Spring 2021 Dickinson Magazine

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Coach Talk With Lacrosse Leaders COVID Chronicles: An Illustrated Story by Gracyn Bird ’21 From Campus to Your Kitchen

a welcome


After a fully remote fall semester, the college welcomed many students back to campus for a split spring semester. First-year and sophomore students moved in across two weekends in January and February and moved out prior to spring break in March, after which juniors and seniors arrived on campus to finish out the semester. See more on Page 22.

Photos by Caroline O’Connor.


HERE & THERE our view 2


your view 3


kudos 4


bragging rights 7


before you go 48



Gracyn Bird ’21 documents the last year in a comic-book-style story.

From Campus to Your Kitchen


From the College Farm to the Dining Hall, get cooking with recipes crafted by Dickinsonians.

Spring 2021: A Welcome Return


After a fully remote fall semester, the college welcomed many students back to campus for a spring unlike any other.

PAST & PRESENT our Dickinson 26

| obituaries 46

President Margee Ensign Vice President of Marketing & Communications Connie McNamara Editor Lauren Davidson Designer Amanda DeLorenzo College Photographer Dan Loh Contributing Writers MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson Matt Getty Kandace Kohr Tony Moore Magazine Advisory Board Alexander Becket ’08 Catherine McDonald Davenport ’87 Jim Gerencser ’93 Gregory Lockard ’03 David O’Connell Carlo Robustelli Megan Shelley Dapp ’05 Adrienne Su Alisa Valudes Whyte ’93

© Dickinson College 2021. Dickinson Magazine (USPS Permit No. 19568, ISSN 2719134) is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October, by Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, Cumberland County, PA 17013-1773. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, PA, and additional mailing office.

D I C K I N S O N M A G A Z I N E  Spring 2021 | Volume 98 | Number 4

Address changes may be sent to Dickinson Magazine, Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013-2896.

A socially distanced drawing class. Photo by Caroline O'Connor.


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Head to the web for more. View a related video.


Carl Socolow ’77



Chair of the Board of Trustees


he year was 1960. A young Indonesian who had graduated from Dickinson College in 1952 was enjoying an increasingly promising career as a foreign correspondent for Time magazine. But he had big dreams that extended beyond his final posting in Cuba. At age 27, he quit his job, sold his sports car, stuffed the limited cash he had into a suitcase and set off for Hong Kong—a place he’d never been. His vision was to launch a magazine, and the multicultural, thriving city seemed like the perfect place to do so. Incredibly, the new entrepreneur raised $750,000 over the succeeding months and saw circulation of the new Asia Magazine explode across the region. Our enterprising protagonist is, of course, Dickinson’s distinguished alumnus Adrian Zecha ’52 . If Adrian had stopped with Asia Magazine, it’s quite clear that his life could easily be deemed successful. But of course, he did not stop, and by the 1970s Adrian had started an odyssey that saw him develop multiple successful hotel companies featuring cutting-edge concepts at locations throughout the world. Today, when most his age are long retired, Adrian is involved in yet another spectacular hotel venture, Azerai, which has opened several hotels in



Vietnam, is about to open one in Japan and will expand into areas like the California wine country. I first met Adrian when he was awarded an honorary degree at our 2019 Commencement ceremony. Not only is he a most gracious and interesting person of abundant and self-effacing good humor, but he is the patriarch of an accomplished family, including his lovely wife, Bebe. During that meeting, and in our many interactions since, it became evident that Adrian treasures the opportunity that he had to come to Dickinson in 1948 as an international student (as did granddaughter Adya ’19). As he has expressed to me, there were no barriers that prevented him from doing so, and Dickinson was a place that his parents felt comfortable sending him. The liberalarts education Adrian received has been a cornerstone of his remarkable successes in so many diverse ventures spanning portions of seven decades. Notwithstanding Adrian’s Dickinson experience, both he and I have been concerned about how our national climate has affected Dickinson’s ability to continue to not only attract international students but also to operate the global programs that are a hallmark of what we do. Indeed, the Princeton Review has ranked our college as having the No. 2 most popular study-abroad program among American colleges and universities. Dickinson operates 18 global programs in 15 countries, and many more through partners. We are a presence on every inhabited continent. On campus, our international students represent nearly 15% of the student body. Adrian and I discourse often about the prevailing politics in the United States and how they will affect the ability of today’s international students to access the superior educational opportunities Dickinson offers. He is passionate about affording students the same advantages that he enjoyed, without barriers. Both President Margee Ensign and I have assured him that we are ardently committed to that goal. Adrian Zecha’s remarkably diverse successes are truly worthy of note. But that he is also so interested in having the students of today benefit from the same Dickinson experience as he did should inspire all of us to redouble our work in this critical area, so that the rich cultural diversity enjoyed by both international students and our students abroad may continue unimpeded.




“Taking the Leap” Resonates I really enjoyed the career stories highlighted in “Taking the Leap” (winter 2021 issue). Great examples for today’s students. My experience too mirrored those. I consider myself fortunate. I always felt bad for my fellow students who were locked into their career path by money chasing or legacy without the flexibility to explore.

Although I can honestly say I never had a job that was 100% built on my book learning at Dickinson, the passion for life sciences it kindled has been the foundation for my leisure pursuits my entire life. I am a scientist by training and mindset. I also believe the problem-solving approach to scientific discovery has served me well in every role I have had throughout my career.

On reflection, I can point to three major learnings from my career journey.


1. Be a constant learner and open to new directions. Embrace change, don’t fear it. 2. Life will throw career bumps or worse at you; but these can be periods of great growth and enlightenment. 3. It’s not the size of your network that matters; it’s the quality of relationships you have in those networks. All my meaningful and most satisfying roles came from connections with people I had met or through endorsed referrals they had made on my behalf.


I wanted to let you know what a great idea for Dickinson grads the “Taking a Leap” article was in the last magazine. My first job was five years of teaching English. After raising three sons and getting divorced, no teaching job was available. What I didn’t foresee: using my English major for a fabulous career in public relations—writing, publishing, organizing, speaking and extensive traveling. It was a GREAT LEAP! ANNE BIDDLE TANTUM ’58


On the (Virtual) Road The winter 2021 brain teaser by Associate Professor of Mathematics Jeffrey Forrester proved more challenging than the first one (“Hat Trick,” Summer 2020)! Only a handful of readers submitted responses, and only one of those responses was fully correct. Congratulations to Gary Toller ’72, who received a $25 gift card from the bookstore! Answers: Puzzle 1: The answer is B.) Erie. The first letters of the cities are three letters apart in the alphabet. Puzzle 2: The answer is D.) Indianapolis. Make the identification A = 1, B = 2, …, Z = 26. Add the values of the first two letters of the starting city to obtain the value corresponding to the first letter in the missing destination.

We want to hear from you! Send letters via email to dsonmag@dickinson.edu or mail to: Dickinson Magazine, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.



Featured Faculty Assistant Professor

coronavirus. She also was

Assistant Professor of

Associate Professor of

of Environmental

interviewed by Wisconsin

English Sheela Jane Menon

American Studies Jerry

Studies Heather Bedi was

Public Radio on the topic of

published an op-ed in New

Philogene was interviewed

awarded the American

optimism bias 10 months

Mandala about the digital

by The Philadelphia Inquirer

Association of Geographers’

into the pandemic.

turn in Southeast Asian

for the story “This Award-

2021 Harm J. de Blij

Additionally, Helweg-


winning Dickinson

Award for Excellence in

Larsen, who has been

Undergraduate Geography

living abroad as director

Teaching. This annual

of the Norwich Sciences

award recognizes

Program, was quoted in

outstanding achievement,

The Washington Post story

including the use of

“The Hard Work of Going

innovative teaching

Away for a Long, Long



Emotional Landscapes:

Visiting Professor of

Love, Gender, and

International Security

Migration, co-edited

Studies Jeff McCausland was

by Professor of History

quoted in several stories

Marcelo Borges, was

related to the January

published by the University

attack on the Capitol:

of Illinois Press.

“Pentagon Reviewing

Research by Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Maggie Douglas was mentioned in PA Environment Digest’s story “Climate Change Reduces Abundance, Diversity of Wild Bees, Study Finds.” Professor of Earth Sciences Ben Edwards discussed his latest study on the world’s most dangerous glacierized volcanoes for a story in Columbia University’s news site, State of the Planet. Professor of Psychology Marie Helweg-Larsen’s latest op-ed, “As the Pandemic Rages, the U.S. Could Use a Little Bit More ‘Samfundssind,’” was published in The Conversation. She describes how Danes have reintroduced civic-mindedness in their response to the


How to Better Screen Recruits for Extremism After Capitol Attack,” which was published in all McClatchy-owned newspapers across the country; “Donald Trump Is Gone but His Big Lie Is a Rallying Call for Rightwing Extremists” in The Guardian; and “Why Veterans of the Military and Law Enforcement Joined the Capitol Insurrection” in the Los Angeles Times. He was also a featured guest on WBUR’s On Point, discussing extremism in the military. The program is broadcast on more than 250 NPR stations nationwide. Additionally, McCausland’s op-ed, “Trump’s Capitol Failings Define ‘Dereliction of Duty.’ No Wonder Pelosi Asked About Nuclear Codes,” was published in NBC News THINK.

Associate Professor of Political Science Sarah Niebler was quoted in the PennLive story “U.S. Rep. Scott Perry Doubles Down

Professor Is Rethinking How Black Artists Show Death.” She discussed her research and forthcoming book.

on Being, Well, Scott

Professor of History

Perry, in a Moment of

and Pohanka Chair in

Riots and Impeachment.”

American Civil War

Associate Professor of Political Science David O’Connell discussed the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol with CBS21 news. He also was interviewed twice by FOX43, discussing the future of the Republican Party after the 2020 election and breaking down Joe Biden’s inaugural address. O’Connell was interviewed by NBCLX, a new broadcast and streaming network launched by NBC, targeting millennials and Generation Z. O’Connell also was a featured guest on WGAL’s public affairs program, In Focus, discussing the impeachment trial. Associate Professor of Spanish Mariana Past published Stirring the Pot of Haitian History with Liverpool University Press. Christopher Brokus ’15 worked with her several years ago as a Dana research assistant.

History Matthew Pinsker discussed the Monroe Doctrine with BBC News World. The story was also published in La Opinión. Pinsker also was interviewed by ABC27 and FOX43 for a report on the two presidents from Pennsylvania—Biden and James Buchanan. Pinsker was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor story “Leadership Includes Humility? Some Republicans See an Ideal to Revive.” Pinsker also was the featured guest on WITF’s Smart Talk for a Presidents Day discussion on leadership and legacy. Additionally, The Sentinel reported on Pinsker’s Teagle Grant-funded Knowledge for Freedom program, which will bring more than 70 low-income high school students to campus to learn about the Civil War and Reconstruction through the House Divided Project. Associate Professor of Philosophy Crispin Sartwell published an op-ed, “Humans Are Animals. Let’s Get Over It,” in The New York Times.

HERE & THERE / kudos

Contributing Faculty

Associate Director of

Director of West Coast

in Music Brittany Trotter

Information Literacy

Recruitment Phil Moreno

was the recipient of two

& Research Services

was a live guest on

awards recognizing

Chris Bombaro ’93’s book

KSEE, the NBC affiliate

exceptional research on

Diversity, Equity, and

in Fresno, Calif., and on

a leading contemporary

Inclusion in Action:

FOX40 in Sacramento

American composer

Planning, Leadership,

to discuss changes

for chamber music.

and Programming (ALA,

to the SAT and share

Trotter received

2020) was recently hailed

advice for college-

National Flute Association

by the journal College &

bound students and

Graduate Research

Research Libraries as “a

families. Moreno, who is

Competition honors and

must-read for library

president of the Western

West Virginia University’s

administrators and those

Association for College

Mary Tiffany Ferer

directly involved in

Admission Counseling,

Award for Outstanding

setting strategic direction

also discussed those

Doctoral Research in

and establishing

admissions topics

Music for her analysis of


on KMAX’s Good Day

seminal flute works by contemporary composer Valerie Coleman. Her work “Examining Musical Hybridity and Cultural Influences in Valerie Coleman’s Wish Sonatine and Fanmi Imèn” investigated Coleman’s musical transformation of narrative poems by Fred D’Aguiar and Maya Angelou. She also recently served as the inaugural resident for UniSound’s Black Teaching Artist-in-Residence program and earned first prize in the graduate/ professional division of the 2021 Maverick Flute Soloist Competition. Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies Andrew Wolff gave a video interview for the University of Bremen’s YouTube news channel. He discussed the insurrection at the Capitol.

Associate Provost and


President Ensign in the News

Administrator Accolades

Executive Director of the

The Sentinel wrote about

Center for Global Study

Assistant Football Coach

& Engagement Samantha

Josh Rapp (pictured

Brandauer ’95 was a

below) and his heroic

guest on Helix Education’s

drive to Cambridge,

Enrollment Growth

Mass., delivering COVID

University podcast to

tests to the Broad

discuss Dickinson’s Study

Institute during the

Abroad at Home initiative

January internet outage.

and how she designed

Associate Vice President

welcoming solutions for

of Human Resource

international students

Services Debra Hargrove

during 2020.

was also quoted, and

The Sentinel published Ensign’s statements

Athletic Director Joel

condemning the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Admissions Catherine McDonald Davenport ’87 was quoted in the Forbes column

Quattrone and Head Football Coach Brad Fordyce were mentioned.


The Sentinel asked notable community leaders, including President Margee Ensign, what they are most looking forward to in 2021. Ensign’s commentary was published alongside that of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and former Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, among others.

Ensign, who leads the Carlisle Community Action Network’s vaccine distribution committee, was interviewed by ABC27 the day Gov. Wolf announced a new vaccine distribution task force. Ensign urged the task force to work with community groups like

“What Is Trending in

CAN, which has already mobilized resources and

College Admissions?”

launched vaccine awareness campaigns.

General Counsel

The Global Business School Network invited Ensign to

Kendall Isaac was

present at one of its monthly Cross-Border Collabs,

quoted in the Bloomberg Law

which are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members

story “The

some of the greatest challenges of our time. In

Dispositive List of Things Lawyers Need to Stop Saying.”

focused on engaging their communities to tackle March, Ensign presented “Choose to Challenge” with Vinika D. Rao, executive director of INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute and Gender Initiative, Singapore.

Kudos as of March 3.


HERE & THERE / fine print

Dead on the Delta

Re-Engaging the Middle East

By Sherry Rothenberger Knowlton ’72

Edited by Andrew Miller ’04 and Dafna H. Rand

Sunbury Press - Milford House imprint

Brookings Institution Press

In the latest Alexa Williams suspense novel, the tenacious lawyer tangles with elephant poachers and conservation politics on the African continent. This is the fifth book in the series.

In this edited volume, noted experts lay out an alternate long-term strategy for protecting U.S. interests in the Middle East. Miller is deputy director for policy for the Project on Middle East Democracy.

The Weight of Whiteness: A Feminist Engagement With Privilege, Race and Ignorance

Lineage of Rain

By Alison Bailey ’83

Lineage of Rain, Pineda’s debut poetry chapbook, traces histories of Salvadoran migration and civil war through family memories and centers on intergenerational narratives filled with a yearning to create a new world— one unmarked by violence. A poet and educator, Pineda holds an M.A. in creative writing and education from Goldsmiths, University of London.

Lexington Books “Check your privilege” is not a request for a simple favor. It asks white people to consider the painful dimensions of what they have been socialized to ignore. Bailey, who is a professor at Illinois State University, examines how whiteness misshapes our humanity, measuring the weight of whiteness in terms of its costs and losses to collective humanity.

By Janel Pineda ’18 Haymarket Books

Joint Custody By Lauren Baratz-Logsted P’22 and Jackie Logsted ’22 Penguin Random House A mischievous dog takes matters into his own paws when his beloved owners split up in this laugh-out-loud romance that will touch your heart and make you want a furry friend of your own. The mother-daughter duo co-wrote the novel as part of a two-book deal with Penguin Random House.

Fiction 6 DICK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 6


HERE & THERE / bragging rights #DSONPROUD

Despite formidable industrywide challenges, Dickinson maintained its

A+ S&P rating in 2020.

DICKINSON IN THE NEWS Inside Higher Ed included Dickinson’s new master’s degree in managing complex disasters in its weekly news roundup. Dickinson was included in “How Education Abroad Offices Can Create Global Connections Locally,” which was published in the November 2020 issue of NAFSA’s International Educator magazine.

Los Angeles Posse Scholar Cecilia “Cece” Ribordy ’22 (Latin American, Latinx & Caribbean studies; environmental studies) was one of only five students nationwide to be named a Jeff Ubben Posse Fellow, an honor accompanied by a generous stipend and a prestigious summer internship. Ribordy becomes the second Dickinson student since the Ubben was founded in 2016 to be honored with the fellowship, following Amara Anigbo ’20, a 2018 Ubben Fellow.

Student-athlete Amna Fayyaz ’24 was named Female Emerging Star of the Year by the Pakistan Sports Awards. She ranks No. 86 worldwide in women’s squash and No. 1 in her home country.

Dickinson has been named a


for the eighth time in the last 10 years.



happenings Snippets of stories from around campus Dickinson.edu/news

Curating the COVID Experience A new digital photography book provides intimate and personalized views of an extraordinary moment in history. Snapshots: How the Dickinson Community Experienced the COVID-19 Pandemic presents COVID-19-themed photos submitted by Dickinson students, faculty and staff. The book arose from Dickinson’s 2021 student-curated art history exhibition, offered virtually this year, which includes select COVID-19 photos. One hundred Dickinsonians submitted images representing the triumphs and challenges of the moment.



Theatre Moves from Stage to Airwaves On March 5 and 6, Dickinson’s Department of Theatre & Dance brought a memorable production to life by artfully fusing an age-old art form with 21st-century technologies. A cast of 30 Dickinsonians, performing from locations across campus and around the world, performed Under Milk Wood as a radio drama on Dickinson’s radio station, WDCV-FM 88.3. The following week, the department released a video of the play, featuring visual elements designed by faculty and staff.

Dickinson Copes In conjunction with the one-year anniversary of the spring 2020 lockdown, the Dickinson Copes virtual series was launched as a space for students, faculty and staff to reflect on shared experiences during the past year and strengthen a sense of community in socially distant times. Held via Zoom on Wednesday evenings, the sessions included remarks by a faculty or staff member and an opportunity for attendees to share their own pandemic experiences. “We wanted a reflective, contemplative space where we could take a break from our busy days and acknowledge each other’s stories—a place to slow down and breathe and just be together,” says Don Domenici, executive director of Dickinson’s Wellness Center, who co-organized the event with Todd Nordgren, director of the Office of LGBTQ Services, and Marley Weiner, director of the Milton B. Asbell Center for Jewish Life.

MAJOR NEWS: Data Analytics In the wake of Dickinson’s Revolutionary Challenge, the college has approved its newest major, in data analytics. It’s a major designed to allow future leaders to apply the power of data to the world’s most complex problems across myriad fields and experiences. And while the discipline of data analysis lies at the intersection of computer science, mathematics and statistics, the new major will feature additional multidisciplinary content to form a rigorous program that’s even more relevant to an everchanging world. dson.co/data21

Cogan Fellowship 2021: ‘Covering Race in the Age of Trump—and After’ Dickinson’s Cogan Alumni Fellowship brings back former English majors annually to discuss their career paths. In February, Fabiola Cineas ’12 —a staff writer and race reporter for Vox and a host of Vox Media Studios Emmy-nominated YouTube series Glad You Asked—shared her indirect path since graduation during a virtual discussion as the 2021 Cogan Fellow. Cineas spent three years with Teach for America before becoming a freelance education writer. That led to a job as business editor at Philadelphia magazine,

where she covered such notable events as the 2020 Democratic National Convention, the Philadelphia Eagles’ 2018 Super Bowl victory and the death of civil rights activist and longtime U.S. Congressman John Lewis. Along the way, Cineas earned a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. “Becoming a race reporter last year, at a time when all people want to talk about is race, was just so intense,” she said. “I think that’s a lot of what keeps me going and keeps me motivated: that a lot of what I’m writing is not going to be so intense or seem so new.

This topic is not new; these are things that have been happening for centuries. But I think with this kind of voice and what we’re trying to do now in 2021, things do feel a bit uncharted.” —Tony Moore



Coach TALK

Dave Webster ’88 has been the head men’s lacrosse coach at Dickinson for 20 years, along the way winning four Centennial Conference (CC) championships.

Kim Masimore began leading Red Devils women’s lacrosse in 2014, taking the team to four straight conference playoff appearances. With the CC announcing the return of athletic activity this spring, it seemed like a good time to check in and get a sense of the lacrosse landscape at Dickinson.

DAVE WEBSTER ’88 Q: What’s your strategy for getting back to the CC championship?  A: Our strategy for success always starts with building elite team culture. That begins with building relationships rooted in trust and respect. Young men, and their old coach, make plenty of mistakes. However, when we first build trust and respect, we can work through the challenges that arise on and off the field.

Q: How did you keep your players in shape while the CC wasn’t seeing any action? A: We went from March 12, 2020, to Feb. 15, 2021, without a practice or team workout. In those 11 months, we tried to keep our young men physically, mentally and emotionally engaged and challenged. It was a fine balance we had to try and find. We provided workouts that the guys could try and make progress with. Many found their disciplined approach to fitness to be one of the few constants during this strange time.

Q: What are some highlights from your years with Dickinson? A: The highlights for me mostly come off the field. It’s seeing a kid who grew up in New York City use a chainsaw for the first time while clearing some brush on a Native American school campus in New Mexico during one of our winter break service trips. It’s having a team of 50 loud college kids go absolutely silent as they witness firsthand the devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina while immersed in cleanup work in Louisiana. It’s watching our young college men working side by side with Mennonite carpenters while building houses in West Virginia. Those are life-changing experiences.

DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 1 0


KIM MASIMORE Q: What’s your strategy for landing wins this year? A: We feel fortunate to have experienced success over the last few years and look to continue that momentum. We’ll be looking to implement our newfound skills of adaptability, resilience and perspective to achieve this goal, while giving our 10 seniors a memorable experience.

Q: How did you keep your players in shape while the CC wasn’t seeing any action? A: Most recently, within our team’s four pods we created a weekly grid challenge. Each pod could earn points by completing different tasks together: community building, fitness, strength, self-care, lacrosse and a “be better” section. While maintaining fitness is always a priority, we wanted to incorporate time to develop our individual selves and relationships with each other and contribute positively to our communities.

Q: What are some highlights from your years with Dickinson, both on and off the field? A: Any spring break trip is bound to provide [highlights], but a few of our best spring break trips included beating nationally ranked Ithaca, going to the Grand Ole Opry, volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club, getting a van towed and almost being eaten by a large bird of prey. I love reliving these memories with our alumnae when they come back to visit!

Read an extended version of this Q&A at dickinson.edu/magazine.

Dan Loh


HERE & THERE / campus update

Career Support Goes Virtual In 2020, alumni posted 150 more jobs and internships, and a record number of Dickinson students pursued internships last spring and fall semesters. Aya Sobhy ’21 was on her dream career path. She listened to her academic advisor. She studied hard. She attended Dickinson careerexploration and networking events. She researched internships, with help from Dickinson’s Center for Advising, Internships & Lifelong Career Development

(CAILCD), beginning in her first year on campus. And with CAILCD guidance, she served two internships and refined her goals. Then 2020 happened. And in-person classes, advising appointments, internships and career and networking events were no longer available. How do you seamlessly support students like Sobhy in the midst of a global pandemic? CAILCD staff followed the advice they’ve long dished out: They researched options. They inventoried skills and acquired new ones. They pivoted as needed. And they found new

ways to connect students with critical careerexploration, job-search and networking opportunities. The easy part: moving advising appointments online, since students were already booking appointments virtually. Another quick fix: launching a wintertime phone campaign—typically held only in summer—to accommodate students who’d deferred enrollment from August to January. Each received a personal call from an advisor who helped them pick classes for their first semester. Electronic communications technologies like Zoom, which make virtual career and networking events possible, became more widely attractive in 2020, as more professionals learned how to use these technologies. That—in concert with Dickinson’s longstanding relationships with alumni, parents and other potential mentors and employers— created an enviable pool of

alumni and recruiters who could participate in Dickinson 2020 events, including those who were interested in participating before, but couldn’t spare the time to travel to campus.

the only heroes in this story. In 2020, alumni posted 150 more jobs and internships, and a record number of Dickinson students pursued internships last spring and fall semesters.

And as a bonus, they could attend virtual events in PJ bottoms and socks.

CAILCD's new job-search

As a result, in 2020 CAILCD offered more information sessions, with a greater variety of employers, than ever before—tripling the number of sessions in 2019, according to the center’s executive director, Damon Yarnell. Dickinson’s largest 2020 virtual job fair attracted 50 employers and 350 registered students and alumni. A virtual road trip provided a look inside 16 workplaces, including Warner Music, National Geographic, Uber and the Drug Enforcement Administration. But technology and extensive CAILCD connections aren’t

clubs provided additional support, bringing small groups of senior-year students together online, along with staff members, to share tips, encouragement, plans and updates. Virtual roundtables brought students in touch with 2008 and 2009 grads—young professionals with firsthand knowledge of how to launch a career in uncertain times. These opportunities are indispensable to students like Sobhy, a double major in law & policy and political science. Following CAILCD recommendations, she upped her LinkedIn game. She met virtually with CAILCD staff for resume and cover-letter review and interview prep. And she recently accepted a

job at Millbank, in New York City. “There is so much knowledge to gain from those around us if we just have faith in ourselves and put the extra effort in to ask the right questions,” she says of her CAILCD experiences. “It’s important to have an open mind and learn as much as we can.” As Yarnell notes, the good work continues in 2021, along with a new Industry Immersion series—two weeklong, conference-style virtual events that will offer focused recruiter meetups, info sessions, internship info, mock interviews and networking opportunities this spring. “And that isn’t all,” he adds. “We’ll have more to announce next fall.” —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

Interested in posting or hosting an internship/externship/shadowing opportunity, hiring a Dickinsonian, presenting a career webinar or talking with a student by phone who’s interested in a similar career? Connect with Dickinson through Alumnifire and LinkedIn, or contact the CAILCD at career@dickinson.edu. 11

HERE & THERE / campus update Master’s Degree in Managing Complex Disasters

Dickinson Launches New Master’s Program and Global Partnership DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 1 2

To get the next generation of thinkers and leaders ready for a monumental task—one that spans such interdisciplinary issues as globalization, mass migration, technological innovations, pandemics and environmental degradation—Dickinson is launching its first master’s program, in managing complex disasters. (Learn more at dickinson.edu/mcd.) “For more than two centuries, Dickinson has been preparing its students to cope with and exploit complexity,” says Douglas Stuart, professor emeritus of political science and international studies, adjunct research professor at the U.S. Army War College and co-director of the Dickinson master’s program. “And our curriculum has evolved in ways that make it ideally suited to understanding these types of problems.” Noting that the college places a high priority on international perspectives and interdisciplinary modes of analysis—and continually tests these approaches against real- world challenges—Stuart says Dickinson is a leader in the international campaign to understand and ameliorate these catastrophic developments. What’s more, Dickinson has long been at the forefront of sustainability, a notion at the heart of managing complex disasters. The 30-credit online program can be completed in one year as a full-time student or two years as a part-time student. It’s an ideal launchpad for professionals who want to tackle the most complex disaster and humanitarian challenges of our time while advancing their understanding and their careers. The program builds on Dickinson’s partnership with the U.S. Army War College to provide students with a uniquely in-depth and useful knowledge base from which to tackle nextgeneration global issues. Dickinson is also offering three related, but less time-intensive, certificate programs: • R esilience in the Face of Climate Change, Environmental Degradation & Resource Scarcity • Human & Social Factors in Disaster Situations • Coping With Public Health Emergencies “Humanmade and natural disasters have become a daily occurrence, and they are often multifaceted, multicausal and rapidly changing,” says Stuart. “Dickinson is especially well positioned to address disasters that are either caused or exacerbated by problems of climate change, environmental degradation and resource depletion, and this type of useful education has never been more necessary.”

Partnership With IIE to Build Intercultural Competency Skills Dickinson recently partnered with the Institute of International Education to provide muchneeded training opportunities that go beyond  cultural-awareness education and instead  reimagine an international education framework that incorporates global, intercultural and equity inclusion lenses. “This partnership represents a merging of strengths between two powerhouse organizations with shared missions related to global education, engagement and knowledge exchange,” says President Margee Ensign, for whom developing intercultural competency skills has been a chief priority since joining Dickinson in 2017. “Together, we are poised to build something great and far-reaching.” According to Samantha Brandauer ’95, associate provost and executive director of Dickinson’s Center for Global Study & Engagement, U.S. higher education and international education have been critiqued for “talking the talk but not walking the walk” when it comes to inclusivity and equity work. “By not addressing larger and more global systemic issues of inequity with local resonance—such as social justice, racism and climate change—institutions reinforce and exacerbate the world’s existing inequities and disparities.” Dickinson and IIE believe one of the ways to begin to address these challenges is to find the intersection between intercultural and global learning and diversity, equity and inclusion—work that has been traditionally siloed. The partnership between Dickinson and IIE aims to break down silos by bringing practitioners, scholars and learners from across disciplines, backgrounds and cultures together to create new knowledge, best practices and collaborative approaches that grapple with the complexity of building trust and equity across cultures. “To accomplish the goal of building inclusive and equitable global communities, we need to find a way to fuse diversity, equity and inclusion skills, best practices and pedagogy with intercultural competency and global learning,” says Ensign. “This means opening a space for a different way of thinking about our work, our international partnerships and the role that we play in bringing marginalized voices into the discussion.” —Tony Moore

DISTINCTIVELY DICKINSON / women of color summit

STUDENTS, ALUMNAE CO-CREATE Powerful, Reimagined Women of Color Summit Dana Marecheau ’20 vividly recalls those

exhilarating weeks last winter, as she and fellow student organizers counted down the days to the second Women of Color Summit. “It was like shaking up a bottle of soda,” says Marecheau, co-founder of the event. “We’d built up so much momentum, and we knew the bar was high.” Conceived by Toni Ortega ’18 , Sarah Johnson ’18 and Marecheau in 2018, the inaugural event took place in 2019. Then COVID hit. After the 2020 event was canceled because of the pandemic, student organizers wasted no time getting to work on a virtual 2021 event. But could they keep that soda-pop momentum fizzing throughout the remote fall and hybrid spring semesters? And, during a year uniquely incompatible with long-range planning, could they reimagine a second Women of Color Summit that was in tune with the times? They could and they did. Presented via Zoom, the 2021 Women of Color Summit, held March 27-28, retained the power of the original and even broke new ground. “I wanted the Dickinson community to know that we are unstoppable,” said Himeno Yamane ’22 (pictured above, right), who co-led the 2021 executive committee with Amanda Sowah ’22 (pictured above, left). "I did not want COVID to stop our mission and our work.”

The Women of Color Summit is an event for female-identifying Dickinsonians of color to learn, share and connect. It’s planned and presented by students under advisement of Brontè Burleigh-Jones , vice president for finance & administration, and Sunnie Ko ’11 , assistant director of the McAndrews Fund. To avoid technical snafus, the 2021 planning committee researched ways to streamline the experience for multigenerational presenters and participants, maintained close contact with presenters and, as the summit grew near, held dry-run workshops. Still, concerns about “Zoom fatigue” persisted, and some students worried that the emotional impact of the original event couldn’t be replicated online. Two distinguished guest speakers quickly put those concerns to rest. “With the presence of Maureen Newton Hayes [’65] and Judith Rogers [’65], we achieved the uplifting and exhilarating experience that inspired us to plan this event,” Sowah says of the first known women of color to live in

Dickinson residence halls. The two alumnae opened the summit with a discussion of their experiences, along with Thera Dal Prà Iversen ’17, great-granddaughter of Dickinson’s firstknown woman of color graduate (Esther Popel Shaw, class of 1919). Saturday’s workshops, open to all Dickinson women of color, included sessions on careers, spirituality, self-image and sisterhood. Sunday’s events, open to all Dickinsonians, widened the summit’s reach, as Brittany Barker ’15 and Assistant Professor of Philosophy Amy McKiernan co-led a conversation about how allies and women of color can together move the needle on positive social change. Marecheau says that, as a co-founder, it was powerful to attend the summit as part of an alumnae community that’s several generations strong. “It was a full-circle moment,” she says. “When we thought of this idea, we would never have imagined that it would turn into something as important and special as it is.” —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

“ It was an extraordinary experience to be able to reflect on Dickinson then and now, and to see the bright faces that are the future of Dickinson and the world.” — Maureen Newton Hayes ’65 13

By G R A C Y N

BIRD ’21




DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 1 4

IN MARCH 2020, I left for spring break. I thought I'd be back in a week, so I only packed a few outfits.

But the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months.

I spent a lot of time with myself.

It felt like a little too much time.


Something so small began to have such a


on every aspect of life.

It was easy to start feeling overwhelmed, but finding small ways to fill my time helped.

I realized how happy little things made me—things that I used to take for granted.

It hasn't been easy for anyone, and I don't think life will ever go back to how it was before the virus.


I've learned how important it is to keep looking forward. I have a lot of





From Campus to Your Kitchen Get cooking with recipes

crafted by Dickinsonians As cooking at home sees a surge in popularity—and necessity—we asked members of the Dickinson campus community to share or craft distinctive recipes. The following delectable dishes highlight produce grown at the College Farm, feature a favorite from the Dining Hall menu, represent our programs abroad and more. Give them a try at home, and share the results with us at dsonmag@dickinson.edu. We have many talented alumni who are in the business of food, as chefs, chocolatiers, farmers and health-food gurus (not to mention brewers, distillers and winemakers!). Check out a few in the Small Business Spotlight on Page 45 and in the “Food & Beverage” section of the Dickinson Small-Business Directory at dson.co/foodbev.


Vegan Penne Pasta Toss By Dickinson Certified Executive Chef Richie Rice

Ingredients • ½ pound lentil penne pasta (or another short-tube vegan pasta) • 12 ounces fresh butternut squash, diced • 1 tablespoon olive oil (to toss with squash) • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt (like Lawry’s) • 1 ounce fresh spinach leaves • 2 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced • 1½ ounces olive oil (to cook with) • ¾ teaspoon chopped fresh garlic

“ I created this recipe when attempting to incorporate foods found at our College Farm. This recipe is produced in a large skillet normally, but we have done it as a grilled toss from our main serving line while our student customers can observe and smell all the flavors and scents combining. It is also on our catering menu.”

• 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley • 1∕8 teaspoon crushed red pepper (dry seasoning)

Directions 1. Cook the pasta in boiling water for 5 to 8 minutes, until tender, yet slightly firm. Rinse the pasta under cold water. Drain and set aside. (Watch! Vegan pastas go from undercooked to overcooked quickly.)

Wine Pairing: Vermentino An Italian light-bodied white wine with complex yet refreshing citrus flavors complemented by an entrancing floral nose.

2. Toss the squash cubes in olive oil. Add the seasoned salt and toss to coat. 3. On a tray coated with pan-release spray, spread the squash, then roast in a 375° oven until slightly tender yet somewhat firm. Set aside to cool. Once cooled, the squash can be put into the refrigerator until ready to use. 4. In a large skillet, add olive oil, and sauté the garlic. 5. Add the mushrooms, and sauté until about half of the mushroom liquid is evaporated. 6. Add the spinach and sauté until it begins to wilt. 7. Add the pasta and squash to the skillet. Toss well to combine ingredients. 8. Add the parsley and crushed red pepper. Continue tossing. 9. Season with salt and pepper to taste. (TIP: If the toss gets too dry or begins to stick, add a tablespoon of water at a time until things move in the skillet.) 10. Serve and enjoy!

DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 1 8


Fried Rice With Peaches and Kale By Adrienne Su, professor of creative writing and author of Peach State, a book of poems that pay homage to the domestic kitchen



• 4 cups leftover cooked jasmine rice, cold from the fridge, roughly broken up with a large spoon (If you don’t

1. Wash the kale and shake dry. Strip the leaves from their stems with your hands. Roughly chop the leaves into approximately 1-inch squares. If the stems are ¼-inch in diameter or smaller, trim off the woody base and chop the stems crosswise, to about the size of green peas. Keep the stems apart from the leaves.

have leftover cold rice, you can cook rice specifically for this recipe, but do it far enough in advance that it can cool and dry out slightly in the refrigerator; otherwise, the grains will stick together and make the dish gummy. Another option is to order an extra container of rice when getting Chinese takeout and chill it in its carton overnight.)

• 2 tablespoons vegetable or other neutral oil • 1 large clove garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger • 1 tablespoon fish sauce, soy sauce or tamari • 1 small red onion, minced • ½ pound kale, including stems if not more than 1/4-inch in diameter (TIP: If your kale stems are too large to use, chopped garlic scapes make a good substitute.) • 1 large peach, close to ripe but still firm (TIP: This can be made with frozen peaches. Thaw partially; slight frozenness will help the pieces hold their shape.) • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice • ½ teaspoon vinegar (rice, white balsamic or white wine) • ½ teaspoon light brown sugar (optional, depending on sweetness of peach) • Salt and pepper • A few sprigs fresh mint or cilantro as garnish (optional) • 1 serrano or jalapeño chile, thinly sliced, as garnish (optional)

2. Set up your mise en place, ideally in this order: kale stems, garlic and ginger, red onion, kale leaves, rice and garnishes. Have the seasonings at hand. 3. Just before cooking time, peel the peach, cut it into thick slices and put in a medium bowl. Taste the peach. If it is not sweet, add light brown sugar to the bowl. Add the vinegar and lemon juice, and toss gently. 4. Heat a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat, then add the oil. Tilt and rotate the pan so that oil coats most of the cooking surface. Add the kale stems and stirfry, constantly tossing and moving them with a spatula, until they are shiny and bright green, about 1 minute. (TIP: Leftover grilled shrimp, scallops or salmon make a terrific addition; cut into ½-inch pieces and add right after the kale.)

5. Add the garlic and ginger and continue to toss quickly to prevent burning. As soon as the garlic and ginger are sizzling and fragrant, which should take only a few seconds, add the red onion. Stir-fry everything for about 1 more minute, then add the kale leaves. (TIP: You may have to wilt the first handful or two before you add the next.) 6. Keep everything moving so that it can be coated with the now-flavorful oil, and when all of the kale has reached a manageable size, add the rice, breaking up clumps while lifting and turning everything in the pan so that it sears slightly but doesn’t burn. It will take a minute or two to break up all the rice. Scrape crispy patches up with a thin spatula, and fold into the rest. 7. Add the fish sauce or soy sauce and salt, and combine well. 8. Turn the heat down to medium and push the rice and vegetables to the sides of the pan, leaving an empty area in the center. Add the remaining ½ tablespoon oil to the center, giving it a few seconds to heat, and carefully add the peach slices, lifting them out of their juices. Drizzle any peach juice from the bottom of the bowl over the rice.

9. Let the slices sizzle briefly, then flip them while breaking them into bite-size pieces with your spatula. Within a minute or so, the peaches should have a few browned spots, but don’t despair if they do not; just move on so the fruit doesn’t disintegrate (though the finished dish will still taste good if it does). 10. Now mix everything together. Turn the heat to low while you taste and adjust for salt and season with pepper. Turn out into a serving dish, adding garnishes if you like.

Wine Pairing: Riesling In a dry or off-dry style, this light-bodied white wine with low alcohol levels is extremely versatile and can exude expressions of tree and orchard fruit like pear, apple and even Meyer lemon. This is a pairing you will revisit meal in and meal out.


Wine Pairing

TIPS & TRICKS By Dwight A. Phyall ’06

Ragù By Luca Trazzi, lecturer in Italian studies and contributing faculty in food studies (based on the recipe filed in 1982 by the Bolognese delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine at the Bologna Chamber of Commerce)

Ingredients • 10.5 ounces ground beef or flank • 5.25 ounces pancetta/unsmoked bacon, diced • 1 small yellow carrot

1. W hen in doubt, sparkling wine is extremely food-friendly and will pair well with many dishes.

• 1 small stalk of celery

2. As a rule of thumb, when eating dessert, choose a wine that is as sweet or sweeter than the dessert.

• 5 tablespoons tomato sauce

3. L ighter-bodied red wines, like pinot noir and gamay, can absolutely be paired with rich fish like tuna, salmon and swordfish.


4. I t is always better to pair a wine with the sauce rather than the meat.

2. Chop the vegetables with a mezzaluna/ crescent knife, add them to the pan and cook until soft, stirring with a wooden spoon.

Dwight A. Phyall ’06, M.Ed., better known in the wine industry as “DAP,” is a program manager for health-tech company OSCAR and a WSET Level 2-certified sommelier at V-NO Wine Bar & Shop in Fells Point, Baltimore. This summer he will launch Wine the Way You Like, a wine-curation service. His love for wine started about four years ago and has taken him on a journey he would have never expected.

DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 2 0

• ½ large onion • White or red wine, half a glass • 1 cup whole milk

1. Cook the bacon in a ceramic or cast iron cooking pot.

Wine Pairing: Chianti Classico (Sangiovese) An Italian medium-bodied red wine that has vibrant acidity and grippy tannins showcasing bright, fresh cherry fruit flavors and an even more herbal, rustic profile like tomato leaf and mushroom.

3. Add the ground beef, stirring until it sizzles. 4. Dilute the wine and tomato sauce with a little bit of stock or water, and add the mixture to the pan. Simmer for about 2 hours, adding the milk a little bit at a time. 5. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. (Optional: When the ragù is cooked, you may wish to add skimmed cream from a liter of heated, whole milk.) 6. Toss with your favorite pasta.

“If you have been to Bologna, Italy, you probably had a plate of delicious tagliatelle at Osteria dell’Orsa, just off via Marsala, near the Dickinson Center. You will probably never go back to spaghetti Bolognese. Why? Well, because of that sauce. The ragù alla bolognese, or just ragù, is made of time, patience and forgetfulness.”


Sweet Potato Pie


By Danielle Moser ’20, College Farm livestock apprentice (and resident foodie)

1. Preheat the oven to 425° F. Use a fork to pierce the sweet potato’s skin about six times, then place the potato onto a baking sheet and roast for 45 minutes or longer (flipping the potato about halfway through), until fork tender throughout.

Ingredients • 1 large sweet potato • 2∕3 stick (about 1∕3 cup) of butter • 2 eggs (if you prefer a more custard-y and fluffy pie, increase to 3 eggs) • 1∕3 cup maple syrup (or other sweetener of choice) • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • ½ teaspoon salt • One pie crust

Spice topping • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg • ¼ teaspoon allspice • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves

2. Remove the skin and mash the potato in a large bowl. Set aside to cool slightly, until still warm but not very hot. This will keep the eggs from scrambling when they are added. (TIP: The sweet potato can be roasted and mashed several days ahead of making the pie.) 3. In a small bowl, combine the cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice. Set aside. 4. Put the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan and melt over mediumlow heat. Add to the mashed sweet potato, and whisk them together. 5. OPTIONAL: Increase the heat to medium and heat, watching carefully and stirring, until the butter begins to look golden brown and smells nutty and toasted. Add to the sweet potato, pouring through a strainer to catch large pieces of browned milkfats.

6. In another bowl, beat the eggs until homogenous, then thoroughly whisk into the sweet potato and butter mixture. 7. Stir in the syrup, vanilla extract and salt. (TIP: If you prefer having the spices incorporated into the pie, mix them in now.) 8. Spoon the filling into the pie shell, distributing equally. Using a fine sifter, or carefully with a spoon, sift the spice mixture on top of the filling. (If there is not enough of the spice mix to do this, you can make more—just keep the same ratio). 9. Bake the pie for 10 minutes at 425 F, then lower the oven temperature to 350 F and bake for an additional 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the pie comes out clean. Rotate the pie halfway through baking. 10. Rest for at least half an hour, then refrigerate until ready to serve. (The pie is also delicious at room temperature!) Enjoy!

Wine Pairing: Alsatian-style Pinot Gris A slightly sweeter style of pinot gris from Alsace, France, with racy acidity and notes of stone fruit like peach and nectarine.


a welcome




After a fully remote fall semester, the college welcomed many students back to campus for a split spring semester. First-year and sophomore students moved in across two weekends in January and February and moved out prior to spring break in March, after which juniors and seniors arrived on campus to finish out the semester. Of course, things looked very different on campus. Students were required to wear masks and social distance and were assigned to pods in their residence halls. Dining Services offered grab-and-go during the initial stay-at-home period, and some classes were still held virtually. Students, faculty and on-campus staff were tested regularly, and the COVID-19 dashboard (dson.co/dashboard) kept everyone apprised of active cases, isolation and quarantine status and other important data. In early March, the Centennial Conference announced a return to spring athletics competition, which was welcome news to the many student-athletes who had their 2020 seasons cut short. In April, admissions hoisted tents to be able to welcome newly admitted students to campus. And as the weather warmed, more outdoor classes, activities and socializing were enjoyed by all. Photos by Joe O'Neill, Caroline O'Connor and Claudia Bonaccorsi '22.



DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 2 4

spaces we lcve Photo by Caroline O’Connor.


our Dickinson PAST & PRESENT OUR DICKINSON Read on for alumni adventures and accomplishments, connections and career updates, fond memories and musings. Where has your Dickinson education taken you? Submit at dsonmag@dickinson.edu.





Your Turn Contribute to a future issue!

• What Dickinson faculty or staff member had the biggest impact on your experience as a student? How so? • What is your favorite piece of Dickinson memorabilia? It can be something you still wear/display/use, or even something tucked away in a box in the attic! Email your response to Editor Lauren Davidson (davidsol@dickinson.edu). DI CK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 2 6



Carl Socolow ’77

Alumni Council President


reek legend held that swans sing a beautiful song just before they die. I’m planning on sticking around, and a beautiful song is not in my wheelhouse, but this is my swan song as Alumni Council president. Years ago, the G-man paid me to accompany my classmate Bill Nickey, a real musician. Today, the Octals and the Crescendevils would ask me to lip-sync. Of course, the last 16 months have made it hard to sing anything but a lament. I think of Psalm 137: “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” We have not been exiled to Babylon, but in many ways we have become strangers in our own land. How does one sing a song of joy in a so-called black swan pandemic? That may be challenging, but that is my goal. And, perhaps because I have my boots on the ground in Carlisle, it will be more palatable. I’d like to think that as your president, I’m in the right place at the right time. We can only rely so much on Zoom. You need to hear from one of your own who walks around the campus and stands six feet from students, faculty and administration. We all need to see things for ourselves, and that time will come soon enough. For now, trust me that if we stick together, we’ll make it. As a townie, I assure you that there’s life behind the limestone walls, Old West is still standing, the Denny Hall bell rings and students still toss Frisbees on the Benjamin Rush Campus. As an adjunct professor, I am inspired every class by truly engaged students (and an alumni auditor—thanks, Melissa), whether they’re on Zoom or in person.

Finally, trust that your Alumni Council will continue to strengthen the connection among alumni, students and the college. The AC will help fortify an institution that has weathered the storms for almost 240 years and has no intention of singing anything but “Noble Dickinsonia!”

Listen Up! Dickinson’s award-winning monthly podcast, The Good, shares stories from students, professors, alumni and friends of Dickinson. Listeners will be treated to a brain teaser and hear the latest from Dickinson President Margee Ensign. Subscribe to The Good where you get podcasts. Dickinson.edu/thegood


Dickinson: Then & Now ACROSS 1

Midterm or final


Sugar source

10 Dickinson’s radio station

60 Plucked string instrument from the Indian subcontinent

14 Outer: prefix

61 Treatments for a variety of medical conditions (abbr.)

15 Tablet download

62 Learning (abbr.)

16 Ear: prefix

63 Esther Popel Shaw and Prof. Adrienne Su

17 Blue, in Spain 18 Play parts

64 “Just the two ______”

19 Catches sight of

65 Founder of Dickinson College

20 Dickinson mascots

66 “______ forth” (et cetera)

22 On the ocean

67 Helen Keller’s The Story ______ Life

23 What you can get at the Caf or Union Station 24 Big Bird’s street





Rip into


Itchy skin disorder


These get you into the Kline Center, Dining Hall and library

32 Journey


















Skate wheels

41 Concludes


When milk spoils

42 Self: prefix



44 Participated in a cappella

10 Food that is sent to be composted at the farm

35 Opposite of max.

11 Membership fees

37 Also






39 Complains fretfully




Woodwind musician

13 You may need this to study abroad












36 Salon, fancily

48 Federal insurance program for people who cannot work (abbr., with “Insurance”)

















List______ (group email)

12 One of the largest First Nations groups in North America




46 Where Convocation takes place each year



“_______ lie” (fibbed)

45 Physicians, for short




35 Mr. ______ (fictional Japanese secret agent)




29 What you might take with Bio or Chem




27 Architect of 46-across



26 Sunbather’s goal

34 Deli order


B Y J E S S I C A B AV E R M A N O Z A R ’ 0 9

31 Red Sox, on scoreboards

56 Unpleasant feeling (abbr.)

33 Four Monopoly properties (abbr.)

58 Jyn _____ (Rogue One heroine) 60 Place to be pampered

36 Skirt’s edge 38 Try for a part 40 Trails

Jessica Baverman Ozar ’09 (history,

43 Sent via Twitter

women’s & gender studies) lived in Israel and worked in nonprofits before

51 Tenet

21 New York’s _____ Island

46 Poetic contraction

52 Bill of Saturday Night Live and HBO’s Barry

22 Soul, to Sartre

47 They sound just like D#s

25 Female superior of a community of nuns

49 Nasal wall 50 Black tie

and kids, she picked up crossword

28 Shock

51 Sheet full of cookies

construction as a creative outlet

29 First woman to graduate from Dickinson (1887)

53 Sneeze sound

54 Kind of eclipse 57 One of the items on the college seal 59 Was, in Latin

30 Dined

switching careers to be a full-time parent a few years ago. Now living in Charlotte, N.C., with her partner

during the pandemic.

54 Impolite look 55 Pakistani language

Puzzle it out! Submit a photo/scan of your correctly completed crossword to dsonmag@dickinson.edu by June 1 to be entered to win a

Dickinson Party Box, which includes everything you need—from drinkware to decorations—to host a fantastic Virtual Alumni Week event! The completed puzzle will then be posted online at Dickinson.edu/magazine and printed in the summer issue, along with the name of the winner.

DICK INSON M AGAZINE Spring 2021 4 8

JUNE 7-11 • 2021

Virtual Alumni Week dickinson.edu/alumniweekend

THIS YEAR, celebrate Alumni Weekend from the comfort and safety of home. While it may look different than years past, some things haven’t changed. Virtual Alumni Week is still your time to connect with classmates, celebrate everything you love about Dickinson and see what your alma mater is up to today.

NEW! CELEBRATE IN DICKINSON STYLE AT HOME! Order our Reunion in a Box to showcase your Red Devil pride, or our Dickinson Party Box for your safe group gathering! Supplies are limited. Learn more at dickinson.edu/dsonparty.

P. O . B O X 1 7 7 3 C A R L I S L E , P A 1 7 0 1 3 - 2 8 9 6 W W W. D I C K I N S O N . E D U / M A G A Z I N E




Data transcends the traditional disciplinary boundaries, [and] we think that a liberal-arts college is the best place to train future data scientists.

Professor of Mathematics D AV I D R IC H E S ON , who originally brought the seed of the data-analytics proposal to a group of math and computer science faculty members in 2019. Learn how this seed grew into a Revolutionary Challenge proposal, and then Dickinson’s newest major. Dson.co/data21

I looked at it as a way to be able to pull my weight and be of great service to everyone else at Dickinson. Red Devils assistant football coach J O S H


who stepped up to deliver COVID-19 samples to a Massachusetts lab before they expired. Learn more at dson.co/rapp21.

People open their doors and their hearts to us as journalists, when we are visiting them often at some of the darkest moments of their lives, and it’s our responsibility to do justice to their stories. S IOB H A N O ’ G R A DY ’ 1 3 ,

Washington Post Cairo Bureau Chief. Hear more from her in the February 2021 edition of The Good podcast (dickinson.edu/thegood).

I chose Dickinson because this is truly a place of global culture and education, where every student has the space to accomplish great things. TAO X U ’ 2 1 ,

a biochemistry & molecular biology and neuroscience double major with a chemistry minor who’s served high-level internships at two medical colleges. Read more at


INSIDE: Coach Talk With Lacrosse Leaders | COVID Chronicles: An Illustrated Story by Gracyn Bird ’21 | From Campus to Your Kitchen | Spring 2021: A Welcome Return | Dickinson: Then & Now Crossword Puzzle

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