Professional Tips on How to Sell Ebooks Sell Books Online If you want to find tips on how to sell ebooks, then it is best to read this article. This will give you basic tips and reasons why selling ebooks directly to your target readers is better than vending it through a distributor. Fresh writers are always amazed by the power of the Internet as an effective tool for marketing. If you are new in this business, you know that Internet is the best option to promote your products like an electronic book. To sell ebooks, you must have your own website. This is the best option that you should do first. When you have your own website, you can advertise your books directly to your client. The chances of getting a distributor will eat most of the chunk of your profits. Why do you have to sell books online using other marketers when you can do it yourself? For entrepreneurs to sell books online is a big venture for them. This is a big break for them especially to the newbies in this business. You know that Internet can do a lot of things and one of the best ways to market and sell your ebooks is to create a social networking account that is linked through your website. This is an effective marketing strategy because many individuals are into social networking and they find it convenient to advertise their products through it. They even get comments and information about the products they sell. You have various options on how to sell ebooks. It is either they will download the ebook first then pay after, or you can require them a full payment before they get the ebook. If you look at the options clearly it benefits one side of the party. The former benefits the buyer and the latter benefits the seller. Either ways, both of you may have doubts. To avoid doubts, you can ask a down payment or partial payment from the buyer then he can purchase or download the ebook immediately. But make sure that you have contacts with your buyers so that you can follow up on their payments. It is important that you have a good method for collection of payments from your buyers. Without this, it is just like you are giving out your products and not earning profits from it. Most of the online entrepreneurs have their own strategies to protect their interests. Although partial payments may be a good option but nobody is quite sure if the buyers will pay the rest of the amount after they get the products they ordered. You need some sort of security. You also have to set the terms and conditions about the shipping of the ebook. They can either download the ebook right away after the payment or you have to provide your customers with the CD-ROM. You must include in the terms and conditions in the modes of payments. It is either through paychecks, credit cards, and money transfers. These tips on how to sell ebooks are not that difficult to follow and you can try it now increase your income. If you need more tips on how to sell ebooks, then visit and get insider tips from an expert online entrepreneur at Professional Tips on How to Sell Ebooks - Sell Books Online, Copyright 2010 by