CareerSuccess Magazine

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for administrative & office professionals

Volume 25 Issue 2

Calling for nominations:

Launching PAFSA: Your career home

PA of the Year™2012

Bullying in the workplace:

Fact or fiction?

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Contributors to this Edition

Editorial Director Ana-Maria Valente Publication Co-ordinator Queenie Masiza-Sangweni

Admin/Advertising Director Ornella Trinco Advertising/Marketing Marlene Bilewitz & Associates Head: Finance & HR Guida Morais Subscriptions & Client Liaison Thandi Mtshali Graphic Design Iviwe Masiza Dictum Design and Digital Printing United Litho, Bert Groenewald, Tel: (011) 402 0571

The Company

CareerSuccess is published by Dictum Publishers (Pty) Ltd Gauteng, South Africa Tel: (011) 616 7401 Fax: (011) 616 3244 E-mail: Opinions expressed in any article do not necessarily reflect on the publishers. All submissions to CareerSuccess are subject to editorial change to suit the style of the magazine. The right of reproduction of any article or other matter published in CareerSuccess is expressly reserved.© CareerSuccess is the official publication of PAFSA.


shane everts responsible for the marketing and communications portfolio of a healthcare NGO, Kheth’Impilo. His main focus is maintaining a positive profile of the organisation as well as growing the brand from recognition to brand preference. Contact him on Grant Driver is a professional speaker, he’s a downto-earth guy; he’s quick-witted and fun; he is passionate about making a difference – and he knows his stuff. Contact him at

ANEL MARTIN is the PA of the Year 2011. She is passionate about the profession and the people working in it! She writes and presents on PA related matters country wide and she has been working for Telkom SA since 2006. Anel is also very interested in networking with other PA’s in the industry. To make contact with her you can e-mail LISA PYNE-MErCIER is a detailed orientated go-getter who enjoys a challenge and has a thirst for knowledge, new things and likes to be different. Contact her on

CLAIRE PRINGLE is a Branch Manager - Corporate O f f i c e Te m p a n d P e r m a t B r e n t P e r s o n n e l . Contact her on

STEVE MURPHY is an accomplished speaker who has first hand and real time experience with business challenges; he is also retained as a consultant to businesses
in SEA and remains a Director and Chairman of a number of companies. More information on

ColleEn Mansoor is President of the FriendsCup. She holds the position of Marketing Assistant/PA/ Office Manager for PSG Asset Management Life, Illovo. Contact her on


ED's MEMO Imagine you are a company: Would you be Ltd or UnLtd? Labels are a funny thing! Many people believe that if one is labelled it can “box” you and stereotype you and it is not too good an idea. Others argue that it may depend on the label people give you, i.e. if you are described and ‘labelled’ as a ‘creative person’ it is in fact very positive and encouraging. However, if you get labelled as a ‘perfectionist’ it may be seen either as positive or as negative... and if you get labelled as ‘shy’ it may work against your future promotion possibilities. The above refers to labels others may give us. The other side of the coin is, what does it make us feel if we have labelled ourselves? Let’s suppose that we view ourselves as being competent and reliable: This is shows self-esteem and does wonders for our self-confidence. But what if we have an opinion of ourselves as being relatively competent but not as good as the person in the next office - what does this do to the way we approach our work or our behaviour at meetings? Do we put a front to the world that communicates this:” I’m not there yet; XYZee is much better than me”. Clearly, the way we label ourselves can have an enormous influence in the way we come across to others. It is neither wise to be over-confident and haughty, nor is it wise to be unduly reserved.


What is wise is to start seeing ourselves and labelling ourselves as “someone being on a fabulous growth journey”. This is the best way to see ourselves and have others see us. Why? Because it shows respect for what we have achieved thus far (great or little), and shows enthusiasm for keeping learning. That is why we should see ourselves as a “Professional unLtd”. Some interesting views on this topic are expressed in this edition CareerSuccess. 

CONTENTS Features 8

Key Feature: Leverage your personal brand and your networks to ensure your success

10 PAFSA: Introducing a new Professional Association for you! 26 Leadership Lessons: What makes people unhappy

Interview 20 PAOTY Experience: 2011 Finalists share views

Special events 14 Green Heart Award news: Finalists announced 16 Events: Annual PA Summit and Secretaries Day Lunch 19 PA of the Year 2012: Calling for nominations! 25 Career Issues: Secretaries Day Wishlist 28 Conferencing Advertorial: Focus on SA Event Décor


Ed's Memo: Imagine you are a company: would you be LTD or UNLTD


News, Views and Reviews: Be in the know

12 Eyes on The World: Bullying in the workplace: Fact or Fiction? 22 Q&A: Sales skills for the PAs 30 FriendsCup: Grow this club with me 32 Brain Fun: Test your wits issue



News, Views And Reviews


The 5 phrases your boss should never hear from you! As a professional there are things that people say at work that just make you climb the wall! But have you ever thought about what makes bosses cringe?

performance or interference, you point out WHAT went wrong before you suggest someone’s impact may have been the cause.



I didn’t think it was important enough to tell you!

NEVER ever tackle an important task without knowing EXACTLY what the boss wants.

NEVER assume! Ask your boss what (s)he wants regular updates on, and when in doubt about a rising issue, ask your boss if (s)he wants to be fully informed on it or jut be alerted.

“Oops – Is that what you meant!”

If the request/brief is given to you verbally, repeat back to him/her what you have understood. You’ll be surprised at how often what we have heard is not what was meant.


Please like my Facebook page. This is not advisable. Your boss may be friendly but likely view this as crossing

the line between a work relationship and a personal one.


You should know that this all Judy’s fault! Blaming a fellow-worker outright is simply not professional, nor is it acceptable. If you know that a task has failed due to someone’s non-


I’m just not going to meet your deadline! Nothing could be worse for a boss than hearing this just before the task is due! When you see the possibility of running late, immediately warn the boss so that s(he) can put measures in place.


Certificate Ceremony 2012: Ekurhuleni West College: Kempton Campus The ceremony took place at Kempton Park Civic Centre on 22 March 2012. The Master of Ceremony was Ms NM Erasmus from Kempton Campus. The Keynote Speaker was Mr GM Chabalala, Acting Deputy Director General for International and Stakeholder Relations: Presidency. Among the eight special Awards promoted was the CareerSuccess Award for Best Management Assistant student for 2012. The trophy was presented by Queenie Masiza-Sangweni who is the CareerSuccess publication co-ordinator. The Award recipient was Kamogelo Shirley Mathladisa. 




Doing good is good business! We have to find ways to facilitate and accelerate economic growth if we plan to successfully combat unemployment and poverty in our country. Did you know that more than a quarter of our population is currently unemployed? How about a further quarter of our population living below the poverty line? Shane Everts proposes some ideas to solve the problem.


ur Government launched a strategy policy that aims to realise South Africa’s economic potential, which was promulgated in 2003. Unfortunately, the policy is misrepresented, poorly understood and misinterpreted in application on many levels and as a result seems to threaten those who don’t understand it and conversely enriches those who abuse its intention. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) is widely criticised. Albeit perhaps not perfect, I don’t recall any product or innovation being launched as 100% perfect first time round. There is always a “beta” version in software, because we continually work to improve things, right? If implemented correctly, B-BBEE can have a positive influence and impact on business while adding value to the economy and disadvantaged communities. The Act seeks to advance economic transformation by enhancing the economic participation of black people in South Africa: An important instrument aimed at broadening the economic base of the country, which stimulates economic growth and creates employment by increasing the amount of economically active people. My portfolio involves marketing a healthcare NGO, Kheth’Impilo, to ensure visibility, attract interest and investment. Economic changes in the traditional funding landscape changed dramatically in the past two years due to macro economic factors in the US and Europe. The economic downturn resulted in increased competition for access to available funding streams and a general reduction in philanthropic investment channelled towards HIV / AIDS related causes became evident.

Involving corporate business who follow the triple bottom line principle (3 Ps) was the obvious next step, however explaining what we do to corporate companies proved challenging. The overall perception of supporting charity amounts to funds disappearing into an abyss of dependency. As a structured business case, Kheth’Impilo offers return on investment to corporate business, specifically with regard to earning points on their BEE scorecard for SocioEconomic Development, and providing receipts for donations under section 18A for their tax benefit. Higher scorecard ratings translate to preferred business, which leads to an improved bottom-line. Our health and education programmes address poverty alleviation, stimulate economic participation by enabling access to the workplace and support sustainable access into the South African economy for disadvantaged individuals and their communities nationally.

contributes to a healthy corporate image and builds a positive reputation from a marketing and public relations perspective. Position your brand as socially responsible through a value based partnership with Kheth'Impilo, buying into our vision “Towards an AIDS free generation in our time” is a simple yet effective way of earning your BEE points with an added tax benefit. Kheth'Impilo promotes equitable and just employment, accountable procurement and responsible environmental practices. For more information please visit support/csi or email Shane Everts at marketing@khethimpilo. org

The organisation is committed to advancing skills within rural areas and addressing the scarce and critical skills required within the Health and Welfare Sector. It is critical that any training undertaken today must lead towards an accredited qualification. Our available learnerships for matriculants include: Basic pharmacist assistant, post-basic pharmacist assistant; Social Auxiliary work; Community adherence as well as Phlebotomy. In addition, the organisation also provides training to healthcare professionals on HIV, STIs, TB treatment and prevention, accredited with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, earning CPD points on completion. Corporate Social Investment (CSI) issue









Key Feature

The benefits of building a powerful personal brand and a strategic approach to networking are huge, so says Grant Driver


Leverage your

Personal Brand and your Networks to Ensure your



h e r e ’s a n e w s p i r i t awakening in companies – it’s individualism and it’s here to stay. The focus is no longer on the organisation’s brand and product but rather on the ability of employees to distinguish themselves in the face of competition. And their ability to do this successfully depends on how they brand themselves and grow their personal networks of contacts.


Brand first But before you rush out to build your network, first focus on how you’re going to build a powerful perception in the minds of your network of contacts. Start to think of yourself as a brand, or even better, as a distinctive brand. Personal brand building is no different to promoting the brand of a company or a

Research has shown that men are more effective at networking than women – especially on the golf course. Women are getting the hang of it, however, and are starting to leverage the art of connecting in informal environments with a view to building mutually beneficial relationships.


product, the focus in each case is on:

of value to the relationship.

• Packaging.

Business has changed. It’s no longer about aggressive strategies to get to the top position. It’s about forming reciprocal relationships with key people who identify with your personal brand and who want to include you in their network of contacts.

• C learly communicating the benefits and features. • Actual performance and reliability, and • Consumer’s total experience. Together these combine to form a perception in the mind of the consumer which is either positive or negative. Based on this perception, consumers will decide on whether to use the product or move on to another brand.

Getting started Here are some tips for successfully developing your personal brand and your network.

your personal brand

• Your own professional visual identity – your packaging.

• Manage your appearance. Always look your best. • Become relevant to your customers by identifying and meeting their needs. • Be consistent and reliable in your performance – this is the key to a powerful brand.

• Positioning the value you can bring to a team, business or relationship.

• Constantly invest in your personal brand equity by improving your knowledge of your industry, products and business skills.

• Meeting the expectations of those whose relationships are important to you, and

your personal network

How people connect with you and your personal brand will depend on your ability to achieve the following:

• Making people feel the benefits of being in a relationship with you.

networking Once you’ve established your personal brand, you need to get out there and build your network. Networking is a buzzword in business. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a network is a "fabric or structure of cords or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secure at the crossings”. If we rephrase that for business purposes, we could say that a network is a “structure of people and contacts who cross at regular intervals and who are secure at those crossings”.

• Don't approach networking with the expectation of immediate gratification. Your goal is to meet people and to understand as much about them as you can. • Develop an elevator speech. This is a 10-second introduction to who you are and what you do. Make those 10 seconds count. • Always have business cards on you. • Ask questions about the other person and listen intently. • Improve your ability to remember people’s names. This is a powerful way of making a profound impression on others. • Ask if you can stay in touch and ask for a business card. • Send a follow-up note and touch on a few things you discussed. • Take active steps on a regular basis to strengthen your network by staying in touch with people you've connected with.

The emphasis in networking is not on “what’s in it for me” but rather on how can you bring something issue



If you are a member of the secretarial office administrative profession, PAFSA is your profession's home! Become a member of your profession's community. Enhance your professional standing!

Introducing a new

Professional Association for YOU!


Professional Association for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Passion for the profession

We are in the 21st century! The world has changed drastically... your profession just as much. You need

You need

You need

A professional home that communicates with you through various platforms.

To be a member of a professional representative body that understands your profession.

An association that respects you as a professional.

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PAFSA does!

Join NOW and:

PAFSA does!


Meet the challenges of the 21st Century head-on


Enhance your professional status by being a


Be in-the-know: stay informed, motivated and inspired


AND what’s more: Get it all on the screen near

member of a professional association

you: Your computer

We invite you to become a member of PAFSA today. It's time that your profession has a professional career body like the Accountants, Engineers, etc. careersuccess


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4 editions of Green Office Week newsletters a year: emailed

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APPLICATION FORM FOR Premium Membership of PAFSA Application for PREMIUM Membership of PAFSA Rate: R125.00 per Year (VAT incl). The Key difference between the Premium and Free membership is that Premium Membership has the additional benefit of a printed and posted CareerSuccess magazine. Please copy this form onto your email, fill in, and email to us: First Name:


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How many years experience do you have in this profession? (1 - 9) or (10 -19) or ( 20+ ) → If you are a student, please indicate name of course and name of institution here. → If you have a 3-year post-matric qualification (Diploma or Degree) please indicate details here. → If you are already member of another Sec/ Admin(s) Association or Club, please state which. Please indicate here the date of payment.  NB: Your Premium membership will be activated once your payment of R125,00 (One hundred and twenty five) is reflected on our Bank Statement. Our bank details are: Dictum Publishers (Pty) Ltd, Standard Bank Rivonia Account no: 420075178, Branch code: 001255 Please email or fax proof of payment together with this Application Form




Eyes on the World

Bullying in the Workplace:

Fact or Fiction? is the global economic downturn which has dramatically

Anel Martin, PA of the Year 2011, increased the incidents of bullying worldwide. The trend-spots for us. International Labour Organisation has indicated that


hile “trend spotting” over the last few months the same topic kept creeping up. The more I tried to ignore it, the more I started seeing articles, quotes and material everywhere! On Twitter, LinkedIn, the web, even during casual conversations at work. So, I decided to dig a little deeper, and I was surprised at what I found. Statistics indicate that as many as 77.8% of South Africans have experienced some form of bullying in their careers, as opposed to our US counterparts who reportedly have a 41% incident rate. Considering the fact that statistics recently released indicates our unemployment rates in May 2012, to be 1 in 4 South Africans, it explains why people stay in these hostile situations for such extended periods. After all, a bad job is better than no job at all! Obviously, bullying is not a uniquely South African problem; it is a global phenomenon! A major factor, according to most research,


workplace violence, both physical and emotional, is the single biggest threat to the workplace of the new millennium.

What is Bullying? What I found horrifying while researching this topic is that many websites start off with a description of bullying that, once read, many uninformed victims become aware of the fact that they are actually in a hostile work situation. Bullying is defined as “repeated inappropriate behavior, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another at the place of work or in the course of employment, which would reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual’s rights to dignity at work” - Source Irish Government Task Force The main criteria which remains consistent in all sources is that this act is done with the intention to harm, and is prolonged in nature.

Who are the Bullies and who are their Targeted victims? Anyone can be a workplace bully, but this kind of behavior is usually associated with people in power. Bullies usually have two faces: the charming, socially well adapted and kind face that they show the world and the private face of sarcasm and hostility reserved for their

13 What is the impact on the targeted victim? When exposed to workplace trauma the victim may blame themselves and become ashamed. They tend to become isolated, introverted, emotional, depressed and can develop an even lower low self-esteem. This may result in ill health, increased absenteeism and sometimes causes a loss of employment and reputation. The co-workers of the victim may also suffer or in some cases even join in the abuse out of fear.

What is the cost to the company?

target and often their own families too. Research in the US also suggests that people, who were bullies as children, can continue this behavior into adulthood. In most cases others cannot believe that this person would be involved in this kind of behavior, and this serves to isolate the targeted victim even further. Now that we know our perpetrator, what does our target look like? Well, to be honest, the victim looks like you, like me, or like your colleague in the cubicle next door. However, single mothers, and people with a natural low self-esteem, have been identified as the most vulnerable group.

Common manifestations of Bullying in the workplace: • Circulating gossip and half-truths. • Using positional power to humiliate, undermine and abuse others. • Taking out your moods on others. • Aggressiveness in the form of insulting remarks, swearing, ridicule, teasing, sarcasm and shouting etc. • Sexual harassment, racial discrimination and physical violence.

Workplace bullying has a massive impact on companies too. There is a steady erosion of productivity and loss of human capital. Quality employees leave the company and take their skills with them to other organisations. A UK study conducted by Dr. Charlotte Rayner also suggested that 20% of co-workers who witness bullying will also look for other jobs, so the effect of bullying can ripple through the organization and devastate the workforce.

Don’t be afraid, support is available. During this process I have identified two fantastic South African websites that provide support; they are: and www. On these sites you will find helpful tips and additional information which may assist you. I can also recommend a blog called Bullied by the Boss (http://bulliedbythebossblog.blogspot. com/) which is written anonomysly under the pen name of Eva James, taking an honest, witty look at what bullies do and is written in a diary format documenting actual incidents. This is a great way to experience someone else’s thoughts on this matter, and gives you the realization that it is not ONLY happening to you. In conclusion, I wanted to add that this topic may seem a bit depressing at first, but on my journey through the available material, the comments of victims and their suggestions on making it through this trauma, I realized that human beings are strong and that there are still people willing to stand up for what is right in the world! Don’t ever give up and remember this too shall pass!

Workplace bullying has a massive impact on companies. There is a steady erosion of productivity and loss of human capital. Quality employees leave the company and take their skills with them to other organisations. issue



Green Office Week

Announcing 2012 finalists

green heart AWARD Workplace category

Top left to right: Robert Forsyth, Andre Smith Bottom left to right: Avheani Lukot, Cathy Khoury-Prinsloo, Sabata Khoetha

The Green Heart-beat of SA When the organisers of South Africa’s Green Office Week ( launched a brand new award to recognise and reward workplace eco-champions, they did not expect to find so many unsung heros in our corridors and boardrooms quietly changing the way we do business. The award aims to bring "going green" into the mainstream by creating rolemodels in South African workplaces and recognising those who have made a significant contribution to going green by finding creative and interesting ways to improve their department, office, dorm, or building’s environmental footprint. The Green Heart Award believes “You make a difference” and the finalists show two things: Firstly that anyone at any rung of the corporate ladder can engage in promoting green behaviours (interestingly careersuccess

enough it was not just the private sector who showed enthusiasm but one of the finalists is form government); and secondly that green ambassadors are found in small and very large organisations equally. The finalists from a very long list of innovative green advocates are: Woolworths – Andre Smith, Catering Manager Nominator, Justin Smith, Sustainability Head at Woolworths says: “Andre has implemented waste sorting and composting system for our head office and has also supported the banning of bottled water for meetings, and plastic bag sales in head office. Andre has a personal passion and a diplomatic approach, partnering with other business units to achieve objectives.” Pelchem – Avheani Lukoto, Personal Assistant Nominator, Matome Chepage of Logistics, states: “Avheani initiated

15 green awareness at Pelchem and explained to all employees the importance of caring for the environment.” Other nominators add that Avheani has formed a green team to support the campaign and has inspired and encouraged everyone to recycle and re-use, reduce energy consumption, drive slower and share ideas on being eco-friendly.

Saving paper has the full participation off all the officers, learners, drivers and secretaries within the company.”

Groenvoer Products cc – Cathy Khoury-Prinsloo, Owner/Manager Jennifer Sarkis from Administration who nominated Cathy says: “Cathy organised plastic, glass and paper collections for our customers many years ago...before it became trendy.

The final winner will be announced at a gala luncheon on June 22, alongside the inaugural and very popular Green Heart Award – Celebrity Category – which this year has been won by celebrated artist and singer Chris Chameleon.

“She gives old office equipment to an adult centre; nothing is discarded. Cathy has inspired everyone in the office and we bring in bags of recyclables instead of throwing them away. Office paper is printed on both sides before re-cycling. Our country markets showcase speakers to inspire the community. Old season stock is given away to food and trees for Africa for mulch.

Regarding the Green Heart Award: Celebrity category which was launched to acknowledge South African celebrities who inspire others to adopt a greener lifestyle and to be aware of their carbon footprint - voting took place on Facebook for this category and Chris Chameleon won.

“Although Groenvoer is a small family owned business, Cathy believes even our small contributions can make a difference. Cathy is passionate about preserving the planet for future generations.”

Chameleon is admired for

Recreation Africa Hotel & Resorts (Pty) Ltd/ Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference & Spa – Robert Forsyth, Group Executive Chairman Craig Butler, Group General Manager, Business says: “Robert has been instrumental in ensuring that the hotel reduces its wastage through various re-cycling programmes; food wastage is given to local pig farmers; paper, cardboard and packaging materials are recycled by “Ronnie”; wet paper and packaging material goes to the hotels compost unit; glass bottles are collected and re-cycled by Ngwenya Glass; plastic cartons, containers and plastic coverings are segmented for recycling. Low energy lights are used to reduce electricity usage.

musical video which has

“Robert is a keen environmentalist and this is noticeable at the hotel. Our own sewage system is reticulated through its own sewerage processing unit. Alien trees and large shrubs that are removed are made into furniture, doors, art frames and partition walling around the water processing plant. Alien wood is also used for fuel.” Robert established the Misty Hills Hotel private botanical gardens and arboretum that has been awarded Botanic Gardens Conservation International Membership. Craig says: “There are approximately 400 different varieties of Southern African trees, shrubs, bulbs, groundcovers, grasses, succulents and aquatic plants within the gardens and conserved areas. Cascading water features and abundant birdlife add to the country setting. Management of Misty Hills is proud to have its efforts and private botanical garden and arboretum recognised by the Botanic Gardens Conservation International.” City of Joburg Municipality – Sabata Khoetha, Assistant Director Nominator, Thabo Mametja, Administration Assistant says: “Sabata has inspired and motivated workers to be more green in the cause of saving our planet. Sabata has encouraged employees to implement the concept of reduce, re-use and re-cycle of paper.

Some of the sponsors are: Europcar, LEMS Energy Management,, Sappi, Trees in a Tube, and Carbon Track.

his “Minutes to Midnight” created increasing awareness amongst our youth about the importance of looking after our planet. Chameleon has shown how ordinary citizens can gain greater access to information about the threats to the planet’s resources and therefore to the health of its inhabitants. Celebrities have historically been powerful in influencing trends and behaviour because they are able to attract the public’s attention and interest. Their media stature provides them with various communication platforms, including now the social media one, to promote positive environmental messages. When celebrities like Chameleon become ambassadors for a brand and vocalise their support they can generate widespread change. They can truly make a difference in the perceptions of other people. And even more importantly get them to act. Irvan Damon, of Big Brother fame and spokesperson for the award says: “The inaugural Green Heart Award has finally drawn to a close and we thank you all for your overwhelming interest and the many votes for cast for your favourite eco-celeb. Just by voting, you have made a difference in that celebrating yours or anyone else’s low carbon lifestyle makes us all true winners. “From the team at Green Heart Award, Green Office Week and all the associated sponsors, thank you again for voting and thank you Chris for being a worthy winner of the 2012 Green Heart Award.”  issue



PA E v e n t a n d A w a r d

Annual PA Summit 2012

Theme: You can Shine

For the 8th time in South Africa, the PAs to corporate captains will be gathered at a luxury venue in Gauteng to attend a Summit specifically designed to motivate, educate and elevate PAs to a new level of competence. The 2012 Programme

The Date

For the first time in South Africa: A Summit and a Secretaries Day Lunch!

Wednesday 5 September, Secretaries Day.

The Summit Theme for 2012 is You can Shine!

Surrounded by the Zwartkoppies, on the banks of the Crocodile River just half an hour from Johannesburg and Pretoria, rests Avianto: A village that has established itself as a creative stimulus for focused conferences and glittering functions.

Part 1: The Summit programme starts at 8H30 and ends at 13H00. There are two keynotes; six educationals presented by the finalists in the PA of the Year Award and an executive-style roundtable discussion. Part 2: Secretaries Day lunch from 13H00 to 14H15 Part 3: PA of the Year announcement. for each delegate receives a dossier on arrival, at registration desk, which contains the day’s activities and all necessary information for a successful Summit. This unique event is designed to... • PROMOTE an update and know-how on the current working trends and enable participants to: • EXPERIENCE the collective wisdom which emerges from the educationals • OVERCOME current challenges and dilemmas and create better systems for the future and yet continue to generate greater value in the present. • G E T i n v a l u a b l e i n f o rmation and insights!

The intent of the PA summits is to have emerge a community of committed PAs united by a sense of responsibility to review and address emerging trends in their field, and to encourage best principles and practises. The Summit concept for PAs, was launched eight years ago by Dictum (the organisation that launched PAFSA in South Africa and the PA of the Year Award). PAFSA will continue Dictum's legacy of being pioneering, innovative and unsurpassedly creative in serving the needs of PAs

The Venue

The Benefits Our point of difference is in offering delegates an opportunity to Think , Reflect, and Examine their role and approaches to daily problem-solving. The Summit experience, it is a true gift for the brain as it enriches one's knowledge bank in the best way possible. The interactions at the Summit bring about a process of transformation and growth through the rich peer-topeer exchange which results in more effective working relationships.

The Summit fee Individual Delegate: Fee R1 450.00 (VAT inc)

Your Invitation & Booking Form Email : Name : Organisation : Designation :

Group (More than 3 delegates from same company: Fee R 1 200.00 each (VAT inc)

Special dietary requirements:

* Secretaries Day lunch: R 365.00 (VAT inc)

Cellphone Number :

Telephone Number : Postal Address : Boss' Designation : Attendance fee (amount) : Company Vat No. :

Send to careersuccess



Casual Dining

team building









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You can help us find the 2012

PA of the Year Do you know a PA who deserves this title? Nominate a candidate NOW! The process is as easy as this: Step 1: You nominate Step 2: We contact your nominee to accept (or not) your Nomination Step 3: If your nominee accepts, then (s)he is sent an Entry Form and the participation requirements! Details and nomination form below Quick Note:

Your nominee’s job title has to be: PA. NB: We are aware that in some companies the designation PA does not exist. If this applies to your nominee but her/his functions are that of a PA (s)he will still qualify. NOMINATION FORM FOR THE PA OF THE YEAR AWARD To nominate online click here OR simply fill in the form below and email it to us (click the forward button to fill in the details) Your Details as Nominator Your name:

Your Designation/Job Title:

Your Tel:

Your Email:

Your Cell:

Your Fax:

Your Company Name: Your Nominee's Details Nominee's Name:

Nominee's Designation:

Nominee's Tel:

Nominee's Email:

Nominee's Cell:

Nominee's Fax:

Nominee's Company Name: Organisation Details: Name of Company:

Company Postal Address:

Switchboard Tel:

Website Address:

Reason for nomination in +- 30 words Please email your Nomination Form to: Or fax to: on 011 616 3244 Attention Thandi

Closing Date for Nominations Closing date for nominations: FRIDAY 29 JUNE 2012. NB: We would be most grateful if you could have this information put up on your staff notice boards, intranet and in-house newsletter – it increases the chances of the winning candidate coming from your organization!

What makes the Award different 1.

Fabulous prizes are won, BUT the focus is all on the AWARD and TITLE! The honour of the title and its prestige is what it is all about


The peer-to-peer judging process


The nominee of the winner gets a prize too!

Credentials The team behind PA of the Year Award ( is the same team who founded and organises the national Boss of the Year Award ( and who founded and organises the national Green Office Week in South Africa (www.

E-mail: P O Box 751735 Gardenview (T): 011 6167401 issue




A great career experience!

being part of the PA of the Year Award CareerSuccess asked last year's Finalists share their experiences

Audetta Skosana From the moment I heard that I was the semi- finalist I was on top of the world! But when I got that mail informing me that I was one of the 6 finalists I nearly fell of my chair. I could not believe it. But then the pressure was on. On the day of the announcement I had to “say it right!� yes that was my topic for the speech I had to make, and to top it all I was the last to make the speech. But I had a good time, I loved every moment of the summit. The friendships made are priceless. Since the event my personal and professional life has changed. My peers now look up to me, I have become some sort of a role model for them. Most of the people who know me now also have total respect for what I do. They now realize that it is not just a job but a career. Being the finalist has also opened a lot of doors for me. I can now say confidently I am being headhunted. So even though I did not get the title, I am still a winner.


21 Marlene Strydom I was at my lowest of low the day I received the nomination and to be honest I was even considering a career change because of the frustrations and stress I experienced at that time.The fact that my efforts and dedication got noticed gave me an enormous boost and it made me realise that being a PA is who I am, and it is what I love to do. Five months after the event my prayers were answered when I was successful in a job application 5 km from home at a company I always dreamed of working for. I no longer doubt my abilities and I live out my passion of being a PA. Being a part of the PA of the Year event was truly a blessing and an experience which I will cherish forever! I’ve met wonderful new friends and sisters with whom I walk the same career journey every day. Thank you Dictum and all the sponsors who made this possible!

Charlotte Massey-Hicks Surreal, surreal, surreal! That is what it felt like to be a part of the PAOTY competition. From the moment I was informed that I was nominated until the actual event took place, I felt like I was in a wonderful dream! I was quickly forced out of my comfort zone by speaking in public to my peers but also incredibly excited to share my experiences and learn from the other finalists. I have met incredible people and made life-long friends with the other finalists. My network of peers has increased and I am much more confident in my abilities and influence as an Executive PA!

Ronel Petersen Shock, surprise and disbelief…yes, that sums up how I felt when I got the call informing me that I was in the top six in the country! For days afterwards I still thought I was dreaming. The days leading up to the main event was filled with so many mixed emotions. The thought of making my first public speaking appearance ever, scared me to death! The day of the event was extremely nerve-wrecking especially having to wait so long before we made our speeches. It was impossible to enjoy the programme and pay attention to the other speakers. My turn came and I did my best and walked away feeling like a winner even though I didn’t win the title. The competition did wonders for my self-confidence, and made me feel worthy again.




Question & Answer


By Lisa Pyne-Mercier

"I was elected by three other PAs in the executive suite to


be the one to present a case to HR to allow us to attend an Executive PA Conference. I failed miserably and disappointed my fellow PAs. I need to have skills similar to sales skills so that I improve myself when I’m called on to sell an idea or make a proposal – What do you advise?"

You must have done something right for the other PAs to have elected you to approach HR. However, not all hope is lost..

There are some aspects one can look at for this learning curve: 1. What type of relationship do you have with HR? Let’s assume that it is a reasonably good relationship, hence the reason why you were asked to do the presentation. If not review the previous articles on personal profiling to better understand the individual style you are meeting with.(DISC).

2. Were you prepared in terms of the personality profiles? (See previous articles) If you knew the personality styles and things did not go as you had hoped … review the previous articles and see where you may have omitted something. Remember that doing a role play with someone helps a great deal.

3. How prepared were you with your presentation material? Did HR ask you questions you did not have answers to? How did you handle them? Were you nervous? Did you have everything you needed for this presentation? If not what could you have done differently?

4. Who did most of the talking? Active listening means you talk 30% and listen 70% of the time Listening promotes trust:

Decisions are made intellectually, however each of us buys emotionally! 4. Listen to the emotional words and repeat them back I.E.;”… it sounds to me like you are frustrated ……” or “... concerned about ...” If you talk less you will sell more. You need to do 30% of the talking and 70% of the listening. In a previous article we discussed the ‘awkward silence’ this is good – it gives both parties time to think. Invariably HR is not going to reveal their intentions up front – most people don’t, even if you ask them directly what their intentions are. This is an opportunity for you to gather information and test the waters by asking questions. For argument sake – you approached HR to ask if you could attend this year’s CareerSuccess PA Conference at the end of September. You indicated all the features and benefits of attending like the round table discussions, the announcement of PA of the year and the networking opportunities, and HR still declined. Interesting to note that few people buy based on features and benefits – most people make decisions based on their emotions and – for their reasons.

HR has invariably heard all the features and benefits for 1. If HR raised a concern, then let them know attending conferences / seminars before, so besides having a you understand by saying “I understand what good relationship with the HR personnel, you will require a you are saying ” (NO BUTS!) “…That is not different approach. Most people, even HR, agree to decisions based on emotion – and you need to know how to tap into unusual…” those emotions. 2. Repeat their words (parrot fashion – without undermining them) People have 5 (five) basic emotions that affect their decision 3. Paraphrase their words – in your own words making process. If aroused correctly you will discover that this effectively sums up what you have heard and they are: (Think about them for a moment, and perhaps you can identify with each one) understood


23 1. Present Pain – Something that causes immediate stresspain or frustration, and if you had that Magic Wand you would have waved it 10 minutes ago.

involved you are asking the right questions.

2. Future Pain – A situation that may cause you stress, anxiety or frustration in the future – you can see it happening, but do not have your Magic Wand to assist you – but wish you had. (When we mention pain – This can be a physical pain, financial pain, staffing solutions pain, or any type of pain you can associate with business. Because pain is a strong emotion - almost all of us will do anything to avoid it. Should you uncover HR’s pain, and demonstrate that you have a solution for it then you are one step closer to getting that ‘yes’).

Through the correct questioning techniques, HR will identify the problem immediately and it is important to let them feel that they have come to that decision all by themselves.

3. Present Pleasure – This would make everyone happy if the Magic Wand was waved. This can also be referred to as being in the right place at the right time.

These questions must be handled in a nurturing and caring manner otherwise you will get HR’s back up.

4. Future Pleasure – This is something that would bring constant pleasure – like the latest in PC technology that would assist in recording and typing out meetings, or an auto file system where the machine does all the filing for you. 5. Curiosity – This is where someone wants more and more information. But be warned … There is a questioning technique you need to use in order to master this. Have you ever met someone who can be given a gift – birthday, Christmas or other and not open it? Doesn’t the excitement just drive you crazy? The curiosity of what it could be? The same applies for this tool. If you can successfully peak HR’s curiosity to such a degree that they look forward to seeing the results of the training, then you have achieved your objective. When you pitch the idea – focus on the pain aspect as it is the strongest emotion and concentrate on the pleasures as an outcome. Curiosity is what could invariably ‘hook’ HR into asking you to “… tell me more…” If through strategic questioning, you can uncover HR’s real pain – if it is that they don’t want you out of the office because they will need to answer the phones? Is it because there is no budget? You will discover their motivation for not letting you attend, and be able to formulate a solution. Once you have identified HR's area of pain and frustration, you need to tactfully explore it – without making it hurt too much as the area of pain may become embarrassing. Allow HR to comfortably explore their own pain, making them want you to help them. Remember everyone wants to be the hero – HR want to know that it was them who helped you out. And as soon as HR becomes emotionally

Sometimes people are willing to pay anything for their problem to be solved because they no longer want to feel the pain.

By asking questions you get to have the other person do most of the talking thereby uncovering what lies beneath. Questioning shifts the focus off you onto the issue at hand, and shows an interest in what is being discussed. Questions help gather information which lead to more questions and uncover the real issues.

Tactful questioning will allow HR to become emotionally involved and help you think about what it is you and HR need without just talking for the sake of talking, and you gain credibility. Be aware of answering in the form of a statement – i.e. “The price is too high”. “This is a lot of money for two days” – this is another statement This is better: “What does one get for all of this” – because it is a question. Here are some softening questions that can help you get started Did you mean …? Tell me more about … I don’t understand ...(pause) Don’t suppose … I’m confused …(pause) Let me see if I understand you correctly... (repeat back to HR) At all costs avoid blaming – use words like I sense, It sounds to me like, … How do you feel about that? How serious would you say that is? What suggestions can you offer? What were you hoping for? Is there something about the presentation you did not like? How would you like that to change moving forward? A good sales person is like a combination of psychologist and FBI agent: Able to ask questions, listen to the answers, repeat back and understand; and at all times making others feel like it was their decision all along. It takes practice. So where are you going to start? issue




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Career Matters


Secretaries Day


What would secretaries and PAs really like for Secretaries Day? Claire Pringle of Brent Personnel went to find out.


survey with 10 straightforward questions was designed and emailed to Brent’s database of Secretaries/Personal Assistants. The questions asking for their preference on how to celebrate Secretaries Day were as follows:


Get flowers and a thank you card


Get flowers and a box of chocolates


Be taken to lunch: in-house function


Be taken out to lunch


Given the afternoon off


Get a Spa voucher


Attend a Secretarial event with a glamorous lunch included


Get a restaurant meal voucher


Get a gift voucher



The survey results reveal the following: The top three favoured are1. A Spa Voucher 2. A Gift Voucher 3. Attend a secretarial event with a glamorous lunch included

secretarial/administrative careers.

Followed by these in order of preference: 4. Get the afternoon off 5. Flowers and a thank you card 6. Restaurant meal voucher 7. Other (A weekend away, all expenses paid; a raise; really connect with the PA and show appreciation!) 8. Flowers and a box of chocolates 9. Be taken to lunch: in-house function 10. Be taken to lunch

Over the years, Administrative Professionals Week has become one of the largest workplace observances - celebrated worldwide in the form community events, educational seminars, and individual corporate activities recognizing support staff with gifts of appreciation. IAAP suggests that employers observe Administrative Professionals Week by providing training for their administrative staff through seminars, continuing education or self-study materials. Another suggestion is to make a commitment toward delegating responsibilities that better utilize the skills of administrative professionals.

Well, there you have it! Secretaries want to be made to feel special and valued! The top 3 choices clearly indicate that they either want to have a fabulous DAY (not just lunch) or they want a voucher to spend at will on being pampered.

How did Secretaries Day arise? This annual event was originally organized in 1952 as "National Secretaries Week" by the National Secretaries Association (now known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals: IAAP) in conjunction with public relations executive Harry Klemfuss and a consortium of office product manufacturers. It was established as an effort to recognize secretaries for their contributions in the workplace, and to attract people to

In the year 2000, IAAP announced a name change for Professional Secretaries Day and Week to Administrative Professionals Day and Administrative Professionals Week thus keeping pace with changing job titles and expanding responsibilities of today’s administrative workforce.

National Secretaries Day in South Africa Whereas in a number of countries it is celebrated in the mid-May, in South Africa it is celebrated annually on the FIRST Wednesday of September. This date was established by the Executive Secretaries Club of South Africa (ECSA) about 27 years ago.

2012 Secretaries Day function in Gauteng on 5 september 2012 PAFSA – The Professional Association for secretaries and Administrative Assistants will be organising an elegant lunch at AVIANTO. You have the choice of attending a morning PA Summit ending with a lunch, or just attend the lunch. All details on page 16 of this issue.  issue



Leadership Lessons

What makes people


In the times we live in, companies cannot afford for their staff to remain luke-warm. They need every person’s enthusiastic whole-hearted response to the challenges of each day, so says Steve Murphy.

Scores of people suffer – really suffer – every morning as they go off to jobs that make them cynical, unhappy and frustrated.

"Over time this dull pain can erode the selfconfidence and passion of even the strongest people, which in turn affects their spouses their children and their friends in subtle but profound ways. "Of course, in some cases the impact of job misery is not so subtle at all; it leads to serious depression, drug and alcohol abuse and possibly even violence (at work and at home). "Though it may be difficult to quantify, the dissatisfaction of employees has a direct impact on productivity, turnover and morale, all of which eventually hit a company’s bottom line hard” (Extract from: The Three Signs Of A Miserable Job: by Patrick Lencioni; 2007). Whilst there are many suggestions to counter the causes for the quiet desperation so many staff feel, Lencioni highlights three key problems that must be addressed and they are: 1. Staff feel a sense of Anonymity in their place of work i.e. feeling they are “just another cog”, just a number, with no sense of identity. careersuccess

2. Many staff feel irrelevant. That is, all the important work is done higher up the ladder, near the bosse office. Sadly many office environments confirm this view instead of dispelling it. 3. Staff experience immeasurement i.e they have little sense of whether what they do is good, bad or indifferent. Whatever they contribute seems to be determined by subjective criteria rather than objective benchmarks.

business works best when even the smallest cog feels important and is operating smoothly. Finally leaders create a sense of self-worth by allocating measurement criteria that tell each person how well they are doing. In addition, through encouragement and affirmation, leaders expand and develop the capacity of individuals to cope and handle more than they imagined possible!

To deal with the key issues concerning staff motivation, three needs must be answered irrespective of whether you are in Asia or Africa, whether CEO or junior gate-keeper. 1. They are the need for Security. 2. Sense of Self-Worth, and 3. Being involved in something significant.

Great leaders meet these requirements by offering a working environment that affirms the value of each individual so consequently they feel secure. Good leaders take time to confirm the significance of each person by making sure they understand that the business of the

“Great leaders never forget that most people can go so much further when someone thinks they can” John Maxwell



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Fabulous Function and Event Décor


As proud sponsor of the table décor for the wonderful Boss of the Year 2011 Awards, SA Event Décor prides itself on stunning décor and service delivery according to the client's brief. careersuccess

vent décor can so often be a headache for whomever has been tasked with this vital element of a gala dinner, event or function. Only once you've decided what you'd like to do, everything, in its finest detail, has to be sourced, delivered and put together within the allocated time, and someone has to do it - all of this within a budget. This can be truly daunting, or it can be made simple, depending on which route you take, and this is where the services of SA Event Décor provide the solution, leaving you to attend to your guest lists, menu, and multitude of other vital things which contribute to a successful function. The essence of SA Event Décor's success during the past 10 odd years since its inception, is innovation, creativity and pride taken in work well done, resulting in breathtaking and memorable décor and happy clients. In consultation with the client, SA Event Décor (SAED) will customise and create the setting and ambiance you require. Whatever you visualise, be it fun and funky, or top end sophistication

and elegance, SAED can make it happen. Situated in Gauteng, SAED works nationally and internationally, and has done successful events in Zambia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia (Windhoek), Zimbabwe and Mauritius, having highly experienced décor installation teams and an extensive knowledge of many venues. Besides customising event décor, SAED also has more than 100 specialised event themes from which to choose, certain to provide that often elusive "extra" to your event, ensuring that your party will be remembered with enjoyment for a long time to come. . SAED also offers a range of gala dinner décor options, all elegantly sophisticated and smart, with as much attention to detail as any themed setting. The perferct gala dinner will be created for you, with a variety of colour schemes and hundreds of wonderfully innovative centre pieces from which to choose, ensuring that you have the event of the year. Functions are not limited to dinners only . Breathtaking cocktail events are also on offer. Functions, cocktail events and dinners may be held within a venue, or outdoors - SAED will do your event just the way you want it. For clarity and mutual understanding of customised elements, SAED divides most event décor descriptions into various areas, of which some are optional.


Pre-dinner Drinks Area This is where your guests gather upon arrival, and are welcomed with a drink. Here, they meet, greet and mingle, and relax prior to the main event. This section is equipped with elegantly decorated cocktail tables, (and cocktail chairs, if required), draping, backdrops and a portion of the area set aside for photographs to be taken, may be included. Cocktail tables covered in elegant stretch cloths, and lit from within (your choice of light colour/s), are an excellent choice, providing a warm, yet subtle welcoming glow.

Entrance SAED takes pride in offering an amazing selection of entrance décor options. Guests really feel like VIP's when entering the main venue through a specially decorated entrance, be it between roped stanchions detailing a red

carpet, through a draped and lit archway, or through a draped tunnel, the latter being a speciality of SAED. An innovative entrance creates an air of anticipation amongst guests.

Main Venue Whether the event is themed or a gala dinner, this is where most of the décor is used. The main venue is normally draped in black, fireretardant material, which not only serves as a background for backdrops, if required, but also lends the venue an air of intimacy and privacy. The ceiling area can be draped with fairy lights, and/or fabric, depending on the required atmosphere. The beautiful range of table cloths and materials on offer, is huge. Chairs are covered either to match or contrast with table cloths, and are always detailed and finished in stylishly creative ways. Likewise, serviettes are detailed in many

different styles, all creatively designed to complement the rest of the décor scheme. SAED provides a range of under plates, designating each place setting, and specialises in a vast selection of centre piece arrangements, all innovatively and uniquely designed to enhance the chosen function décor and ambiance. Nothing adds as much stunning emphasis to table décor as a specially designed centre piece, another SAED speciality. An extensive range of bar counters, stages, and lounge furniture and accessories is available for your selection, should you require these areas and elements to be incorporated in your function. SAED will gladly discuss your requirements with you, be your function small or large, and customise your décor to suit your preference, number of guests and venue - all you and your guests need to do, is arrive, enjoy and have fun. When asked which past functions they were most proud, of Chris van Dalen, the owner of SA Event Décor replied: "All of them". issue




Colleen Mansoor, president of FriendsCup, a new social club for secratries and PAs in Gauteng, gives an update.

grow this club with me My, but time has flown - and we have already reached our second article of the FriendsCup Club.

FriendsCup takes care of the social needs of PAs and Administrative Assistants by looking for networking and self-care events.


ope you enjoyed the previous article and that there is still an interest in joining the Club, if so, please do not hesitate -join now.

We are in the final stages of our next get together at the Pyramid Day Spa on Saturday, 30 June 2012. Plans are on track and RSVP’s are coming in slowly but look good. Even if you do not want to join the Club but wish to spend the day at the Spa with the rest of the ladies, you are more than welcome. I will forward the relevant information on request. If there is anything of interest, that you would like to share with the readers of the CareerSuccess magazine, I will be more than happy to include this in future articles. The more information, ideas, experiences, we share amongst one another, the more up to date we will be, networks will grow and think of the additional knowledge we will all gain by sharing. I would really like to grow this Club from strength to strength and cannot do this without your support. I am sure we all need to take the time out twice a year, i.e. June and December for “ME” time. ENJOY, HAVE FUN AND BE POSITIVE IN ALL YOU DO. WE ALL MAKE OUR OWN HAPPINESS!



Pointers on self-care Who has time to look after his or her own needs? We are all too busy and have too many responsibilities ... Self-care allows us to improve our functioning in our jobs, avoid burnout, and best of all, assist us in our personal relationships. Self-care means purposely taking time for yourself to do something that rejuvenates and energizes you. Self-care is not to be confused with selfishness. This is especially true with women, who have been “trained” to nurture and look after others by our culture. Taking care of yourself in order to be a better parent, employee, or spouse, is not selfish. Selfishness involves putting one’s own needs ahead of others with only his or her own benefit in mind. Healthy relationships with a partner involve a balance between time spent together and time for the individual. While there are many activities that can be considered to contribute to self-care, you must decide which ones work for you. For some people, a bath is very relaxing, while for others a strenuous workout is how they look after themselves. The only limitation is that the self-care activity you chose should be a healthy one. Using excessive amounts of alcohol, drugs, or food to cope or try and relax is ultimately more self-defeating than self-promoting. Not that having a drink or eating a hot fudge sundae is a bad idea, but a steady diet of either can be destructive. Try to incorporate healthy activities in order to really care for yourself.

Some Self-Care suggestions Exercise

Talking with a friend (or two)






Watching TV

Self-care also includes spoiling yourself once in awhile. This might be going to a spa, taking a new hobby or sport, buying that sweater you have been eyeing, or taking a spontaneous weekend trip just for fun. Again, how you like to spoil yourself is what is important. The above pointers are from



Lunch Hour

Test your

Wits and have Fun

Try these brain teasers… brainfun Puzzle 1 What do you call a witch at the beach?

Puzzle 3 What do you call a fish that only cares about himself?


“How I envy you staying home in the warm, when Ive got to trudge through this to the pub"

A father and his son were in a car accident. The father died. The son was taken to the hospital. The doctor came in and said: I can't do surgery on him, because he's my son. Who was the doctor?

gotcha puzzle What are the two strongest days of the week.

brainteaser Which is faster, heat or cold?



“Last night's weather forecast never mentioned snow.”

Puzzle 1 A sandwich • Puzzle 2 A pack of playing cards • Puzzle 3 Selfish.

Puzzle 2 What has thirteen hearts but no body and no soul?

• Brainbasher The doctor was his mother • Gotcha Puzzle They are Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days. • Brainteaser Heat, because you can catch a cold.








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