9 minute read
• Nelson Mandela University, 18. Engagement Excellence
Award as team leader for the project “The Spirit of Water”. • 2018. Nelson Mandela University, 18. Performing and Creative Arts Award for the project “The Spirit of Water”.
• NIHSS Humanities and Social Sciences Awards 2019. “The
Spirit of Water” was short-listed as one of the 3 best project/ film, in South Africa, for the category “Creative Collections:
International Art Project and Performance”
To watch the film The Spirit of Water:
For info and ©: magda.minguzzi@mandela.ac.za
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Fish traps video resources:
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Fig.86 06 May 2017. Cape Recife Nature Reserve, aerial photo of the “The Spirit of Water” art performance and rituals
ricerche | architettura, pianificazione, paesaggio, design
Published Books
1. Alessandro Brodini, Lo Iuav ai Tolentini: Carlo Scarpa e gli altri. Storia e documenti, 2020 2. Letizia Dipasquale, Understanding Chefchaouen. Traditional knowledge for a sustainable habitat, 2020 3. Vito Getuli, Ontologies for Knowledge modeling in construction planning. Theory and Application, 2020 4. Lamia Hadda (édité par), Médina. Espace de la Méditerranée, 2021 5. Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca, Mariana Correia (eds.), From Vernacular to World Heritage, 2020 6. Sarah Robinson, Juhani Pallasmaa (a cura di), traduzione e cura dell'edizione italiana di Matteo Zambelli,
La mente in architettura. Neuroscienze, incarnazione e il futuro del design, 2021
This book describes a research project begun by the author in 2015 and co-authored by the Chiefs of the KhoiSan communities living in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa aided by staff and students at Nelson Mandela University. The scope of the project was to investigate methods and procedures that could help re-establish the link between the indigenous communities and their forgotten sites. Making use of a participatory and interdisciplinary method we explored the tangible and intangible heritage of this part of the country with particular attention to the remains of precolonial fish traps located along the shoreline. Included also are important testimonies from the KhoiSan chiefs who, alongside the author, led the project.
Magda Minguzzi. Dr Magda Minguzzi is an architect, artist, and Senior Lecturer- responsible for the PhD programme at the Nelson Mandela University School of Architecture (SA), with a particular research focus on tangible and intangible heritage of the First Indigenous Peoples of South Africa.
ISBN 978-88-5518-315-4 (print) ISBN 978-88-5518-316-1 (PDF) ISBN 978-88-5518-317-8 (XML) DOI 10.36253/978-88-5518-316-1