Welcome Parents (2017 mailer)

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Welcome Parents

Orientation and Move-in Information for Parents Welcome to Dickinson! We look forward to welcoming you to campus in August and would like to provide some helpful information as you and your student prepare for arrival. HOW WE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH YOU


Over the summer, we want to help you learn about the upcoming deadlines for student forms and opportunities for new students as they transition to Dickinson. Please look for the following communications from different offices and departments across the college:

Pre-Admission Health Policy

• periodic parent e-newsletters • quarterly Dickinson Magazine • our helpful Family Guide distributed at Orientation • an automatic subscription to Dickinson Today (daily campus email)

CONTENTS Message from Student Life. . . . . . . . 1 Family Orientation Information. . . . 2 Move-in Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Helpful Links and Contacts. . . . . . . . 4 Message from Advancement. . . . . . 4 First-Year Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

All incoming students must complete the online medical history form, the TB Risk Assessment form and required immunizations. This documentation was to be submitted to the Wellness Center by July 1, 2017. We would like students to complete this process on their own to help them get ready for managing their own healthcare once they arrive on campus, but to aid you in helping them make this transition, you can find detailed instructions for completing these requirements by visiting the Wellness Center webpage at dickinson.edu/wellnesscenter and clicking on “Health Forms.” If assistance is needed, please contact the Wellness Center by phone at 717-245-1663 or email health@ dickinson.edu. Students who have not complied with the Pre-Admission Health Policy by their move-in day will not be able to directly check in to their room upon arrival.

Academic Advising and Course Request Students will begin their academic journey this summer by requesting their first semester’s courses. Calls will be made from the Advising Office July 10-14 to discuss course requests. Students should review the Orientation website (dickinson. edu/orientation) and the Orientation and Academic Advising brochures for when to expect their call and how to prepare for the conversation.

Welcome to the Dickinson Community Dear Dickinson Parents, On behalf of the Division of Student Life, I would like to welcome you into the Dickinson College community. Soon, your sons and daughters will arrive on campus to begin their next four years at Dickinson. This is an exciting time for us as we prepare to welcome our newest students. Wonderful opportunities for learning and personal growth await your student. Staff in the Division of Student Life provide support and enhancements to the academic program. Many offices comprise the division including, Dean of Students, Residence Life and Housing, Public Safety, the Career Center, the Wellness Center, and the Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity. You can learn more about these offices at dickinson.edu/studentdevelopment.

Dickinson Four One of the ways that we help students navigate their college experience is with the Dickinson Four (D4) which provides a flexible pathway toward understanding the goals of a liberal-arts education through a series of questions and activities. Each year, D4 encourages students to ask key questions that will encourage them to strive for academic excellence, find connections to members of the community, develop personally, and above all, become prepared for a life of engaged citizenship. In the first year, we focus on helping students make this place their own through building connections, self-reflection and becoming comfortable with challenges while appreciating difference. Only through navigating some of these big questions can students become fully immersed in a liberal-arts education.

Online Programs Personal development also includes learning to make decisions and a willingness to accept responsibility for those decisions. At Dickinson, we particularly want to encourage good decision making related to alcohol use and sexual conduct. We are committed to providing all new students with information about these issues, which are part of today’s college landscape. With good information, we believe students can make positive choices. Each new student is asked to complete two online programs widely used by colleges and universities—AlcoholEdu and Every Choice. Please know that this is just the beginning of our education on these topics, and we will continue our prevention efforts when they arrive on campus. We trust that this is an extension of the conversations you already have been having with your student, and we encourage you to make special efforts to check in about how they are navigating these decisions during the first six weeks of the semester as they are making the transition to college.

Student Handbook and Community Standards The Student Handbook and Community Standards are important documents for students to be familiar with, as they outline and provide guidance about conduct that is acceptable within our community. All students have their email access interrupted in the early part of the fall semester to electronically acknowledge that they are aware of, and have read through, these documents. Please encourage your student to take a look at the handbook and standards before they arrive. These documents represent our contract with each student and outline clearly our expectations for living in community at Dickinson.

Parent Philosophy As parents, you play a significant role in encouraging students’ confidence and success in advocating for themselves and learning to resolve the challenges they encounter as they embark on this journey into adulthood. We ask that in advance of their transition to campus this fall, you talk with them about plans for getting involved, making social connections and staying well. Remind them of their strengths, how they have navigated past times of transition and ways that help them stay balanced. We also ask that you talk through some common challenges they can anticipate, such as conflict with a roommate, pressures around alcohol or drugs, getting a poor grade or getting sick. These preparatory conversations will help them know that it is okay to talk to you when bad things happen and that you are there to be a resource. When the inevitable challenges occur and they call you for help, we hope that will you help them think through the situation and direct them to the resources here on campus who can be of assistance. If you call us directly, we will happily provide general information about our processes and resources, but please know that we will commonly ask for the opportunity to speak directly to your student. However, if you ever have a more serious or immediate concern about the mental or physical wellbeing of your student, we encourage you to make the college aware of the situation by contacting Office of the Vice President and Dean of Student Life at 717-245-1639 or the Department of Public Safety at 717-245-1349. We look forward to meeting you on campus this fall and helping your students become the engaged citizens of tomorrow. In the meantime, if your student has any questions about New Student Orientation or Move-In Day, please encourage them to contact 717-245-1555 or orientation@dickinson.edu. Best,

Joyce Bylander Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students


DICKINSON PARENT AND FAMILY ORIENTATION INFORMATION We are excited to officially welcome you and your family to campus during Orientation 2017. All Dickinson family members are invited to join us for Parent and Family Orientation activities and sessions, which are designed to welcome you to Dickinson and give you information about the offices, resources and staff with whom your student will work.

What to Expect 2

Dickinson has two family orientations that allow parents to learn about all the campus has to offer. International students and parents of first-year athletes will have an opportunity to meet with student life staff and others during their scheduled move-in periods.

Schedule of Events The New Student and Family Orientation schedules are subject to change through the summer months. Families will receive a final schedule at move-in.

Sunday, August 20 — Pre-Orientation Move-in Day 8–11 a.m.

Check-in for First-Year Students

10 a.m.– 1:30 p.m. All-College Information Tables 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Complimentary Lunch

12–1 p.m.

WILD Pre-Orientation Family Farewell

1–2 p.m. Student Accounts and Financial Aid Q&A Session 2–3 p.m.

Welcome to Dickinson

3–4 p.m.

Helping Your Student Thrive at Dickinson

4–5 p.m. Family Farewell Reception Sponsored by the Office of Parent Relations 5 p.m. Family Departure; Pre-Orientation Begins for Students

Wednesday, August 23 — First-Year Move-in Day 8–11 a.m.

Check-in for First-Year Students

10 a.m.–1:30 p.m. All-College Information Tables 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Complimentary Lunch

1–2 p.m. Student Accounts and Financial Aid Q&A Session 2–3 p.m.

Welcome to Dickinson

3–4 p.m.

Helping Your Student Thrive at Dickinson

4–5 p.m. Family Farewell Reception Sponsored by the Office of Parent Relations 5 p.m. Family Departure


Move-in Info MOVING IN TO DICKINSON COLLEGE Move-in Days • Wed., Aug. 16 — International Students • Sun., Aug. 20 — Pre-Orientation Participants • Wed., Aug. 23 — First-Year and Transfer Students Fall Student Athletes — For additional information about athlete move-in, please contact your student’s coach. All students should plan to move in to their residence halls on their assigned date listed above. We cannot accommodate early arrivals, so we ask that you please plan accordingly. If you need overnight accommodations, please check out our parents page at www.dickinson.edu/orientation.

Detailed Driving Directions to Halls Detailed driving directions to individual residence halls can be found at www.dickinson.edu/orientation under New Student Move-In.

When You Arrive on Campus Sun., August 20, or Wed., August 23 Students may check in to their residence halls Sun., Aug. 20, or 8 to 11 a.m. on Wed., Aug. 23. Students may only check in on their assigned days. Students arriving after those times must pick up their key in the Student Life Suite in the lower level of the Holland Union Building (HUB).

• Students will pick up Orientation information and a room key at their assigned residence hall. • Traffic must be kept moving at each move-in location. Your vehicle should not be left unattended and should move with the flow of traffic at all times. After you park your vehicle in a designated lot, you will have the opportunity to come back to set up your student’s room. • Some of the streets surrounding the campus will be closed. Follow the detailed driving directions provided to proceed to your assigned residence hall. We will post signs near campus to direct you to the correct location. A Department of Public Safety officer will be on hand to assist drivers. • Students who have unfinished paperwork must first report to the information tables on Britton Plaza (on High Street in front of the HUB). Note: If a student attempts to check in without completing all necessary forms, he/she cannot be given his/her key. A staff member will direct him/her to the information tables for further instructions. • The Wellness Center staff is currently reviewing all health forms received to date. If your student has not submitted the health forms, please do so immediately. Students will receive confirmation that their records are complete via their Dickinson email address once their records have been verified. Students who have not completed all health form requirements will not be able to move into their residence hall and will be directed to Wellness Center staff on Britton Plaza. • Volunteers will be helping you move your student’s belongings into their rooms, so we ask that all items are marked with name, residence hall and room number.


Welcome, Dickinsonians!

Disability Services 717-245-1734 disabilityservices@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/disabilityservices

First-Year Academic Advising


717-245-1997 summeradvising@dickinson.edu dson.co/incoming-advising

Orientation & New Student Programs 717-245-1555 orientation@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/orientation

Parent Relations 717-245-1687 parents@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/parents

Public Safety 717-245-1349 security@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/safety

Residence Life & Housing 717-245-1556 reslife@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/residencelife

Student Accounts 717-245-1953 stuaccts@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/studentaccounts

Technology Helpdesk 717-245-1000 helpdesk@dickinson.edu lis.dickinson.edu/technology/helpdesk

Dear Dickinson Parents, Welcome to the Dickinson community! As Dickinsonians, you and your student join an international network of parents, alumni and friends who are working together to change the world. I am confident that over the next four years your family will have an exciting and rewarding experience! Parents are important partners in helping your children learn and grow during their time at Dickinson. As you begin this journey, there will be many opportunities to engage members of our campus and parent community. I would like to encourage you to also think of this as a chance for you to deepen your connections to Dickinson. In addition to helpful information about Orientation from the Office of New Student Programs, we have included some information in this mailing about how you can stay connected to the Dickinson community. As a Dickinsonian, you can volunteer to host events in your region, inform and mentor students through our Career Center, or recruit prospective students with our Admissions Office. As we work to build stronger connections with other parents in the Dickinson community, I invite you to talk with me directly about becoming more involved by serving on our Parents Leadership Council. I suggest that you also visit the parents section of the Dickinson website (dickinson.edu/parents) to stay informed regarding campus happenings and to find resources specifically for parents. Also enclosed with this mailing is a Class of 2021 Family Form. In order for us to better communicate with you, please take a few minutes to confirm that we have your current information on file. Once the form is completed, please return it in the envelope provided or email it to parents@dickinson.edu. It will be my pleasure to assist you with questions or concerns that arise during the year. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you during Orientation, Homecoming & Family Weekend (Oct. 6-8) and other college events. I look forward to working with you to help guide your student to a very successful Dickinson experience!

Wellness Center 717-245-1663 health@dickinson.edu dickinson.edu/wellnesscenter


Sarah Masland-Fatherree Director of Parent Relations

Parent Involvement Whether you are interested in joining the Parents Leadership Council, fundraising for the Dickinson Fund, hosting an event for the college or supporting the Career Center, we appreciate your desire to be an advocate for Dickinson in your region and look forward to partnering with you! Contact Sarah Masland-Fatherree at parents@dickinson.edu or 717-245-1687 to discuss the volunteer opportunity that is right for you.


Mark your Calendar!

2017-18 IMPORTANT DATES Aug. 28 — Classes Begin Oct. 6-8 — Homecoming & Family Weekend Oct. 13-18 — Mid-Term Pause Nov. 21-27 — Thanksgiving Vacation Dec. 8 — Classes End Dec. 11-16 — Final Exam Days Dec. 18 — Residential Facilities Close

Key Elements of the First-Year Experience re-Orientation Adventure — An optional, two-and-a-half day, small-group, P theme-intensive experience that introduces students to Dickinson through interaction with the community, experiential education, team building and leadership activities. Orientation — A required five-day program designed to facilitate your student’s successful integration into a new and unfamiliar academic and residential setting. First-Year Groups (FYGs) — Run by your student’s mentor, this program helps students successfully transition to college over the first year. Resident Advisor (RA) — An upper-level student who lives on your student’s floor and is invested in your student’s success and well-being.

Dec. 31 — Last Day to Make a 2017 Tax-Deductible Gift to the Dickinson Fund Jan. 20 — Residential Facilities Open Jan. 22 — Classes Begin March 9-19 — Spring Vacation May 4 — Classes End May 7-15 — Final Exam Days May 16 — Residential Facilities Close May 20 — Commencement June 30 — Last Day to Make a Fiscal Year 2018 Gift to the Dickinson Fund May 13, 2021: Commencement for the Class of 2021

First-Year Seminar (FYS) — Cornerstone of the first semester and taught by the professor who will be your student’s academic advisor. College Deans — All students have a faculty advisor and a college dean. College deans help students make the most of their Dickinson experience by finding niches, addressing concerns, and celebrating accomplishments. Each dean has a roster of student advisees and a portfolio of specific responsibilities in student life, academic affairs, civic engagement, student leadership and multicultural affairs. The Dickinson Four —Dickinson offers a cohesive four-year student experience with strategic, thematic programs focusing on a series of purposeful questions: Who, What, How and Where.

Socialize Post with and follow #dson2021 during move-in and orientation! dickinson.edu/socialmedia

Participants celebrate during the annual Run for Steph 5K run/two-mile walk that takes place during Family Weekend.

Save the Date:

Family Weekend Oct. 6-8, 2017 www.dickinson.edu/familyweekend

featuring the inauguration of M A R G E E E N S I G N as the 29th president of Dickinson College on Oct. 7 650PC0717

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