Food & Beverage Service

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Food & Beverage Service 2022

CONTENT LIST I. HYGIENE 1.1 Personal Hygiene (1) 1.2 Proper Uniform(3) 1.3 Personal Habits To Avoid (4) 1.4 Sanitation (4) II. COMMUNICATION IN CUSTOMER AND EMPLOYEE RELATION 2.1 Nonverbal Communication (6) 2.2 Oral Communication (6) 2.3 Written Communication (6) III. RESTAURANT 3.1 Organization Chart (9) 3.2 Duties & responsibilities (10) 3.3 Type of Restaurant (11) 3.4 Type of Service (13) IV. PROCEDURE FOR TAKING A RESERVATION V. TABLE SET-UP 5.1 Napkin Folding (35) 5.2 Prepare Condiments (36) 5.3 Set Service Station/Side Station (36) 5.4 Communicate With Kitchen Staff (37) 5.5 Service Sequence (38) 5.6 Closing Transaction (58) VI. HANDLING GUEST’S COMPLAINTS

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Hygiene refers to the set of practices perceived by a community to be associated with the preservation of health and healthy living. While in modern medical sciences there is a set of standards of hygiene recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can vary between different cultures, genders. Some regular hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening. 1. 1 Personal Hygiene Personal hygiene is name for routine practices that will keep you clean and healthy plus protect the food you prepare. Personal hygiene includes bathing daily, wearing clean uniform, washing your hands often, using good work habits, and being well groomed. Personal hygiene practices are very important because they help to stop the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses from food service employees to the food they prepare. People are the simple most common source of food contamination. Everyone carries many types of harmful bacteria and viruses on and in their bodies. These harmful germs can cause a food borne illness if they are given the chance to contaminate the food. Do not be the one to contaminate the food with an unguarded cough, sneeze, or a cut on your finger. Using good personal hygiene practices is one of the most important ways a food service employee can protect the food harmful bacteria and viruses are found in healthy employees. Germs can be everywhere and especially on people; on the skin and hair, in the mouth, throat, and nose, under dirty fingernails, on dirty uniforms and soiled clothes, in a pimple or boil or other infection, in bodily wastes. Sick employees, the number of bacteria or viruses in the body is much greater. This increases the danger of these germs being spread to food. Some signs that your body is infected with large amounts of harmful germs are a sore throat, skin infection, fever, nagging cough, runny nose, upset stomach or 2 Dream International College

diarrhea. If you have any of these signs, go to the ship's doctor and report your health problem. Do not wait until it is too late. Report any sign of an infection or illness early. Personal hygiene practices can be divided into three categories;personal Cleanliness, proper uniform, and personal habit to avoid. a.Personal Cleanliness  Bath or shower daily Bathing daily with plenty of soap and warm water will reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin  Keep hair clean and well trimmed Your hair also provides a good place for bacteria to grow, always keep it clean and well trimmed.  Keep fingernails short, well trimmed, and cleaned. Long and ragged fingernail is very difficult to keep clean and they provide a good place for dirt and bacteria to hide.  Wash hands often Hands are the number one source of food contamination. They must be kept clean to prevent spreading bacteria to everything you touch; before starting to work and after each work break, after each visit to the toilet, after touching raw meats, poultry, or seafood, after smoking a cigarette, after coughing, sneezing, or touching your face or hair, etc 1.2 Proper uniform The contamination of food can also prevented by food service employee wearing the correct work clothes. Wear a clean work jacket, pants, and apron to work every day. Dirty work clothes give bacteria a good place to grow and multiply. Touching the dirty clothes will start the contamination cycle, bacteria spread from the dirty clothes to the hands and to the food. Hats and hairnets must always be worn while working in the galleys. Hair provides another good place for bacteria to live. Hats and hairnets prevent hair from falling into the food, and they also stop persons from touching their hair and scalp. Do not wear jewelry while working. Many items of jewelry, such as ring and watches, easily collect dirt and are difficult to clean. Other jewelry can be dangerous because it may accidentally fall into the food during preparation or serving.

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1.3 Personal habits to Avoid A clean food service employee wearing clean still be dangerous. The danger comes from personal habits that can contaminate the food. These habits must be avoided so that clean and safe food will always be served to passengers and crew. Coughing and sneezing around food. Each time you cough or sneeze, small droplets containing millions of bacteria are thrown out of your mouth and nose. These droplets may fall on the food and contaminate it with harmful bacteria. When you cough or sneeze, always turn your head away from the food. In addition, it also helps to cover your mouth and nose with a clean disposable paper towel or tissue, but some will always find their way onto your hands. Therefore, you must always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. a. Do not smoke in any part of the galleys. b. Avoid scratching your head or face, playing with your hair, picking your nose, and wiping your mouth with your hands. c. Wash your hands only in the sinks provided for hand washing. d. Do not taste food with your finger or use the same spoon to taste several food items.

1.4 Sanitation Customers often judge your food based on the cleanliness of your Establishment. If they see an eating area or an open kitchen that is visibly dirty, they are likely to be worry of the food they are being served. Cleaning refers to removing the visible dirt and food residues from dining tables, prepare area and food service equipment. This is a fairly easy task to employees because it involves something they can see or feel. Sanitizing is the process of removing or reducing the pathogenic microorganisms on a clean surface (i.e. prep area, equipment, etc.) to safe levels. This task is critical to help prevent the spread of disease-causing germs from surface to surface and food to food. Each food service operation is different. Floor plans vary widely. Workstations may have specialized equipment. Cleaning procedures may also differ, but all food service establishments need a comprehensive cleaning and sanitation program. Food Contamination Prevention What is cross-contamination? By definition, cross-contamination is the transfer of disease-causing microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, from one food to another. How does it happen? Contaminated food may come in direct contact with other foods, or one food may drip contaminated juices on another food. Uncontaminated food may come in contact with a contaminated utensil, piece of equipment, or work surface. Food handlers with dirty hands or wearing soiled uniforms may contaminate food. How do you help prevent it? 4 Dream International College

 Train employees how cross-contamination occurs and how to help prevent it from happening.  Hang posters throughout the kitchen to remind employees of food safety procedures.  Keep foods separate in the kitchen by creating color-coded zones. Use color-coded equipment and utensils to reinforce cross contamination prevention training. Clean and sanitize all equipment, utensils, and food contact surfaces. Store food in the proper  food safety storage order.  Provide dedicated containers and utensils for handling ice. It takes a concerted effort to keep food safe, and these efforts must extend past those mentioned. Crosscontamination is a serious threat at every stage in the flow of food through the kitchen. Taking a proactive stance on food safety helps shield against the perils of a food borne outbreak.

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Communication is the activity of conveying information. Communication has been derived from the Latin word “communic", meaning to share Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; this communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Anywhere in the world anything we deal with other people we need to communicate. Positive communication is needed when we are involved in any business because it affects our future business, client and product. Some type of communication: 2.1 Nonverbal communication: Research shows that the majority of our communication is non verbal, also known as body language. Some of non verbal communication includes phonemics, hepatics, gesture, body language (facial expression and eye contact), object communication such as clothing, hairstyles, architecture, symbols info graphics, and tone of voice as well as through an aggregate of the above. 2.2 Oral communication: Oral communication includes speeches, presentations, discussions, and aspects of interpersonal communication. As a type of face to face communication, body language and choice tonality play a significant role, and may have a greater impact upon the listener than informational content. This type of communication also garners immediate feedback. 2.3Written communication; Researchers divide the progression of written communication into three revolutionary stages called "Information Communication Revolutions".  During the first stage, written communication first emerged through the use of pictographs. The pictograms were made in stone, and then written communication was not yet mobile.

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During the second stage, writing began to appear on paper, papyrus, clay, wax, etc. Common alphabets were introduced and allowed for the uniformity of language across large distances. A leap in technology occurred when the Gutenberg printing-press was invented in the 15th century. The third stage is characterized by the transfer of information through controlled waves and .electronic signals.

Communication is thus a process by which meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process, which requires a vast repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, gestures, and evaluating, enables , collaboration and cooperation. Misunderstandings can be anticipated and solved through formulations, questions and answers, paraphrasing, examples, and stories of strategies talk Written communication can be clear by planning follow-up talk on critical written communication as part of the normal way of doing business Minutes spent talking now will save time later having to clear up misunderstandings later on. Then, take what was heard and reiterate in your own words, and ask them if that was what they meant.

Interest in Customers In order to maintain good business relation with the customer, the sales person must like people and willing to serve them. The sales person who acts on the assumption that most customer are unreasonable and all of them a nuisance is a failure at the outset. The one who is interested making friends will make an effort to remember faces and names and the likes and dislikes of regular customers. He endeavors to adopt his suggestion to the customers wishes and needs. He expresses his interest in the guest welfare by his attitude. His manner and the kind of service he gives. Courtesy People dine at your restaurant for a variety of reason. Some prefer the atmosphere, other favors special dishes. Perhaps for some, your location is near where they work or live. However, there is one ingredient that appeals to everyone. It makes them feel that their visit to your establishment has been something special. The special ingredient is Courtesy. Can you define courtesy? It is more than just a smile on your face or a friendly greeting. Giving good service to your guests is also very important, but courtesy goes beyond that. It is a way of thinking about how you treat another person. Remember that a human response to the feeling or your guests is the heart of courtesy. Courtesy, with good service keeps your guests happy. Keeping your guests happy keeps them coming back and that is what “people service” is all about. Be understanding, “Tailor your service to your guest” desire. If he is in hurry, help him get faster service. If the people want to be left alone (lover for example) let them be. Give minimal service, but be available if they ask for service. Put yourself in your guests place. Never let them think that you are listening to their conversations. Learn 7 Dream International College

the proper vocabulary to their conversation. Learn the proper vocabulary of courtesy. Worlds like "please” and “thank you” should be revised whenever the occasion presents itself.


Food and Beverage department is one department in a hotel that is responsible to manage food and beverage in the hotel, including: purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing, producing, selling and serving. This department is a very important department in a hotel since the reputation of the hotel is much influenced by F & B department, for instance: if the service of the restaurant is good, then, the reputation of the hotel will be good too. Meanwhile, if the guests don't like the food or beverage that they have in the hotel, then, they cannot enjoy their time while staying in the hotel. Due to that, Food and Beverage department must be given serious attention by the hotel's management. Food and beverage department can be divided into food product and food and beverage service. Restaurant is one division in Food and Beverage department that is responsible to serve food and beverage to the guests. Since the guests who come to a restaurant come from different countries, therefore, the servers who work in a restaurant must have good skill and knowledge about restaurant and also able to use English well for communication, because they are the ones who are responsible to serve the guests who come to the restaurant.

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3.1 Organization Chart in Restaurants

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3.2 Duties and Responsibilities

A. Restaurant Manager Restaurant Managers are responsible for daily operation of Food and Beverage Department. B. Assistant Restaurant Manager Assistant Restaurant Managers are responsible to help the Restaurant Manager. C. Ilead Waiter Head Waiters are responsible for daily operation of one restaurant. D. Assistant Head Waiter Assistant Head Waiters are responsible to help the Head Waiter. E. Captain Captains are responsible in one section. F. Waiter Waiters are responsible to serve guests, prepare the restaurant before being opened, and clean the restaurant. G. Busboy Busboys are responsible to help the waiter while preparing the restaurant, dropping the dirty plates to the dish wash, and picking up the food from the kitchen. H. Host Hosts are responsible to greet and welcome the guests to the restaurant, escort them to a table, sit them, and take them when they leave the restaurant. I. Wine Butler Wine butlers are responsible to sell, open, and serve wines.

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3.3 Types of Restaurant

Types Restaurants range from unpretentious lunching or dining places catering to people working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case, customers usually wear casual clothing. In the latter case, depending on culture and local traditions, customers might wear semi-casual, semi-formal, or formal wear.

Typically, customers sit at tables, their orders are taken by a waiter, who brings the food when it is ready, and the customers pay the bill before leaving. In finer restaurants there will be a Host or Hostess or even a Maitre d'hôtel to welcome customers and to seat them. Other staff waiting on customers includes busboy and sommeliers.

Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food or present a certain unifying, and often entertaining, theme. For example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Generally speaking, restaurants selling food characteristic of the local culture are simply called restaurants, while restaurants selling food of foreign cultural origin are called ethnic restaurants. For some time the travelling public has been catered for with ship's messes and railway restaurant cars which are in effect, travelling restaurants. (Many railways, the world over, also cater for the needs of traveller by providing Railway Refreshment Rooms at railway stations.) In recent times there has been a trend to create a number of travelling restaurants, specifically designed for tourists. These can be found on such diverse places as trams, boats, buses, etc.

3.3.1 Coffee Shop An establishment selling coffee and sometimes other drinks or snacks, with a facility to consume them on

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3.3.2 Dining Room. Historically the dining room is furnished with a rather large dining table and a number of dining chairs; the most common shape is generally rectangular with two armed end chairs and an even number of unarmed side chairs along the long sides.

Main dining room in the ship is available based on amount of the ship guest. Most of the time dining time is divided into two seating to accommodate all the guests. These are first sitting and second sitting. The function of the dining room as well to show the Chef's art when there is special even like brunch, elegant tea, or gala formal night buffet.

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3.3.3 Specialty Restaurant. Specialty restaurant is more or less like main dining, but it has own style based on the name of the restaurant, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant or Asian Restaurant. The service at specialty restaurant is according to the menu and the restaurant philosophy. The capacity at the specialty restaurant is variant most of the time between 60 to 90 person. Timing is open seating as per guest reservation. It may be very tight when guest doesn't have reservation any how guest has to be accommodated if it is possible. The earlier time open is 6 Pm and the latest until all guest accommodated it may be until midnight. The specialty restaurant's space is more than main restaurant, because it needs space for Gueridon for finishing meal in front of the guest. Here is the picture of French style restaurant.


The service of may be carried out in many ways depending on number of factors: The type catering The type of customer to be served The time available for the meal The turnover of customer expected The type of menu presented The cost of the meal served The site of establishment The various forms of services are each discussed briefly below: . .

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3.4.1 French Service (Gueridon service)

In Europe and England, high class table service has followed some similar pattern for several generations. This pattern involves the use of silver serving pieces, the heating and garnishing of food at a side table (or gueridon) and the serving of portions to the guests on heated plates either by a waiter, his assistant or sometimes by the host. In its most elaborate from this service may be called “service a'la Ritz” after Cesar Ritz who found a line of luxury hotels early in the twentieth century. In America this service is commonly known as “French Service” and its use it declining because it requires professional waiter. Before World War II most professional waiter in America has received several years apprentice ship, coupled with regular at professional waiter's school, leading toward becoming a Commis de rang comparable to the regular American waiter. In Europe, however a Commis de rang is not considered a perfect waiter and cannot work alone. He works with a Demi chef de rang for another two or three years until he receives the status of perfect waiter's or Chef de rang.

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In French service, two waiters usually tend one station. One is called Chef de rang and other Commis de rang. These two waiters work as a team. Each has his specific duties but helps the other when needed. The duties of the Chef de rang are: .Seat the guest if there is no head waiter. .Take the orders of the guest. .Serve all drinks .Finish the preparation of the food at the table in front of the guests .Present the bill (check) and collect the money.

The main duties of the Commis are: Received orders from the Chef de rang, take them to the kitchen and order the food. Pick up the food in the kitchen and bring the food on a tray into the dining room and plate it on a side table or cart. Serve the plate of food, which the Chef de rang has prepared at side table to the guest. Help the Chef de rang whenever he can.

The French Table Set up Few people today eat a dinner involving many courses. Generally they consume a meal consisting of soup or hors d'oeuvre, a main courses and a dessert consequently the cover should satisfy these requirement. Place: ‫ ܀‬An hors d'oeuvre plate at the guest cover a fraction of an inch from the table's edge.

‫܀‬A neatly folded napkin to hors d'oeuvre plate.

‫܀‬The dinner knife to the right of the plate with the cutting edge turned toward the plate ‫܀‬The soup spoon beside and to the right of the dinner knife.

‫܀‬The butter plate and the butter knife (laid across the plate parallel to the dinner fork) to the left of the dinner fork.

‫܀‬The dessert fork and spoon above the hors d'oeuvre plate as these pieces are not used until the dessert is served. ‫܀‬The water glass (or wine glass) above the tip of the dinner knife.

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In French service the glasses are not placed upside down on the table prior to filling them, because it gives European guests the impression that the dining room is not ready to serve. When tables are set up an hour or two ahead of searing time, the glasses may be turned upside down at the cover to prevent dust filling into them, but before the dining room is ready to open the waiter goes around his station turning them right side up.

Since coffee is not served during the dinner, coffee spoons are placed on the table only when needed. Coffee if served comes after the dessert. The coffee spoon is placed to the right of the cup and on top of the under liners.

The mise en place Mise en place includes all preparation previous to the opening the dining room. The conscientious waiter has everything ready and at place easily accessible for the time when it is needed. Most important is the service stand, To have the service stand clean and in best order is the first duty of mise en place. Mise en place includes not only the cleaning and refilling of the service stand, but also cleaning and refilling of salt and paper shaker, spices bottles, the setting of tables, dusting of chairs, etc. This is all done prior to be opening of the dining room. French service is different from other services in that all food served from a gueridon (cart). The gueridon with a table cloth (gueridon cloth) is kept close the guests table. It must have a rechaud to keep food warm. The gueridon should be the same height as the guests table. In French service the food is partially prepared by the chef in the kitchen and is finished by the chef de rang in view of the guests. Food is brought into the dining room on an attractive silver platter by the Commis de rang then takes over: First he presents the platter to the guests to admire and approve and next he carve the meats or bones the fish or chicken and make a sauce or any garnishes required The Commis de rang holds each guests plate below the silver platter while the Chef de rang, using both hands, transfer the food which the guest selects from the silver platter to the guest's plate or the chef de rang puts the plate on the gueridon and transfers the food from the silver platters attractively. Once the food has been arranged on the plate, the Commis de rang takes the plate in his right hand and serves it to the guests from the guests' right side. In French service everything is served from the right with the exception of the butter and the bread plates, salad plate and any other extra dish which should be placed at the left side of the customer. Every rule has its reason. To serve food from the right is much easier for a right hand. It is difficult and awake ward to serve a plate with your right hand from the left side When guests order soup it is brought into the dining room in silver bowl (soup tureen) and placed on the rechaud to keep warm. More soup than needed is always brought in. Soup not ladled out into the guest's soup plate is brought back to the chef and re-heated to serve other guests. The Commis also bring hot soup plates. The soup plate is then placed on an hors d'oeuvre plate with a square folded napkin in between the hors d'oeuvre plate and the soup plate. 16 Dream International College

The service is more attractive than placing only the regular soup plate before the guest. The soup is ladled from the silver bowl (soup tureen) into the soup plate by the chef de rang and served to the guest by the Commis or waiter from the right with the right hand. The main course or any other course in French service is served in the same manner as the soup course. The Chef de rang always does the carving, preparing of flaming of courses and arranges it on the guests plate. The Commis serve it. When a Chateau Briand steak for two persons is to be served, the cooked fillet with the grand jus, potatoes and vegetable come from the kitchen. Then the Chef de rang prepare the Chateau Briand, carved and arranges it on the guest plate, meanwhile watching the guest to see what size portion he desires. Salad is served with the main course and placed below the butter plate with the left hand from the left hand side of the guest. Clear the table when all the guests have finished eating. To clear the table while one or two guest are still eating is rude and ill mannered, making these slow dinners feel rushed. A restaurant using French service does not look for this turn over. Give the guests a chance to enjoy the service and meal. Before serving the dessert, make sure that table is brushed or free from crumbs. Over specialization in food service with little regard for the problem dish room are often and perhaps justly, criticized. Formerly, “The three’s” scrape, steak and separate were standard procedures.Partial scraping, stacking and separation of china, glassware and silver dining room personnel is labor saving, results in neater trays and side stand and above all cuts down on breakage and noise. Never stack the plates in front of the guest, always clear the table completely in one round. Going back and forth to the side with every plate is unprofessional and waste of time Training and experience will give the smoothness and precision in clearing a table that characterizes French service. Remove the salt and pepper after the main course is cleared, they are not needed with the dessert course.

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3.4.2 Russian Service (silver service)

Today Russian service in America often erroneously called “French service”), is the most popular dining room service in all of the better restaurants and hotels in the world. As the name implies Russian service or originated in Russia, making its first appearance on the European continent during the Napoleon Wars. At that time, the old fashioned English service and the cumbersome French service were still the dominant types used in Europe. In English service, food come in whole pieces from the kitchen presented to the guests and then is either cut by the host or removed and cut elsewhere. French service also has its disadvantages. True most dishes come pre cut from the kitchen, but service is made from gueridon, placed jacent to every dinner 's table. Not only is this service slow, but also requires a great deal of space. Russian service, because of its simplicity and speed, soon proved its advantages. It becomes the most popular and fashionable method of serving in every royal court and in now used in luxury type restaurants

Today, English service has disappeared on the European Continent and French service can only be found in a few, old fashioned, high-class restaurants . The table arrangement, in Russian service, is identical to the arrangement for French service, but the service itself differs. In Russian service the food is fully prepared and pre-cut in the kitchen and is then neatly arranged on silver platters by the chef. These platters are brought into the dining room by the waiter, who serves the guest from these platters. The when the waiter comes back to pick up the food, he receives on silver platter rather than on serving plates. 18 Dream International College

waiter orders the food in the kitchen the same as in American service, but when waiter comes back to pick up the food,he receives on silver platter rather than serving plates. He carries the hot plates and the silver platter with the food on one large tray into the dining room. He first sets the tray with the food and the empty plates on side stand. Then he picks up the plates and sets them before the guest from the guest's right using right hand. By doing so, the waiter goes around the table clock wise, which enables him to go forward instead of backward After the plates are placed, the waiter returns to his side stands the silver platter on his left hand and serves the guest from the left with his right hand. The reason for serving from the left is that the waiter must hold the silver platter on his left hand in order to use his right hand for serving the food with fork and spoon. Therefore, the golden rule for Russian Service is set empty plates in the right by going around the table clockwise. Serve the food from the left by going around the table counter clockwise. Before food is served, it is a nice gesture to present the silver platter to the host or to the party. This give the guest an opportunity to see what the chef has arranged on the platter and most likely the beautiful arrangement of food stimulated the appetite. When serving the food, the waiter has some leeway regarding the amount he serves. He can please the guest by giving him the portion he wants. Any food not served from the silver platter always goes directly back to the chef in the kitchen. Since all works can be done alone by one waiter, Russian service has a great advantage over French service, for which two waiters are needed Because its popularity is increasing in most first class hotel and restaurants, one can assume that Russian service has many advantages in comparison to other types of services. The advantage of Russian service are ; *Only one waiter is needed per station. *It is fast service *It is less expensive than most other service *It is an elegant and high class service *No extra space is needed for equipment *It guarantees equal portion because they are pre-cut in the kitchen, *There is less waste because food not served is returned to the chef to be reused instead of being discarded into the garbage can. It gives the guest personal attention. But like other things in life. Russian service is not perfect and has disadvantage. .There is a big initial investment in silver equipment .If many guests are to be served from one silver platter, the last guest served may see a rather unappetizing serving platter.

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.If every guest in a party orders a different dish (like steak and fish) the waiter must carry to many different silver platters from the kitchen to the dining room.

3.4.3 American Service (plate service)

In “American Service” food is plated in the kitchen and placed dinner. Side dishes are those for bread and butter and for salad. From Coffee is often served with meal. The general rule is to “ the right, liquid from the right, and to remove soiled tableware from the right”. Service is fast, as one waiter can serve many guests and a minimum of waiter is needed. Important to American service is the waiter's service station. These units should be strategically placed to save waiters steps. Sometimes they are located in a screened decorative unit, in other instances they are positioned to service a specific section. Before the dining area opens, these station should be fully supplies with table ware, napkin, ashtray, table cover, pitcher of ice water, trays of iced butter, relishes, condiments, the coffee warmers and bun warmers should also be ready. Tray stands are set up around the room. Periodically all of these service stations are checked for replenishment by the staff. Setting the Table Place

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•A ‘silence' cloth (piece of felt or foam rubber) on the bare table shakers and ashtray on the table •A dinner knife, a bread and butter knife (both cutting edges facing the plate) and two teaspoons to the right napkin in 1,2,3,4 ordered The water, glass slightly to the right of the tip of the dinner knife. •A clean table cloth over the silence pad when the table cloth has a crest, make sure that it faces the correct direction. The table cloth should extend at least 12 inches (30cm) over table’s edge but should not interfere with the guest's comfort when they are seatedthe •A sugar bowl, salt and paper shakers and ashtray on the table •A folded napkin in the centre of the cover and 12 inch (1,5 cm) from the table edge •Two dinner forks to the left of napkin(all silverware is placed 1/2 inch from the table edge) •A dinner knife, a bread and butter knife (both cutting edges facing the plate) and two teaspoons to the right napkin in 1,2,3,4 ordered •The bread and butter plate at least 1 inch above the fork tines. (An alternate position for the butter knife is to lay it across the top of the bread and butter plate parallel to the table edge) • The water, glass slightly to the right of the tip of the dinner knife.

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The foregoing set up places all silverware needed by the guest on the table ahead of time. It should remain on the table during the meal even when not used. “used” silverware is removed with the plates after the course is completed. The water glass is turned over and filled with the ice water as soon as the guest is seated. The only extra attention required is to brush crumbs from the table before serving dessert. These basic rules should be memorized: •All foods and beverages are served from the guest's right with the right hand •Clear up dishes from the guest's right. (The rules above may be modified for the guest's comfort when he is seated in the corner or in a booth). Seating the guest *Seat the guest when he enters the dining room. Remove extra covers from his table *Hand him a menu. Pour ice water * Ask him if he wishes a cocktail * While the waiter picks up the cocktail at the bar, the guest studies the menu and makes his meal selection. Taking the order ►The waiter returns with the cocktail, serving it from the guest's rights. ► The waiter now takes the guest's order. ►The waiter server the guest bread and butter from the guest left. ►The waiter takes the guest's order to the kitchen. Table service Soup or an appetizer (and usually the salad) is brought in on a tray from the kitchen. The guest's cocktail glass is removed from the right. Never serve the soup or appetizer while guest is enjoying his cocktail unless he emphasize that he is in a hurry. The main course is picked up on a plate by the waiter from the kitchen range, ready to server and carried in on a tray. The tray is set on a service stand near the guest. The soup or appetizer dishes are removed course is served from the guest's right. He is served more butter and offered bread from his left. The guest 's water glass is replenished from the right. If the guest ordered “coffee”, served it from his right. When the guest indicates that he has finished with his main course keep an eye on him to see whether he needs additional service meal, while bring him a dessert menu remove dishes from the main course from the guest's right. Replenish water glass from the guest's right. Brush crumbs from the table take his dessert order. The dessert is brought in and served from the right. If nothing further is required by the guest, lay his check in obtrusively on the table, face down to his left and near the table's edge.

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3.4.4 Buffet/Banquette Service Buffet, smorgasbords and bunt breakfast are becoming increasingly popular styles of food service. American, accustomed to self service, enjoy helping themselves to food attractively displayed. For seasonal and other festive occasions, buffet tables can be elaborately decorated and lighted. Moreover, fewer people may be needed in the kitchen during serving hour - because cold food can be prepared in advance and the hot food is a set menu.

At the lux buffet, guests are served appetizers and soups at their tables before they go to the buffet. Beverage, bread and butter and dessert are also usually served at the table by the waiter. The table set up for this reason is very much the same as that for regular table service. When no table service is provided, buffet space must be arranged for appetizer, table silver, bread and butter, dessert and beverages. The typical arrangement is to set the guest plates at the beginning of the buffet table line and 10 place table silver, napkin and bread and butter at the end. Separate islands for appetizers. for beverage service and also for desserts speed buffet service and eliminate traffic congestion. A supervisor should constantly be on duty to over-see the coordination of buffet service and kitchen preparation. It is desirable to have service personnel in crisp white chef uniforms stationed behind the buffet tables to: # Serve as hosts who offer, explain and serve food # Carve roasts and serve them # Maintain the food display and the guest plate supply 23 Dream International College

# Check on equipment for keeping food hot or cold # Administer “first aid" when a guest spills food. Stage managing your buffer Select a special theme for your buffet and carry this idea through in backdrops, table decorations and food merchandising. The theme can be seasoning Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, etc. It can relate to community interest local products, athletic events, music, and art and so on. Or if the buffet is planned or a special group, use their product as your theme. Extra showmanship can be attained through the use of wall-back drops, decorated screens and trellises of laths or potted palms, flags and mobile arrangements, canapés of flame proofed stipend awning or that chef palm can built over a buffou island for desert. fruit or cold food. Arranging the tables Allow liberal table space for the food display so that people will be serving themselves at buffet rather than standing in line. People average about one fond selecting per lineal food. Thus the number of items to be offered times the number of people to be served within a specified interval must be considered. Otherwise turnover will be slow and people will be waiting in line or at their tables. Long table can be arranged to form V shapes, U shapes, I shapes, zigzags and hollow squares. When half round and quarter rounds are available, it is possible to create ovals S shapes and a variety of other arrangements.. Tables can also be separated to from islands for certain entries such as roasis. although a hazard is created when guests must carry full plates through a crowd. When desserts are not served at the guest tables, dessert island” can be set up away from the main butter and given extra decorative treatment Vienna or French Pastry shop an old Fashioned ice cream bar, a plantation melon patch, a Polynesian fruit panorama are just a few ideas Table cloths should be long enough to hide table supports but not long enough to be stepped on or catch heels in colored cloths and the use of pleating or frilling can provide interest to an otherwise long expanse of table cloth. Food display Food should be placed on the table according to a prearranged plan which takes into consideration food relationships in the regular menu selection. The order is: ~ Guest plates ~ Salad, relished, molded dishes, smoked fish, cheese, etc. ~ Hot vegetable ~ Roasts and others. dressing and garniture should be placed beside the dish,

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When there is sufficient variety of cold items and hot vegetables the number of hot entrees can be limited, an important point in keeping down food cost and the number of the kitchen workers needed on duty. Lost cost hot entrees, such as Swedish meat balls and others, can be attractively displayed so that guests fill their plates with these items instead of more costly roasts. Sometimes the buffet is presented in two phases, the guest goes first to the cold buffet and then make a second trip for hot food. A full plate of salads, gelatin molds and appetizers will reduce the amount of food the guest chooses for his plate. In arranging the food display, consideration must be given to chafing dishes and electric heating plates to keep food hot and bowl or shaved ice to keep the food cold. Attendant should keep an eye on chafing dishes to make sure the flame is operating properly. Bowls of ice may need frequent replacement. Light candles must be kept straight and free of dripping wax. To avoid guest accidents, chafing dishes and the candles should be set well back from the serving line. In all instance, it is wise to place food platters and trays two to three inches back of the table's edge.

3.4.5 Service In The Room

The type of room service menu is door knob menu”. Door knob is breakfast order card 10 be filled by the guest in the evening and hung on the outside door handle of his room. With the door knob menu the guest point out the breakfast; . Orange juice 25 Dream International College

. Coffee or tea . Croissant, rolls or hot toast . Butter and preserves (jam, marmalade, honey) . And other variations . Or an American breakfast. The door knob menu must be collected during the night, normally the round is done twice: at 3 am and at 6 am. The door knob must be checked to see that the guest has written his room number. If necessary, complete or make appropriate corrections. Give the door knob to the order taker. Take all the lower sections of the door knob on which the breakfast orders are indicated. Indicate in capital letters on the door knob;Continental or American breakfast. And sort the door knob in the following categories: ~ Continental/American for 1 person ~ Continental/American for 2 persons. . Sort them out according to the time at which the breakfast out be served, this time is indicated by the guests on their orders. Prepare the trays according to the door knob based on the guest's order. Before carrying the orders to the room, double check that everything is complete to order. Bring the order 10 minutes prior to time indicated by the guests. The room service menu is similar to regular restaurant menu, the differences are; limited time of serving breakfast, lunch or dinner even though the service might open 24 hours room In between, a special selection of snacks is offered All items figure on the menu Lunch boxes are offered to guests through room service Beverages are offer by glass and often by whole bottles Description of items are most important for better sales. . .

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4.1 Introduction

A table reservation is an arrangement made in advance to have a table available at a restaurant. While most restaurants do not require a reservation, and some have no policy for making one, higher-end restaurants do tend to require a reservation, and may have tables hooked for weeks in advance. At particularly exclusive venues. it may be impossible to make a reservation on the same day as the planned visit. "It's always smart to inquire about a restaurant's reservation policy. Some will only reserve for large parties of six or more". Modernly, many restaurants have replaced the traditional pencil and notebook with an online reservation system. Reservations for later dining times may prove problematic, as the restaurant may have a backlog which will require the reservation-holders to wait beyond their stated arrival time. In addition, diners with a late reservation face a higher chance that the restaurant will run out of necessary ingredients for a particularly popular dish. It is generally considered polite to call and cancel a reservation is known that the event cannot be made. Table reservation may various way, in the ship reservation has been done before guest coming to the ship usually they are using silver where system, which is a lot easier rather than using pencil with thousands guest available Here some way when a call for reservation is coming:

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a. When the telephone is ringing, lift recovers and says: “Good morning or Good afternoon or Good evening”. (Mentioned the name of restaurant) for example Monarch Restaurant, how may help you? b. When taking a booking the essential information required is a follows:  Day  Date  Name  No of covers  Time  Any special request . c. When you have received this information from the prospective client it is advisable to repeat in all over the telephone as confirmation to the client, d. If a cancellation is being received then again confirm the cancellation with the client, by repeating his request to him over the telephone and ask if you can take a booking for any other occasion in place of the cancellation. e. At the end of a telephone call for a booking one should say: Thank you for your booking and good morning good afternoon/ good evening

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Table setting or place setting refers to the way to set a table with tableware such as eating utensils and dishes for serving and eating. The arrangement for a single dinner is called a place setting. The practice of dictating the precise arrangement of tableware has varied across cultures and historical periods. Informal settings generally have fewer utensils and dishes but use a layout based on more formal settings. Utensils are arranged in the order and according to the manner in which the dinner will use them. In the West, forks, bread plate, butter knife, and napkin generally are placed to the left of the dinner plate, and knives, spoons, stemware and tumblers, cups, and saucers to the right. Sauce boats and serving dishes, when used, either are placed on the table or more formally, may be kept on a side table. Formal Utensils are placed about an inch from the edge of the table, with all placed either upon the same invisible baseline or upon the same invisible median line. Utensils in the outermost position are used first. The blades of the knives are turned toward the plate. Glasses are placed an inch or so above the knives, The most formal dinner is served from the kitchen. When the meal is served, in addition to the central plate at each place there are a bread roll (generally on a bread plate, sometimes in the napkin), napkin, and flatware (knives and spoons to the right of the central plate, and forks to the left). Coffee is served in Butler service style in demitasse, and a spoon placed on the saucer to the right of each handle. Serving dishes and utensils are not placed on the table for a formal dinner. The only exception in the West to these general rules is the protocol followed at the Spanish royal court, which was also adopted by the Austrian Habsburg court, in which all flatware was placed to the right of the central plate for each dinner. In Europe, if many courses are to be served, the table is only laid for soup, fish, and meat. The pudding spoon and fork and the savory knife and fork are then placed on the table when and as required.

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At an informal setting, fewer utensils are used and serving dishes are placed on the table. Cup and saucer are placed on the right side of the spoon, about four inches from the edge of the table. Often, in less formal settings, the napkin and/or cutlery may be held together in a single bundle by a napkin ring. 1. Laying The Table Cloth Before laying the table cloth, there are some consideration must be taken:    

Ensure that the table and chairs are in their correct position Ensure the table top is clean . The table is level and it does not wobble The table must be covered by a thick cloth or silencer/ moulton.

The method of laying the table cloth   

 

Collect the correct size of table cloth for the table to be cloth up. Most table cloths are folded in what is known as a screen fold. The waiter must stand in the correct position to lay the table cloth properly, which is between the legs of the table. The table cloth opened out across the table. It should not fall over the legs of the table. The invented and two single folds should be facing the waiter. Take the top inverted fold between the thumb and first finger, and the first single fold between the first and the second finger. The bottom single fold should be allowed to rest frec. Lift the table cloth and throw the bottom free single fold over the far edge of the table. Judge the amount of overlap necessary from the creases running across the table cloth and parallel to the waiter. Release the inverted fold held between the thumb and first finger, and draws the first single fold Shake the cloth gently as you draw it towards you, this will allow it to unfold more easily. Ensure the corners of the table cloth cover the legs of the table.

Laying a Banquet Cloth •Work in pairs, as a team, open put cloth up center of table • Laying cloth over table, check that the cloth is of an acceptable standard • Check that the drop is even, if the cloth has been accurately, the middle crease should run down the centre of the table. 2. Restaurant's Equipment A. Furniture a. Table b. Chair c. Side stand B. Linen a. Table clothes b. Napkin 30 Dream International College

c. Skirting C. Silver Ware/ Cutleries a. Knife (Appetizer knife. salad knife, main course dinner knife, dessert knife, bread and butter knife b&b knife, steak knife, fish knife, and others)

b. Fork (Appetizer fork, salad fork, main course dinner fork, dessert fork, bread and butter fork b&b fork, and others)

c. Spoon (soup spoon, main course/ dinner spoon, dessert spoon. coffee or tea spoon, and others)

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D. China Ware/ Crockery's

a. Plate (appetizer plate, salad plate, main course/ dinner plate, dessert plate, bread and butter plate, and others)

b. Cup and Saucer (coffee cup and saucer, demitasse cup and saucer, and others)

c. Bowl (soup bowl, salad bowl, and others)

E. Glass Ware a. Water glass/ water goblet. b. Juice glass. c. Milk glas d. Beer glass. e. Wine glass. f. Champagne glass. g. Cocktail glass. 32 Dream International College

h. And others. F. And others a. Salt and Pepper shakers. b. Vase flower. c. Table number. d. Ashtray. e. Wine chiller. f. And others.

3. Breakfast Setting •Dinner Fork and knife •Cereal spoon, Tea spoon,Salad Fork •Bread plate and bread knife • Water glass •Coffee cup and saucer •Butter dish •Creamer •Sugar holder •Jelly/jam holder •Napki . .

4. Lunch/Brunch Setting •Dinner Fork and knife •Cereal spoon, Tea spoon, Salad Fork •Appetizer fork and knife •Cereal (soup) spoon Bread plate and bread knife •Tea spoon •Coffee cup and saucer •Water glass •Butter dish, Creamer 33 Dream International College

•Jelly/jam holder and Napkin

5. Dinner setting •Dinner fork and dinner knife •Soup(bouillon) spoon •Appetizer fork and knife •Butter plate with butter knife •Water glass •Red wine glass •Napkin •Salt and pepper, candle or flower vase •Additional silverware will be set up upon guest's orders

During the service hours, when customers have finished their meals at a table and they are leaving, the table cloth should be changed with a clean one. The table should be scrubbed from crumbs before changing the table cloth in order to not send the crumbs to the laundry. The changing of table cloth during service hours should be done as quick as possible to ensure the efficiency of the service. It should be done in such a way that it will not bother the other guests at the other tables. The changing of table cloth during service hours should be done as quick as possible to ensure the efficiency of the service. It should be done in such a way that it will not bother the other guests at the other tables. The method of changing the table cloth 1. The over lapping part of the dirty table cloth at the opposite side of the waiter is folded back to the edge of the table using both hands and be sure that the silencer underneath is covered and not shown. 2. Then the new table cloth is preceded and held in the same manner of when laying table cloth during preparation time with its bottom layer hangs over at the opposite side the table. 3. Lower the hands down to the old table cloth and slip the ring and the small finger between the back ward folded part of the old table cloth to hold it firmly. So, now both table cloths are held in the hands. 4. Then let go / release the part of the centre fold of the new table cloth which is held between the thumbs and index fingers and at the same time pull carefully both table cloths across the table towards you. The edge of the new table cloth is held between index and middle fingers and the backwards folded part of the old table cloth is held between ring and small fingers. 5. Then at the same time left the new table cloth on the table and remove the old one, never let it fall on the floor. 34 Dream International College

6. The last step that should be done is to correct the new table cloth where necessary in order to assure a tidy presentation. The four corners of the new table cloth should hang evenly and the edges should just touch the seats of the chairs. When the changing of the table cloth is required on square or round table, the process to be used is the one used is the one used for changing table cloth on rectangular table. But when changing table cloth on round table, we should stand beside the table and put our left or right leg just besides touching the table's leg. Hand must always be clean when holding table cloth and it must not be pinched, and must be handled by the edge only. In case something liquid spill on the table cloth while costumers are having meal, clean and dry it with napkin and cover such spot with clean one. But change the table cloth immediately when a lot of liquid such as wine spill on the table cloth.

5.1 NAPKIN FOLDING There are many forms of napkin folds to be found in food and beverage operations. Some are difficult and complicated in the preparation while others are simple, simple folds are often better than the more complex ones, mainly because of hygiene. The more complex fold involves greater handling and its appearance, when unfolded is poor, as it has many more creases in it. Secondly, there is the question of time. The complex one takes much more time to complete properly than a simple fold. The majorities of napkin folding have special names and below outlines some which would be suitable for everyday service or special occasions. Napkin Folding . Sailing boat . Bishop Mitre . Artichoke . Candle . And Others

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5.2 PREPARE CONDIMENTS Condiments are aromatic substances which are added to food to enhance the flavor. The term "seasoning" is reserved more especially for substance, which are added cooking. But condiments are added by the waiter or the guest himself Condiments improve the flavor of the food served and particular attention should be taken in preparing them. The types of condiments normally served at the dining room.1. Salt 2. Pepper 3. Oil 4. Vinegar 5. Mustard 6. Horseradish 7. Chili sauce 8. Worcestershire sauce 9. Tabasco 10. Magi 11. Tomato ketchup 12. Soy sauce. 13. Picale


The service station is the work area for the waiter. The station is set up before service to make sure that the waiter has all the equipment and supplies that will be needed to give efficient and correct service. Station mise-en-place Mise-en-place (French for 'put in place') can be defined as the equipment and food that is prepared ready for service before service begins. Station mise-enplace is the preparation of a waiter's workstation in a food service area, housing all the equipment required for service. A waiter's station, whether it is simply a clothed table or a special sideboard equipped with shelves, drawers and, sometimes, a hot box (plate/food warmer), should carry the following: 1. All the necessary cutlery, for example, side knives, soup spoons, main (table) knives and forks, sweet spoons and forks, tea and coffee spoons. 2. Service gear (tablespoons and forks) 3. Crumbing down equipment, bread service equipment 36 Dream International College

4. Tea/coffee equipment (milk jugs, sugar bowls, cups and saucers) 5. Glassware (tumblers, wine glasses - white and red) 6. Under-liners (a plate lined with a doily or napkin) 7. Napkins, Service trays, Toothpicks 8. Menus and Wine lists 9. Spare docket books and pens (a docket and pen will be carried by the waiter) 10. Condiments (sauces, pepper mill etc.) All equipment must be clean & polished before being placed in the station. If the sideboard is equipped with a plate/food warmer, it must be turned on approximately 15 minutes before service begins. Items from the service station used during service should be replaced or replenished during or at the end of the waiter's shift, or at the beginning of the next shift, as decided by the supervisor.


Prior to each meal service it is the responsibility of the waiting staff to communicate with the kitchen staff to gain information on the following: 1. Daily specials 2. Sold out items 37 Dream International College

3. Limited items 4. Chefs suggestions 5. Menu explanations 6. New menu items 7. Items of the day 8. Vegetable selection 9. Special pre orders 10. Daily market price of non priced items. In some establishments the chef may brief the waiting staff on the above - if not it is the responsibility of the waiters to speak to the kitchen, staff to make sure that they have this information to be able to advise and assist there guest.


A written checklist of service ensure the consistency of the services offered and acts as a guideline to part-time and new waiting staff. What follows is an example of such an order of service from the time the guests are taken to the table. 1.Greet and seat the guests 2.Open the napkins 38 Dream International College

3.Offer ice water offer the menu. 4.Take pre-dinner drink orders 5. Serve the bread and butter 6. Offer the menu and inform the guests of variations to the menu 7. Take the food order up to and including the main course 8. Transfer the food order to the kitchen and cashier dockets and place the 9. Correct the covers up to and including the main course 10. Serve the first course 11. Clear the first course 12. Serve additional starter courses 13. Clear the course preceding the main course 14. Call away the main course 15. Serve the salad 16. Serve the main course 17. Clear the main course 18. Clear the side plates, salad plates and butter dishes 19. Check and, if necessary change ashtray. (if ashtrays are being used they should be change regularly throughout the meal, especially just before food is served) 20. Brush/crumb down 21. Offer the wine list for the selection of dessert wines (or, if the guest prefer it continue to serve the wine selected earlier) 22. Offer the menu for dessert, suggesting specials and inform the guests of variation to the menu 23. Take dessert or cheese order 24. Transfer the dessert order to the kitchen and cashier dockets and place the order with the kitchen 25.Correct the covers 26. Serve the dessert wines or other beverages selected 27.Take the order for coffee/tea. (the coffee/tea may be served with the dessert/cheese course if requested by the guest or as a separate service) 28. Transfer the coffee/tea order to the cashier docket 29. Take the after-dinner drinks order 30. Correct the cover 32. Serve the coffee/tea 39 Dream International College

31. Serve the after-dinner drinks order 33. Serve the petit fours 34. Prepare the guest's account 35. Offer additional coffee/tea 36. Present the guest account when it is requested 37. Accept payment and tender change 38. Offer additional coffee/tea 39. Farewell your guests.

5.5.1 GREETING AND SEATING GUEST First impressions are extremely important. Guests arriving at a restaurant gain their first impression of the staff to acknowledge their presence and the greeting they receive. If the greeting is both warm and efficient guests will immediately feel that they will be in the hands of reliable professionals. The waiting service begins with the greeting and seating of the guests. In large establishments guests may be received by a headwaiter or supervisor and taken to the table (after checking reservations, etc) where they are introduced to their table waiter, who takes over responsibility for their service. In smaller restaurant a single waiter will be responsible for the whole operation. The procedure is as follows: 1. Acknowledge new guests as soon as they arrive 2. Approach the guests with an appropriate welcome, for example, "good evening" 3. If the guests have come to eat, enquirer whether they have a reservation. Check the reservation. If no table has been booked, check that one is available. 4. When checking the reservation, note the host's name table will usually have been reserved in the name of the host. It is important to establish who the host is. (The host may, of course, be female or male) 5. Show the guests to their table 6. Offer the guests a chair and assist them to be seated. 5.5.2 OPENING NAPKINS Opening the napkin for your guests ensures that the napkin is out of the way when drinks and foods are to be served. Some guests will open their own napkin as soon as they sit down, others will wait for you to open theirs for them. The technique is: 1. Pick up the napkin with the right hand from the guest's right. 2. Shake the napkin from its fold into a triangle. 40 Dream International College

3. Place it a cross the guest's lap with the longest side of the triangle closes to the guest. 4. Move clockwise around the table, opening the host's last. 5.5.3 PREDINNER DRINKS/APERITIF Predinner drink (aperitif) orders should be taken as soon as possible after guests have been seated. The waiter should encourage the guests to try something a little adventurous or different by suggesting special cocktails or beverages, allowing guests time to consider their preferences. 1. Offer the drinks/cocktail list, or suggest a variety of the beverages available. 2. Assist the guests in making their selections by explaining what is in the various cocktails and what they are like. 3. Record the orders in sequence round the table, anti clockwise. 4. Note any special requirements (no ice, etc.) 5. Record the sales following the house control system. 6. Place the order with the bar.

5.5.4 PRESENTING MENU AND WINE LIST Your guests should now be comfortably settled and ready to turn their attention to the menu. Presenting menu A waiter should not simply take orders and serve what is ordered. The waiter's job is more pro-active, waiters should make things happen. They are salespeople as well as service people. Presenting the menu is a time for suggestive selling. The waiter has the opportunity actively to sell items on the menu and 'special ' and side dishes that may not be on it. At no other time does the waiter have so much of the guests' attention, and it is an opportunity not to be missed. Before presenting the menu you must understand all the items on it and be able to describe how they are cooked and served. You must also know the details of the daily specials. Menus should be offered in such a way as to encourage the guests to select their meals reasonably quickly, without appearing to put any pressure on them to do so. Menus come in different forms. In traditional restaurants the menus is usually presented in a cover, but in less formal establishments it can be written on a blackboard, or a card, or a souvenir place-mat there is no limit to the possibilities. The technique of presenting a menu If the menu is in a cover, it should be opened before it is presented to encourage the guests to read it and make their selections. 1. Carry the menu on the flat of the left arm 2. Open the menu from the top with the right hand 41 Dream International College

3. Present the menu to the guest's right 4. When all the guests have received a copy of the menu, suggest items which do not appear in the menu or any variation to the menu items. 5.5.5 TAKING ORDERS Procedure for order taking: 1. Ensure the guests are ready 2. Take the order of the guest on the right of the host first, and work anticlockwise round the table,finishing with the host's order 3. Take the order, up to and including the main course 4. Note any special requirements (for example a special dietary requirement, such as no milk to be used in the preparation of the dish,or a service requirement, such as meals required very quickly because the guests are going on to a show) 5. Repeat the order to the guests to make sure that the order is correct 6. Transfer the order to the kitchen docket (using either a manual or a computer system), including the special instructions 7. Record the sale, for billing purposes, following the house control system 8. Place the order with the kitchen. Taking and Placing Food Orders Food orders are taken as soon as the guests have made their selection. You must be alert to the signs that the guests are ready to order so that they are not kept waiting. They may for example, close their menus and place them on the table. Order Taking Techniques To ensure prompt service and fulfillment of the guests' orders, the waiter must record all the necessary information, so that there is no doubt which guest ordered what. Orders can be taken in various forms, depending on how many guests there are at table, and the procedures of the establishment. Some establishments have reprinted forms that simply have to be ticked. Often the waiter will have to use a blank docket. The way the order is taken must serve three functions. It must be clear to the kitchen what dishes are to be prepared (and whether there are any special requirements). The waiter must be able to see which dish is to be served to which customer. And when the bill is prepared it must be clear what has been ordered and consumed. Clarity is essential. The great enemy of clarity is the use of personally devised abbreviations. If abbreviations are used they must be consistent and in a style agreed by both the waiting and kitchen staff. Avoid letter abbreviations; use at least part of the name of the dishes ordered according to the agreed style. Taking Beverage Orders Beverage orders should be taken as soon as guests are comfortably settled,remember the following points: 42 Dream International College

1. When taking the orders (verbally or in writing) make sure you clearly understand them and that they are precise, so that the guests receive what they have ordered. If you are not quite clear what has been ordered, do not hesitate to confirm it with the guest.

2. If there are several guests write the orders down in logical order (as the guests are seated, or with some other identification) so that you place the drinks correctly when they are served 3. Avoid the use of abbreviations; they can easily cause confusion 4. Different venues have different methods for recording sales. Whatever the system in use - handwritten dockets, a cash register, or a computer system .- it is essential that you record all items sold in the appropriate ways 5. In a restaurant the wine order is usually taken after the guests have selected their food. Additional orders for wine may be taken throughout the meal; indeed, if the guests' glasses look nearly empty, discreetly ask the host whether another bottle of wine should be brought 6. The order for after-dinner beverage items (such as port, brandy or liqueurs) should be taken prior to the service of coffee, so that the drinks can be served with the coffee.


In too many restaurant problems occur when parties of 8, 10, 15 etc. Come to the restaurant. Usually, and that is an advantage, a host will make a reservation prior to coming to the restaurant with his many guests. Following is an example of a procedure that will help you to be excellent when faced with such a matter; 43 Dream International College

1. Prepare yourself in advance prior to arrival of your guests 2. Be ready for extra covers, napkins in order to prevent having to run if you need any materials 3. Make sure the table is set properly 4. If a menu has been chosen in advance set it up completely 5. Number the seats 6. Make sure you have enough checks in case your guests want to pay separately 7. Place on the tables items that may be given complimentary on each guest (i.e peanuts, tortilla chips, pickles, etc) 8. After the guest has been seated, take cocktail and food orders 9. After the order has been taken, take a minute to complete the order on the guest check or voucher 10. Serving the order, serve your order according to the way you have numbered the seats, It is important that the food still be hot when served 11. Always serve each person completely.

5.5.7 MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS You are now likely to be asked questions about the daily specials and about the items on the menu. You must be able to describe the dishes, and how they are cooked and served, concisely, accurately, and attractively. You may also be asked to make recommendations. Be prepared to assist the guests in making their selections. To say, 'Everything is good!' is not helpful. Establish what sorts of dish the guest may want fish or meat, hot or cold - and then direct the guests to those dishes that seem most appropriate. The Waiter as Salesperson This is the time when the waiter's skill is as salesperson comes into play. 'Hard sell' techniques are seldom effective. Sales are made by suggesting items that the guest might well have ordered had they known of them. What you are providing is better service - making the guests' experience more complete and enjoyable, rather than a series of sales pitches. You might say, for example, that the fish of the day is fresh from the market, or that buffalo steaks are anew menu item and have proved very popular. It is a basic sales technique not to invite negative answers. Instead of saying, 'Would you like a starter?" that invites the answer 'No', rather ask, 'What would you like to start with?' Some establishments (in particular American-based chain restaurants) give detailed instruction to their waiting staff in sales technique. The whole emphasis is on helpful service without any mention of the word sales - 'sales' might almost be thought of as a dirty word - but the effect of good service should be the same in either case: contented guests and profitable food sales for the establishment. To be an extremely effective salesperson the waiter need only be sincerely helpful, friendly, attentive and enthusiastic, and have a thorough knowledge of the menu and be able to describe and recommend suitable items. 44 Dream International College

5.5.8 ADJUSTING OR CORRECTING THE COVERS To correct a cover is to adjust the cutlery originally laid to meet the guest's specific order. Covers are corrected after the orders have been taken and placed with the kitchen. They are corrected up to and including the main course. Guest uses the outer cutlery for their first courses and move inwards for each succeeding course. Prepare the cutlery for each guest, up to and including the main course, on a service plate. Starting with the guest on the right of the host, move anticlockwise, correcting the covers. Correct the knife section of the first guest and the fork section of the next guest by standing between them. To adjust the cutlery, lift the item not required and replace it with the correct item. Place the items required in sequence of use that is with the first course items in the outside and the items for the later courses inside and nearer the plate in the order in which they will be used. Pick up the cutlery holding it between the thumb and the index finger at the neck or join between the handle and the top of the gear (the appropriate cutlery). This will ensure that no fingerprints can be seen on the cutlery after it has been placed Cutlery for the dessert and the cheese is corrected after those orders have been taken later in the meal.

The cutlery used when adjusting the covers is placed parallel to the main gear. This applies to dessertspoons and forks when the covers are adjusted for the dessert and cheese orders as well as to the cutlery used for the earlier courses.


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As soon as the food order seat to the kitchen we will find the food based on the food order and then carrying them to the restaurant. To process all the food order in the kitchen is located in the picking up area. The picking up area is a place located between the kitchen and the food service areas. It is a meeting point between the food service staff and the food preparation staff. It is most essential that there is active co operation and a food relationship between the staff of these two service areas. This helps a great deal to ensure that the customer receives an efficient and quick service of his meal The Lay-Out of Picking Up Area As mentioned above that the picking up area is located between the kitchen and the food services areas. This area would be stocked up with all chinaware necessary for the service of a meal. This would include some of the following items: dinner plates, soup plates, dessert plates, coffee cups etc. The silverware required for service is often placed there. The man who incharge in the picking up area called aboyeur (or barker). This man also received the food order from the food service staff. He checks that it is legible to him and that none of the dishes ordered are off the menu. The picking up area is related with others sections such as still room dish washing area beverage store (dispense bar) and store. We will now deal in turn which each of the sections related to the picking up area. 1. Still room In many establishments tea/coffee is made in a still room. Toast and other items for breakfast usually prepared in this area. 2. Dish washing area In this area all the dirty equipment used at the food service area will be washed and cleaned. 3. Beverage store room Is a place where the beverage can be taken/ordered. This beverage store room usually called dispense bar, 4. Spare linen store Generally within the service area is found a spare linen cupboard. This is normally the responsibility of the food service staff. It is keep locked for control purposes. This spare linen stock is held near the food service area in case of emergency. The Problem Arise At The Picking Up Area Traffic, the flow of traffic in the picking up area must be definitely controlled particularly at the peak period. The steam of traffic should move in a generally circular pattern to avoid crossing. Since the entrance to the kitchen is usually made by keeping to the right, the general tendency is to continue traffic in a counter clock direction. All kitchen stations should be clearly marked as to which items available from each. This will minimize the creation of bottle necks by new employees.

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Placing orders.the problems usually done by the food service staff while they are shouting orders at a considerable distance. And this condition makes any frictions and disputes between the staff of the kitchen and the food service staff. The use of aboyeur (baker) eliminates this evil and also results in the removal of friction in getting orders. With the aboyeur the placing and getting of order can be arranged based on the food ordered given by the food service staff. Also the food service staff should queue at the picking up area in order and not cause confusion by jumping the queuc.

5.5.10 COLLECTING FOODS AND BEVERAGE Pick Up Food from the Kitchen and side 1. Identify and collect the dishes ordered including accompaniments orders 2. Cover the foods 3. Select the appropriate plates and equipment for service 4. Carry plates and flats and other food items on a food tray 5. Carry the foods on the tray to the restaurant 6. Put the tray on the side stand. Pick Up Beverages from The Bar 1. Identify and collect the beverages and additional service items (straws, coasters, nuts etc.) to match the order 2. Place the beverages in sequence of service on a drink tray 3. Carry the drink tray to the restaurant and serve directly to the table 4. Large wine or beer bottles should not be carried on a tray, they should be carried in the hand for safety 5. All glassware must be carried on a drink tray, right way up.

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Plate service is a basic and commonly used form of service. It demands that the waiter should be skilled in carrying plates without disturbing the food arranged on them. The methods used to carry the plates depend on the number of plate to be carried. PLATE SERVICE PROCEDURE Traditional plate service required food to be served to the left of the guest, and that the empty plates should be cleared from the right. In modern plate service, however, plates are both place and cleared from the guest's right as the least disturbance to the guest. Plate service technique 1. Two-plate carrying technique 2. Three-plate carrying technique In professional plate service no more than four plates are carried at a time. It is possible to carry more than four plates but, as this relies on balance, it is not usually considered professional service. The professional methods most utilized in the industry are the two-plate carrying techniques. These involve carrying either two or three plate in the left hand, leaving the right hand free. The right hand can be used to carry another plate, thus allowing three or four plates to be carried at once. When plates are cleared the same plate carrying techniques should be used. All professional waiters must be proficient in plate carrying and clearing techniques. Modern plate service practice developed because dining space is now more intensively. utilized than in the past, and there is less room for movement between guests . The plate service waiter can unobtrusively plate a plate of food in front of a guest from the right, while holding other plates on the left hand safely behind the guest's head.

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However, there are restaurants that still offer traditional plate service from the left, Waiters must, of course conform to the house rule' on this point. Plate service does not interfere with beverage service as food and beverage service do not take place at the same time. Plate Service Technique Two-Plate Carrying Technique 1. Plates are picked up so that when they are placed the main item will be on side of the plate facing the guest. Remember that the first plate to be picked up in the left hand will be the last to be placed on the table 2. Hold the first plate between your thumb, index finger and the middlefinger of your left hand. If the plate is hot use a service cloth 3. Then place the second plate on a platform above the first plate, supporting it by your fourth finger, your little finger and the base of your thumb and lower forearm

4. You may carry a third plate in your right hand, also in a service cloth 5. Carry the plates to the table away from your body, with the shoulders held back, so that the plates are not resting against the front of your body 6. To place the plates in front of the guests, position yourself at the back right-hand corner of a guest's chair, holding your left hand (and its plates) out of the way behind the guest's head 7. Place the plate in your right hand in front of the guest from the guest's right 8. The plate should be placed so that the main item is immediately in front of the guest and the vegetables further away at the top of the plate 9. Move behind the next guest to your left and transfer the second plate to your right hand and place it in front of the guest from the guest's right 10. Continue clockwise round the table repeating the procedure. Three-Plate Carrying Technique If four plates must be taken to the table at the same time, three plates should be carried in the left hand using the three-plate carrying method. 1. Hold the first plate between your thumb, index and middle fingers of the left hand (as in the twoplate technique). If the plates are hot use a service cloth 2. Place the second plate into the crease of the palm of your left hand under the edge of the first plate, supporting it by your ring and little finger 3. Place the third plate so that it sits on the flat of your forearm and the rim of the second plate 4. Carry the fourth plate in your right hand 5. Carry the plates to the table, holding them away from your body, with your shoulders held back, so that the plates are not resting against the front of your body 49 Dream International College

6. Leaning forward, place the plate in your right hand in front of the guest's right, using your right hand 7. Move behind the next guest to your left and transfer the third plate to your right hand and place it in front of the guest from the guest's right 8. Continue clockwise round the table repeating the procedure.


It is used to serve the customer directly with the right hand, by taking between the service spoon and fork a position of a dish that is served onto the customer's plate. The clamp is only used when only one hand is free left one holding the platter. 1. Slip the handle of the spoon between the middle and the index. In this stage draw the attention to the fact that the ring finger blocks the handle of the spoon 2. The fork is placed on the index. The two handles are wedged against the bottom of the thumb in the hollow of the hand 3. And blocked by the thumb. Draw attention to the fact that the ring finger blocks both handle

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4. By withdrawing the index the clamp closes 5. Slip the index between the spoon and the fork to open the amp 6. In using the clamp there are special points should be considered; a) Use a clean set of service spoon and fork for each dish and do not use them again to serve another table b) Do not use a fork without a spoon (except in the rare instances : i.e. in serving smoked salmon, etc) : c) Never use two spoons d) Never use the same spoon and fork for both potatoes and vegetables or other item e) When using the service spoon and fork, take care in lifting food that the portion does not slide out from the costumer's plate f) Always present a dish to the host for his approval before serving guests and show it is the dish he ordered. 5.5.13 LADLING AND SERVING SAUCE /SOUP

In a restaurant using silver service, the staff must be familiar with and be able to hold and use a ladle for serving sauce from a sauce boat or soup from a soup tureen onto the appropriate plate. Basically the method of ladling and serving is the same for sauce and soup. In silver service the sauce boat is carried to the table than ladled onto the guest's plate. In serving soup from a soup tureen, the soup plate is already on the table. The soup is then served from the tureen into the soup plate using the ladle. Using a ladle to serve sauce or soup means to transfer from sauce boat or tureen, sauce or soup with a deep cup shaped spoon. The ladle must be manipulated in such a way as to avoid dripping the sauce or soup when serving from the boat or tureen onto the guest's plate. 51 Dream International College

The Equipment 1. A ladle; can be silver or stainless steel. It is a deep cup shape spoon with a curved handle, in restaurant operations there are sauce and soup ladles or different sizes and forms 2. Sauce boat; can also be silver or stainless steel boat shape with a lip and a handle. Also different in size and form. Depending on the sauce to be served. 3. Soup tureen; can be silver or stainless steel, bowl with a fitting cover. It comes in portion sizes 2, 4, 8 or 12 portions size. The other equipment used when using a ladle for serving sauce or soup is: under-liner, napkin or paper dolly. The Method Before starting, check and ensure the following points: 1. That all the equipment used is clean, neat and suitable 2. That the necessary crockery is already on the table The procedure is then as follows: 1. Pick up the sauce boat or the soup tureen and place on under flatprepared with napkin or paper doll 2. Place a sauce ladle or a soup ladle on the underline with the handle forward. Remove the soup tureens cover 3. Carry the loaded under flat in the left hand steady and level 4. Approach the guest from the left, bend slightly left foot forward. Move the sauce boat or the soup tureen to the rim of the plate or soup plate 5. Pick up the ladle firmly in the right hand. Keep the ladle steady 6. Dip the ladle in the sauce or the soup, if necessary stir it gently and smoothly. Lift the ladle and allow any drips to fall back into the sauce boat or soup tureen 7. Serve the sauce onto the plate, usually on the top right. Ask the guest the amount of sauce he would like and serve as requested. Serve the soup into the soup plat, never overload the plate. After serving return the ladle to the sauce boat or soup tureen and carry to the sideboard for clearing up.

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At the end of a meal hot beverages are usually served, but they can be served while the guest is having his meal especially in a coffee shop. In a bar or snack restaurant, hot beverages are served on their own or accompanied by pastries. They are also served during "coffee or tea break”. The hot beverages normally served in cups are: coffee, tea, milk and chocolate. The preparation of hot beverages should be done in the pantry by kitchen staff. The restaurant and bar staff will prepare the equipment and supplies to be used for serving them. The equipment and supplies needed for serving hot beverages are; coffee cup, coffee saucer, tea spoon, cream jug, sugar bowl, sliced lemon for tea, and round tray. Hold the salver just above and to the right of the cup on the table. The pot handle must be held firmly in the right hand. Point the spot towards the cup. Tilt the pot forward and pour the beverage into the cup whilst pouring, the front edge. Of the base of the pot should not leave the salver. Normally the cup should only be filled 4/5 if milk is to be added, to the beverage ask the guest how much they would like. The milk or cream jug is manipulated in the same fashion as the tea or coffee If sliced lemon is needed, it should be placed on the table. Placing the salver on sideboard.

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After serving, the tea/coffee pot and milk/cream jug on the salver should be carried to the side board. The coffee, tea, milk or chocolate should be kept hot in the proper hot plate. It is necessary to observe the table constantly so that the guests can be offered a second cup of the beverage.


When a course is cleared it is usual for the whole table to be cleared at the same time when all the guests have finished. Guests usually indicate that they have finished by placing their cutlery together on the plate. As they don't always do this you must be alert to other signs from the table that everyone has finished, and if necessary you must ask guests about whom you are doubtful whether they have finished or not. Once you have established that all the guests have finished the course, clear the plates using a two or three plate clearing technique. Clearing technique includes: 1. Two - plate clearing technique 2. Three - plate clearing technique 3. Clearing side plates A. TWO-PLATE CLEARING TECHNIQUES • Start with the person to the right of the host • Standing at the back right-hand corners of the guest's chair, lean forwards 54 Dream International College

and pick up the used plate and cutlery with your right hand • Transfer the plate to your left hand, holding it between the thumb and index finger. Place your thumb over the end of the fork handle. Use the knife to move the scrap items to the front of the plate • Place the knife under the handle of the fork at right angles to it • Moving clockwise round the table, place yourself behind the next guest. Holding your left hand (and the first guest's empty plate) behind the guest, lean forward and pick up the second used plate and its cutlery • Transfer the second plate to your left hand. Position it on a platform above the first plate, supporting it with your ring finger you're little finger and the base of your thumb and lower forearm • Place the fork alongside the other fork on the first plate, and using the knife, push the scraps down off the second plate onto the front of the first plate to join the scrap already there • Place the knife alongside the knife on the first plate, remaining plates and cutlery. Stack the plates on the second plate and arrange the cutlery on the first plate, following the same procedure as for the second plat • the number of plates that can be collected in this way will depend on the waiter's skill and experience. When you have collected as many plates as you can confidently carry, take the plates and cutlery to the station (sideboard) and place them on a tray for removal, or take them directly to the dish washing area, according to the practice of the establishment.

B. THREE - PLATE CLEARING TECHNIQUE The three-plate clearing method is similar to the two-plate method, with the added advantage that the scrap food items and the used cutlery are earned on separate plates. • Start with the person to the right of the host • Standing at the back right - hand corners of the guest's chair, lean forward and pick up the used plate and cutlery with your right hand • Transfer the plate to your left hand, holding it between the thumb index fingers. Place your thumb over the end of the fork handle. Use the knife to knife the scrap items to the front of the plate • Place the knife under the handle of the fork at right angles to it • Moving clockwise round the table, place yourself behind the next guest. Holding your left hand (and the first guest's empty plate) behind the guest, lean forward and pick up the second used plate and its cutlery. (Up to this point the technique has been exactly the same as for the two-plate method) • Place the second plate in the crease of the palm of your left hand under the edge of the first plate, supporting it by your ring and little fingers. Place the fork alongside the fork on the first plate, and using the knife, move the scrap items from the first plate down onto the second plate. Place the knife alongside the knife on the first plate

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• Moving clockwise round the table, pick up the next guest's used plate • Place the third plate so that it sits on the flat of your forearm and the rim of the second plate. Place the fork alongside the forks on the first plate and use the knife to move the scraps onto the second plate. Place the knife alongside the other knives on the first plate. • Continue clockwise, collecting the plates, stacking the additional plates on the third plate, transferring the scraps onto the second plate and placing the knives and forks neatly on the first plate. . • When you have collected as many plates as you can confidently manage, take them to the station (or the dish washing area).

C. CLEARING SIDE PLATES Clearing side plates at the same time as dinner plates If there are only three or four guests at the table, the side plates may be collected at the same time as the used dinner plates, using the two-plate or the three-plate technique. Continue clockwise round the table a second time, collecting the side plates and knives. If using the two-plate technique the procedure is:  

  

Collect the side plates and knives from the guests' left using your right hand. Transfer the side plate to the pile of empty plates supported by your left hand and arm, holding your left hand well away from the table. Use the knife to move scrap items to the front of the first dinner plate. Place the knife on the first plate beside the other knives. Continue until all the side plates have been collected and stacked on dinner plates. If the three-plate clearing technique is used collect the knives and forks on the first plate and the scraps on the second plate, piling the side plates on the cleared main course plates which are stacked on the third plate position .

.Clearing side plates separately from dinner plates If there are more than four guests at the table, you will not be able to collect the side plates at the same time as the dinner plates, but will have to collect them separately, using the two-plate method.   

Take a dinner plate to the table, it will provide you with a conveniently larger working surface than a side plate Treat this plate as if it were the first dinner plate collected, and use it as the receptacle for scraps and the side knives Proceed round the table clockwise, collecting the side plates and knives from the guests' left, as described above.

D. CLEARING GLASSES Clearing glasses is the operation of removing them from the table during service. The equipment needed for clearing glasses are service tray and restaurant tray. The timing of clearing glasses;

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  

Except for the water goblet and wine glasses, glasses should be cleared when the customer has finished or the glasses are empty. Water goblets are cleared at the end of the meal when the customers have left the table. Wine glasses are cleared when the wine has been finished and the glasses are empty.

The operation or method of clearing glasses    

Pick up the tray, approach the table to the right of the customer Pick up the first water goblet, place it on the service tray Repeat until the clearing is completed Carry the glasses to the side board, place them one by one on the restaurant tray.

Notes       

Glasses must be handle with extremely care Glasses should be cleared from the right side of the customer Never carry dirty glasses from the table by hand Never place fingers inside the glasses when picking up Pick up and handle the glasses by the lower part at the base, never by the rim Arrange glasses on a tray by types and sizes Carry only the number of glasses which can be managed safely.

E. CRUMBING DOWN During a meal in a restaurant the table sometimes become untidy with crumbs (especially from bread) and other debris. It is necessary for the waiter to clean or crumb down the table and this is done after the main course has been completed and the dinner plate, bread and butter plate has been removed. This operation is The equipment needed for crumbing down: • Small plate (dessert plate) • Service cloth. Crumbing down should be done after the main course plate and the bread & butter plate has been removed and before the dessert is served. The operation: ► Fold a service cloth into a pad and hold it in the right hand ► Pick up the plate in the left hand ►Approach the table to the left side of the customer ► Remove crumbs as follows: ► Hold the plate close to and just below level of the table top ► Using cloth in the right hand, brush crumbs from the counter of the cover to the side, and onto the plate, making short sweeping strokes with service cloth on the table surface ► Bring the dessert fork from the top of the cover to the left of the cover 57 Dream International College

► Move to the other side of the customer ► Remove the crumbs from the second half of the cover, in the same manner ►Bring the dessert spoon from the top of the cover to the right side of the cover ► Repeat the operation until crumbing down is completed and dessert covers are all in-place ► Start with the lady and work anti clock-wise around the table ► Remove the salt & pepper cruet and any other condiments from the table.

5.6 CLOSING TRANSACTION 5.6.1. BILLING PROCEDURES It is essential that you should be alert to signs that guests may want their bill. Nothing is more irritating to guests than to be kept waiting while they try to attract the attention of a waiter to ask for their bill. This is particularly so for busy business-people at lunchtime. Many promising restaurants has failed because it earned a reputation for slow service, and the fatal slowness may well have been in the bringing of the bill rather than in the actual food service. Generally speaking, bills should not be presented until they are asked for, but some establishment, which specialized in quick service and a high turnover of guests, place the bill on the table before the end of the meal. When a bill is presented at table it is placed in front of the host (probably the person who has asked for the bill) on a small plate from the right. Either the bill is folded so that the amount to be paid cannot be seen by the other guests, or it is placed in a billfold that serves the same purpose. If there is no obvious host you may place the bill in the centre of the table. Bills presented at bars should be presented on a plate, folded, or in a billfold. If the establishment requires guests' pay at a cashier's desk as they are leaving, make this clear to the guests to avoid confusion and delay. Do not wait for guests to pay; leave them alone to pay in their own time. Remain alert though, so that when they have paid (or signed) for their meal, there is no unnecessary delay while they are kept waiting for you to collect the payment.

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5.6.2 FARE-WELLING THE GUEST The last impression guests are given as they leave after a meal is as important as their first impression on arrival. The farewell should be warm and friendly, and as personal as possible. If you are not too busy serving other guests, assist those departing by moving their chairs for them, collecting their personal belongings and offering to call for a taxi. If it is not physically possible to assist your guests to leave because you are busy serving others, at least acknowledge their departure with a nod and a smile. If you can, wish them 'Good evening' and thank them for coming. You should have taken the trouble to note their names (the credit card is an invaluable reminder for names); if you know the name, use it: 'Goodnight, Mr. Bob, we look forward to seeing you again soon'.

5.6.3 RE-SETTING The waiter's responsibilities do not end with the departure of the guests. When the guests have left the tables and service areas must be cleared of used and soiled items and the tables prepared for use again. areas will vary from one The procedure for resetting the tables and work establishment to another. Table is reset for the same meal service as soon as the guests sitting at that table have left. This allows the table to be used again, increasing the number of covers served in that meal service. In other less hurried establishments, after the guests from one meal service have left the tables are reset for the next service - for example, when one set of guests has finished their lunch the table may be reset for dinner. Procedure for Clearing and Re-Setting ► Remove coffee cups and centre items, glassware and ashtrays. (If you have kept the table tidy throughout the service of the meal, there should be the only items left on the table when the guests depart.) ► The cups and saucers should be carried using either the two-or the three-plate carrying technique. Do not stack the cups. Glassware should be removed on a drink tray. The remaining centre items are removed by hand. ► If tablecloths are used in the establishment, the table must be reclothed, refer to handout ► Whether the table is reset or not, ensure that all the chairs are returned to their original positions around the table, do not forget to check the chairs for crumbs ► The procedures for setting or resetting are the same , ► In most establishments workstations are restocked with cleaned polished equipment immediately after the completion of service in preparation for the next service.

5.6.4 CLEANING OF SIDE BOARD The side board must be cleared off regularly and often. A side board littered with dirty dishes is not an agreeable sight for the guest, besides that it is disturbing for toes who work from it. Pick up the tray carefully, place it on the left fare arm, and if necessary lifts it with the right hand. Work with caution to avoid breaking anything. Take it to the stewarding department. Place the glasses in their appropriate; the glasses are group per category and shape. 59 Dream International College

Stack up the dirty plates according to size. Maintain order in stewarding department to render easier the work of the dishwasher. Empty the ashtray into the garbage can. Also give the tray to be washed. Arrange empty bottles in the appropriate box placed in the stewarding department for that purpose. Never throw the bottles into the garbage can, the empty bottles are returned to the supplier, do not forget to empty the special boxes for dirty cover. As for the plate do it often and regularly. Put them in the stewarding department into the soaking box. After each service, empty the trash drawer of the side board. The trash drawers are exclusively reserved for paper leftovers. Empty these drawers into a plastic bag which is taken to the garbage can.

5.6.5 CLOSE DOWN * Remove tablecloths from unwanted tables * Store clean linen * Dispose of used linen Dismantle and clear away, unwanted tables and chairs * Clear and clean trolleys and service tables * Store menus and wine lists * Secure equipment * Store condiments * Store flowers and table decorations * Lock windows and doors Switch off gas and electricity * Turn off water heating air conditioning * Check for fire hazard * Lock up * Hand over keys.

5.6.6 LOG – BOOK A daily logbook is an effective and precise way of communicating with colleagues. It is a dairy of major events and actions influencing the business. The logbook contains important information recorded, pertaining to the events and actions of the operation. Examples: Information of actions undertaken Incidents that have taken place Machinery or equipment brake-downs and follow up Customer complaints Information affecting next shift, staff on sick leave etc. Changes to functions or reservations Number of covers served All information recorded in the logbook must be initialed, and must be followed up by a department head/ supervisor. . 60 Dream International College


Customers get angry for a variety of reasons—some justified, some not. Anyone who deals with customers will likely encounter rude or angry individuals once and awhile. How you respond can make the difference between a customer who feels satisfied with the resolution 1. and one who vows never to patronize your business again. Talking to an angry customer is never easy but following these steps can help to put your customers at ease and show them that you want to help so you can get to a resolution much quicker. Handling angry customers is just part of the customer service industry but it isn’t the end of the world. In fact, helping customers find solutions to their problems can be quite rewarding and actually build loyalty when handled correctly. Here are the 7 steps to follow when a customer complains: 1. Listen carefully to the person who is angry. This requires active listening which means you need to stop what you’re doing to concentrate. An angry customer needs to know that they are being heard and that you are fully engaged in the conversation. Concentrate solely on what the customer is telling you. Make notes of the key facts and their concerns, so that you have a record of the conversation to refer to in the future. 2. Let your customer vent for a few minutes if necessary. A really angry customer sometimes needs to vent their frustrations. Give them a chance to do so as long they are not using obscenities or abusive language. Don’t interrupt. Remain calm and in control. Above all, remember that you are representing your company and they are not attacking you personally.

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3. Show empathy for your customer’s concerns. Let them know that you sincerely care about the problem even if you don’t agree with their comments. If you or your company made a mistake, admit it. If it is a misunderstanding, you can respond in a supportive, concerned tone of voice, “I can see how that would be incredibly frustrating for you.” You are not necessarily agreeing with what the customer is saying, but respecting how he or she perceives and feels about the situation. 4. Thank your customer for complaining. Yep. Even when customers are being a bit nasty, you can begin to change the tone of the conversation dramatically by sincerely thanking them for bringing the problem to your attention. This shows the customer that you genuinely care about what they are sharing and you appreciate the opportunity to resolve the problem. 5. Sincerely apologize even if you are not the cause of the problem. It really doesn’t matter who caused the problem. Sometimes the customer is the one who made the error. What you are apologizing for is the fact that they are upset about the situation. An apology implies ownership. It lets the customer know that you are going to help them through the process. When said sincerely, the words “I’m sorry” can eliminate as much as 95% of a person’s anger. This will help your customer to calm down and be more open to problem resolution. 6. Get the facts. Now that the customer has calmed down and feels you have heard his or her side, begin asking questions. Be careful not to speak scripted replies, but use this as an opportunity to start a genuine conversation, building a trusting relationship with your customer. To help you understand the situation, as open-ended questions to try to get as many details as possible. 7. Offer a solution. This happens only after you have sufficient details. Know what you can and cannot do within your company’s guidelines. Making a promise you cannot commit to will only set you back. Remember, when offering a solution, be courteous and respectful. Let the customer know you are willing to take ownership of the issue and tell them what you are going to do to solve the problem. If an employee in another department is better equipped to fix it, help make the transition smooth by explaining the problem so your customer doesn’t need to repeat their story. A quick follow-up phone call a few days later to make sure everything is okay is icing on the cake. Even a small gesture of compensation such as a simple upgrade on the customer’s next purchase or a small gift certificate can turn this interaction from anger to satisfaction. When you resolve customer complaints successfully, you will better understand their needs, retain them as loyal customers, and enhance your business. Every time a customer complains it gives us an opportunity to learn how we could have handled things better or differently in order to build loyalty. Remember, many of our silent, angry customers just go away. Apply the seven steps listed above. Then feel great about the positive difference you made in your customer’s day and your company’s success!

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