka Chair in American Civil War History at Dickinson and director of House Divided research tool for K-12 educators. “Despite his experience, he was not the man to lead the nation at that particular time. It was a major consequential election, even if it ended up producing a pretty bad president.”

Robert Strauss is the author of Worst. President. Ever: James Buchanan, the POTUS Rating Game and the Legacy of the Least Lesser Presidents. He is a journalist and historian and has written for Sports Illustrated, The New York Times and the Philadelphia Daily News, among many others.

The Great Presidential Race of 1856, political cartoon by Currier & Ives, attributed to Louis Maurer. Library of Congress, Print and Photographs division, Washington.


Tests of Time

In 1986, the federal Water Resources Development Act underwent the largest update since its inception and saw its scope vastly broadened. Under new mandates, water-quality issues, erosion and stormwater all were addressed more comprehensively. That same year, Candie Wilderman, professor emerita of environmental science and co-founder of Dickinson’s Department of Environmental Studies & Environmental Science, launched an initiative that would one day tackle those same issues when it broadened its own scope as the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). Back in 1985, when the problem of acid rain was just coming to light, a Pennsylvania state senator thought getting the public involved with the issue might help him attract interest in an acid deposition control act he was hoping to pass into law. So he brought in a group of local scientists to consult, and they decided to help people interested in local waterways collect data on acid deposits. Among those scientists was Wilderman, whose initial reaction was that the data probably wouldn’t be good enough to use for scientific endeavors, but the exercise could serve as a good educational tool for both the public and students. But as it turned out, the data were good. “Not only was it a great educational project, but we also were producing some really useful data,” Wilderman says. “And there seemed to be a real need on the part of the public, with people who had a real connection to streams, to participate in helping to solve this problem. And that’s how ALLARM started.”

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Joe O’Neill

[ college & west high ]

Wilderman founded ALLARM as the Alliance for Acid Rain Monitoring in 1986, and along the way ALLARM kept the acronym while changing its name to the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring. Since then it has carried out its mission of assessing, protecting and restoring the state’s waterways through a wide array of projects, partnerships and programs built on a foundation of volunteer engagement and citizen science. (Wilderman and ALLARM’s Jinnie Monismith recently contributed an article, “Monitoring Marcellus,” to the inaugural issue of the Citizen Science Association’s new journal, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.) “Early on, ALLARM saw the value of community members using science as a tool to evaluate for themselves the health of streams and potential impacts,” says Julie Vastine ’03, ALLARM’s director since 2007. That approach and its successes have proven to be easily quantifiable over the years: • ALLARM has trained 54 community organizations to monitor more than 35,000 square miles of watersheds. • ALLARM has compiled the largest acid rain dataset in the nation (33,000+ data points), fed by 500 volunteers from 732 sites. • ALLARM has conducted 13,411 total tests to verify that volunteers are collecting credible data. • In the shale gas arena, ALLARM has trained about 3,000 volunteers. • ALLARM’s shale gas protocols are being used in eight states and one Canadian province. • A federal EPA grant of $420,000 was provided for ALLARM and its partners to train more volunteers for water-quality monitoring across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Vastine, who majored in environmental science, has been an advocate for ALLARM since she was a student. Now as director she is helping to spearhead a multiyear, six-state Chesapeake Bay partnership while securing ALLARM a position on the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC), something that sets the organization apart. “I haven’t seen other liberal-arts institutions at the policy tables,” Vastine says, noting that projects like the new Chesapeake initiative afford Dickinson students unique opportunities to engage policymakers on current issues. “Our federal and state colleagues say, ‘Wow, we’ve never had college students in the room for these kinds of conversations.’ ” On the local front, Vastine oversees projects such as stream restoration, tree plantings, environmental education programs for K-12 students and stormwater education campaigns. “ALLARM was a teaching tool for me when I was a student and a significant part of my student experience,” says Vastine, who has traveled as far as Chiang Mai, Thailand, to train citizen scientists. “Now I see our students bringing innovative ideas to ALLARM while developing essential tools and skills in the environmental field. For me, it’s a huge opportunity, getting to engage in these fantastic people’s lives for this little snippet of time.” Vastine sees even more exciting projects on the horizon, with plans to expand operations across six states and Washington, D.C., all while training the next group of citizen scientists. “There is a lot of need out there, and we’re always thinking about the national volunteer monitoring community and the role ALLARM will play,” she says. “And we’ll have many more years of students getting the skills they need to make a change in our nation’s, and our world’s, environment.” —Tony Moore

Events lectures art forums Calendar of Arts: dickinson.edu/coa The Clarke Forum: clarke.dickinson.edu (includes event podcasts)

OCT. 27

Morgan Lecture Native Harvest: The Politics, Health, Culture and Economics of Food

Winona LaDuke, environmental and political activist OCT. 28-30

Homecoming & Family Weekend OCT. 28-NOV. 1

The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov

Mathers Theatre OCT. 28-FEB. 18

The Trout Gallery José Guadeloupe Posada and the Mexican Penny Press NOV. 1

The Clarke Forum Bringing Animal Welfare to 21st Century Agriculture

James McWilliams, Texas State University NOV. 6-7

Stellfox Distinguished Writer

John Patrick Shanley: Writing for Stage and Screen Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium NOV. 11-13

Arts Award Residency

Barry Snyder, piano NOV. 15

Borges Memorial Lecture The Good Lord Bird: Faith & American Slavery

James McBride, author and musician NOV. 18-19

Our Howl: Language, Dance and Movement of Meaning

Join ALLARM during Homecoming Weekend (Oct. 28-30) for their LeTort Spring Run Nature Trail Hike. Learn more at dickinson.edu/homecoming.

Mathers Theatre


Carl Socolow ’77

Around the Globe


edvika Suchankova ’19 is not afraid to let her passion for athletics take her around the globe. From home in the Czech Republic, her love for squash brought her to Canada for her final year of high school before leading her to Dickinson to pursue the sport further. “I did not visit Dickinson before applying, and, honestly, I had just a little knowledge about this place even when I was getting on the plane,” she says. When her coach in Canada told her about Dickinson’s developing squash program and recommended she apply, Suchankova was immediately interested. And her interest paid off—in just one year as a Red Devil, Suchankova ranked as one of the top 50 players in the College Squash Association (CSA). She posted a 9-5 record in her first season, winning seven of her final 10 matches, advanced to the quarterfinals of the Holleran Cup in the D-Division and led the Red Devil women to their second-straight appearance in the CSA Team Championships. Even though she’s played squash since age 8, the experience here is unlike what she’s known in either the Czech Republic or Canada. In addition to being able to play as often as she likes, she says the team aspect is new to her. Before Dickinson,

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she competed only in singles matches and individual tournaments. “I’m also not used to being a 10-minute walk from the squash courts,” she says. “I used to travel for one hour to a different city to actually have good practices.” As a biology major, Suchankova participates in the pre-health track in preparation for a career in physical therapy, and she enjoys the academic freedom of Dickinson’s liberal-arts education. “The experience here is something totally different,” she says. “I know that if I went back home, I would study just physical therapy, and I would never get to try Spanish, archaeology, psychology and things I’m really interested in.” As a sophomore, she isn’t certain about what the future beyond Dickinson holds just yet, but she knows that her time on the squash team here will continue to help her grow as an athlete. “I’m trying to do my best in all the games to not let the team down and at the same time trying to cheer for everyone,” she says. “It’s helped my internal growth a lot because it’s not just about me. I have to focus more; I have to do my best every time.”—Katya Hrichak ’17

[ in the game ]



began coaching career at Dickinson


Chris Knight

This November, Cross Country and Track and Field Coach Don Nichter will be inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. To illustrate his impact on the sport and the Dickinson community, here are some notable numbers:


Named Mideast Regional Coach of the Year

Bruce Springsteen concerts



Centennial Conference titles

2-time Centennial Conference Cross Country


Coached All-Americans in cross country and track and field

12 years


race director

national champions in track and field (Cait Bradley ’08 and Kent Pecora ’11)

Need more Red Devil sports?

Check out all the stats, scores, schedules and highlights at www.dickinsonathletics.com. Information about live streaming and radio broadcasts is available on a game-by-game basis, so check the website regularly or follow @DsonRedDevils on Twitter for the latest updates.


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Ground Dickinson’s food studies certificate program asks new questions with a classic liberal-arts twist



Jennifer Halpin, director of the Dickinson College Farm

Neil Leary, director of the Center for Sustainability Education

Maria Bruno, assistant professor of archaeology


Heather Bedi, assistant professor of environmental studies

Susan Rose ’77, Charles A. Dana Professor of Sociology and director of the Community Studies Center

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Siobhan Phillips, associate professor of English

Luca Trazzi, lecturer in Italian

Emily Pawley, assistant professor of history

[ cover ]


ood is everywhere. Our culture is obsessed with it, from reality television to Instagram and Pinterest, and from the latest fad Paleo diet to dire warnings about obesity rates and eating disorders. But beneath all the hype and headlines are serious questions—about

agricultural systems, political and socioeconomic inequality, globalization, art and culture, ecology, health and wellness—you name it. In other words, food is a liberal-arts issue, and when the faculty launched a food studies certificate program

last spring, its curriculum reflected Dickinson’s multi- and interdisciplinary approach, along with its distinctive hands-on learning experience. In late August, we brought together some of the program’s founding faculty and, over a meal held at Dickinson’s College Farm—partly sourced by the farm and prepared by Dining Services—we discussed the origins of the program, and what food studies means for Dickinson and beyond. What follows are excerpts of the conversation, edited for length and clarity.

What exactly does food studies look like? In addition to Introduction to Food Studies, an experiential component—such as an internship, independent study, field-based or laboratory research or a hands-on work experience—and a capstone seminar, students are expected to take four courses outside their major(s). Here are some examples:

African American Foodways

Chemical Energy

The Cultures of Food in Italy in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Families and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

Introduction to Soil Science

Jews and Food

Literature and Food

Mother Earth: Religion and Sustainability

Principles of Human Variation and Adaptation

Read more of the conversation at dickinson.edu/ magazine. Alumni working in food-related occupations or industries can contact Emily Pawley, chair of the food studies program, at pawley@dickinson.edu if interested in working with students.

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How did food studies at Dickinson get started? How did you become involved? NEIL LEARY: There a couple of things that attracted me to the idea of a food studies certificate, one of which is the work that the Center for Sustainability Education is doing with infusing sustainability into the curriculum, which can be a fairly abstract set of ideas. Food is something that students are dealing with at least three times a day. It’s part of their daily practice, a daily ritual, and they’re interested in it. JENN HALPIN: I’ve been at Dickinson for 13 years, and over those 13 years I’ve seen students come in with greater awareness, experience and passion on the subject of food. They’re much more aware in terms of their consumption, and it’s nice to meet them where they are and take them further. LUCA TRAZZI: What was really exciting was how easy it was and how natural it was to develop the program. The courses that became part of the food studies certificate were already happening and had been happening for several semesters, possibly years. The excitement that was in every department was impressive. I loved the fact that we could interact with other divisions [in ways] that otherwise would not have been possible. What’s most exciting to you about the program? EMILY PAWLEY: It’s wonderful to teach with something that’s very familiar. I start with the iconic tomato. When you bring a tomato into class, the students are like, a tomato? And then you start to talk about who touched it—literally, who touched it all along its way here.

Immediately, it’s not only concrete and not only a familiar object, but then they realize they don’t know anything about it. That kind of step outward is very easy when you have an artifact. SUSAN ROSE: One of the things that was really exciting to me is that it has happened organically, as the farm is also organic. A lot of work went into it from various quarters, but things were already there. There’s also the interest in equality and labor, that we can be thinking about not just culture and foodways, but also political economy, global commodity chains, social change and social movement. There are so many aspects—earth sciences, chemistry or biology, or the humanities and social sciences. SIOBHAN PHILLIPS: You can’t really do food studies without being multidisciplinary. In a sense, Dickinson is cutting edge just by being who we are. Our students are experiencing a discipline that’s relatively young, so we’re doing something that takes advantage of what we have here but is also forging new paths. This is the kind of place where scholarship is emerging at intersections, while also respecting the integrity and methods of various disciplines. That’s something we at a liberalarts college can do really well. It’s something that can happen here because of the flexibility and collegiality that we have. ROSE: One of those intersections is with global education and sustainability, and also health studies. Also exciting for me is getting together with folks. A lot of the meetings were over meals. That also happens with students—with the intro and the capstone course we have built in experiential components. It’s really about the mind and the heart and the soul, and the ways in which civic engagement is involved, like with Project SHARE or finding ways in which food stamps can be applied to the farmers’ market. PHILLIPS: It crosses places you wouldn’t even think of at first. We have great resources here in food history, anthropology and in culture, but also [Professor of American Studies

and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies] Amy Farrell’s work on fat studies, [Associate Professor of Psychology] Suman Ambwani’s work on eating disorders and [Professor of English and Poet-in-Residence] Adrienne Su’s work in poetry. There are all sorts of connections, even beyond the areas that would naturally be part of food studies. LEARY: Sustainability is not homogeneous, but probably the most common way of thinking about it is. It’s not environmentalism, it’s not just another aspect of an environmental movement. There are some very important aspects that are interested in social justice and equity issues, economic livelihoods and inclusion. Food provides a set of issues and problems in ways that students can see them in a very pragmatic, everyday way. Food is a set of issues where the environment is very central and important, but it’s just one. For me, that makes it fertile ground for sustainability studies. What are some of the key discussions and topics, your research and teaching interests? HEATHER BEDI: I look at environmental activism and social movements, predominantly in India, but also in Bangladesh and Pennsylvania. Right now I’m working on a paper with another scholar about how food becomes a proxy for critiquing broader neoliberal trends in India. It’s interesting to think about how those narratives of culture are becoming narratives of protest. I’m teaching a First-Year Seminar (FYS) on food justice, and the class is completely integrated with the Clarke Forum series on food this semester. I also teach environmental justice, and we spend time on how environmental and social inequality center on ideas of place—where people live and how that determines their access to food. A lot of the students end up looking at food deserts: What sort of food options are there? Are there supermarkets where they live? Do you need a car to get there?

In another class on environment and society, we did a project last spring and we’ll do it again, with Farmers on the Square [Carlisle farmers’ market]. The market has a Double Market Bucks program so people on federal food benefits can get double their money at the market. Last summer, they had a deficit of funds, and my students wrote a grant proposal to a local foundation, which awarded the program $2,000. We’ll do that again next year and integrate it further. In my FYS, one of the students said, “I want to look at inequality and food access in developing countries.” I said, “We’re in a food desert right here in Carlisle.” It’s interesting for students to look at these trends globally, but I also want them to think about what’s happening here. HALPIN: I’ll add that courses like Spanish for Farm Workers [taught by Lecturer in Spanish Asuncion Arnedo-Aldrich] really help open the eyes of students who aren’t aware of domestic issues, even local issues, and I think Mosaics play a huge role. ROSE: They help students understand the global-local connections, the ways in which they’re really connected. We’ve done Mosaics in Cuba and Venezuela, in particular, in sustainable agriculture, and there are the Mexican Migration Mosaics as well. It’s been 10 years since the publication of Michael Pollan’s An Omnivore’s Dilemma, often considered the book that launched the most recent food revolution—at least from a popular perspective. What do you think? Did he help or hinder the movement? Are there others you think are more relevant/ important? PAWLEY: There are a lot of people who have read a lot of Michael Pollan, and there are people who are reading a lot of critiques of Michael Pollan. One of the things that struck me in a conversation that came out of a Clarke


Not only are Dickinson faculty teaching food studies, they’re publishing with top presses and are at the leading edge of research and literature. Recent examples include: Farrell, Amy. Fat Shame: Stigma and the Fat Body in American Culture. New York: NYU Press, 2011. Merwin, Ted. Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli. New York: NYU Press, 2015. Su, Adrienne. Living Quarters: Poems. San Francisco: Manic D Press, 2015.

We also asked what the faculty are reading, and they named some key texts: Davis, Mike. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World. New York: Verso, 2001. Gottlieb, Robert and Anupama Joshi. Food Justice. Boston: MIT Press, 2010. Guthman, Julie. Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism. Oakland, Calif.: University of California Press, 2011. Montanari, Massimo. The Culture of Food. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell, 1994. Mintz, Sidney. Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1985. Patel, Raj. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System, 2nd ed. N.Y.: Melville House, 2012. Petrini, Carlo. Slow Food: The Case for Taste. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. Rothenberg, Daniel. With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today. Oakland, Calif.: University of California Press, 2000. Williams-Forson, Psyche. Building Houses out of Chicken Legs: Black Women, Food, and Power. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Witt, Doris. Black Hunger: Soul Food and America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

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Forum seminar is that the food movement has a lot of other people in it who don’t look like Michael Pollan. They don’t live in Berkeley, California. There are movements for environmental and food justice in places that don’t come out of this slow-food, predominantly white movement. The movement was founded by lots of groups that don’t look like the stereotype. But it’s helpful to have writers like him to argue with ... MARIA BRUNO: This might seem tangential, but I’m really excited that Elizabeth Kolbert is this year’s winner of the Rose-Walters Prize. She’s an example of the kind of science writer who goes out and learns about what scientists are doing and then tries to convey that in a public forum. I’m having her in my class to talk about megafauna extinctions, the Pleistocene epoch in North America. It’s a really popular notion that human hunting killed off the megafauna in North America, but the data don’t support it at all. There’s more support that it was climate change, and it probably didn’t help that humans came along and started eating everything. But there’s a chapter about it in her book The Sixth Extinction, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to talk with her about how she collected her information, how she goes about constructing her argument. I tell my students, these are often debates, and the things that people like she and Michael Pollan synthesize for us are actually debates that go on in the sciences. PAWLEY: A lot of environmental historians used to teach a piece by Richard White called “Are You an Environmentalist or Do You Work for a Living?” It was published in 1990, and it was basically saying that the environmental movement has demonized people who work on the land, that environmentalists hate lumberjacks, we hate farmers, we hate miners. That’s ridiculous, because all of you who are reading [White’s] essay are sitting on the products of those industries, and you’ve managed to divorce yourself from the work of the land. I used to teach it, and students would have their minds blown! I don’t assign it anymore, and that’s good. When I gave it to students at Dickinson, they said, “We don’t hate farmers. We spend a lot of time thinking about farmers and the work on the land.” The popular discussion of food has really changed the environmental movement and how we talk and think about it. With that shift in mind, what are some things you think our readers need to know? To act upon? HALPIN: I would love for alumni to recognize that the food studies certificate is the culmination of their interests and efforts over the years. As people who have taught or advised students in these areas of interest—within anthropology, history, English, biology, chemistry—yes, it’s because of those efforts that we have this new program, but if it hadn’t been students expressing their interests through their course of study, we wouldn’t be trying to meet that need. I think that’s something

really nice to share: It’s because of their efforts, their research and independent studies. LEARY: The certificate is an example of how faculty and the curriculum at Dickinson evolve in innovative ways in response to things that matter. There are a set of problems, issues and questions that really fundamentally matter. This isn’t just an academic interest, this is real-life stuff that people need to grapple with. There are very tangible repercussions, and what I’ve been impressed with during my time at Dickinson is that what faculty teach and the shape that the curriculum takes responds to questions, issues, problems that matter. BEDI: To get back to Emily’s point early on, with the tomato, for example, is that we’re encouraging students to have those habits of mind, of thinking about something we eat every day, that we think through where it comes from, what the labor standards are for the person who grew that tomato, what the implications are if you can’t afford it, what it does to your body—having them think about it in a holistic way. Again, really emphasizing that this is something we all do, and what really differentiates people within place, but also across place.

PAWLEY: One of the things that worries me sometimes when teaching about environmental and social problems—and all of you have heard me say this—is that I worry that I’m paralyzing the students. I talk about huge structural problems all the time, and then students are afraid to eat, that nothing will ever taste good to them again. But somehow when they talk about food, they’re able to talk about solutions. When they’re talking about how they’re going to change things within the food system, it gives them some purchase on it, and they can take a step toward change that is not just an individual consumer decision or something at the micro level. LEARY: I think the phrase that Emily used about individual choices as consumers, that’s sort of like the far end of the spectrum: I can change the world, or I can make the world better as an individual consumer. We want to help students find some middle space, where it goes beyond them as an individual but they can also have confidence that it is worth doing, even when you know that it falls short of changing the world. There’s an economist, William Easterly, who used to work at the World Bank and has been very critical of its work. There’s a very pessimistic reading of his stuff, that we really have no idea how to make development

happen in ways that are equitable and that can cause real good to happen at a large scale. His approach is to convey the message that there’s a whole lot of good we can do at a smaller scale. Making life better for some number of people is always good. PHILLIPS: It can be really powerful when you sense something as being wrong or unjust and give students the concepts that they can use in political praxis. Those terms can do real good in the world, because they’re levers for students to put pressure in various places. There’s work in even offering conceptual help for all of us. That’s part of what I’ve loved about the journey of food studies and learning more about it. ROSE: It’s not so much that we should all hold hands and get along, but for a lot of Dickinson students, in terms of diversity, having the Middle East Club, the East Asian Club or Italian Club just coming together over food is a meaningful act. It’s often food that brings people together to have conversations that they might not otherwise have. We are sort of a foodie place. We can’t deny it.


[ feature ]


Carlisle by Lauren Davidson; Photos by Carl Socolow ’77

Journey a few blocks from campus in any direction and you’ll have your pick of Carlisle eateries, serving everything from Japanese to Belgian fare, homestyle delights to seasonal specialties, decadent desserts to an assortment of brews and libations. Whether you make an annual pilgrimage to one of the longstanding establishments or explore one of the newer ventures, Dickinsonians, Carlisle natives and tourists alike have a cornucopia of culinary options at their fingertips.

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A photographic journey through iconic eateries and new dining destinations.


Est. 2003 (moved to current location in 2014)

Friendly Competition Custard or ice cream? A longtime staple or an up-and-comer? Dickinsonians tend to feel strongly one way or another—Team Massey’s or Team Leo’s, and we decided to find out where the majority fell. On Friday, Aug. 19, we pooled our social-media resources and asked our community to vote. With opportunities to express their love on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, we tallied 1,185 votes. And here’s the result…

Massey’s Est. 1949













741 444 25

CafĂŠ Bruges Est. 2009

When CafĂŠ Bruges replaced the former Red Devil restaurant on Pitt Street, many wondered whether Belgian fare had a place in Carlisle. Turns out the frites (hand-peeled and twice cooked) and mussels won over locals and tourists alike, and the 100 Belgian beers on tap offer something for every palate.

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Fay’s Country Kitchen

Est. 1973 You can’t go wrong with 22 varieties of pancakes available on the diner-style menu at Fay’s. The decor is retro and the staff is one of the friendliest around. Whether you’re popping in for coffee or diving into a full platter, enjoy the throwback ambiance and bring cash!


The Hamilton

Est. 1930s Dickinsonians have been trekking to the corner of High and Pitt streets for Hot-chee dogs and gravy fries for decades, and we hope that tradition will continue for decades to come. The Hot-chee dog was actually given its name by Dickinson students in the 1950s and was featured on SeriousEats.com in 2011, but the ‘Milt booms for breakfast, lunch and dinner thanks to speedy service and homestyle delights.

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Est. 2015 One of the newest spots in town, Brick rose to the top of everyone’s list of favorite restaurants quickly, due to its combination of rotating seasonal fare, modern takes on classic dishes and all-season outdoor seating. The lollipop lamb chops are a unique twist on a standard, and the fish tacos are a must.

Photos by Carl Socolow ’77


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[ profile ]


he Zika virus was discovered in 1947, but it wasn’t until late 2014 that it appeared on the public’s radar. In July, coinciding with the

virus’ appearance in the continental U.S. and the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, where Zika is a major concern, the first human trial for a Zika vaccine got underway.

“I’m a great fan of liberal-arts education,” Park says. “It opens up your mind to different areas, teaches you to think. You develop curiosity, and you can explore. …. Maybe because of that, I was a lawyer but was willing to go into biotech and learn biology.” When Park got involved with Inovio, learning biology wasn’t yet on his agenda. His roles were chiefly in the realms of fundraising and legal work (he attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School and then earned his MBA at MIT’s Sloan School of Management). But then that curiosity kicked in. “I really got interested in biology and biotech,” he says, “and I started studying it. Now, more than a decade later. ...”

DNA vaccine, it sees [a certain part of ] the DNA

sequence of the virus, and the body will generate an immune response against it.” If successful, and if the results come in before those of other researchers, the vaccine will be the first synthetic DNA vaccine ever to make it to market—25 years after the technology was first explored. Young says GeneOne is at least months ahead of the closest competition, and interim results will be in by year’s end. The speed of the development process via the DNA sequencing platform is key to being able to quickly tackle any widespread health crisis.

Young Park ’87 and GeneOne make medical history with

the first human trial of a Zika vaccine

The company behind this landmark clinical trial is GeneOne Life Science, and Young Park ’87 is the company’s president and CEO. “Zika is such a difficult virus, and every week we’re finding different things about it in our laboratories,” says Park. “It does strange and scary things.” Park was running his own law firm until about 15 years ago, when he ran into an MIT friend from his graduate school days. The friend was launching a biotech start-up, and he asked Park if he’d be interested in investing in it. It turned out to be a fated meeting: Young got involved with the company, now a publically traded biotech called Inovio, and then went to become president and CEO of GeneOne, based in South Korea, leaving his law practice behind. So where’s the bridge between the law and biotechnology, especially from someone who says with a laugh, “I never liked biology”? Well, you might say it’s Dickinson.

Yes, more than a decade later, Park finds himself at the forefront of fighting Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that’s been found to cause birth defects, including microcephaly, in babies born to infected mothers. It also can cause significant neurologic disease in adults, including Guillain-Barre syndrome. Currently, the race is on from all corners of the pharmaceutical industry to stop the virus. “Usually, it takes about 10 to 15 years to develop a vaccine and years to dose the first human,” Park says, noting that the clinical subjects are people who don’t have the Zika virus and aren’t otherwise sick. “We’re doing it all in months.” One way GeneOne, working with Inovio, is able to get the trials off the ground so quickly is because the FDA doesn’t require any toxicology tests for the vaccine. “We don’t use an actual virus, live or dead,” Park explains. “We use a computer-generated DNA sequence of the virus that cannot actually cause infection in humans. When your body detects our

“Let’s say there is another pandemic situation, and people are dying,” Park says. “How do you respond? We are constantly working on speeding up the process, and a DNA vaccine may be one of very few technologies that allow us to respond very quickly.” So while the Zika vaccine trials run their course, Park is looking to the more immediate future and his son James’ first year at Dickinson, a member of the class of 2020, who is no doubt inspired by his father’s thoughts on his alma mater and its liberal-arts mission. “It’s a great foundation for future work,” he says. “I give great credit to Dickinson. ... It was a phenomenal experience.”


[ beyond the limestone walls ]

From theory to action

Carl Socolow ’77

M I C H A E L D O N N E L LY ’ 0 2 , A L U M N I C O U N C I L P R E S I D E N T


ickinson is positioned to be at its very best, and it needs a collective effort on the part of every one of its alumni to continue a forward momentum. As you know, our founding fathers chartered an institution of higher learning more than 230 years ago (233 to be exact). The limestone buildings and the walls that surrounded them were state-of-the-art then and a home away from home for students and faculty alike. Fast forward to present day. Our alma mater’s limestone continues to exude a sense of comfort for all who call Carlisle their home, whether permanently or for an undergraduate tenure. It is within those walls that generations of Dickinsonians have built lasting friendships and relationships, and it is time that we capitalize on our connections to (re)engage and re(energize) Dickinsonians around the world. Our beloved Dickinson is in constant flux and behind the walls of an institution enriched with history is a place that is ever-changing. Faculty and staff come and go (although many find Dickinson to be their forever home!), a new class of graduates will leave the institution every year, and new buildings as well as older ones being upgraded not only garner

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LEED certifications, but also create teaching and learning spaces that are unique and highly regarded. Further, and of current importance, the Presidential Search Committee has begun its work, and as president of the Alumni Council, I am fortunate to be a member of this important team. (Comments and thoughts are welcomed by emailing presidentialsearch@dickinson.edu). So now, more than ever, it is our duty as alumni to come together to create an even tighter bond and to provide the necessary support for our students, current and future. A new residence hall is in the works so that we can continue our tradition of a four-year, residential institution. Teaching and learning is ever-evolving, so support for our faculty and staff is critical in enhancing what is already a world-class learning experience. Do these all require additional funding? Of course. Financial support of our alma mater is always a point of conversation. Let’s face it—compared to our peer and aspirant institutions, our alumni giving rate is quite low. (I wish I could say the opposite.) This is a difficult conversation to have. I share this now because, well, throughout the past year, I have had many conversations with fellow alumni who begin with “you’re not going to ask me for money, are you?” I have always stated that we are all, in our own way, ambassadors for the college. Some of us can give time, while others can provide financial support. (Many, in fact, do both—thank you!) Whichever the case for you, let’s consider moving from talking about what we could do, to what we are going to do. The Alumni Council is poised to make great strides in supporting the college, both financially and with outreach. I challenge you, my fellow alumni, to rise to the challenge as well. Have you spoken to others about how awesome Dickinson is? Have you given to the college in the past few years? If you haven’t done either, I encourage you to make the conscious decision to have an impact this year. As always, I welcome your questions, comments and feedback. My email address is profe207@gmail.com. This is the year that we will turn our theory (talk) into action. I invite you to join us and make Dickinson your focus for the year.

Photos by Carl Socolow ’77

Nearly 60 Dickinsonians recently gathered to watch the Philadelphia Phillies take on the Colorado Rockies at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Hosted by Andy MacPhail ’76, president of baseball operations for the Phillies, the event brought together a select group of alumni including MacPhail’s close friends Fred Keller ’77 and Michael Mandaglio ’77, as well as Alumni Council President Michael Donnelly ’02 (see adjacent page), Young Park ’87 (see Page 30)—who brought along his wife, Yoosung Suh, and son, James Park ’20—and Dickinson trustees John Jones III ’77, P’11 and Bill Mueller ’73. From Dickinson, Interim President Neil Weissman, Vice President for College Advancement Kirk Swenson and Director of Athletics Joe Giunta made the trip to watch the Phillies defeat the Rockies 10-6. View a gallery at dson.co/alumniatphillies. For events in your area, check out dickinson.edu/alumni.


[ our Dickinson ]



Please note the following corrections to the 2015-16 Report of Gifts, “A Legacy of Loyalty,” as of Sept. 22, 2016. We thank the following for their loyal and generous commitments to Dickinson: JDS Revolutionary, $50,000-$99,999 John Wm. Thomas ’66 M JDS Scholar $10,000-$24,999 Mary Stuart Smith ’69 M JDS $2,500-$4,999 Peter D. Jacobson ’67 M Matthew J. Sheehan ’05 M Mark Mintz ’79, P’10 and Pnina Mintz P’10 M Supporter up to $249 Samuel S. Young IV ’19

M=Mermaid Society



University House Play Readers read the one-act play I wrote, The Trust. Over 100 residents attended the performance. They let me know how much they enjoyed the humor and the whole play. Classmates! Why not write to let us know that you are still alive and active?




Mary Jeanne Reynolds de Groot 1547 Mission Road Lancaster, PA 17601 jmjdeg@aol.com

1939 Alice Eastlake Chew 4400 Stone Way N., Apt. 210 Seattle, WA 98103 Achoo92@q.com

Just a quick note to let you know that most of my family gathered Sept. 6 and 8 to celebrate my 99th birthday! I am still able to care for myself and enjoy life. There was a pleasing event here recently. The

Nothing dislodges the cobwebs in the cabinets and closets better than a thorough house cleaning. Missing treasures are unearthed, as well as memories of days long gone. Often we spend as much time reminiscing as we do chasing spiders. One recent endeavor unearthed an ancient high school scrapbook full of pictures of saddle shoes, broomstick skirts, pageboys and pompadours. And nearby was a college scrapbook that held many tiny dance programs, pressed crumbling gardenia corsages and one very small wooden paddle inscribed “Theta Chi.” So being in a nostalgic state of mind and having no classmate news to pass on, I’ll taunt you with some Dickinson trivia:



Where were you (August 1945) when you heard the news about V-J Day?

2. What was the most exciting basketball game of the ’47 season? 3. Who was our Commencement speaker? 4. Raven’s Claw and Skull and Key: Which was black hat and which was white hat? 5. Where did we go for our Microcosm pictures? 6. Where did we swim, dance and graduate? 7. Who wrote the words to Noble Dickinsonia? 8. Who ran the Dickinson Commissary? 9. Name our two deans of women. 10. Which two American patriots were immortalized as Carlisle hotels? Answers: 1.

I was at summer school, walking down High Street.

2. Columbia 48, Dickinson 46 3. Harry Emerson Fosdick 4. Raven’s Claw: white; Skull and Key: black 5. Guth Studios, on High Street 6. Alumni Gymnasium 7. Horatio C. King, class of 1858 8. Charlie Heinz 9. Josephine B. Meredith, class of 1901, and Helen B. Norcross, class of 1912 10. James Wilson and Molly Pitcher

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’54 1949 Dan Winters Apt. C-219 1290 Boyce Road Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 dbwinters1949@yahoo.com


1951 Robert and Margaret Valentine Berry 5437 Village Run Roanoke, VA 24018 Valber1@verizon.net

1952 Eileen Fair Durgin 2126 Holly Lane Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 eileenfd@msn.com

To ordinary people, a mermaid is a legendary aquatic figure that is usually depicted as an attractive female with a fish tail. To Dickinsonians, a mermaid is a symbol that is less than attractive and is perched atop a cupola where no half-fish prefers to be. When Benjamin Latrobe designed Old West, he intended to have its cupola graced by a figure of Triton, known as “messenger of the sea.” Instead, a local craftsman mistakenly created a mermaid; the error was never corrected and ultimately has become one of our enduring symbols. Now, think about that. Can you imagine any of our professors ever accepting a mistake and saying, “Oh, that’s all right. It doesn’t really matter”? Perhaps because this piece of metal called a mermaid is less than glamorous, it has a charm of its own. In 1915, an Alpha Chi Rho freshman managed to reach it and attach a bicycle to it. Every mermaid needs a bicycle! According to Dr. Ernest Vuilleumier, around 1926, the mermaid was given a bath; we do not know the details and that might be best. In 1975, the unwilling mermaid was kidnapped, though shortly returned to President Samuel Banks. At least she did not get bored atop the cupola. Let’s be kind and describe our lady mermaid’s appearance as unique. After all, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and, after all of these years, perhaps we can now pronounce her beautiful!

The reach of our class extends to the delightful Virgin Islands where Patty Hoffman Colburn and John Colburn spend the better part of each year. Patty writes, “At this year’s graduation, the doors to the steps for the graduates were opened by granddaughter Casey Colburn, president of the 2015 class, and John, class of 1952. Pretty neat. To replace Ben James ’34 was such an honor for them. We’re still living mainly in St. Croix and continue to love traveling. Life is good!” With the welcome help of Ruth Costenbader Doney ’55, we are hearing about her husband Hugh Doney. Ruth reports, “We are retired and moved two and a half years ago to Keller, Texas, to be close to our family. Our daughter Deborah Walker lives close by and our daughter Kim Champine comes frequently from Houston. Her three sons live in this area, and the youngest is attending University of Texas at Arlington. Carl, our son, teaches at South Texas College in McAllen. We have four geologists in the family thanks to Hugh’s interest in geology, which began at Dickinson.” In contacting Robert Marta, we located him in Timonium, Md., which is situated in Baltimore County. Bob previously worked for a company in Chicago, but he did not wish to transfer to the West Coast, so in 1988, he moved east and has remained in the area of Timonium. Bob, unfortunately, lost his wife a year ago. Now, he continues to enjoy his two adult children, Matthew of Minneapolis, Minn. and Amy Beth of Fairfax County, Va. Amy Beth, who works in a middle school system, makes frequent trips to be with her father. In January, C. Richard Morton attended the Chester County Bar Association’s annual dinner. Also in attendance were Anthony Morris ’71, Craig A. Styer ’87, Lisa Comber Hall ’86, Louis N. Teti ’72 and Kevin Holleran ’73. All are former presidents of the

association. (See picture, Page 38.)

1953 Betts Middleton Slim bslim12@verizon.net

1954 Louise Hauer Greenberg 300 Tranquility Lane, Apt. 100 Reading, PA 19607 lhg1309@aol.com

Louise Hauer Greenberg ’54 The connections between math and music range far beyond the elegant precision of scales and time signatures, and Louise Hauer Greenberg ’54’s dual careers—one in science and one in choral arts—illustrate the synchronicity of talent and the liberal arts. Greenberg, who majored in chemistry and minored in biology and mathematics at Dickinson, also sang in the College Choir and played clarinet in the college band. She went on to earn a master’s in biochemistry and a doctorate in biochemistry and neuropharmacology, leading to a long career in research, first in neuropharmacology and then in gerontology. At the same time, she pursued her other passion—singing for the Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus and the Mendelssohn Club, later founding the Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia. Greenberg also served on numerous boards and committees, including the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts’ Choral/ Opera Panel and, most notably, Chorus America. In June, Greenberg received Chorus America’s Distinguished Service Award for her service to the organization and for her work in advancing the choral field. “Combining my scientific career with my avocational career was the right choice for me,” she says. “Both have been enormously rewarding.” Watch for Greenberg’s Closing Thoughts column in the next issue of Dickinson Magazine.


our Dickinson 1957 Ira Glick iraglick@stanford.edu

Several hours into a three-day weekend photography workshop on Chincoteague Island, avid photographers Lew Gayner and Geoff Coe ’74 discovered that they were both Dickinson grads. Lew is retired from the Heritage Foundation and lives in Centreville, Md.; Geoff runs his own wildlife photography business, Wild Images Florida, and flew up from Fort Myers for the workshop. (See photo, Page 38)

1958 Anne Biddle Tantum 413 Barrington Court Palmyra, PA 17078 anne.tantum@verizon.net Dave and Jean Holt Anderson had a busy summer.

They spent a week in Seaside, Fla., with their children and grandchildren. After a few days of rest at home, they cruised on the Queen Mary 2 to Halifax, Canada, stopping in Boston to visit Myron and Sandy Turner Belfer. After two days, they were off to Long Beach Island, N.J., for a week with Jean’s sister, Fran Holt ’54.

’63 Since its founding 100 years ago, the U.S. Army ROTC has commissioned over 650,000 second lieutenants. In June, the U.S. Army Cadet Command welcomed 326 of those former cadets into its Hall of Fame’s inaugural class, which included some of the nation’s top leaders. And three members of this elite group were Dickinsonians: John Curley ’60, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) David Meade ’62 and Col. (Ret.) Sherwood “Woody” Goldberg ’63 . Goldberg, who served two tours in Vietnam and twice earned the Bronze Star for valor, was one of the 100-plus inductees who attended the ceremony at Ft. Knox, Ky. Goldberg majored in political science and later earned a master’s degree at University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from the Temple University School of Law. He served for 25 years as chief of staff and senior advisor for former Secretary of State Alexander Haig. He currently is senior advisor for Asian affairs at the Center for Naval Analysis and serves on the Board of Trustees for Dickinson and the West Point Jewish Chapel Fund. “I was especially proud to represent John Curley and David Meade as fellow graduates of our program,” Goldberg said. “One could not but reflect with pride what the program, its Blue Mountain cadre and the college’s leadership—including the Board of Trustees—have made possible over the years for me and other graduates career-wise. Our fellow inductees were nominated for the honor as alumni by their respective ROTC units,” he continued. “It truly was a grassroots nominating process; that our own Dickinson ROTC cadre nominated us is why this honor means so very much.” Learn more at dson.co/goldberg63.

Bob Arking continues teaching and research on the

biology of longevity and aging. A new edition of his textbook is about to be mailed to the publisher. He writes, “I particularly enjoy the challenges of teaching effectively and have recorded a chapter for an internationally authored online course on the biology of aging. (Yes, I am competing with myself, but then consistency is not a necessary virtue.)” Roslye Benson Ultan writes, “ ‘SAMEE (Sustainable

Acts: Mother Earth’s Embrace),’ an exhibition on the intersection of the arts and sciences, received a grant from the University of Minnesota and has been invited by the Russian-American agency to partner with universities in Novosibirsk, Siberia, to take the exhibition to Russia, tentatively in 2017.” Aggie Bruce Holst is delighted to be a first-time grandmother. Daughter Susie and her husband Glen presented her with an 8 lb., 19.5 in. grandson this summer. The Holsts hightailed it up to York, Maine, and stayed for a week to help. Aggie writes, “What a wonderful experience. I was beginning to think I’d never be a grandmother.” Lillian Buirkle was visited in New Jersey by her

two great granddaughters, Victoria Dhuy (7) from Montana, and 9-month old Lillian Rose Miller from Michigan, and granddaughter Rene (13) from Colorado, with parents in tow.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


Jean Kottcamp Simpson moved to Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in September. She notes that her daughter lives there, and it was time to live near one of her children. “Eighty is such a big number in spite of the fact that I am still in good health,” Jean writes, adding that her granddaughter, Lydia Fox ’19, loves Dickinson and, unlike her grandmother, made the dean’s list.

Anne Saunders Bloxom celebrated her mother’s 100th birthday during the summer. She and Bruce spent August at their cabin on Lopez Island (San Juan Islands). Anne writes, “It’s a rustic camping experience in the tepee-shaped cabin Bruce built when he was in graduate school and has never outgrown. A little sailing and canoeing by moonlight made it a pleasant getaway.”

Barbara Mohler McIlvaine spent the summer in Cleveland, where residents complained about heat and humidity. She remarked, “They haven’t lived in Florida in the summer! Brutal. I just laughed!” Mo had a house in Beach Haven, N.J., for a week in August for an early special birthday celebration with her entire family (first time in seven years).

Bill Solomon is thrilled to announce the April arrival of great-granddaughter Harper Kinsley Leach. Her grandparents are daughter Patty Solomon Leach ’82 and John Leach ’80.

Betty Richardson Churchill and husband Dan visited Dickinson and found the institution very impressive, with its programs, accomplished students, administration and faculty. Their Naples, Fla., visit last winter was shortened by a refurb of their condo complex. Betty reports, “Some classmates may have significant birthdays this year too. We hope to do an ambitious trip this fall— South Africa or who knows where.”

Dick Van Deusen directed an Equity Showcase production of David Margulies’ play The Country House for the Morningside Players in New York this summer. Afterward, he and wife Carol took a short cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2 to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to celebrate his 80th birthday (hard to believe, he says).

1959 Joe Carver jcarver@comcast.net




Tim Minnich reports, “I retired in 2010 with 35

Dorothy Gnos Hoffman 884 West End Avenue, Apt. 144 New York, NY 10025 dhgnos@aol.com

years of government service, including over four years of military time. I was diagnosed in 2009 with prostate cancer and in 2010 with Parkinson’s disease. Judi, wife of 50 years, also was diagnosed in 2013 with Parkinson’s. We reluctantly departed our Colorado home of 43 years for retirement living in a beautiful independent living complex in Joplin, Mo., where we are closer to our Missouri family.”


Barbara Buechner Carroll 14 Williamsburg N. Colts Neck, NJ 07722 bbcedit@aol.com

1964 Joel Barish will (finally, in 2017) retire as clinical

professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He has two sons—a tax attorney and a Ph.D. food scientist, both of whom live in Los Angeles. Joel enjoys living on the West Coast and his semiannual visits to Asia.

1965 Carol Nuetzman Weber 496 Windsor Place Oceanside, NY 11572-1146 weber496@aol.com Larry Rand 2544 W. Mesquite St. Chandler, AZ 85224-1631 larryrand@cox.net

1967 Rumsey Young rumseyy@gmail.com Nick Brown brownnicholas3@gmail.com Lorraine Howe Fenton fentonlh@gmail.com

1968 Karen Andrews Gahr wegahr@aol.com

James Alvino was appointed dean of the business school for a new university headquartered at Pyramid Valley International, Bangalore, India. The university has been tentatively named QUEHST – Quantum University for Economic, Health and Spiritual Transformation, the purpose of which is to promulgate the foundational and experiential relationship between key principles of quantum science and spirituality. In addition to the business school, which will focus on quantum economics, leadership, entrepreneurship and coaching, three schools offer M.A. and Ph.D. programs in consciousness studies, integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology. For more information contact James at jim@jimalvino.com. J. Dennis Guyer, partner at Wertime & Guyer LLP law office in Greencastle, Pa., retired in June.

Thomas Hoffman retired in 2016 after 44 years of working, including 41 years in the energy industry.

“Proud as I am of my association with Dickinson,” says Gil Ludwig ’69, a retired attorney, “I’ve always thought it important to be one of the college’s champions through annual giving.” A couple of years ago, a Dickinson mailing about Charitable Gift Annuities caught his eye. “When I read that I could make a special gift to the college and augment my personal income at the same time, I called the college to learn more. I made the gift, and it’s been wonderful. As the saying goes, it was a real win-win situation.” A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) pays a fixed, guaranteed income for life to the donor (and another person, often a spouse, if the donor chooses). The amount of the income is based on the age(s) of the recipient(s) at the time payments begin; the rate of return is often far better than safe instruments such as CDs or money market accounts. Best of all, it allows the donor to make a more significant gift than he or she otherwise may have considered, helping Dickinson students that much more. For more information about establishing a CGA with Dickinson, please contact Kristi Brant, director of planned giving, at brantkr@dickinson.edu or 717-245-1121.


our Dickinson


Pat Cooke Baughman and other members of the class of 1970 reminisced and enjoyed the wildlife along the Gulf.


1970 Pat Cooke Baughman 305 Martellago Drive North Venice, FL 34275 pbaughman15@comcast.net Bruce Barton 10 Osgood Road Sterling, MA 01564 Bruce.Barton@umassmed.edu

Six former presidents of the Chester County Bar Association gathered in January at the association’s annual dinner. From left: Anthony Morris ’71, Craig A. Styer ’87, Lisa Comber Hall ’86, C. Richard Morton ’52, Louis N. Teti ’72 and Kevin Holleran ’73. Geoff Coe ’74 and Lew Gayner ’57 discovered that they were both Dickinson grads at a weekend photography workshop on Chincoteague Island. Read more on Page 36. (Photo by Alisha Anderson) Dickinsonians from the class of 1970 met at Pat Baughman’s house in Florida for a mini-reunion. From left: Sue Ferguson Ermelin, Susan Liccardo Shanno, Chris Williams Miara, Deb Lyle Atherholt, Pat Cooke Baughman and Linda Davis Turner. Check out their news at right.

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I (Pat) hope everyone enjoyed their summers, but Floridians like me are longing for some cooler, less humid weather. I did have some special visitors before the weather got too oppressive—my former roommates from Dickinson! (See photo at left.) It took years to get the Northerners down here and months to find a somewhat compatible date, but the efforts were worth it. Over four days, we laughed over college tales, oohed over family pictures and tried to educate each other about our electronic devices. Despite the sightseeing, shopping and dining, the hands-down favorite parts of their experience were two things I take for granted: the dozens of water birds, literally in my backyard, and

the turquoise waters of the Gulf, 10 minutes away. I put my foot down when they tried to declare their trip off-limits to this column, so here’s the very minimal update that I could squeeze out of them. Chris Williams Miara from Needham, Mass. is a grandmother of five and a brand-new retiree, having stepped down from her career in the nonprofit public health sector at summer’s end. Deborah Lyle Atherholt now remains our only representative in the working world. She teaches in Moorestown, N.J., where she also lives. Besides teaching, her other love is her beach cottage on the Jersey shore. Susan Liccardo Shanno has been enjoying her retirement in Leonia, N.J., where she volunteers for numerous community and church organizations. She dotes on her two grandchildren and looks forward to hosting them annually at the shore. Linda Davis Turner, a Florida resident for 40 years, celebrated her husband’s retirement with a recent trip to New Zealand. They are the loving grandparents of three girls and a brand new baby boy. Sue Ferguson Ermelin, formerly from Pennsylvania, has been retired in southwest Florida for seven years. She enjoys the active lifestyle there and the proximity of her two granddaughters. And Lucy Ashley Mischen, unfortunately, was only able to visit electronically. She is still living in Greensboro, N.C., but is following her husband’s dream and traveling the country with their two dogs in a small RV. She will be visiting her two granddaughters

and spending some time at the family cottage in upper Michigan. And last, I’ve been busy hosting lots of family and friends these months. We welcomed a third grandchild in March and hosted the whole Baughman clan on the Cape in August. This fall, I’m returning to Budapest, where my daughter is spending another sabbatical, to tour the other parts of Eastern Europe that we missed eight years ago. Where do the rest of you travel/vacation? Robert Silverthorn was appointed inspector general for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. “The Office of Inspector General (OIG) plays a vital role in protecting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth,” he notes, “and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to help address the many issues and responsibilities that come before the OIG.” An attorney and retired U.S. Army major general, he has been engaged in private practice in the Louisville area, representing clients in complex litigation, in both state and federal court, and has served as the chair of the Kentucky Bar Association Civil Litigation Committee.

1971 Suzanne Fost Jeffries 516 Halyard Way Enola, PA 17025 rjeff588@aol.com

1973 Sherry Coiner sc1128@hotmail.com Al Hershner is executive vice president at Shure Inc.,

a manufacturer of microphones and related audio electronics, capping a career of nearly 32 years. Al and his wife Paige Goettel ’74 live in the Chicago area, where daughters Laura and Anna Hershner ’12 are both involved in early childhood education and support of special needs students. Paige recently retired, after many years of teaching kindergarten and first grade in Winnetka, Ill. Victor Kendall has spent his entire career as a

teacher and administrator in the performing arts and public media. His former positions include production assistant for the National Symphony Orchestra, general manager for the Dance Theatre of Harlem, executive director for the Texas Institute for the Arts in Education (TIAE) and director of philanthropy for Houston Public Radio. He is currently the director of development for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas.

1974 Enid Erikson Albat 189 CR 3010 Altus, AR 72821 enidalbat@gmail.com

Here in the South another hot summer is upon us. By the time you read this, your “hot off the press” news will be warming the fall issue. We continue to look forward to the feature articles in “our” magazine, but it is always the class notes I read first. How many of you would say the same? This year is the year most of us will achieve our 65th birthday, the one designated as “official” retirement age. Where do you stand in the work timeline? If you already have retired, what are you doing now? If you don’t write something, I may have to bore you with stories from my life. Enjoy the beauty of the Earth around you. Thank you to those who responded to Dickinson’s Day of Giving in April, and especially to those who wrote directly to the college. Stephen Quinn was inducted into the Fresh Water

Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum as a legendary communicator during ceremonies held during the 2016 International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades (ICAST) show in Orlando, Fla. The category honors individuals who have developed a unique means or avenue to introduce or maintain interest in the sport of fishing. Quinn has spent his entire career in the field and waterways of the world teaching others about fish and the environment they inhabit.

1975 Carl Wallnau recently completed the run of the

world premiere of Funnyman by Bruce Graham at the Arden Theatre in Philadelphia and is returning to the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival in Blithe Spirit and Taming of the Shrew. He is professor of theatre at Centenary College in Hackettstown, N.J., where he is chairman of the fine arts department, as well as artistic director of the Centenary Stage Company, a professional equity theatre-in-residence on the campus. In June, Richard White graduated from Boston’s North Bennet Street School’s program in Locksmithing and Security Technology.

Members of the Delta Nu Alumni Advisory Board and their on-campus advisors gathered during Alumni Weekend to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of the sorority. From left: Trish Godfrey Swigart ’75, Carol Graebner ’75, Angie Fernandez Barone ’90, Barb Pim Bailey ’73, Jennifer Love, Lindsey Goodman Iacovino ’75, Sandy Smith McGrew ’73 and Rachel Pickering ’00. Nanci Fox Taylor ’76 and John Taylor ’76 met up with Marianne “Ranny” Martin ’76 in Stuttgart, Germany, near Ranny’s home in Tübingen. In September 2015, longtime friends from the class of 1976 traveled to the high Alpen village of Zinal, Switzerland. From left: Sally Slater Erickson, Alison Taylor, Mary Jo Egan Woodford, Leslie Huston Conti, Jane Rogers McIver and Jane Gilmore Affonso.


our Dickinson


Many classmates enjoyed exploring Switzerland while visiting Leslie Huston Conti.

1976 John and Nanci Fox Taylor taylorjo@dickinson.edu

It seems like just yesterday when roughly 60 of us and our better halves gathered for our 40th reunion. Again, it was so nice seeing everyone. Right after reunion, your class scribes Nanci and John Taylor flew to their vacation in Germany, where they caught up with classmate Marianne “Ranny” Martin (see picture, Page 39). Ranny has been in Germany since shortly after Dickinson and works with a program to bring cultural harmony to German and immigrant populations at the elementary school level. In teeing up the June reunion, your committee heard from a number of classmates who were unable to attend festivities in Carlisle. Rick Fisher, who has made several trips back to the U.S. from the U.K. this year, was in Cardiff, Wales, for the opening of a theatrical production that weekend.

During a recent trip to London, several Dickinson trustees and their spouses were guests of Jane and Harry Tee, CBE, at his livery dinner for the Worshipful Society of Scientific Instrument Makers. From left: John Jones ’77, P’11, Beth Jones P’11, Harry Tee, Tom Kalaris ’76, P’11, Karen Welty Kalaris ’77, P’11, Christopher Sawyer, master of the company, Jane Tee, George Reynolds and Jennifer Ward Reynolds ’77. Mark Gorscak ’79 was the featured speaker at the Top Drawer 24 ceremony honoring the best scholar-athletecitizens in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York. From left, Craig Cheplick ’78, founder of the Top Drawer 24 team, and Gorscak, honorary award recipient. Members of the class of 1979 met up for a weekend in North Carolina. From left: Arlene Yocum, Martha Dewey Bethel, Dorothy Nievergelt Isla, Pokey McClintock Sprout, Michele Mulligan Pollock, Marybeth Cooke Fong, Judy Harding Johnson and Jeanne Dennis Hills.

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Karen Faulds Copenhaver has been named to IP Stars by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP). She is an attorney at Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP in the firm’s Intellectual Property (IP) Group. In addition to IP Stars, she was named to the Top 250 Women in IP in the World list and was named a Trademark Star. Jeff Di Iuglio writes from Beantown that he is teaching summer school at Boston University and Northeastern this summer. Part of his professorial “responsibility” is to chaperone several cultural trips around Boston. So he was in Boston during the reunion. In July, he traveled to San Sebastián, Spain, to present at the International Congress of Literature. He undoubtedly enjoyed tapas and a glass of Rioja while there. Peter Kimball heard from classmate Cary Paine, who

checked in from Washington state. Cary could not attend the reunion but has used the occasion to reconnect with others in the class.

With the reunion being in June and us being of that age, college graduations kept a few classmates from being in Carlisle, including Tom Kalaris and Mark Teich. In September 2015, longtime friends from the class of 1976 traveled to the high Alpen village of Zinal, Switzerland (See photo, Page 39). Leslie Huston Conti and her junior year abroad beau (and now husband!) Urs Berger recently purchased a Swiss chalet (available on Airbnb). On this trip were Sally Slater Erickson, Alison Taylor, Mary Jo Egan Woodford, Jane Rogers McIver and Jane Gilmore Affonso. They loved the chalet, the hiking, the

gorgeous scenery and the cheese and chocolate! Carol Richards Cline and Jean Ivan Mennone

promised to join on the next adventure.

1977 Rebecca Anstine Smith 1796 Reading St. Crofton, MD 21114-2606 rasmith55@gmail.com Lynn Hotchkiss Sakuma retired from teaching at the Westport (Conn.) Public Schools in June and will be relocating to Scottsdale, Ariz. Colin Jenei was named a 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. Formerly a partner at Baldi & Jenei, he is an attorney at Begley, Carlin & Mandio LLP in New Hope, Pa., and practices in the area of criminal defense, personal injury, land use and municipal law.

1978 Nancy Quadri Bennett 236 Elverson Place Cary, NC 27519 bennettn@dickinson.edu

In May, St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., celebrated the Very Rev. Michael

Ellias’ 60th birthday and the 30th anniversary

of his ordination to the priesthood. He has been pastor of the church for 14 years. Jeffrey Williams was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for the 12th year in a row. He is the founder and managing partner of Williams Family Law P.C. serving the Bucks and Montgomery counties of Pennsylvania. His practice focuses on complex divorce, high-income alimony and spousal support, complex child support and high-conflict child custody cases. David Wolf, shareholder in the Philadelphia office

of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, was elected president of the Philadelphia Association of Defense Counsel (PADC). He is a member of Marshall Dennehey’s casualty department, defending premises liability matters for commercial enterprises and individual clients. He also serves as an arbitrator and judge pro tem for the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas and arbitrator for the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

1979 Jeff Cohen 2132 SW Racquet Club Drive Palm City, FL 34990 jeff.s.cohen@wellsfargoadvisors.com Mark Gorscak was the featured speaker at the Top

Drawer 24 ceremony. The event honors the best scholar-athlete-citizens in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York. The Top Drawer 24 team was founded by Craig Cheplick ’78. Mark received an honorary award for his dedication to the area. (See photo, Page 40)


1980 Gail Fricke Dorosh 3756 Ebright Road Garnet Valley, PA 19060 SDorosh1@comcast.net Michael Jaff was elected to the board of trustees for

Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. He is the endowed chair and medical director of the Paul and Phyllis Fireman Vascular Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and is currently interpreting the vascular noninvasive studies at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Jonathan Mack was selected as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in Pennsylvania by the National Trial Lawyers Association. He also was chosen, for the second consecutive year, by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel for its Nation’s Top Attorneys recognition and named, for the sixth consecutive year, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. Mack is owner and partner of Marcus & Mack PC, a law firm based in Indiana, Pa.

1981 Dana Alwine dalwine@pahousegop.com Jonathan Birbeck was appointed a magisterial district judge in Carlisle, Pa., by the Pennsylvania State Senate. Magisterial district justices preside over criminal preliminary arraignments and hearings, and adjudicate all traffic and nontraffic citations and civil and landlord tenant complaints up to $12,000. Formerly, Jonathan was a chief deputy district attorney in the Cumberland County district attorney’s office. Joseph Clees was elected to serve on the board

of directors of the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center. Joseph is a founding shareholder of the Phoenix, Ariz., office of Ogletree Deakins, an employment law firm. After attending the Bologna reunion, Cheryl De Bari met up with her husband, Michael, in Paris. While touring, they met a fellow traveler who turned out to be another Dickinsonian, Henry Woodhull Gates ’67 (see photo at right). Ellen Nicholson Byrne writes, “All is well here at

the southern tip of New Jersey. We are (still!) in the process of rebuilding our Sandy-damaged home while balancing the usual demands of life. My husband and I are politically active here and serve on a number of boards and committees. Our 16-year-old daughter seems to be following my pattern of deep involvement in school activities and friends. In 2014, I was appointed as a board trustee for Atlantic Cape Community College; my attendance at a conference on college security issues in Portland, Ore., mid-June 2016, exactly coincided with Alumni Weekend. I would have loved to catch up with classmates and friends! Renee Ballinghoff Scrocca and I lived and practiced law in Cape May County; her untimely passing in 2014 saddened me deeply, but it was comforting to hug Stephanie ‘Sukey’ Grace Delavale at the funeral; Sukey remained Renee’s dear friend through the years. Recently thinking back on college days, however, I couldn’t stop laughing while reviewing the Gamma Phi Beta scrapbooks online in the college archives—seriously, what was I thinking with some of those outfits? Best wishes to all.”

In July, class of 1979 members and friends got together at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N.C. From left: Jon Kontoleon ’79, Melissa Cherry, Mark Loughlin ’79, Carolyn Loughlin, Danny Sunderland ’79, Fred Woerner ’79, Jane DuCharme, Jim DuCharme ’79, Jane Woerner, Judy Diehl Froehlich ’79, Randy Chiocca ’79, Deb Chiocca and Pete Vogel ’79. After attending the Bologna reunion, Cheryl De Bari ’81 met up with her husband, Michael, in Paris. While touring, she met a fellow traveler who turned out to be another Dickinsonian, Henry Woodhull Gates ’67. Rick Shangraw ’81 and Joe Clees ’81 attended the Arizona State University (ASU) Presidents Club Luncheon. Rick is the president of the ASU Foundation, and Joe is a prominent Phoenix lawyer.


our Dickinson 1982


Stefan Grossman 3100 Connecticut Ave., NW, #143 Washington, DC 20008 stefan_grossman@hotmail.com

Steve Introcaso 17 English Lane Lincroft, NJ 07738 sintrocaso@gmail.com

John Statler has again been selected as a

Amy Amundsen achieved recertification by the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA) as a family

Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. He is a shareholder at Johnson, Duffie, Stewart & Weidner P.C. in Lemoyne, Pa.

1983 Christy Sutherland Edwards 3797 Plum Spring Lane Ellicott City, MD 21042 christy@aurorafitness.net Edward Amoroso was elected to the board of

directors of M&T Bank Corp. He joins M&T’s board with 31 years of cyber and information security experience, including 18 years as the senior-most security and compliance executive at AT&T Inc. from which he retired. His areas of expertise include strategic security planning, enterprise IT protection, IP and network security, cloud and mobile security, along with related compliance, audit and risk management experience.

Four members of the class of ’81 gathered together for a humanitarian mission this winter. Pictured from left to right are Dave Weber, John Frommer, Seth Binstock and Dan Citrenbaum. They plan to travel the world to draw attention to the sad fact that an estimated* 83 percent of Dickinson alumni cannot afford to ski in Switzerland! These four selfless alumni encourage you to get involved! Please send your donations. Your gift could send one Dickinson alum to ski in the Alps! *Note: no actual survey was conducted, and no actual donations are being solicited. The guys would just love to see more Dickinsonians on skis! Dickinsonians traveled to Italy to celebrate friendships and notable wedding anniversaries. Pictured at an olive oil farm in Sant’Agnello, near Sorrento, are, from left: Brian Pedrow ’85, Christy Pedrow, Michael Stern ’84, Amy Stern, Debbie Rogers Faccenda ’84 and Rob Faccenda ’84.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


In June, Eric Wittenberg’s and co-author Daniel Davis’ new book was published by Savas Beatie LLC. Out Flew the Sabres: The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863—The Opening Engagement of the Gettysburg Campaign chronicles the fourth battle of Fleetwood Hill at Brandy Station in Culpeper County, Va., that turned out to be the opening engagement of the Gettysburg Campaign.


Eric Wittenberg has published a new book about the Civil War.

law trial advocate. She is a partner at the law firm Rice, Amundsen & Caperton PLLC and has been an NBTA member for 15 years. Jonathan Murray, managing director of The Murray Group - UBS Financial Services, Inc., has been named to the 2016 Financial Times Top 400 Advisers List, which recognizes elite advisers at national, regional and independent brokerdealers, selected from 1,500 advisers. Murray is a top financial manager and wealth management specialist managing a team of nine UBS employees and nearly $1 billion in client assets. His practice currently serves more than 700 families and works with endowments and businesses to help them achieve their wealth-management goals. Deborah Rogers Faccenda writes, “Six of us recently traveled to Italy to celebrate our friendship and notable wedding anniversaries. Rob Faccenda and Debbie Rogers Faccenda are married 30 years, Michael Stern and wife Amy are married 25 years, and Brian Pedrow ’85 and wife Christy are married 29 years. We spent a week together in Sorrento, with trips to Naples, Capri, the Amalfi Coast, Pompeii, Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius. We hope to travel together again soon!” (See picture at left.) Melissa Scartelli has been named a Pennsylvania

Super Lawyer for the seventh year in a row. She is founder and president of the law firm Scartelli Olszewski P.C. in Scranton, Pa., and has represented seriously injured people in the state and federal courts of Pennsylvania for more than 25 years. Her areas of practice include automobile accidents, auto defects, construction and workplace accidents, defective drugs and medical devices, medical malpractice, nursing home negligence and product liability. She also has successfully achieved recertification as a civil trial advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA).

1985 Heidi Hormel 441 Deerfield Dr. Hanover, PA 17331 hormelh@dickinson.edu

By October, I will have five books published by Harlequin—a slacker compared to some, but still respectable. I have more proposals and ideas for other books, just need to add six hours to my days. Next time I’ll try to write my whole column in emojis :-0 What about you? Wanna give it a try? Christopher Stief, regional managing partner of

Fisher Phillips, a national labor and employment law firm, was featured in the top attorneys list of Chambers USA 2016. He represents employers in a full range of labor and employment matters and serves as chair of the firm’s employee defection and trade secrets practice group. He has handled more than 500 employee defection and recruitment matters in 45 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, as well as matters arising out of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

1986 Stephanie Bupp Becker Daniel P. Becker 218 Sanibel Lane Wyomissing, PA 19610 steph.dan.becker@gmail.com


Holly Ray’s veterinary hospital has been accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association.

1989 Evelyn Short evelynshort@yahoo.com Scott Kuptsow was voted into Philadelphia Magazine’s Top Docs edition for 2015 and again in 2016. He practices family medicine in Williamstown and Vineland, N.J.


1990 Laura Spindler Munns 2245 Ballard Way Ellicott City, MD 21042 dson1990@aol.com

1991 1987 Ellen Poris Robin 17813 Cricket Hill Dr. Germantown, MD 20874 pleasespammenow@yahoo.com Charles Blue traveled to Chile as part of the

Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program. As co-principal investigator on this NSF grant, he traveled to the U.S. funded astronomy observatories in Chile with a team of nine formal and informal science educators. They visited and learned about the massive Gemini South telescope, the famous Blanco Telescope (instrumental in the Nobel Prize winning discovery of dark energy) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, the world’s most powerful telescope of its kind, at 16,500 feet above sea level in the world’s driest location, the Atacama Desert.

1988 John Palitto 103 Van Buren Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 jpalittojr@yahoo.com

Keri Casey Lewis 530 Colonial Drive Greencastle, PA 17225 rlewisjr1@comcast.net Kurt Kissinger has been named Penn State

University’s associate vice president for finance and business. As the deputy to senior vice president for finance and business, he will serve as chief of staff for the Office of Finance and Business, which includes 14 units and 2,800 full-time employees. He will lead several initiatives to enhance finance and business operations across the university units and campuses. Kissinger was formerly the director of operations of the Penn State College of Medicine. Glenn Whitman’s and co-author Ian Kelleher’s new

book Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education was published by Rowman & Littlefield.

1992 Kirsten Nixa Sabia ksabia@pgatourhq.com

For those of you who are on Facebook and haven’t been added to the Dson ’92 group, let me know if

you’d like to be. It’s been fun as we count down to our 25th! Mark your calendars for June 9-11, 2017! Your class secretary had the chance to catch up with Liz Gilmour and Jeff Moll while on vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyo. where both have lived since graduation (See photo, page 44). Lizzie is busy with her two daughters, Avery and Addie, her career as a social worker at St. John’s Medical Center and her fiancé, Evan. Moll is in private law practice in Jackson, and when not fishing, playing golf or trail running, he most loves spending his time with son Max (born November 2015) and wife Margaret. Laura Croghan Kamoie hit the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists in

June with her historical fiction debut, America’s First Daughter, and she hit the USA Today bestseller list with her 25th romance novel, written as Laura Kay, in May. Learn more at dson.co/kamoie_92. Twenty-four years after graduation, Jeanne Ruane Moore and husband Andy Moore ’91 will once again be paying Dickinson tuition. Daughter Emma will be in the class of 2020 and, like mother/like daughter, playing soccer. Jeanne looks forward to four more years of the G-man! Holly Ray writes, “I’m happy to report that my

veterinary hospital recently became accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association, and joins only 12 percent of hospitals in the U.S. and Canada that meet its stringent standards of care and excellence. This honor comes right before we break ground on an expansion of the facility. I continue to compete in equestrian events and was the 2015 national champion for the International Side Saddle Organization. Having been a lifelong enthusiastic student of Civil War history, I enjoy giving living history presentations on ladies’ fashions of the era. These hobbies combine at times, and I never turn down an opportunity to ride sidesaddle in period-correct 1860s habits. In May, I also had the honor of riding in the Kentucky Derby parade. I can be reached at petvetholly@gmail.com if anyone would like to get in touch.”


our Dickinson Fellow Delta Nus Kirsten Nixa Sabia and Dale Stroeve Taormino enjoyed a mini-reunion in May in Atlantic Beach, Fla. (See photo at left) Dale and husband, Jason Taormino ’93 are busy with their three children, Nico, Bea and Antonia. Dale continues to work in the IT world, and Jason is a realtor in their home town of Davis, Calif.

1993 Nancy H. Richardson 4208 Fordham Road Baltimore, MD 21229 nancyhr93@verizon.net Andrew Conte andrew.c.conte@gmail.com Jennifer Gordon Ross has been named the new president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg.

Fellow Delta Nus Dale Stroeve Taormino ’92 and Kirsten Nixa Sabia ’92 enjoyed a mini-reunion in May in Atlantic Beach, Fla. Kirsten Nixa Sabia ’92 caught up with fellow classmates while on vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyo. From left: Liz Gilmour ’92, Kirsten Nixa Sabia ’92, Jeff Moll ’92 and baby Max.

Brian Kamoie, assistant administrator for grant programs of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was the alumnus speaker for Dickinson’s 2016 Baccalaureate. After the ceremony, he met German majors Ezra Sassaman ’16 and Rachel Schilling ’16, who both returned to Germany this fall as Fulbright English Teaching Assistants. All three are veterans of the Dickinson-in-Bremen program, as well as members of Phi Beta Kappa. (See photo, Page 48.)

1994 Lindsey Dickinson Baynard lindsey_dickinson.edu@yahoo.com J.T. Sandone jt.sandone@gmail.com

1995 Adrienne Corrado Allison adrienneallison73@gmail.com Jarrod Longcor was appointed senior vice president of corporate development and operations at Cellectar Biosciences Inc., an oncology-focused biotechnology company. Formerly, he served as chief business officer for Avillion LLP, where he was responsible for executing the company’s unique co-development partnership strategy. He has more than 20 years of pharmaceutical and biotech experience.

1996 Kimberly S. Renner yogakimber@gmail.com

1997 Marisa Cole Facciolo 607 Kilburn Road Wilmington, DE 19803 marisafacciolo@yahoo.com

1952 • 1957 • 1962 • 1967 • 1972 • 1977 • 1982 1987 • 1992 • 1997 • 2002 • 2007 • 2012

Attention REUNION CLASSES! CAN YOU BELIEVE YOUR REUNION IS NEXT SUMMER? Save the date for June 9-11, 2017, and visit dickinson.edu/alumniweekend for more information.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


Anastasia Pfarr Khoo, chief marketing officer of Human Rights Campaign, was recognized as a Champion of PR by PR Week for her outstanding work in the field of public relations. She has garnered top honors including Mashable’s Best Social Media Campaign, PR Week’s Best Digital Campaign, SXSW Best Digital Campaign, Best Social Media Campaign and the highly coveted Best in Show. She also has been named Digital Innovator of the Year, Ad Women of N.Y.’s “Gamechanger” and PR News’ Top Women in PR. She is a widely sought commentator on public relations, and she’s been featured on The Today Show, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, Stanford Social Innovation Review and Marketing Power. She lives in Washington, D.C., with husband Michael and son Dax.

1998 Terra Zvara tzvara@hotmail.com Bobby Ampezzan is the managing editor for Natural

State News, the newly created regional collaboration of Arkansas public radio stations based at KUARFM at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He oversees three reporters focusing on long-form storytelling about education, health and energy, with a focus on rural Arkansas. Formerly, he was the editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Sunday High Profile section. On April 20, Javier Duran and wife Nicole welcomed into the world daughter Madeleine Jayne Duran. He writes, “She weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz., and is a healthy, beautiful and happy baby. We currently live in Bay City, Mich. and are enjoying exploring the Great Lakes area.” Tara Konya Reynolds was appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs and approved by the President of the United States to serve as a veterans law judge for the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. She was sworn into her new position on May 5, and looks forward to serving our nation’s veterans.

1999 Kim Dulaney Mooney 330 Orleans Blvd. McDonough, GA 30253 tracefinder@att.net


2000 Kelly Tebbe Miller 20 Pine St. Wakefield, MA 01880 katebbe@hotmail.com

2001 Devon Nykaza Stuart 62 Tice Ave. Hershey, PA 17033 devonmedicalart@gmail.com Megan Detweiler married Maj. Ollie King (Ret.)

from England in October 2012. She returned from Afghanistan and Iraq in 2014 after working as an IT/communications consultant-advisor to senior leaders from the U.S., NATO, Iraq and Afghanistan. Margaret Shepard is a managing director at 1776,

a Washington, D.C.-based startup incubator and technology seed fund. She serves as a liaison between 1776’s partner organizations and their startups. Shepard most recently was executive director for communications and strategy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents 3 million businesses around the country.

2002 Michael W. Donnelly 62 Wagon Wheel Road Quakertown, PA 18951 prof207@gmail.com Angela Wallis amwallis@gmail.com Brian Blake joined Morgan Stanley’s Global Sustainable Finance Group in the Office of Community Reinvestment (OCR), where she helps coordinate the firm’s pursuit of business opportunities that deliver double or triple bottom line returns. The office demonstrates leadership in community and economic development through lending, investments and grants, community relations and government relations. OCR serves markets in low-and moderate income communities in Utah, New York and selected other targets nationwide.


Bobby Ampezzan is the managing editor of the regional collaboration of Arkansas public radio stations.


our Dickinson Adam Kupchella has been promoted to senior director of assets protection at Target stores where he was most recently assets protection market leader in the Washington, D.C., metro area. He began his career with Target in 2005 and has held positions with increasing responsibility to include executive team leader of asset protection, assets protection business partner and assets protection market leader.

2003 Jennifer Elbert Betz 64 Parkway Road, Apt. 1A Bronxville, NY 10708 mrs.jenniferbetz@gmail.com

Michelle Reina graduated from an emergency medicine residency at University of Utah in 2011 and married David Buckles in 2015. They moved to Jacksonville, Ore., where she works at the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford.

2006 Susan Pierson San Francisco Theological Seminary San Anselmo, CA 94960 susanmpierson@gmail.com Christina Carter married Zachary Adams on June

11 at Blooming Hill Farm in Blooming Grove, N.Y. She is a software developer at Spies & Assassins, a software development and creative services shop in New York City.

2004 Todd Derkacz 67 Bushville Road Westtown, NY 10998 derkaczt@dickinson.edu

Erin Kauffman and Courtney Laidlaw ’10 received

2005 Jamie Deutch Noll, husband Jacob and son Henry

(3) welcomed baby girl, Gabriella Deutch Noll, into the world Jan. 9, 2016.

their J.D.s from Notre Dame Law School in May 2016 (See photo, Page 48). Kauffman writes, “Courtney and I were both very excited to find a fellow Dickinsonian—in South Bend, Ind., of all places. Though we graduated from college four years apart, our Dickinson bond made us close friends from the beginning.”

2007 Michael Pennington michaeljohnpennington@gmail.com


Gabrielle Blitz Rosen became the chief digital officer for Beautiful Destinations.

A.J. Reisig is the new assistant defensive backs coach for Lehigh University.

while serving as the chief executive officer. Though it is important to be a published scholar, a president has many roles, including fundraising. During the search for the college’s next president, it is imperative that we alumni continue to financially support Dickinson. Our new leader will have 233 years of success to build upon while shaping the college’s vision for its next phase of development. > Mike Bilder married Lynn Shaull on Oct. 3, 2015, in Fairfax, Va. Daniel Pattley served as best man, and Michael McElroy (aka MC El Roy) was, of course, the DJ. Former Student Senate presidents Lee Tankle ’09 and Lindsey Williams ’05 also played significant

roles in the wedding. Other alumni in attendance include Dave Talton, Ryan Vear, Chris Neary ’06 and Vicki Morris ’11.

2008 Marissa Faith Folk marissafolk@gmail.com Molly Osborn Dean mollylangosborn@gmail.com > Sara Bookin-Weiner married Matt Brookner

on Oct. 11, 2015, near their home in Somerville, Mass. Attendees included Alejo Lifschitz ’10, Anya Malkov (co-maid of honor), Jerry Bookin-Weiner ’68 (bride’s father), Annie Leahy, Sean Diamond, Marilyn Weiner Kohan ’71 (bride’s aunt), Bonnie Scott (co-maid of honor), Chelsea Keating and Lauren Martin Diamond ’10. > Wedding photos are available at www.dickinson.edu/magazine.

fyv6561 / Shutterstock.com

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016

Neil Weissman, who is now serving as our interim president, is a stalwart Dickinsonian. He began his Dickinson career in 1975 and has served our beloved alma mater in several senior leadership positions. His institutional knowledge will help foster a smooth transition for the next president. Another notable leader was Charles Nisbet, who was asked to be Dickinson’s first president by founders John Dickinson and Benjamin Rush. A scholar who spoke nine languages, Nisbet traveled from Scotland to take the reins in 1785. A few months later, Nisbet resigned due to professional and personal reasons but was re-elected to the post in 1786 and laudably served for the next 18 years. He also was a professor of moral philosophy and taught several courses (Source: Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections). In today’s complex world of higher education, it is hard for a president to simultaneously teach courses every semester



2009 Abigail Conger abbyconger@gmail.com Gabrielle Blitz Rosen and her husband Daniel

welcomed a baby girl, Ariana Rosen, on March 12. They feel very blessed and couldn’t be more thrilled and in love with their daughter! Other big life changes for Rosen include becoming the chief digital officer of the Instagram and Snapchat content creation agency, Beautiful Destinations. She also taught social media for publications at Columbia University’s 2016 summer publishing program. Elizabeth Grazioli Carberry moved into her new

home in northwest D.C. in May. She and husband Patrick also received news in May that they were expecting their first child. Baby Carberry is due Dec. 24. > Elizabeth Price married Michael Conti in March.

Many Dickinson friends were in attendance. She is in her second year of a postdoctoral fellowship in health services research and development at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, Texas, and is now a licensed clinical psychologist.

Emily LaSota and her wife, Kathy, welcomed their daughter, Olive Elizabeth LaSota, on June 30. She weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz., measured 20 cm, and her Apgar scores were 9 and 10. Kat and Olive are both doing very well.

In December 2015, Joel Meredith graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service with a master’s in security studies. Pete Naugle writes, “I am currently living in

Baltimore, Md., and working as the senior law clerk to Judge Charles E. Moylan Jr. and Judge Lawrence F. Rodowsky on the Maryland Court of Special Appeals.� > Hema Patel married Max Funk at the Ritz Carlton

in Philadelphia on April 9. She writes, “The bridesmaids were all from Kappa Alpha Theta. I met Max through his cousin, Dickinsonian Pasquale ‘Trey’ Ciammetti.�

the Mountain Hawks’ coaching staff and works beside another Dickinson alum, Craig Sutyak ’01. Ana Sokol received her doctorate in clinical

psychology in August. She is continuing her clinical and research career in health psychology as a postdoctoral resident at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven campus. Shannon Sullivan was ordained an elder in the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. One of her sponsors was her mother and fellow Dickinson alum, Rev. Melissa McDade ’84. Lindsey Wakeman Officer and husband Daniel Officer welcomed their daughter, Lily Constance

Officer (8 lbs., 5 oz.), on June 15.

A.J. Reisig is the new assistant defensive backs

coach for the Lehigh University football team. After spending the last three seasons as a graduate assistant at the University of Maryland working with defensive backs and special teams, he joined

Joey Kirk moved to Scotland to work as

international recruitment manager (Americas) at the University of Glasgow. In his new role, he manages all recruitment and partnership activity for the university across North, Central and South America.

Changes? News? Name / class year New address New phone New fax New email New business (title, company, address, contact info) News for Dickinson Magazine

> Wedding photos are available at www.dickinson.edu/magazine.

Mail to: Dickinson College, Attn: Dickinson Magazine, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013. Email: dsonmag@dickinson.edu. Online update form: dickinson.edu/update_form.


our Dickinson


2010 Jordan McCord 581 W. Wayne Ave. Wooster, Ohio 44691 jordanemccord@gmail.com Gwen Dunnington gedunnington@gmail.com Susan Blasi graduated from the University of New

England College of Osteopathic Medicine in May. She is pursuing her four-year residency in family medicine at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, Conn.

2011 John Jones Johnjones4@gmail.com

This fall, Sarah Hutson started a master’s program at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies.

Brian Kamoie ’93 (center) was alumnus speaker at Dickinson’s 2016 Baccalaureate. After the ceremony, he met German majors Ezra Sassaman ’16 (left) and Rachel Schilling ’16, who both have been awarded Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships in Germany. (Read more on Page 44.)

Megan Paqua writes, “I graduated from the American University in Cairo in 2015 with a master’s degree in Egyptology. While living in Cairo, I began working with the Amarna Project, an archaeology excavation based in Minya governorate, Egypt. I am currently an adjunct instructor of art history at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Conn.”

Erin Kauffman ’06 and Courtney Laidlaw ’10 graduated from Notre Dame Law School in May 2016. (Read more at Page 46.)


Megan Paqua worked on an archaeology excavation in Minya governorate, Egypt.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


2012 Mary Kate Skehan mkskehan@gmail.com Abigail Tufts abigail.tufts@gmail.com Brittany Zoll graduated cum laude from the

University of Pennsylvania Law School in May. In September, she joined the New York City office of law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP as a litigation associate.

2013 Emma Tesman tesmane@dickinson.edu Alex Egner was named the 20th Sydney D. Kline Scholar (Sidney D. Kline Jr. ’54, P ’81, P ’86), awarded to a Penn State Dickinson Law student who reflects Kline’s dedication to the highest ethical and professional standards and community service. Alex continues to serve in the U.S. Army Reserve, attend law school and is employed at Abom and Kutulakis in Carlisle, Pa. He lives in Lancaster with wife Nöel and daughter Dakota Quinn Egner.

2014 Tom Wang wang.yonghang@yahoo.com Shanice Grant is the business operations manager at Success Academy Charter School in New York City. She manages a team of school operations professionals in overseeing all logistics for schoolwide events, parent communications, scholar data collection, technology and inventory management. Samuel Neagley moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. He cocomposed and is in the original musical comedy, A Self-Help Guide to Killing Your Boss. “The show has received overwhelmingly positive feedback,” he reports. “My team and I plan on moving the show to New York City in the coming months.” The show’s website is www.killingyourboss.com. Reed Salmons was featured in Sports Illustrated’s Campus Rush for donating adult stem cells to a man dying of an aggressive form of blood and bone marrow cancer. In 2014 Salmons had participated in the national bone marrow drive Be The Match Registry, part of a worldwide database of more than 22.5 million potential adult stem cell donors. Read more about his story at dson.co/salmons_14.


2015 Aaron Hock hock.aarons@gmail.com Makalea Branch is an environmental scientist

and outreach coordinator for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). She writes, “I put together six events per year, put together trainings for TSA employees and propose ways to incorporate sustainability education. (There are 55,000 employees ... ah!) Most of the events are at the Arlington HQ, and others I do virtually, or I create a plan for the airports to do locally.” Last November, Eliza Flood was hired as a production assistant in content and programming for the NHL. She worked on the NHL Awards and prepared for the World Cup of Hockey, which was held in September.

Eliza Flood is a production assistant for the NHL.

Holly Kelly spent the summer traveling the U.S. in a converted mini school bus with the theatre company The Leastaways. The group devised West of Elsewhere, a theatre piece about hobos and train hoppers, which they performed in living rooms across the western part of the country. Carson Koser was promoted to team leader in the Global Customer Support department of Bloomberg in New York City. She manages a team of eight representatives and loves living in NYC. Jamie Leidwinger writes “I have been interning at WNYC’s classical music station, WQXR— specifically orbiting their new music brand (Q2) and the Peabody Award-winning production team for their ‘Meet the Composer’ podcast hosted by violist Nadia Sirota.”

’11 Michelle Sánchez ’11 is a special-education teacher at Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School in Los Angeles, and it’s a career that she finds full of rewards. One reward she probably didn’t see coming was recognition from the White House under its new Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. Founded by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and renewed by each successive president, the initiative showcases educators who strengthen the Latino educational landscape and explores systematic ways to enhance education for Hispanic Americans. “Teaching is a beautiful profession,” she says. “What excites me most is seeing the progress of a student from the beginning of the year to the end—those ‘Aha’ revelations that occur throughout the year for kids. Or when you know that a student is proud of their work or has overcome a personal obstacle—those are the exciting parts.” A Posse Foundation Scholar, Sánchez double-majored in American studies and Spanish, and she cites her writing skills—in both English and Spanish—as giving her an advantage when working with Spanish- and Portuguesespeaking families. “As a first-generation Latina, I am honored to be recognized for being a teacher,” she says of the White House initiative. “I’m an English, history, special education, technology and English as second language teacher and track and cross country coach. My parents immigrated from Costa Rica and Mexico for this ‘American dream’—el sueño americano. They came to the U.S. with just a few dollars in their pockets, working at night, taking English classes, cleaning houses: doing everything and anything to make sure my brother and I could focus on school and follow our passion—serving our communities.” Read more at dson.co/sanchez_11.

Olivia Wilkins and her husband, Alexander Sauers,

welcomed a son, Günther Albert Wilkins Sauers, on May 3 in Cologne, Germany, where Olivia is conducting laboratory astrophysics research as a Fulbright fellow. In the fall, they are moving to Pasadena, Calif., where Olivia will begin graduate studies in chemistry at Caltech as a National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellow.

2016 Siobhan Pierce siobhanpierce27@gmail.com

Congratulations class of 2016! As we march forward beyond the limestone walls, keep Dickinson and your classmates updated about your whereabouts and career (so that you can be the successful alum that comes back to talk in ATS). We’ve already scattered across the country and globe, making it trickier to stay up-to-date without caf brunches. As class correspondent, I’ll be collecting new addresses, contact information and interesting information from our classmates. Email me at siobhanpierce27@gmail.com when you move, start a new job, get married or have a baby (gasp). Good vibes to the class of 2016 as we embark on our exciting new adventures!


our Dickinson Obituaries 1937 Eleanor Swope Holmes died May 14. She earned a B.A. in French and history and was a member of the College-Community Orchestra and Phi Mu. Survivors include husband Lowell and two stepsons. 1944 Roberta Van Auken Dodd died May 12. She was a member of Chi Omega. She earned a B.A. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She retired from Pacific Bell Telephone in Sacramento, Calif. She was preceded in death by father Clark Van Auken, class of 1916. Survivors include children Linda, Mark, James, Rhonda and John Scheflen ’68. 1948 Lester “Al” Kern died July 13. He earned a B.A. in political science and was a member of the baseball team. He retired as director of personnel and community activities with the deputy post commandant at the Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle, Pa. After his retirement, he worked as “tipstaff” at the Cumberland County Courthouse in Carlisle. Survivors include two children. 1948 Lucy Hall Leist died April 20. She earned a B.A. and M.A. from Michigan State University. She retired as director of inmate services for the Washtenaw County (Mich.) Sheriff’s Department. Survivors include three sons. 1949 Theodore Rodman died July 11. He earned a B.A. in chemistry and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Debate Society, Student Senate, Phi Epsilon Pi and Omicron Delta Kappa. He also earned an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He retired as professor of medicine, chairman of the pulmonary disease section and director of the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit and Pulmonary Function Laboratory at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. He later retired from his private medical practice in Philadelphia. Survivors include wife Ruth and three sons. 1950 W. Donald Reader died Feb. 5. He earned a B.A. in political science and was a member of Kappa Sigma. He also earned a J.D. from the University of Akron School of Law. He retired as judge from the Ohio Court of Appeals. Survivors include two children. 1951 Robert Peck died May 17. He was a member of Sigma Chi. He retired as a commercial real estate broker. He was preceded in death by wife Jane Harlow Peck ’52 . Survivors include two sons. 1952 Milton Feldman died May 11. He was a member of Phi Epsilon Pi. He was an attorney at Dilworth Paxson LLP in Philadelphia. Survivors include wife Charlotte and son Alexander.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


1955 Eleanor “Ellie” Pocius Merrill, trustee emerita, died July 15. She earned a B.A. in English and was a member of Microcosm, Phi Delta Epsilon, The Dickinsonian, Phi Mu and Wheel and Chain. A former congressional liaison officer for Latin America at the U.S. Department of State and press secretary to Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, she retired as chair of Capital Gazette Communications in Annapolis, Md., and chair of the board of The Washingtonian. She served on the boards of Shakespeare Theater, Ford’s Theater, University of Maryland School of Journalism and the Aspen Institute. A former member of Dickinson’s board of advisors, she was elected to Dickinson’s Board of Trustees in 1994 and received emerita status in 2004. She served on numerous committees, including the Development Committee, the Committee on Enrollment and Admissions Marketing and the Committee on Honorary Degrees. Through her role as chair of The Merrill Foundation, she supported scholarships for students in the humanities, the establishment of the Wheel and Chain Leadership Award and a campus program dedicated to expanding the geographic outreach of counselors in the Office of Admissions. Survivors include three children and four grandchildren.

1953 Frank Skrapits died April 23. He earned a B.A. in history and was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma. He also earned a J.D. from Georgetown University. A retired attorney, he was a former Northampton County, Pa., assistant district attorney and a former borough solicitor for North Catasauqua, Pa. Survivors include wife Jeanette and three children. 1954 John Fuller died April 12. He earned a B.A. in psychology and was a member of the College Choir, Kappa Sigma and the Men’s Glee Club. He also earned an LL.B. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. An attorney, he retired as partner from Fuller Petruso Law Firm in Meadville, Pa. Survivors include wife Elizabeth and three children. 1956 David Roser died June 4. He earned a B.S. in physics and was a member of Kappa Sigma. He was the former president of Availability of Hartford Inc., in Hartford, Conn. Survivors include wife Aura and three sons. 1956 Anna Iwachiw Vadino died June 3. She earned a B.A. and was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, Spanish Club, Microcosm, The Dickinsonian and the women’s swim team. She also earned a J.D. from Temple University School of Law. She was a mental health review officer for Delaware County, Pa. Survivors include children Stephen, Nicole and Gregory Vadino ’92 .

1959 Allen Savage died June 12. He earned a B.S. in biology and was a member of the band and Theta Chi. He also earned a D.D.S. from the University of Pennsylvania and was a dentist in North Brunswick, N.J. Survivors include wife Betsy and four children. 1960 Victor Kryston died May 13. He earned a B.A. in English. He also earned a master’s from George Mason University. He retired as English teacher from Marshall and Chantilly High School in Virginia. Survivors include wife Sheila and two sons. 1960 Robert Williamson died July 11. He earned a B.A. in history and was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, ROTC and the baseball team. He also earned a J.D. from Dickinson School of Law. He retired as attorney from Scanlon, Lewis & Williamson in East Stroudsburg, Pa. Survivors include wife Judith Richmond Williamson ’61, daughter Deborah, son David Williamson ’91, daughter-in-law Megan Taylor Williamson ’91 and grandson Jack Williamson ’20. 1962 Carol Winzer Ramella died June 2. She earned a B.A. in English and was a member of Student Senate, Sui Generis, Mermaid Players and Microcosm. She retired as technical editor from the U.S. Department of Defense. Survivors include sister Sunny.

1966 Bonnie McCulloch Chauncey died July 15. She earned a B.A. in English and was a member of Pi Beta Phi, Belles Lettres Society and the Mermaid Players. She also earned a master’s in education from Washburn University and a master’s in library science from Dominican College. A former English teacher at the Chicago Waldorf School, she retired as associate professor from Northeastern Illinois University. Survivors include husband Donald Chauncey ’67, children Rob, Emily and Patrick and nephew Bruce Chauncey ’87. 1966 Steven Slade died April 19. He was a member of the men’s track and field team. He held various positions in the retail shoe business. Survivors include wife Pamela, son Gregory, daughter Kristina and stepson Garth. 1968 Robert Greevy died April 17. He earned a B.A. in philosophy and psychology and was a member of Theta Chi. He also earned an M.A. in religion from Andover Newton Theological School and a J.D. from Dickinson School of Law. He retired as chief counsel of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole. He was preceded in death by father Charles Greevy ’35, brother David Greevy ’75, uncle Lester Greevy ’41 and aunt Evelyn Greevy Hand ’30. Survivors include wife Sophy, four children and cousin Lester Greevy Jr. ’65. 1969 Joanne Jolley Sills died Feb. 6. She earned a B.A. in mathematics and psychology. Survivors include daughter Jennifer and son Joseph. 1969 Allen Levin died April 10. He earned a B.A. in music and was a member of the College Democrats, College-Community Orchestra, College Choir, Phi Mu Alpha and Hillel. He also earned a J.D. from Dickinson School of Law. He was an attorney at Levin Law Offices in Lewistown, Pa. He was preceded in death by father Norman Levin ’48, father-in-law James McAdoo ’34 and mother-in-law Kathryn Duncan McAdoo ’34. Survivors include wife Mary McAdoo Levin ’74, border collie Buster and cat Boots. 1973 Herbert Snyder died May 9. He earned a B.S. in biology and was a member of Kappa Sigma, Men’s Glee Club and the soccer and wrestling teams. He also earned an M.S. from Penn State University and an M.D. from Thomas Jefferson University. He retired as physician from Tri-County Surgery LLC in Loris, S.C. Survivors include wife Denise, four children, ex-wife Janice Eyler Snyder-Hess ’72 and former sister-in-law Lynne Eyler Martin ’67. 1976 Stephen Joseph died May 4. He earned a B.A. in economics and political science and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi and the soccer team. He also earned a J.D. from Georgetown University. He was a partner at Sills

Beck in New Jersey and was the owner of Superior Faux Products in Mt. Laurel, N.J. He was preceded in death by uncle Arthur Joseph ’25. Survivors include wife Kyle, daughters Beth and Lisa, stepdaughter Ashley and brother Jeffrey Joseph ’79.

1977 Michael Huber died June 18. He earned a B.A. in history and was a member of Phi Epsilon Pi. He also earned a J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law. He was a partner at Freeman Huber Sacks Brennan & Fingerman in Haddonfield, N.J. Survivors include wife Deborah Young Huber ’77, sons Mathew and Andrew, brother Thomas Huber ’91 and sister-in-law Christine Mastrorocco Huber ’91. 1978 C. Stephen Bartolett died July 8. He earned a B.A. in philosophy and political science and was a member of Theta Chi, Student Senate, College Choir and Omicron Delta Kappa. He also earned a master’s in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from Villanova University School of Law. He was an attorney practicing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Survivors include wife K. Michelle Kline ’81 and brother-in-law Michael Kline ’84. 1979 Stephen Busterna died July 15. He earned a B.A. in political science and was a member of the Follies, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the men’s track and field team. He also earned a J.D. from Dickinson School of Law and a master’s in fine arts from Penn State University. A former assistant legal counsel for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, he was a realtor at Keller Williams in West Chester, Pa., and taught art history at numerous colleges. Survivors include wife Jacqueline and three sons. 1980 Joseph Morris died May 2. He earned a B.A. in economics and was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and the College Choir. He operated the Lewes Harbor Bait and Tackle Shop in Lewes, Del. An avid fisherman, he wrote for numerous publications, most notably the Mid-Atlantic edition of The Fisherman magazine. Survivors include wife Amanda.

1962 Dean Pappas died April 30. He earned a B.A. in English and was a member of Theta Chi. He was the former CEO and chairman of Clement Pappas and Co. Inc., a family fruit- and vegetable-canning business that he and his brother grew into a national company. Dean was a member of Dickinson’s Founders’ Society, a premier society for donors who’ve made lifetime gifts of $1 million or more to the college. A longtime philanthropist, he and his wife, Zoë, endowed the Dean ’62 and Zoë Pappas Scholarship Fund that provides tuition assistance to students with financial need. He also established the Visiting Scholars Program at Stockton University, where he was on the board of trustees. Survivors include wife Zoë, children Aleni and Dimitri and cousin Constantine Chigounis ’97.

Faculty Merle Allshouse died April 19. He received a Ph.D. in philosophy and religion from Yale University. He joined the faculty at Dickinson as professor of philosophy, aesthetics and religion (1963-68) and later was associate dean (1968-71). He was president of Bloomfield College in New Jersey (1971-86) and served in several leadership positions in Colorado and Florida until his retirement in 2002. He is survived by wife Myrna and children Scott and Kimberly Allshouse ’83.

Honor their memory Gifts to the Dickinson Fund to memorialize members of the Dickinson community may be made at any time. Should you wish to honor a deceased member of our Dickinson family in this way, please send your gift to: College Advancement Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013-2896 Please note of whom your gift is in memory.


[ closing thoughts ]

Leading the evolution of a liberal arts program BY DENISE B AUER ’85


remember being told as a first-year student at Dickinson that by studying the liberal arts I would learn how to learn. That aim seemed irrelevant to my young mind at the time, and yet, as these things go, it became exactly true to me as an adult. My liberal arts education made me a flexible and expansive thinker, sensitive and responsive to context and able to synthesize ideas across differences. These thinking skills and habits of mind have served me well over the past decade as I have found myself leading the evolution of a liberal arts program. As the dean of liberal arts and food studies at The Culinary Institute of America (CIA), I have developed a renewed respect for Dickinson’s learning model and have sought inspiration and new ideas and approaches by observing Dickinson’s ongoing evolution. Dickinson continues to teach me! Unlike Dickinson, the CIA doesn’t have a scholarly past. The CIA was founded in 1946 on the campus of Yale University as a cooking school for returning World War II veterans. Since then, it has evolved into a private, nonprofit, accredited college. The main campus is in Hyde Park, N.Y., with branch campuses in the Napa Valley, Calif.; San Antonio, Texas; and Singapore. The vocational roots of the CIA remain in the foundational culinary training, but a shift began with the creation of a bachelor’s degree in 1994 (when culinary French became academic French) and then a separate liberal arts department in 2005. That’s when I was hired into the newly created position of associate dean of liberal arts. My most immediate task was to define the liberal arts, to distinguish it from the other aspects of the curriculum and to organize the eclectic mix of faculty and curricula into traditional liberal arts disciplines. Since then I have hired 12 new full-time liberal arts faculty and a number of adjunct faculty; together we have shaped and reshaped a comprehensive liberal arts curriculum in history, literature, social sciences, foreign languages, math, science and English as a second language. We have developed a handsome selection of electives such as Shakespeare: Play and Performance as well as courses addressing contemporary issues such as income inequality. Mentoring these traditionally trained academics in

an environment so focused on food—and working with a student body so passionately focused on food—naturally and gradually has led to a more food-focused curriculum. Minimally it meant using food analogies to make a point in math or foreign languages but increasingly it has meant a more significant shift. Some liberal arts faculty have begun to move into the field of food studies. For example, one history professor with a Ph.D. in American studies began a research project on the history of maple sugaring in the U.S. Northeast. One of our Spanish faculty members with a Ph.D. in Latin American studies developed the course Feasting and Fasting in Latin America. In 2015, we launched a new major in applied food studies, which extends students’ professional culinary training into an interdisciplinary program of liberal arts courses with an experiential focus. After the introductory course, students select three of five core courses: Food History, Food Policy, Sustainable Food Systems, Anthropology of Food or Ecology of Food and an Applied Food Studies elective course. They are encouraged to enroll in our short-term study-abroad program, Global Cuisine and Cultures © James Steinberg 2007 with destinations to France, Spain, Italy, China and Peru. We have a teaching garden for hands-on learning, and the capstone class emphasizes making a lasting contribution to the community. Recently this was a series of research and action projects at the nearby Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library to support the restoration of its Victory Garden. One of our new hires, Maureen McIllhaney Costura ’00, led the class. Maureen and I often reflect on how our Dickinson education shaped our thinking and how it continues to serve us as we build this new major. We share the open-minded perspective that allows us to imagine new possibilities that often are inspired by and yet also well beyond the things that we studied at Dickinson. Despite the different institutional contexts, along with our colleagues we are shaping a useful education at the CIA that is very reminiscent of our Dickinson experience.

Denise Bauer ’85 majored in fine arts and French & Francophone studies at Dickinson and earned her master’s and doctorate degrees at New York University. She is dean of liberal arts and food studies at the Culinary Institute of America.

d i ck i n s o n ma gazi ne Fall 2016


Whether you’re a student or a graduate, what makes you a Dickinsonian is a vision. A vision you share with one of the founding fathers of this country, Dr. Benjamin Rush, who crafted the distinctive Dickinson education explicitly for high purposes: “to prepare young people, by means of a useful education in the liberal arts and sciences, for engaged lives of citizenship and leadership in the service of society.”

It takes all of us to uphold this vision. Each year, thousands of Dickinsonians join together to make this distinctive education possible by supporting the Dickinson Fund. Join in by making your gift. For more than two centuries Dickinsonians have been committed to making a difference, and that’s exactly what you do when you make a gift to the Dickinson Fund.

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P. O . B O X 1 7 7 3 C A R L I S L E , P A 1 7 0 1 3 - 2 8 9 6 PERIODICAL

W W W. D I C K I N S O N . E D U / M A G A Z I N E





Food’s so connected to everything. It’s interesting to see what this next generation of thinkers is going to be doing. H U G H A C H E S ON ,

celebrity chef, during his on-campus residency (sponsored by Bertis and Katherine Downs P’19). Read more at dson.co/achesonvisit.

If you want a sundae or a sundae-type treat, you go to Massey’s. If you want just an amazing scoop of ice cream, you go to Leo’s. Everybody knows this. MARIAH MURPHY ’15.

“Culinary Carlisle.” Read more on Page 24.

You must distance yourself [from the initial excitement] and face the find as a scientist: Inquire, raise questions and doubt everything. Associate Professor of Archaeology C H R I S T OF I L I S M AG G I DI S , on his team’s potentially historic find in “Beneath the Throne Room.” Read more at dson.co/ancientdiscovery.

That cadets graduate from civilian colleges and universities serves a vital link between our military and civilian communities. They’re products of civilian institutions, thereby maintaining the all-important civil-military relationship, which is central to our democracy.

Some lucky seal is going to send a wonderful Snapchat to everyone.

S H E R W O OD “ W O ODY ” G OL DB E R G ’ 6 3 ,

I V Y G I L B E R T ’ 1 8 on losing her phone in the Arctic Ocean while studying sea ice during a weeklong field research trip. Read more at dson.co/esfieldwork.

in “The Elite of the Elite.”

Read more on Page 36.

This is the kind of place where scholarship is emerging at intersections, while also respecting the integrity and methods of various disciplines. That’s something we at a liberal-arts college can do really well. Associate Professor of English S IOB H A N


“Fertile Ground.” Read more on Page 16.

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