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M.Arch 1 Applicant

The “type� therefore, is formed through a process of reducing a complex of formal variants to a common root form. Giulio Carlo Argan

CONTENTS 2013 M.Arch Applicant Chien-Fu Liu

01 Reinterpretation of the text : Bell Jar 2012 | Personal 02 Forms in everyday life : Croissant / Rain Print 2012 | Personal |Instructor : Enta Yang 03 Shadow of chances : Pavillion 2012 | Academic work |National Chiao-Tung University, Graduate Institue of Architecture, Audition | Instructor: Chun-Yu Hsieh 04 Team Work : Topological Urbanism 2012 | Academic work | Architectural Association School of Architecture | Instrctor : Shuojiong Zhang 05 Team Work : Documentary ďŹ lm-Monga 2012 | Academic work | National Chiao-Tung University, Graduate Institue of Architecture, Audition | Instrctor : Wei Tseng 06 Other Works : Photography 07 Resume

01 | Reinterpretation of the text | Bell Jar

02 | Forms in everyday life | Croissant & Rain Print

03 | Shadow of chances | Pavillion

04 | Team Work | Topological Urbanism 05 | Team Work | Documentary Film-Monga 06 | Other Works | Photography 07 | Resume |

Bell Jar 2012 | Personal | Inspired by Sylvia Plath’s novel THE BELL JAR, this work is made from four hexagonal parabola origami that stack together to create an undulating, swirly and disquieting jar.

B ell Jar

“wherever I sat -- on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris or Bangkok -- I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air.” THE BELL JAR

study model





“To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the worlditself is the bad dream.�


study model





B ell Jar The following steps shows how to implement a hexagonal parabola unit. An origami hexagonal parabola, called be various other names such as saddle and hypar, is made by pleating a square of paper along the diagonals. Plenty of pleats will give a parabola looks really intricate and delicate. It also has the curious property of flipping between a form with three alternate corners on the floor and a form with four alternate corners on the floor.

Valley fold Moutain fold flip the page over

Unfolding process of the completive origami

*precess of how the form with four alternate corners on the floor flips to the form with three alternate corners on the floor.

B ell Jar The form with three alternate corners on the oor.




The form with four alternate corners on the oor.




Prototype Units and Variations.

B ell Jar

Connecting the prototype units in other conďŹ gurations to create a form for the bell jar.

Forms in everyday life -Croissant 2012 | Personal | By observing the phenomenon of daily livings and trying transforming the obscure rules into a form.

C roissant To differentiate the lines of the croissant's layer and find out a series of overlaps and interlacements in it,some moves are obvious and some are covert.

ABOVE : Sketch of the croissant. RIGHT : Diagram of differentiating layers for the croissant.

pencil’s depth

croissant’s layer

The three dierent layers that constitute the croissant and extrude the layers according to their depths, massing diagram.

C roissant

Demonstrate density of croissant for the development in 3D.

Forms in everyday life -Rain Print 2012 | Personal | Rain Prints are little pit-like marks made by light showers; the prints are circular where the raindrops fall vertically, or oval and with edge raised on one side where the rain falls obliquely before the wind.

Transforming the irregular rain prints into landforms, study model.

R ain print Visualisation of rain prints geography in a vertical plane, massing diagram.

R ain print

Sectional elevation of the landform of rain prints.

“Any work of architecture, before it is an object, is a transformation of the landscape." quoted by Marida Talamona.

Shadow of chances -Pavillion 2012 | Academic work |National Chiao-Tung University, Graduate Institue of Architecture, Audition | Projecting the unmeaning objects to create structures and shapes that would evolve from this exercise. it would change our inherited box like thinking and create a series of shapes not yet seen and the shadow process will determine the outcome of the buildings shape.

P avillion

Project the scraps of paper.

Projection Process

Shake the scraps to generate the shape of shadows and having a random selection in the process.

The ďŹ nal selection of the projection.

The analytical approach, massing diagram.

P avillion Wrinkling the paper printed the structural ribs to generatev the three-dimensional framework.

Structural grid mophologies.

Sticks, study model

Cardboard, study model

Cardboard, study model

P avillion Exploded assembly diagram.

Digital model of pieces for panelization study.

P avillion

Rotation movement of the three-dimensional model.











Vertical Plan of structural morphology.


Entry main structure

Resting Area Planting Area

Circulation surrounding structure

north-side structure

south-side structure

P avillion

Sectional elevation views


T eam work

Topological Urbanism

*Team Members: Gao Lina, Liu Ran, Liu Yingchen

2012 | Academic work | Architectural Association School of Architecture | The topic of this project is to develop a new urbanism by learning the intelligence from its traditionnal urban system, a new urban mophology which has original city characteristics such as density, special organisation and etc. Asian cities have been growing rapidly with a weak connection to their original city fabric visually and functionally.

Urban growth: tabula rasa

Analyze li-nong typology and extract some interesting urban features from it, such as density, countyyard, street hierarchy, etc.

Transformation of Topology:Landscape

Residence Distribution Programme Distribution


Xin Jiang Wan Town

City disconnection

Transformation of Topology:Retail

Retail Distribution

Transformation of Topology:Residence


Topological Urbanism

Swarm Program Grid Space Behavior DeformationDistribution Arrangement metro elevated highway Attractor river city center industry university Landscape Retail



Component Transformation

T eam work

Documentary film-Monga

*Team work with BĂŠatrice Linn

2012 | Academic work |National Chiao-Tung University,Graduate Institue of Architecture, Audition | The original of Taipei. Though the bustle and glamor is decaying, young spirit is still blooming in its ways.

3min / mpeg2 / 2012 youtube link:

The train station is the senoirs' territory.

Facial threading, the women from young to old want to persue beauty.

Karaoke, singing songs of the past.

The park is the best place to socialize with old friends.

Longshan temple, the center for religion.

Throwing cups to get advice from god.

The winerestaurants' thriftiness and prosperity has gone.

The believers convey their sincerity through owers and oerings.

There are stories behind everyone coming here.

O ther works


Taipei / 2012

Korea / 2011

O ther works

Shanghai / 2012

Ninbo / 2012

R esume

ducation Sep.2006-Jun.2010 Bachelor of Science,Department of Library and Information Science. Fu Jen Catholic University New Taipei City, Taiwan

ork Aug.2007-Jun.2010 Part-time employee Fu Jen Catholic University Library Taipei, Taiwan Chien-Fu Liu Contact e-mail : mobile : +886-989-318148 home : +886-2-26034694

Dec.2011-Jun.2012 Librarian New Taipei City Library New Taipei City, Taiwan

xperience Aug.2009 Volunteer Remote School's library automation system Volunteer Sevice Team Jul.2010-Jun.2011 Seaman Compulsory Military Service R.O.C. Navy Kaohsiung, Taiwan Dec.2011-Mar.2012 Pupil Forgemind Architecture School Taipei, Taiwan Jul.2012 AA Shanghai Summer School Architectural Association School of Architecture Shanghai, China

ravel Aug.2010 Macao / Hong Kong Jul.2011 Hong Kong Aug.2011 Korea Jul.2012-Aug.2012 China (Shanghai,Soochow,Hangzhou,Ningbo)

Thank you for all the people who encouraged me to stay positive and strong.

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