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two. the Self Initiated Challenge

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the Self Initiated Challenge

Initate Es tablish or dialogue with craftspeople The model through conversation des ig ners and craftspeop le Re la t ions h ip an d trust amongst collaboration Open up for the craftspeople Visit and talk with 1 C r a f tp erson 2 E x pl o r e Catalyze for th e craf t com m u ni t y Diff erent o pport uni t i e s through workshops Ideas, concepts and thoughtsInteraction with each other Build new rel ati onsh i ps collaboration models Develop research methods and and conduct work sh o ps Give input to the craft s peo pl e3 4 Disseminate Make Record Through exhibition and public discussions The outcomes, stories of the craftspeople New models, sketches, notes, e tc.F eedback Produce the outcome of exercise Bra ins trorm I d e a s Reflect on the work done Decode the developed stories and content Curate the outcome ofthe craftspeople 7 6 5 Iden t i fy com m u n i ty lea d e r s


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