How to Write an Article - Submitting to Free Article Directories If you want to find out how to write an article for article marketing, then read this. You will discover tips on how to submit articles to free article directories effectively. Article marketing is the way to increase traffic to your website. The concept of article marketing is create articles which are related to the products and services as well as the programs that you are offering in your website. With this, you can effectively promote what you are offering and selling in your website. Over the years, many individuals have been enjoying the profitability benefits of writing articles and submitting them in free article directories. Always remember that it is important to submit your articles in article directories so that these articles will become very visible online through the most popular search engines on the Internet today such as MSN, Google, and Yahoo. By submitting your articles to directories, you will be able to gain visibility on top pages of these search engines. Before you submit articles, you need to make sure that these are of good quality so that search engines will place these articles in top 5 pages. How to write an article for article marketing? Here are some tips: Make sure that you choose a subject for your article that is relevant to the programs or products and services that you are offering in your website. It is advisable that you write in short sentences and then create only short paragraphs. Most of the readers on the Internet will tend to stop reading the articles if they have long paragraphs. So, it is wise to make your sentences short but meaningful. This is the main key on how to write an article effectively. Articles should also be substantial. When you write your articles you need to include more facts as much as possible. When you are able to achieve this, you will be able to build a reputation and the credibility that you are an expert on the field related to your products and services offered. If this happens, then persuading them to purchase or avail of whatever you are selling would be very easy. You should also use relevant keywords when writing for article marketing. Long tail keywords are beneficial because this boost traffic into your website when people do research using the top search engines. The most important element that you should not forget during the process of writing for article marketing is the backlink or some may call it hyperlink. Placing backlinks is very beneficial because these backlinks are the ones that readers will click on to get to your website. You should write more articles so that there will be more that you can submit in directories. The more articles submitted, the more links are created. When you have more links, you will have high chances of an increased traffic to your website. But, the first step is to find out how to write an article effectively. If you want to discover more tips on how to write an article for article marketing, then get insider tips at How to Write an Article - Submitting to Free Article Directories Copyright 2010 by