Summer 2019 Dickinson Magazine

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Commencement and Alumni Weekend 2019 25 Years of the Clarke Forum 2018-19 Report on Giving



President Margee Ensign Vice President of Marketing & Communications Connie McNamara Editor Lauren Davidson Lead Designer Amanda DeLorenzo Class Notes Designer Neil L. Mills College Photographer Carl Socolow ’77 Contributing Writers MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson David Blosser ’19 Matt Getty Kandace Kohr Tony Moore

© Dickinson College 2019. Dickinson Magazine (USPS Permit No. 19568, ISSN 2719134) is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October, by Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, Cumberland County, PA 17013-1773. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, PA, and additional mailing office. Address changes may be sent to Dickinson Magazine, Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013-2896. | | 717-245-1289 Printed by Progress Printing Plus in Lynchburg, Va.


Heidi Kim ’19 gives a wink during the processional. She is wearing a Hawaiian graduation lei, which was a gift from her mother signifying love for the graduate. The red, white and blue cords represent her American studies major, and the orange and white cords represent her participation in service trips. Read more about Commencement on Page 10. Photo by Zoë Josephina Moon ’20.


Magazine Advisory Board Alexander Becket ’08 Catherine McDonald Davenport ’87 Jim Gerencser ’93 Donna Hughes Gregory Lockard ’03 David O’Connell Megan Shelley Dapp ’05 Adrienne Su Kirk Swenson Alisa Valudes Whyte ’93

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Head to the web for more. View a related video.


Revolutionary CHALLENGE.

Tim McLaughlin








useful for the common good

34 beyond the limestone walls


your view

18 Celebrating 25 Years of the Clarke Forum An exploration of the Clarke Forum’s dynamic programming throughout the past 25 years, from discussions on human rights and sexuality to environmentalism and leadership— and everything in between.

6 kudos 8

in the game

16 events 17

fine print

36 our Dickinson 54 obituaries 56 closing thoughts

23 Report on Giving Discover the energy, momentum and success stories generated by incredible community support in 2018-19.

We are calling upon all Dickinsonians—alumni, faculty, students—to bring us your most audacious ideas, your most ambitious initiatives, your most daring visions for the future of Dickinson’s useful liberal-arts education. LEARN MORE about and contribute to this momentous initiative at

Carl Socolow ’77

[ useful for the common good ]



he celebration of Commencement is always filled with laughter, tears and pride. As our graduates walked through the doors of Old West, I couldn’t help but reflect on the indelible mark the members of the class of 2019 made during their four years on our campus. They led, created and served. They challenged, researched, protested and excelled. They developed lifelong bonds with each other and with key faculty and staff members who guided, supported and pushed them along the way. As I shook hands with each graduate, I reflected on how fortunate they were to have had the opportunity to experience this distinguished global education—one of the finest, I believe, in the country. It is this very education that now equips them to deal with an unknowable future. They have been taught to think critically, communicate clearly and see globally. Sixty-five percent of our graduating seniors studied abroad—including 60% of our athletes, 60% of our firstgeneration seniors and 46% of our science majors. Those are remarkable statistics. Most schools discourage athletes from taking any time away from training, and science students from taking any time away from their studies on campus. At Dickinson, we have found a way to make such study abroad work for all of our students who want the experience. In addition, 12 of our graduating seniors were awarded Fulbrights. (It’s worth noting that a 2018 alumna also earned a Fulbright this year.) These new graduates are taking their immense talents out into the wider world and into places like NASA, the

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


National Institutes of Health, Vanguard, Bloomberg, MLB Network, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Audible, IBM, NYU, Johns Hopkins, Harvard and the Peace Corps. Five members of the class of 2019 received their commission into the U.S. Army as second lieutenants. We marked our Commencement weekend joined by an illustrious group of honorary degree recipients. Dickinson’s own Adrian Zecha ’52 was recognized for his 45-year career developing more than 100 award-winning hotels and resorts. Karen Attiah, editor of the global opinions section of The Washington Post (and the person who recruited and edited Jamal Khashoggi, the murdered Saudi journalist), was also recognized for her efforts to bring a better understanding of the world to the readers of the Post. Our Commencement speaker, Pierce Brosnan, a longtime environmentalist and well-known actor, was recognized for his important work with the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), while the NRDC itself was the winner of this year’s Sam Rose ’58 and Julie Walters Prize for Global Environmental Activism. Throughout the weekend, Brosnan and our other guests repeatedly shared with me how impressed they were with our students, with our global and sustainability education efforts, and with our revolutionary and useful liberal-arts program. We know a Dickinson education prepares our graduates to impact their communities and the world. We know it’s an education that teaches students to demand to see evidence, to exercise their imaginations, to see connections and to find innovative solutions to the challenges that confront us. And we want never to rest on our laurels. That’s why we launched the Revolutionary Challenge this spring. It is a way to encourage and allow all Dickinsonians to contribute ideas for the future of this college based on their own educations and experiences of the world. In a time when liberal-arts education in this country faces unprecedented challenges, we believe that the education you received here gives you the background to help us shape its future. The response from the greater Dickinson community has been encouraging and energizing. Already there are fascinating and inspiring ideas coming in from all corners of the world. Learn more and contribute to the challenge at

This summer, some of our most impressive students are serving as Presidential Fellows. They are reaching out to alumni around the world to conduct interviews and to compile research on how graduates would like to see Dickinson evolve, grow and develop. We want our alumni deeply involved as we chart Dickinson’s course for a revolutionary future. Every voice, every experience, every idea is valuable as together we move boldly into the future.

[ your view ] Spotted on Social Media

Classmate Connection

Thank you for publishing another wonderful issue of Dickinson Magazine. Rebecca Frederick ’84 was one of my freshman year roommates. I am thrilled that she decided to utilize her talents and follow her dreams! LISA SILVERSHEIN ’84


Puzzle It Out The spring 2019 issue included a custom crossword puzzle crafted by Gil Ludwig ’69. We offered $25 Dickinson College Bookstore gift cards to the first five puzzlers to submit a photo/scan of their correctly completed crossword. And the winners are ...




Jessica Oren ’21 Sarah Lutz ’20 Bill Johnston ’73 Gary Lightman ’68 Gail Tyson ’76













































1. 2. 3. 4. 5.













E L F D T C R S O 59













S E S 53





And in the weeks that followed, 26 additional readers submitted their completed puzzles, along with comments like “This was fun and educational!” and “I love that you’re doing these now! I hope it continues” and “Such a fun feature in this issue!” The submitters ranged from the class of 1966 to the class of 2021 (including a class of 2019 grad who dubbed it his first official act as an alumnus just days after Commencement), and they came in from nine states plus the United Kingdom. If you have puzzle-making skills (not just crossword) and are interested in contributing to a future issue of Dickinson Magazine, email


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES In future issues, Dickinson Magazine will be highlighting members of the Board of Trustees and answering questions from the community about what the board does, who the trustees are and how this entity impacts the college. Send your questions to for potential publication.

We want to hear from you! Send letters via email to or mail to: Dickinson Magazine, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. 3

[ college & west high ] BRAGGING RIGHTS

A+ Rating Dickinson’s Standard & Poor’s (S&P) A+ rating was affirmed

with a “stable outlook” designation by S&P, a leading index provider and data source of independent credit ratings.

Julie Vastine ’03 has been helming Dickinson’s

Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM)

since 2007, and accolades for the citizen-science organization have always marked her tenure. Now, Vastine, who was appointed to the board of the Citizen Science Association last year, has been tapped to serve as volunteer monitoring representative to the National Water Quality Monitoring Council. In addition, ALLARM has

Buzz About Brosnan The announcement of actor and environmentalist Pierce Brosnan as the 2019 Commencement speaker was published by The Hollywood Reporter, The Chronicle of Higher Education, InsideHigherEd, Irish Echo, FOX43 and several local outlets. Following Commencement, Brosnan’s speech was featured by NBC Nightly News, The Wall Street Journal, People, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Times of London, VIP Magazine and Irish Central.

NEW GLOBAL PARTNER Dickinson announced a new partnership with CET Academic Programs as the school of record for CET’s high school and pre-college study-abroad programs.

“This partnership aligns Dickinson’s core values and strengths in global education with those of CET, which has an unparalleled history of attracting young people who seek meaningful cultural-immersion programs and opportunities to advance their language skills. We look forward to continuing to educate the next generation of global leaders, starting at the high school level.” —President Margee Ensign





Dickinson celebrates continued Fulbright success with its most impressive year ever.

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


teamed up with Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper and Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper to launch Susquehanna Stream Team, a new volunteer water-quality monitoring initiative funded by the Campbell Foundation and the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative.

The Kline Fitness Center has achieved LEED Gold status, making it the sixth LEED Gold building on campus and seventh LEED-certified project.

Dickinson’s Office of Marketing & Communications brought home two accolades in the 2019 Hermes Creative Awards, an international marketing competition sponsored by the Association of Marketing & Communications Professionals—a platinum award for the fall 2018 issue of Dickinson Magazine and a gold award for the admissions travel publication. Curious to learn more about how the fall 2018 how-to issue came to be? Editor Lauren Davidson wrote “The Evolution of a How-To Issue” for the spring 2019 issue of Pages magazine, an industry publication with an audience of more than 7,000 magazine professionals—publishers, editors, art directors and production managers—published by Lane Press.

EXPLORING THE LONG SHADOW OF THE Rwandan Genocide This spring, nearly two dozen Dickinson students spent two weeks in Kigali, Rwanda, as part of the After Genocide and Apartheid Mosaic, extending their coursework far into the field. Marking the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, the Mosaic focused on understanding the historical and political context of the genocide and the decadeslong process of justice, reconciliation and reconstruction that has followed. “The Rwanda Mosaic was one of the most impactful study-abroad experiences I had at Dickinson,” says Lilly Middleton ’19 (art history), who cites the group’s connection with staff at the Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center as a defining facet. “It was through these individuals that I was able to contextualize the growth that Rwanda has experienced in the past 25 years. And the compassion, love and humanity that was shown to us as Dickinson students was a microcosm that exemplified the importance of these values within the larger community, as a means to promote sustainable and peaceful growth.” Fifteen students were from Associate Professor of History Jeremy Ball and Visiting International Scholar in Philosophy Jean-Pierre Karegeye’s Peace, Justice and Reconciliation After Genocide and Apartheid class, while six were photography students from Visiting Lecturer in Art & Art History Andy Bale’s The Natural and Social Landscape course. Through that coursework, students learned that the genocide against the Tutsi did not result from “ancient ethnic hatred” but rather from a carefully planned and executed plan of genocide promulgated from political leaders. And across the two weeks in Rwanda—at sites such as the Kigali Genocide Memorial and the Campaign Against Genocide Museum—students found profound experiences at every turn as they examined the aftermath. —Tony Moore

Photos by Zoë Josephina Moon ’20.

“Rwanda is a country that is dedicated to respecting individuals, their humanity and the ingenuity and peace that can come from that kind of support. Upon leaving Rwanda, I have begun to understand humanity again, and my belief in it has been restored. The story of Rwanda needs to be told, from the very beginning. It is through this that we can learn about the power of resilience, self-respect and care, reconciliation, forgiveness, self-awareness and most importantly humanity.” —Lily Middleton ’19


[ college & west high ]

This spring included some major media mentions for Dickinson, including national coverage of 2019 Commencement speaker Pierce Brosnan. In addition, Dickinson faculty were seen on C-SPAN and HBO’s Vice News Tonight, heard on NPR-affiliate WITF’s Smart Talk and Sirius XM’s Knowledge@Wharton and read in The Wall Street Journal and The Conversation.



and Administrator Accolades

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Heather Bedi published “Women and Development-forced Evictions: Realities, Responses and Solidarity” in Development in Practice and “ ‘Our Energy, Our Rights’: National Extraction Legacies and Contested Energy Justice Futures in Bangladesh” in Energy Research & Social Science, 41, 168-175. She also completed her time as a Fulbright-Nehru Research and Academic Excellence Scholar working on “An Ethnography of Solar Energyscapes in India” and was a member of the leadership team for the Cumberland County Food System Alliance. Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Maggie Douglas was quoted in The Sentinel’s article “5 Questions: Helping Manage the Beescape in Carlisle.”


On Earth Day, Center for Sustainability Education Director Neil Leary was a featured guest on WITF’s Smart Talk discussing renewable energy.

Supreme Court Reopens Debate.”

Jeff McCausland, retired U.S. Army colonel, visiting professor of international security studies, had two op-eds, “Trump’s North Korea Summit Failed Because He Doesn’t Understand What Kim Jong Un Really Wants” and “Inside the Military’s Battle With White Supremacy and Far-Right Extremism,” published by NBCNews Think.

Professor of Political Science Jim Hoefler was featured in C-SPAN’s Lectures in History series in a segment titled “End of Life Care and Death Since the 1800s.”

Associate Professor of German Sarah McGaughey’s newly edited book, A Companion to the Works of Hermann Broch, is available from Camden House.

Instructor in Political Science Kathryn Heard was quoted in The Christian Science Monitor story “Death Penalty With Dignity?

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019

Visiting International Scholar in International Studies Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob’s op-ed, “Once Captives of Boko Haram, These Students Are Finding New Meaning in Their Lives in Pennsylvania,” was published in The Conversation and republished under Creative Commons by PhillyVoice, San Francisco Chronicle and WESA. Jacob also was quoted in an Eventbrite story on millennial women and activism.

Professor of History Karl Qualls published an op-ed, “We Have to Challenge Injustice and Hatred When We See It, or Risk a Slow Slide into Genocide,” in the Pennsylvania Capital-Star. Professor of Mathematics Dave Richeson’s book Euler’s Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology has been selected to be included in the Princeton Science Library series, a library of classic books on science that are rereleased in a low-cost paperback format. Other Princeton Science Library authors include Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Hermann Weyl and George Polya. The PSL edition of Euler’s Gem includes a new preface and was released in July. Associate Professor of Philosophy Crispin Sartwell’s latest op-ed, “Russian Memes Didn’t Steal the Election,” was published in The Wall Street Journal.

Robert Sider, professor emeritus of classical

languages, published “The New Testament Scholarship of Erasmus: An Introduction with Erasmus’ Prefaces and Ancillary Writings,” Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 41 (University of Toronto Press, 2019). Carl Socolow ’77

Professor of English Wendy Moffat established a Dickinson scholarship in memory of her father, acclaimed actor Donald Moffat. The Donald Moffat Scholarship Fund will benefit students with financial need who demonstrate an interest in the literary or dramatic arts, whether through coursework or oncampus activities, such as the Mermaid Players. An award will be made when gifts to the fund reach $50K. Learn more: dson. co/moffatscholar.

Assistant Professor of English and Film Studies Greg Steirer was an expert guest on two episodes of Knowledge@Wharton, which airs daily on Sirius XM. One was with a former HBO vice president for a discussion on Disney’s streaming service, and in a second episode, he discussed Apple’s decision to start a streaming service. Assistant Professor of Economics Tony Underwood’s op-ed “A Carbon Dividend Is Better Than a Carbon Tax” was published by Project Syndicate and republished in The Denver Post. Associate Professor of Music Amy Wlodarski’s new book, George Rochberg, American Composer: Personal Trauma and Artistic Creativity (University of Rochester Press, 2019), was awarded the competitive H. Earle Johnson Publication Subvention from the Society for American Music. Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies Andrew Wolff was interviewed by HBO’s Vice News Tonight for a report marking 70 years of NATO.

(Kudos as of June 1, 2019)

Accolades Roll in for Waidner-Spahr Library 2018-19 has been a busy period for the Waidner-Spahr Library, especially in terms of gathering accolades. Most recently, Dickinson’s library received the American Library Association’s (ALA) Library Instruction Round Table Innovation in Instruction Award, the ALA’s highest honor for excellence in information literacy. The college officially accepted the award in June and will use the prize money to establish a research prize for Dickinson students. That honor is the fourth in a string of awards for the library in the last year. It follows the Credo Reference First Year Experience Innovation Award for its First-Year

President Ensign in the News • T he South Florida Sun-Sentinel and Washington Informer reported on a special forum in Washington, D.C., marking the fifth anniversary of the Boko Haram kidnappings. President Margee Ensign, Visiting International Scholar in International Studies Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob and Bridge student Patience Bulus participated in the forum at the invitation of Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida. In addition, WITF produced an extensive report on Dickinson’s Bridge program. Ensign, Jacob and Bulus were interviewed. The report aired on NPR member stations statewide. • I n April, President Margee Ensign spoke at the 25th Commemoration of the Genocide in Rwanda, a Discussion on Preserving Memory and Prioritizing Prevention, which was organized by the U.S. Senate Human Rights Caucus. Ensign was part of an esteemed panel that offered expert insights into Rwanda’s journey of transformation.

Seminar information literacy program, the Milton E. Flower Historian of the Year Award from the Cumberland County Historical Society for the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center and the prestigious Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award, the Reference and User Services Association’s highest honor, bestowed upon Eleanor Mitchell, director of the library. “The four awards we’ve received in the past year are external validations by our peers of the excellent work we do to educate our students [and help] them create their own contributions to scholarly conversations,” said Associate Director of Information Literacy & Research Services Christine Bombaro ’93. “The award citations reflect that we don’t simply follow ‘best practices’ but that we are actively establishing them as leaders in our field.”


[ in the game ]

Christian Payne

The Red Devils continue to be as impressive in the classroom as in competition. Three student-athletes earned Fulbright awards, while seven were inducted into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Eryn Nelson ’19 (track and field) and Michael Hinckley ’19 (basketball) received the Lloyd W. Hughes Senior Scholar Athlete Award. Softball and Baseball The softball team (25-17) earned a Centennial Conference (CC) championship and a trip to the NCAA tournament. Madison Milaszewski ’19 was CC Pitcher of the Year and first-team All-CC and AllRegion. Brigitte Gutpelet ’21 and Kristen Acocella ’21 received All-CC recognition, and Gutpelet joined Milaszewski on the Regional All-Tournament team.

Matt O’Haren

Baseball (22-15) started the season 12-2 and was in the playoff hunt until the final day of the regular season. Pitcher Tommy Koide ’20 broke the school record with six saves and earned first-team All-CC with a 6-2 record. Alex Cohen ’21 and Ben Rappaport ’19 were also named All-CC. The team set a school record with 291 strikeouts on the year and gave Head Coach Craig Hanson his 200th career win. Lacrosse Women’s lacrosse (11-6) advanced to the conference playoffs for the fourth straight season. Anne Dunster ’19 broke the school record with 77 points this season, moving into second all-time with 294 in her career. She earned All-Region (along with Clare Janzer ’21) and her third straight All-CC honor. Janzer, Mack Maurer ’21 and Laurie Travaglini ’21 also were named All-CC, and Sam Marmo ’19 was selected to the IWLCA Senior AllStar game.

Matt O’Haren

Men’s lacrosse (11-6) fought its way to the conference playoffs. Nate Usich ’19 was named the USILA National Long Pole Midfielder of the Year, earning his second All-America nod and third firstteam All-CC honor. He was Defensive Player of the Year, while six Red Devils received All-CC honors and five earned All-America recognition. Usich was added to the Atlanta Blaze roster, joining fellow All-American Red Devil Dylan Maher ’18 on the Major League Lacrosse club team. Tennis Men’s tennis earned the No. 4 seed in the conference playoffs. Leonid Sorkin ’22 was CC Rookie of the Year, earning first-team honors in singles and doubles. Sam Coan ’22 earned first-team honors in both as well. Sorkin was ranked 18th in the region as the Red Devils finished 9-10 overall and 6-3 in the CC.

The women’s tennis team battled injuries throughout the year but turned in some strong individual performances to finish 6-10 overall and 3-10 in the CC. Olivia Shea ’20 went 9-3 overall and 6-2 in the conference in singles. Golf Lone senior Emily Rieder helped the women’s golf team capture third at the conference championships. Scott McQuaig received his second Coach of the Year honor, leading the Red Devils to second or third in the last three championships. Olivia Brown ’21 was just one spot away from All-CC honors, finishing sixth overall. Hannah Heiring ’20 also finished in the top 10. Men’s golf had a great start and strong finish at the conference championships, turning in rounds of 316 and 317. The team finished fifth in the standings behind a strong performance from Drew Stern ’22. Stern just missed All-Conference honors with a top-10 showing, placing seventh in the individual standings. Track and Field Eric Herrmann ’19 and the men’s track and field team captured a fourth straight conference title in the 4x800 relay to highlight some outstanding performances at the championships. Bryce Descavish ’20 joined the relay for the second straight year and placed second in the 10,000 and third in the 5,000 meters, qualifying for the NCAA National Championships. Adam Gamber ’20 earned his third straight All-CC honor in the pole vault and was the Scholar-Athlete of the Year for the indoor and outdoor seasons. Women’s track and field sent three runners to the NCAA Championships this spring. Sarah House ’20 and Isabel Cardi ’21 had top-20 showings in the 5,000 meters, while Emma Johnston ’21 ran to 14th in the 10,000. Johnston won the 10K and placed second in the 5K at the conference championships. Cardi was second with the 4x800 relay and claimed bronze in the 5K and 10K. Sprinter Naji Thompson ’19 was recognized as an Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholar Athlete.

Cheer on your Red Devils! Check out all the stats, scores, schedules and highlights at Watch free live broadcasts online, produced by students in the Red Devil Sports Network (RDSN). Follow @DsonRedDevils on Twitter, Dickinson Red Devils on Facebook and @DickinsonAthletics on Instagram for daily updates. #DsonRedDevils

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


Stepping Up

to the Plate


The team won two of its first three games 10-0. After that, three straight one-run setbacks only fueled its determination. “There was a dramatic change in the atmosphere,” Kueny says. “People were really giving their all.” The team came out of spring break strong, starting the conference season 6-0. It became the first Dickinson softball team in eight years to make it to the Centennial Conference softball championship. Milaszewski was named tournament MVP and voted the CC Pitcher of the Year and later was named to the National Fastpitch Coaches Association AllAtlantic Region Team. The team advanced to the NCAA regionals in Kentucky and posted an 8-2 win over Wilson College. Milaszewski struck out six straight batters and allowed just two hits. Then the team was defeated by SUNY Geneseo 6-2, despite Kueny allowing just three hits in the start and Milaszewski recording five strikeouts. As disappointing as the loss was, it didn’t diminish a tremendous season or erase the lessons learned. “We’ve learned to manage time, we’ve learned to set goals, to bounce back after adversity and to communicate with faculty, coaches and each other,” said Kueny, an American studies major who will apply those lessons during a fellowship at the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C., while Milaszewski, who earned a dual degree in biochemistry & molecular biology and biology, performs medical research at Genocea Biosciences in Cambridge, Mass. “Learning to work as a team toward a goal can be brought to bear way past college.” —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

Carl Socolow ’77

oing into the 2019 Centennial Conference (CC) playoffs, the women’s softball team wasn’t widely expected to win, but it did have two secret weapons: pitchers Madison Milaszewski ’19 (left) and Killian Kueny ’19 (right). The only seniors on the team, they’d learned a lot about teamwork and grit during their four years as Dickinson pitchers, and they were eager to share it. This story begins in 2015-16, their rookie season. Although the team didn’t make it to the playoffs, Kueny and Milaszewski were impressed by the leadership of their coaches and older teammates. But the following year, when the team fell into a slump, things got tough. The 2017-18 season presented more challenges as nine first-years joined the ranks and the Red Devils lost several games in a row by just one run. “It was a really crucial developmental year,” says Kueny. “We had to get to know each other and how each other worked.” Fast-forward to fall 2018: The time was right to up the game, and the team’s two seniors were ready. Milaszewski and Kueny had fine-tuned their leadership skills as part of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and the Hera Society, as well as through work as a sexual-violence peer educator (Milaszewski) and a Trout Gallery student ambassador (Kueny). In addition to attending Coach Matt Richwine’s weekly team leadership and general team meetings, they held regular preseason meetings to discuss team goals. “We took the time to air any grievances so we could tackle them as a team and make sure they wouldn’t hinder us on the field,” says Kueny. “Then we could focus on getting everyone on the same page in terms of mindset—and what every practice would look like—to contribute to those goals.” One focus: building healthy in-team competition. The seniors led by example. “If you’re able to see one person say, in a very positive way, ‘Hey, I think you can lift more in the weight room,’ or ‘I think you’re stronger than you’re letting yourself be,’ you realize that you can learn to do that too in a way that makes everyone better,” Milaszewski explains.



76% earned Bachelor of Arts degrees 24% earrned Bachelor of Science degrees



joined the Peace Corps


received their commission into the


as 2nd lieutenants

three accepted positions with TEACH


More than 200

have reported already landing jobs at places like NASA, the National Institutes of Health, Vanguard, Bloomberg, MLB Network, Audible, IBM and the Peace Corps, as well as furthering their educations at institutions like Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn and Stanford. Carl Socolow ’77


earned Fulbright scholarships

[ Commencement 2019 ] Dickinson honored 597 graduating seniors—the largest class in the college’s history—on Sunday, May 19, as Commencement speaker, actor, producer and environmental activist Pierce Brosnan urged them to

MAKE SOMETHING THAT MATTERS. “I have worn the tuxedo, so I can tell you this: Our world doesn’t need you to chase the super-spy lifestyle,” said Brosnan, known in part for playing James Bond in four films. “When you leave here today, I urge you to pursue something that is as exciting to you as it is important to the world.”



On the following pages, discover some of the defining moments for our newest graduates in their own words (including some profiled as incoming first-years in fall 2015, featured holding photos of their younger selves), as well as some of their accomplishments and where they’re heading.


[ Commencement 2019 ] “ I think the most defining moments for me are times when I forced myself into uncomfortable spaces and adapted to them. The more I did that, the less of them there were. Being a resident advisor and studying abroad are two examples.” —Connor Ford

“ The semester when I first took my physics course was also defining for my trajectory. I did not even imagine that I would be a physics major before college. This discipline has broadened my way of thinking and my values for life.” —Moyi Tian (physics, mathematics), studying applied mathematics at Brown University

(computer science), studying information security policy and management at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

“ I got to manage the production of this year’s issue of The Dickinson Review. I’d published works (books and magazines) before, but it was the first time I was working with other people’s work. I can feel my hand in every corner of the magazine, and I have a strong personal connection to it. It was a very Dickinsonian experience to be able to get so hands-on with responsibility and professionalism in an undergraduate environment, and I cherished every moment of the opportunity.” —Diane Lee (art & art history), co-recipient of the Weiss Prize, graphic designer at Philosophy Nutrition Inc. in Los Angeles

“ The Weiss Prize gave me the opportunity to create a significant work and realize it in a public performance. The discipline and rigor required in writing the work and the collaborative atmosphere of the rehearsal process were challenging in all the best ways.” —Sam Phelps (music), who will spend a year as a contractor’s apprentice building a tiny house before pursuing a graduate degree in composition at Peabody Conservatory

“ Studying off campus my entire junior year. I had the best internship during my semester at the Washington Center and it really prepared me for postgrad life. My semester in Cameroon was more impactful than words can express, and I would encourage everyone to study off campus. It’s life changing.” —Janaiya Banks (Africana studies, law & policy), human capital analyst with Deloitte

“ Some of the most transformative moments during my Dickinson experience happened while doing research with Professor Dana Somers and Professor Carol Loeffler in the biology department and during my time as the Student Senate president.” —Steven Chris Jones (biology, computer science), working for GeneOne Life Science (which is led by President/CEO Young Park ’87)

“ Participating in a summer Mosaic in Japan was one of the main highlights of my experience. Through that program, I was able to form a new passion for Japan and Japanese culture.” —Ian Norden (history, educational studies), assistant language teacher with the JET Program (Japan)

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


“ I spent 11 months learning, being pushed out of my comfort zone, and seeking new ways of seeing the world while studying abroad in Ecuador, Argentina and Spain. From the friends I made to the lifestyle changes the experience brought, I’ll never forget it.” —Mollie Montague

Awards & Prizes •

James Fowler Rusling Prize, which recognizes excellent scholarly achievement: Moyi Tian ’19, who will pursue a graduate degree in applied mathematics at Brown University

(sociology, Spanish), completing a year of service with AmeriCorps with the nonprofit Edu-Futuro in Arlington, Va., as parent support/workforce development facilitator

John Patton Memorial Prize for High Scholastic Standing: Mary Katherine Levangie ’19, who will spend two years working at the Opossum Pike Veterinary Clinic in Maryland before attending veterinary school

“ The Department of Music has given me an amazing experience and has the best faculty of any department. We’re a family. Presenting the research I conducted in my senior music seminar was one of the proudest moments for me at Dickinson.” —Jessie Doyle (music, educational studies),

Hufstader Senior Prizes, awarded annually to two graduating seniors who have made the greatest contributions to the good of the college: John Adeniran ’19 and Olivia Termini ’19. Termini is the finance director for the Campaign to Elect Tom Brier ’14 for PA District 10.

Young Alumni Trustee: Sarah Nash ’19, who is a technical analyst at Enterprise Knowledge

Constance and Rose Ganoe Memorial Award for Inspirational Teaching: Associate Professor of English Claire Seiler

Distinguished Teaching Award: Professor of Anthropology Ann Hill

Honorary degrees: Pierce Brosnan, a doctor of environmental advocacy honorary degree; Karen Attiah, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, a doctor of journalism honorary degree; and international hotelier Adrian Zecha ’52, a doctor of international business honorary degree.

Rose-Walters Prize: Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), in recognition of its work defending America’s wildlands, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Bristol Bay in Alaska and the monuments of the West. Brosnan and NRDC Western Director and Senior Attorney Joel Reynolds accepted the prize on behalf of the international environmental advocacy organization.

studying music education at Boston University

“Joining Kappa Alpha Theta was the most lifechanging event for me at Dickinson. I discovered a strong connection to this group of women, and they have supported me in all my efforts that have led me where I am today. I have not only cultivated leadership and mentorship skills in Theta, but I’ve also made friendships that will last a lifetime.” —Karen Siderovski (international business & management), attending Wake Forest Law School

“ Attending the Eastern Psychological Association Conference with other students and Professor of Psychology Teresa Barber, who I have taken classes and researched with since my first year at Dickinson, was a big moment and showed me how much I have learned.” —Erin Harten (biochemistry & molecular biology, neuroscience), studying biomedical engineering at Duke University


Photos by Carl Socolow ’77.

[ alumni weekend ]

Traveling Through History Together


here are a lot of new things happening here, and we’re moving into this new period of history together,” President Margee Ensign said with a signature smile. It was the President’s Breakfast, an event that, like many Alumni Weekend activities, not only offered Dickinsonians a chance to connect meaningfully with professors, staff, college leaders and fellow alumni, but also combined reminiscences of Dickinson’s past with a thrilling look at what’s going on at the college today. Outings and special events brought alumni together in both familiar and new-to-them spaces. There was a Quad party and lunch at the College Farm. Alumni collected water samples at a local stream, toured the new LEED-platinum residence hall, took a history walk across campus and across the Gettysburg Battlefield and danced in the HUB. They joined in Alumni College lectures and panel discussions and drank in presentations, performances and a joint art show. The mingling continued from morning to night on Saturday, at big collegewide celebrations—like the Morgan Field barbecue and Dickinson Dance Party—and at small-group class and club gatherings. Friday and Sunday were highlighted by a ceremony honoring exceptional volunteers, a memorial gathering and an allcampus brunch. It was the first Alumni Weekend attended by Louis Reens ’54 and Michelle Kaster ’14 (see quote at right). Reens, who celebrated his 65th anniversary, enjoyed connecting with fellow “golden alumni” and seeing old sights, but also seized the opportunity to check out the Asbell Center for Jewish Life and talk with alumni across several generations. –MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


“ Being able to connect with other alumni and reconnect with professors and with people in my class means a lot. I know that I have community and support, all throughout my career.”–Michelle Kaster ’14,

a program coordinator at the Greystone Manor therapeutic riding center, marks her fifth anniversary in 2019. She relished hearing what her classmates have been up to and checking out new restaurants and businesses in downtown Carlisle.

A Family Reunion Leading up to Alumni Weekend, we chatted with father-daughter Dickinsonians Henry Menin ’59 and Jane Menin Bagley ’84, both celebrating milestone class-year reunions this spring, about their Dickinson memories, the similar paths they chose and the personal connections that made all the difference. Henry came to Dickinson at 16 after rarely venturing outside of his native Philadelphia. His sister, French major Carolyn Menin Hoppe ’56, kept an eye on him, at their parents’ request. Meeting people from across the country and around the world— including a family of Hungarian Revolution refugees he helped tutor—was a maturing and world-expanding experience. He made lifelong friends in Beta House (and eventually was named president), learned lacrosse, and played interfraternity football and softball and plenty of bridge and had a grand old time. “Forming relationships with administrators as well as the faculty made a tremendous difference in my life,” he said, recalling that when he visited campus decades after his graduation, Dean Ben James ’34 greeted him by name.

played squash, led an aerobics class and joined Gamma Kappa Beta, she thoroughly enjoyed her two study-abroad experiences in France. She was student teaching senior year when a friend encouraged her to take the LSAT. “I’d been helping him get ready for his LSAT, and I took law classes in France, so I knew the material,” she said, “and I discovered I had a talent for it.” After talking it over with an advisor, she enrolled at Temple Law, where she met husband Joe Bagley. After the birth of their first daughter, Jane left her career as a trial attorney for an in-house position at an insurance company with family friendlier hours. Today, she’s senior vice president and chief legal officer.

Henry went on to Temple Law School and did trial work in Philadelphia, before setting up practice as partner in Menin, Flick & Josel; he also took up sailing, winning local and national championships. He and wife Fredelle had two children, Gregg and Jane, and were pleased when Jane enrolled at Dickinson.

Coming back to campus for her 35th reunion, Jane was thrilled to share memories and laughs not only with classmates Happy Ritterhoff Barber and Diane Kennedy Sullivan, but also with her family. “Words can’t even begin to describe how meaningful it is to be able to share this reunion weekend with both my parents, who spent so much time together on campus when he was a student,” she said.

While attending his alma mater, Jane had no intention of following her dad’s professional path; she wanted to be a French teacher, like her Aunt Carolyn. An excellent student who

“It is a beautiful blend of love, pride, satisfaction and so much more,” Henry added. “Fredelle and I are completely overjoyed.” —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson


Sept. 27-29 Homecoming & Family Weekend John Dickinson Campus

art lectures music Calendar of Arts: Carlisle Happenings:


First Day of Classes SEPT. 6

Downtown Carlisle First Friday Brewfest SEPT. 22

Current Art and music faculty collaborate in a recital to complement the Burtynsky Water exhibit at The Trout Gallery. Rubendall Recital Hall, Weiss Center for the Arts SEPT. 24

Billy Bustamante

Kandinsky Lecture by Linda Dalrymple Henderson ’69 Weiss 235 Oct. 3 The Clarke Forum: Reimagining Modern Manhood Carlos Andrés Gómez, Colombian American poet and author Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium

Through Oct. 19 Edward Burtynsky: Water The Trout Gallery, Weiss Center for the Arts

Harvest of the Arts

Downtown Carlisle OCT. 4

Downtown Carlisle First Friday Music Walk OCT. 11-FEB. 1

Manifestation and Adaptation: Variations in Buddhist Sculpture Across Asia Curated by Bizz Fretty ’20 with faculty members in the departments of East Asian studies and religion The Trout Gallery, Weiss Center for the Arts OCT. 11-13

Musical Residency: Reverón OCT. 21

Donald Bowers Photography

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019

SEPT. 28

Carlisle Halloween Parade NOV. 1-4

We Are Pussy Riot (or Everything is P.R.)

Mathers Theatre, Holland Union Building 16

Even Then: Poems

The Iron Ring

By Michael Wurster ’62

By Matty Dalrymple ’85

University of Pittsburgh Press

William Kingsfield Publishers

A new collection of poetry from a founding member of the Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange, Wurster’s book is described by fellow Pittsburgh-area poet Judith Vollmer as “unique, oddly disarming and essential.” It is part of the Pitt Poetry Series.

What happens when an extraordinary ability transforms an ordinary life? That is the question that Dalrymple asks, and answers, in her suspense and thriller novels. The Iron Ring is the concluding installment of the Lizzy Ballard thriller trilogy, which also includes Rock Paper Scissors (2017) and Snakes & Ladders (2018).

Deep Dive By Chris Knopf ’73 Permanent Press Sam Acquillo has spent most of his time in the Hamptons hanging out with cops, bartenders, carpenters, store clerks and firemen. He couldn’t care less about the concerns of the 1%, until his best friend, Burton Lewis, a certified billionaire, is charged with murder. Deep Dive is a story of the wealthy at war in which Sam must prove his friend’s innocence. Deep Dive is the ninth entry in the Sam Acquillo Hamptons Mystery series.


Mutual Rescue: How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You, Too By Carol Novello ’87 With Ginny Graves

Targeted Tracks: The Cumberland Valley Railroad in the Civil War, 1861-1865 By Scott L. Mingus Sr. and Cooper H. Wingert ’20 Savas Beatie The Civil War was the first conflict in which railroads played a major role. The Cumberland Valley Railroad’s location enhanced its importance during some of the Civil War’s most critical campaigns. The primary sources, combined with the expertise of the authors, bring this largely untold story to life. Wingert is the author of a dozen books and numerous articles on slavery and the American Civil War. His book The Confederate Approach on Harrisburg won the 2012 Dr. James I. Robertson Jr. Literary Award for Confederate history.

Grand Central Publishing Mutual Rescue profiles the transformational impact that shelter pets have on humans, exploring the emotional, physical and spiritual gifts that rescued animals provide. It explores through anecdote, observation and scientific research the complexity and depth of the role that pets play in our lives. Each story takes a deep dive into one aspect of animal adoption, told through the lens of people’s personal experiences with their rescued pets and the science that backs up the results.

Nonfiction 17 17

[ feature ]

Celebrating the Clarke Forum:

25 Years of Pressing, Contemporary Issues Through a Liberal-Arts Lens By David Blosser ’19


t’s a Tuesday evening, and you’re sitting in ATS, listening to leading feminist scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw speak about the challenges facing black women and girls in 2015. Wednesday rolls around and you find yourself attending Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Jennifer Egan’s talk on the writing process behind her national bestseller. The following week, Assistant Professor of English and Film Studies Greg Steirer invites you to a panel with distinguished scholars and scientists discussing developments in computergenerated imaging and virtual reality.

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


Thanks to the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, experiences like these are not out of the ordinary. Founded in 1994, the Clarke Forum opened its doors after a generous gift from trustee Henry Clarke ’55. And although its name has changed since its inception (it used to be called the Clarke Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Contemporary Issues), the forum brings the unique strengths of an interdisciplinary liberal-arts perspective to the critical examination of contemporary issues through thought-provoking lectures, seminars, conferences and salons.

“With programs that are free and open to the public, the Clarke Forum is a vibrant center of intellectual life at Dickinson for students, for faculty and for the broader community,” says Professor of American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Amy Farrell, who just completed her term as executive director of the forum. “Providing a venue for scholars, policymakers, journalists, artists and writers to share their work, the forum allows us to see issues from so many different angles—historical perspectives, scientific paradigms, scholarly dissections, policy debates, creative explorations and more.”



Trial by T.V. (fall 1994) Panelists Jane Neely, Rich Lewis, William Costopoulous, Jerry Palmer, John Taylor and Eugene Hickok discuss how trials by television, such as the O.J. Simpson case, affect the criminal justice system, the legal profession, the media and the nation.

The New Science of Artificial Intelligence (fall 1995) Marvin Minsky, often considered a founder of the field of artificial intelligence, shares his research on the intersection between AI and cognitive psychology, neural networks and the theory of Turing machines. Discussion on Affirmative Action (spring 1996) Former candidate for assistant U.S. attorney general and leading minority-rights advocate Lani Guinier discusses affirmative-action issues in the wider framework of American democracy and minority representation.

The Physics of Star Trek (fall 1997) Renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss uses the popular science fiction television and movie series Star Trek as a tool to discuss the physics of outer space. My America (…Or Honk if You Love Buddha) (fall 1998) Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Renee TajimaPeña lectures about her documentary film, which recounts her road trip through the U.S. in search of Asian American identity and culture. Identity and Nationalism in Africa (spring 1999) Dickinson professors Bongasu Kishani, Marc Pape and Teku Teku Tanyi focus on how African identity and loyalty are portrayed by African authors. When Earth Week Meets Passover (spring 2000) Rabbi and leader of the Jewish Renewal Movement Arthur Waskow addresses the connection between Judaism and the environment, the meaning of being “environmentally kosher” and whether Jews, more than other groups, have a responsibility to protect the earth.

The position of executive director rotates in three-year terms among faculty. The Provost’s Office works with the Faculty Personnel Committee to review applications and decide who will be appointed. On July 1, 2019, Associate Professor of Spanish Mark Aldrich took the helm. Aldrich is the first appointee from the college’s division of arts and humanities. Each academic year, the forum frames its presentations and events around a theme— traditionally connected with timely societal issues. (See a sampling of themes on Page 20.) In relation to the semester theme, the forum hosts a faculty seminar for professors


Moral Freedom or Moral Anarchy? (fall 2001) Alan Wolfe, professor emeritus at Boston College, explores America’s future by addressing the dilemmas of virtue, religion, freedom and individuality. Love, the Modern and the “Limits” of the Medieval (fall 2002) Drawing upon French and Italian literature and Romanesque painting and sculpture, medieval scholar Gina Psaki ’80 shows how contemporary conceptions of “medieval” are not quite as distant as we might think. The Business of Baseball (spring 2003) Dickinson alumni Adam Katz ’81, Eric Margenau ’63 and Andy MacPhail ’76 discuss the business and administrative dimensions of baseball and dedicate MacPhail Baseball Field, which is today the home of Red Devils baseball.

to discuss compelling issues and generate new ideas and methods that they will carry back to their research and classrooms. The day-to-day program implementation is in the hands of student project managers, who gain valuable skills and experience by researching, designing, planning, producing and publicizing programs and events. “Not only have I gotten to conduct research on amazing topics like indigeneity and sustainability and global disability-rights movements, but I’ve then gotten to meet leading experts in those areas,” says Kayleigh Rhatigan ’19, a co-supervisor who served as a project manager for two years. “I’ve interacted

with activists and writers like Winona LaDuke and artists like Lalo Alcaraz and Ajuan Mance, all of whom have inspired me and reminded me that there are people out there doing amazing things.” In honor of the Clarke Forum’s 25th anniversary, we explored some of its diverse programming. And while this timeline does not contain all 904 events, it provides a glimpse into the dynamism that has defined the forum for more than two decades.


25 YEARS of Pressing, Contemporary Issues Through a Liberal-Arts Lens


Religion and Politics in Turkey (fall 2004) Former secretary for the Ministry of Culture Emre Kongar discusses the democratization of Islam and contemporary cultural issues in Turkey, such as religious education and the head scarf.


The Feminism of AIDS: Biological, Social and Religious Factors (spring 2005) Judy Auerbach, vice president for public policy and program development at the American Foundation for AIDS Research, discusses the range of biological, social and religious factors that influence the high rate of HIV/AIDS in women, nationally and internationally.



Indigenous Australia: A Contemporary Snapshot (spring 2006) Award-winning author Anita Heiss, a member of the Wiradjuri nation of central New South Wales, discusses indigenous Australia in the 21st century through the evolution of contemporary indigenous arts. Local Air Quality: Past, Present & Future? (spring 2007) Air-quality experts Thomas Au, Omar Shute, Charles Breslin, Jesse Keen and R. Russell Shunk discuss what can be done by citizen groups, educational institutions, health providers, government and business to balance the economic, environmental, health and quality-of-life issues.


Keeping America Safe and Safeguarding American Values (fall 2008) Rear Admiral John Hutson, dean and president of the Franklin Pierce Law Center, and Lt. Col. V. Stuart Couch, U.S. Marine Corps, address how we can fight terrorism and strengthen national security while remaining consistent with our values and our Constitution. Free the Internet? (spring 2009) Chuck Cosson ’88, senior policy counsel at Microsoft, discusses how governments around the world are pressuring internetrelated companies to comply with local laws that arguably conflict with internationally recognized rights of freedom of expression and privacy.




Indigeneity in the Americas

Inequality and Mass Incarceration in the U.S.

Citizen/Refugee Big Data

War at Home

Media, Technology and Civic Engagement

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


Language The Meanings of Race

Living in a World of Limits

Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty

Sexuality and Societies

Thought for Food

Security Challenges Arab Spring Human Rights

Popular Culture A Gendered World Memory


How You Gonna Be the King of New York? (spring 2010) Mark Anthony Neal, author and professor of African and AfricanAmerican studies at Duke University, explores hip-hop culture as a site for the promotion of black hypermasculininity, using artist Jay-Z as the prime example for his study. Fracking Our Food: A New Threat to Sustainable Farming (spring 2011) World-renowned ecologist and author Sandra Steingraber surveys the relationship between petrochemicals and farming, focusing on how the extraction of natural gas from shale bedrock threatens the ecological conditions of the food system.



Bird Flu Dilemmas: Balancing Science, Security & Free Speech (spring 2012) Industry experts Andrew Pekosz, Thomas Place, Anthony Williams and David Kushner explore the tensions that can arise between scientific inquiry, security and freedom of speech.

Drinking Water (spring 2014) James Salzman, professor of environmental law at Duke University, explains how something as simple as drinking water highlights some of the most pressing issues of our time—from globalization and social justice to terrorism and climate change.

The 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation (spring 2013) Acclaimed writer Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the Civil War and its legacy for contemporary American social and racial dynamics.

Black Girls Matter (fall 2015) Leading feminist scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw explores initiatives that increase awareness of challenges facing black women and girls, such as #SayHerName, #BlackGirlsMatter and #WhyWeCantWait.



Disability Rights in Global Perspective (spring 2016) Dickinson Professor of Anthropology Karen Nakamura discusses disability-rights social movements and how they have changed the social fabric in various countries, pushing themselves into conversations about diversity and inclusion.

An Evening With Yoko Tawada (spring 2018) Known internationally for her novels, poems and essays, awardwinning author Yoko Tawada collaborates with Bettina Brandt (Pennsylvania State University) in a multilingual performance.

Using Your Genome and Big Data to Manage Your Health (fall 2017) Michael Snyder, professor at Stanford University, explains new technologies that determine DNA sequencing and how they can transform how we manage human health.

Love, Loss and the Fight for Trans Equality (spring 2019) Sarah McBride, the national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, discusses her memoir, Tomorrow Will Be Different, chronicling her journey as a transgender woman and her fight for equality.

“… the Clarke Forum is a vibrant center of intellectual life at Dickinson …” Explore Clarke Forum programming from 2008 to 2019 at


Stellfox Award

Connects Students With Literary Greats

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


Carl Socolow ’77

Descending the steps of Old West on an early spring afternoon, Diane Lee ’19 and Olin Rhoads ’21 were visibly delighted. In creative writing class, they’d been reading and discussing the works of an esteemed contemporary writer. And, together with classmates and fellow literature and writing students, they’d just welcomed that writer to their campus’ most hallowed spot. The writer was Boubacar Boris Diop, an award-winning, Senegal-born journalist and author of dozens of books, plays and screenplays. His novel Murambi, The Book of Bones, a fictionalized account of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi, is featured on the Zimbabwe International Book Fair’s list of the 100 best African books of the century. As the world paused to commemorate the 25th anniversary of that 1994 genocide, Diop came to Dickinson to serve a weeklong residency as the 2018-19 recipient of the Harold and Ethel L. Stellfox Visiting Scholars and Writers Program Award. The residency included a public address, classroom visits and interactions with students and professors in small groups. Lee couldn’t wait to ask Diop about his decadeslong international career— and some of his thornier passages. “In our creative writing class, we read works by our peers every day, and it’s great that we get to ask each other questions about creative choices and intent,” she said. “But this is a whole other level.” The residency also included a photograph staged on the steps of Old West, re-creating a 1959 photograph of the poet Robert Frost. When Diop arrived for the shoot on that spring afternoon, the 30 students who’d assembled to greet him erupted in applause. Dickinson has held Stellfox photo shoots since the establishment of the Stellfox program in 2003. Jean Louise Stellfox ’61, a longtime English teacher who named the residency in honor of her parents, had been inspired to become an English teacher after interacting with Robert Frost during his 1959 visit to campus. The Stellfox photo shoot is a tribute to her and a reminder of how transformative campus residencies can be. —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

report on giving 2018-19

$13.7M Photo by Sean Simmers









to our 11,403 donors who contributed $13.7 million to the college this fiscal year! 24


s we have done so many times in the past, Dickinsonians again this year demonstrated pride in our college and commitment to

the students, faculty and future of the college. With $13.7 million in gifts from 11,403 donors, our

community declared its support for Dickinson’s useful education in the liberal arts and sciences. The momentum is undoubtedly growing. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, revenue raised by the Dickinson Fund grew by 17% over last year. Scholarship investment also increased, with an additional $4.4 million in new scholarship gifts. On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, we celebrated Dickinson’s most successful Day of Giving to date. During that day, a record 3,898 generous donors gave more than $1 million to Dickinson. We counted nearly 1,000 donors contributing to the McAndrews Fund for Athletics alone! Thank you to every Dickinson donor. Each gift this year made a difference in the lives of our students, who will go on to make their mark on the wider world. As you read through the 2018-19 Report on Giving, I hope that you experience the feeling of pride that each and every member of our community of donors has earned. KIRK SWENSON

Photos by Carl Socolow ’77.

Vice President for College Advancement



John Dickinson Society event at ARTECHOUSE in Washington, D.C. Photo by Lisa Helfert.


to the thousands of alumni, parents and friends who supported the college this year!

Our community is full of


$2.5M 11,403




PARTICIPATION from the Dickinson parent community.

which recognizes individuals who have provided future support to Dickinson through their estate and/or life income plans.

929 24 $13.7M HOURS

In just one day, our community raised a


or more to Dickinson.

Dickinsonians during Day of Giving.

$4.4M 100% Did you know that scholarship support has increased by nearly 113% in the last five years?

which recognizes donors who make

annual leadership-level gifts of $2,500

record-breaking $1,032,627 from 3,898





members of our community who give to the

securing nearly 1,000 gifts in a single day

college every year.

MEMBERSHIP GROWTH for the Mermaid Society, which celebrates

to support our Red Devils!

(Data for FY2018-19 as of July 1)


Your gifts this year helped students turn their passions into purpose and become differencemakers. Whether it was helping an earth sciences major study glaciers in Iceland on his way to a Department of State scholarship or helping a political science major earn a post in a D.C. public-policy think tank, every gift made an impact on today’s students and on the 2 world those students will shape.

1 At Dickinson, ALDEN MOHACSI ’19 (history, art & art history) sang in the college choir, served as a student ambassador for The Trout Gallery and worked as an admissions volunteer. He also studied abroad in Bologna, Italy. He worked at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and will begin a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in the Czech Republic this fall. 2 Last summer, MIHIR PYAKURYAL ’19 (psychology, film & media studies) was a research intern at the Social Minds Lab at the University of Michigan, which led to a yearlong research position studying child development there this year. He was involved with the Center for Service, Spirituality & Social Justice, We Introduce Nations to Dickinson (WIND), the Outing Club, service trips and WDCV. 3 BILLY IRVING ’19 (earth sciences, Russian) studied a glaciovolcanic ridge in Iceland and spent a semester studying Russian in Moscow. This summer, he joined the Critical Language Scholarship Program, a language and cultural immersion program funded by the U.S. Department of State. He is studying the Indonesian language in Malang, Indonesia, with the goal of becoming a science communicator for volcano preparedness.






4 KARUNA SAH ’19 (earth sciences) was a Baird Sustainability Fellow, community/resident advisor, rock climbing wall coordinator and GIS intern at Dickinson. She was heavily involved in research and fieldwork and studied abroad at the University of Otago in New Zealand. After graduation, she spent two weeks in Yukon, Canada, for an Arctic Field School as part of a U.S.-CanadaNorway collaboration. She hopes to study glaciology and apply for a master’s program next year.

5 JASMIN LOPEZ ’19 (international business & management, Italian studies) was an admissions tour guide through the Liberty Cap Society, a project manager for the Popel Shaw Center for Race & Ethnicity and student orientation director in the Office of New Student Programs. She has started her career in talent management at Johnson & Johnson.

Carl Socolow ’77



6 SOPHIE HAAS-GOLDBERG ’19 (international studies) was a firstyear mentor, global economics tutor, coordinator for Montgomery Service Leaders and on the international studies majors committee. She is a development and events intern with International Crisis Group in its New York City branch.

7 As president of the Student Alumni Association, MAUREEN MOROZ ’19 (political science) led the senior class gift campaign and student philanthropy initiatives at Dickinson. She served as a multimedia & marketing student assistant for Dickinson athletics and as a student writer for the Office of Marketing & Communications. She is a Presidential Fellow and an affiliate marketing manager at Benepath, an insurance marketing agency run by Clelland Green ’85.

8 MUHAMMAD BURHAN ’21 (computer science, mathematics) is a data analyst intern for ReturnLogic, a software company. In addition, he traveled to Chicago for a four-day sustainability fellowship and supported the Presidential Fellows initiative as a research intern in the Office of College Advancement. 9 MYCHAL HERBER ’19 (political science) was involved with Hillel, the Asbell Center for Jewish Life, the Center for Service, Spirituality & Social Justice, Alpha Lambda Delta honor society and Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society. Following a graduation celebration trip to London, Paris and Amsterdam, she moved to Washington, D.C., to work as a press officer at the Embassy of Israel. 10 MATT LAWSON ’19 (political science, security studies certificate) interned at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, worked directly with foreign diplomats and military personnel and blogged for the Washington Center. He is pursuing postgraduate work in security affairs or defense policy at a think tank in Washington, D.C.

6 8






“ The college years should be a time to explore many interests, and this should be true for internships as well. I am grateful for the opportunity to help future students.” — DOROTHY “DEE DEE” KROPF SCARBOROUGH ’87

ZACH WAHL ’98, founder of Enterprise Knowledge, has hosted eight Dickinsonians as interns/externs and has hired several as well.

79% Alzheimer’s Association

Institute of World Politics


John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Bank of America Boston University School of Medicine Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASDAQ National Portrait Gallery

Embassy of Israel

Prudential Financial

Environmental Protection Agency


Franklin Institute Girls on the Run 30


United Nations World Health Organization

“Thanks to a grant from the DTP ’80 Internship Fund, I worked in the Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs at USAID, where I compiled development news and news about partner and contracting organizations. This internship fueled my passion for international development.” —MARY HINTON ’19

“That’s the kind of employee we seek out—lifelong learners with excellent written and oral communication skills, employees who have the ability to both lead and follow. These are the kind of skills fostered at Dickinson.”

“Interning early helps you experience research and [what] the lives of medical scientists or Ph.D. students would be like. I worked directly with a leading expert in molecular and cellular pathology to research acute lung injuries in patients with respiratory issues. Medical schools and Ph.D. programs are looking for research experience.” —TAO XU ’21



“When I learned that President Ensign wanted to bolster internship opportunities for students, the shoe fit. Internships offer several practical benefits to students. They are a means to verify or refute a career choice. Internships provide students with feedback from outside the academy and help refine the skills employers most value.” —TOM WORK ’74



ADITI JOSHI ’19 (computer science, mathematics) during her software development internship at Audible.

This year, Dickinsonians were challenged to meet a simple goal: Help prepare more future global leaders through increased support for internships. You answered the call and nearly doubled the funding available for students to pursue meaningful experiences that will help them launch successful careers upon graduation. To learn more about our students’ internship experiences and to offer an internship or support Dickinson student interns, visit

“Thank you for supporting my internship at the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, D.C. It made me realize I want to work in educational leadership while practicing educational policy. Your faith in Dickinson’s internship program made my experience successful and memorable.” —AISHA JOHNSON ’20 31


“ I have had so many wonderful opportunities to get involved with different projects, participate in diverse global and local communities and take on a variety of leadership roles that I feel well prepared me to take on the challenges of the working world. Being part of such a caring community makes me proud to be a Dickinsonian.”

Photo by Carl Socolow ’77.



THANK YOU For more stories, more gratitude, more examples of your gifts at work, visit


Carl Socolow ’77



his spring I was on campus for my 20th reunion, and it served as a stark reminder of how important this institution has been for so many lives. I saw individuals to whom I had not spoken in 20 years and we greeted each other like family, because on some level we had become exactly that. People came from around the globe to visit this unique spot in Pennsylvania where many of our adult lives began. We met spouses and children and caught each other up on the multitude of life events that had transpired since we last spoke. We had drinks with retired professors who helped shape us and gave them the heartfelt “thanks” that they so richly deserve. If you have not been back for a reunion, I cannot emphasize enough how gratifying it can be, if you let it. This spring also marks my last as president of the Alumni Council. I have served my two-year term and I now pass the helm to far more capable hands—the Honorable Al Masland ’79, P’06. Please join me in welcoming him to this role. The gift of this position has been the ability to see how Dickinson impacts the lives of those who come into its orbit. We, the Dickinson community, change the world around us and in so doing we are changed. My time on the council has reinforced my belief that we are all more fulfilled when our talents are employed for a useful purpose. I am certain my time on the council was exactly that and recommend anyone reading this to invest your time, talents and treasure right here, into this amazing institution. Just engage and see where it takes you. While I will no longer be president, please feel free to reach out at I’ll still be seeing you on campus or at an event near you.

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


“ Dickinson was instrumental to our success in life, and for that I am very grateful. The friends old and new that we made through Dickinson are now our family.” — Harriet Marcus Lehman ’72

[  beyond the limestone walls  ] Scholarship Luncheon Brings Stories of Community, Personal Triumph to


For two Dickinsonians, graduating 47 years apart, Dickinson provided a profound sense of community as well as a top-notch education. Liam Alec Stenson Ortiz ’19 and Harriet Marcus Lehman ’72 spoke movingly about their experiences at Dickinson and beyond during the 2019 Scholarship Luncheon, an annual event that brings students together with the scholarship donors who make their Dickinson educations possible. A Mexico native who speaks four languages, Ortiz earned a biochemistry & molecular biology degree and a health studies certificate at Dickinson with aid from the Perseverancia Scholarship, established by an anonymous donor. During his luncheon address, he spoke about the formidable obstacles he faced on the way to Dickinson—including his decision, at age 14, to move himself and his younger brother to the United States to build a new life—and the close connections he found on campus among fellow students, professors and staff. He plans to pay it forward as a medical professional, working with underserved populations.

Adam Cogen ’19 (joined here by Professor Emeritus Truman Bullard) was one of several student performers during the 2019 Scholarship Luncheon. Photo by Carl Socolow ’77.

Along with husband Mark ’71, Harriet is a former scholarship recipient who now gives back through the Harriet ’72 and Mark ’71 Lehman Scholarship Fund. Speaking in the HUB Social Hall, she shared the personal and financial challenges she and Mark faced as undergraduates and the difference that caring peers and mentors made, as they gained the education they needed to build a new life together. “Dickinson was instrumental to our success in life, and for that I am very grateful,” Harriet said. “The friends old and new that we made through Dickinson are now our family.” —MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson


[  closing thoughts  ]

Mental Durability B Y NAT H A N F R Y ’ 0 6


motioning for us to hurry. The large fluorescent timing clock came n February 2019, I was racing as a member of the U.S. into focus. My watch was wrong—we had 30 seconds remaining. Army’s first Edelweiss Raid ski team in the Tyrolean Alps Bob and I broke into a wild sprint for the finish line, crossing of Austria. Billed as the unofficial world championship for seconds after time expired. We were disqualified. international mountain troops, the Edelweiss Raid is a Our Dickinson education encourages us to reflect on the 48-hour ski mountaineering race that covers 40+ kilometers usefulness of what we learn, and one key aspect of usefulness is and 4,000 meters of elevation gain, all with a full military pack adaptability, or being able to apply and weapon. a single tool in many different The weather was amazing. The situations. But in reflecting on that scenery was breathtaking. And, in the moment of confusion and failure in early dawn alpenglow of the second 2004, I discovered another key trait morning of the race, I felt my feet of usefulness—durability. Even if a begin to delaminate. Twelve hours tool is adaptable, it cannot be fully later, only two kilometers from the useful if it breaks after only a single finish line, the blisters had become application. In the aftermath of our so painful that I began to sweat from miscalculation, Bob and I realized the mental exertion of moving one that had we kept running and pushed foot in front of the other. Later, after forward in uncertainty, we could have the adrenaline receded, I could barely transformed what seemed to be defeat walk. Despite this, our team crossed the into an unexpected victory. finish line together, placing 13th out of When we are using our an international field of 23 teams and Dickinson education to push the limits becoming the first team to place in the of possibility—whether in a business, race in its first year. in a science lab or on a battlefield—we What builds this type of mental must expect that our boldness is tenacity and drive to succeed, despite going to meet resistance, whether obstacles and pain? I can trace this from the environment, our peers or refusal to quit back to a single formative our competitors. We should not be experience nearly 15 years ago at surprised when we encounter friction Dickinson. but rather when we don’t encounter it. It was fall 2004, and fellow ROTC Photos courtesy of Austrian Armed Forces Public Affairs To see our useful education reach its cadet Bob McDonough ’06 and I were full capacity, we must also cultivate the racing through the wooded hills of Fort mental durability to keep pushing through the friction, perhaps Indiantown Gap on a timed orienteering course. The race was an even when failure seems certain. event in the Ranger Challenge competition, which no Dickinson In the case of the Ranger Challenge competition, the team team had ever won. But that year the championship was within our rallied mentally. Despite our zero-point score in the orienteering grasp. We had a single orienteering point left to find and little time event, we scored high enough in the other events to become the remaining—we would have to run, find the point and then sprint a first Dickinson ROTC team to win the competition. But the real kilometer to the finish line to beat the clock. With only 500 meters to go, we ran out of time. Crushed and disheartened, we began to prize wasn’t the trophy—it was the realization that the boldness of walk toward the finish. a vision will go nowhere without the mental durability to see the As we crested the hill and the finish line came into view, plan through the friction and to the end. Be bold, expect resistance something seemed wrong. Spectators were yelling wildly, and keep pushing on.

Nathan Fry ’06 is the training division chief at the U.S. Army Mountain Warfare School, a lecturer at the University of Vermont’s Department of Community Development and Applied Economics and an American Mountain Guide Association Apprentice Alpine and Rock Guide. Nathan spent seven years in the activeduty Army after graduating from Dickinson with a degree in Russian and English language and literature. He also earned a master’s in natural resources from the University of Vermont. In 2006, Nathan married fellow Dickinsonian Kimberly Dingman Fry ’06. They live on a working farm in Vermont with their three children.

d ic k i n s o n ma g a z i n e Summer 2019


How-Tos From the Hive

Dickinson’s Center for Sustainability Education plays many roles on campus, including that of pollinator sanctuary. Depending on the time of year, the honeybees on campus can number well above 100,000 individuals, which means they easily outnumber the students 50:1. In addition to the honeybee hives, the Hive at Dickinson supports native pollinator homes, pollinator-friendly gardens and the health of our tiny neighbors around the grounds. The Hive manages the beehives behind the Rector Science Complex and introduces students, staff and faculty to the bees—but not just through beekeeping. Volunteers assist with hive checks, help promote native bee populations, harvest honey and make value-added products. In recent semesters, the Hive has been expanding the value-added product activity offerings by hosting various “make your own” events. This past academic year, participants made deodorant, sunscreen, soap and candles. All these products include one very important ingredient: beeswax. Beeswax is a precious resource for honeybees. Making one pound of beeswax requires over 30 million visits to flowers, 550,000 collective miles flown and 10 pounds of honey. Bees excrete the wax from special glands on their abdomen to help build their comb, making it an important commodity. It is also useful in creating your own cosmetics. To show you how, here are two of our more popular recipes to try at home! —Clara Roth ’21 and Zoe Muller ’22

Natural Deodorant

Lip Balm

INGREDIENTS: • 2-3 tablespoons beeswax (more or less beeswax will make a harder or softer product) • 3 tablespoons coconut oil • 1 tablespoon shea butter • ¼ cup cornstarch • ¼ cup aluminum-free baking soda • Essential oils to preference • Empty deodorant container

INGREDIENTS: • 2 tablespoons beeswax • 2 tablespoons shea butter • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • Essential oils to preference • Jar/container

DIRECTIONS: 1. Use double-boiler system to melt the beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter (place a heat-safe bowl containing the ingredients over a pot of boiling water). 2. Once the ingredients have fully melted, remove bowl from the double boiler. 3. Add in essential oils to preference (the more oils, the stronger the scent). 4. Stir in the cornstarch and baking soda in small increments and mix until smooth. 5. Pour into empty deodorant container and let solidify. Note: When switching from a “regular” deodorant, your body may go through a detox phase in which you sweat more while your body rebalances its natural bacteria. This is normal and worth it to know exactly what you’re using on your body!

DIRECTIONS: 1. Use double boiler to melt beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil. 2. Once completely melted, add essential oils to taste and mix. 3. Pour into jar/container and let set.

more  Email to join our mailing list.  Visit, which has information about our working groups that focus on and plan activities around specific areas (beekeeping, honey harvest, native pollinators and value-added products).  Follow one or more of the Dickinson College bees by getting regular updates from the bees themselves through the Bee. F. F. program (

P. O . B O X 1 7 7 3 C A R L I S L E , P A 1 7 0 1 3 - 2 8 9 6 W W W. D I C K I N S O N . E D U / M A G A Z I N E




Our world doesn’t need a hero with a license to kill. We need people with the courage to create.

Actor, producer and environmental activist P I E R C E


in his 2019 Commencement speech. See more on Page 10, and view photos and video at

Working closely with first-year students and seniors all year, I got to witness how Dickinson’s rigorous approach to the liberal arts consistently meets and challenges students where they are. Associate Professor of English and Chair of American Studies C L A I R E on the “unusual and wonderful experience” of teaching a first-year seminar and senior seminar at the same time. Read more at SEILER

Education can be a great equalizer, and it’s something that cannot be taken away. It’s also a two-way street: A scholarship that helps talented and promising students enriches the entire college community. E LV I N R AW L I N S ’ 7 3 .

Read more in the Report of Giving, Page 23.

The class of 2019 has a lot of leaders, a lot of go-getters, and so I expect us to really go out into the world and change it for the better. B R ION A H AW K I N S ’ 19 .

Watch the video “Senior Stories: Dickinson College Class of 2019” at

INSIDE: Commencement and Alumni Weekend 2019 | 25 Years of the Clarke Forum | 2018-19 Report on Giving

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