WORDLE www.wordle.net Paste your text into this website and have it transformed into a colourful word cloud. Words that are repeated more often will be larger in size. You can type a list of words in manually or copy and paste an entire word document in here. This is useful to demonstrate keywords.
VOICE THREAD www.voicethread.com A VoiceThread is a collaborative slide show that can hold images, documents and/or videos and lets people interact and comment on the content in 5 ways; using voice with either a microphone or telephone, text, audio file or video. The people's comments appear around the edges of the image/document/video.
TIMERIME www.timerime.com Are you looking to create a timeline on any subject? Create as many timelines as you want and add maps, images, video and sound. You can even set up an account just for your class.
VISUAL DICTIONARY http://visual.merriam-webster.com Visual Dictionary is designed to help students find the right word at a glance. It will have the answer in situations when the students know what something looks like but not what it's called, or when they know the word but can't picture the object.
SLIDESHARE www.slideshare.com Slideshare is an online space for sharing your Powerpoint presentations. You can search for presentations other people have created or upload your own. This is useful for sharing your slideshow with a much wider audience- simply give people the address to your slideshare or tell them to search for it.
VISUWORDS http://www.visuwords.com It's a dictionary! It's a thesaurus! Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. As well as showing the meanings of words Visuwords shows connecting words, related words, words that are similar, words that are the opposite and much more! All of the words are connected with different coloured lines depending on their relationship to the main word (similar to a mind map).
VOKI www.voki.com Voki allows you to create personalised talking characters using either your own voice or a computer generated voice. You can share your Voki with other people online. Vokis are particularly useful for students who are too shy to read their own work out or stand in front of a class and give a report. Loads of uses in Language and LOTE classrooms too!
TEACHERTUBE www.teachertube.com
Teachertube is Youtube for teachers and students. The focus of this site is educational videos. These can be uploaded by teachers to help other teachers or to show their class. They can also be projects uploaded by students. The great thing about teachertube is that unlike Youtube, it is moderated AND not blocked in schools. You can search for videos/ audio or images on any topic or upload your own.
PREZI www.prezi.com Sick of seeing boring old Powerpoints? Prezi is a far more engaging and interactive version of a Powerpoint. You can add images, videos, audio and text. It is stored online so you can share it with friends (you can even download a copy to keep on your computer). Prezi makes it super easy to create an impressive presentation in a less 'linear' format than Powerpoint.
STORYBIRD www.storybird.com Storybird 'reverses the process of visual storytelling by starting with the image and "unlocking" the story inside. Choose an artist or a theme, get inspired, and start writing.' This website provides you with a range of beautiful illustrations that require an author to turn them into a story. The end product is an online picture book that can be shared with anyone. Another great aspect of this site is the ability to collaborate on a story- invite someone else to make the book with you.
ETHERPAD www.ietherpad.com Etherpad is an online collaborative notepad. You can create a new pad in 1 simple click and give the address to whoever you want to share the pad with. Each person has a unique text colour so you can see who has contributed what. A time slider option plays back all of the contributions in a short movie- great to see who is doing all the work!
INSIDE A DOG www.insideadog.com.au Read and write book reviews at the State Library site 'Inside a Dog'. These reviews are written BY kids FOR kids. You can also win books just by doing a review. The reviews provide a basic template and make it very easy for all students to submit a review- regardless of how good their literacy skills are.
TIKATOK www.tikatok.com
Tikatock enables you to create online storybooks. You can create a books from scratch (adding your own images and text) or use a 'Storyspark' to help you come up with a story. The end result is an interactive online book that can be shared with friends or even printed out into a real book (for a fee).
TOONDOO www.toondoo.com Toondoo provides you with everything you need to make a comic strip- the layout, the images and the speech bubbles. Just select your background and your characters and add text! You can also make online books. Share them online or embed them in a blog once completed.
RUBISTAR www.rubistar.4teachers.org Rubistar is a tool to 'help teachers create quality rubrics.' This is a great starting base for teachers when constructing rubrics on any topic. There are preset suggestions on a range of educational topics- or you can create your own from scratch. Why not search for a pre-made rubric before creating your own. It is all about sharing what we do.
GLOGSTER www.glogster.com Glogster enables you to create interactive online posters. You can add the usual things that 'normal' posters have- text, images and headings BUT you can also add audio and video! Imagine how much more engaging a poster with audio and video would be. Easy to use and very effective!
TODAY'S MEET www.todaysmeet.com Today'sMeet quickly and easily allows you to share your thoughts, questions and ideas with other people. This is commonly used as a 'back channel' for participants in meetings and PDs. It allows participants to discuss the content of the meeting/PD etc at the time that it is being delivered. It encourages people to question what they are learning and share their thoughts. This has been used in classrooms with kids watching documentaries and listening to stories etc.
WOLFRAM ALPHA www.wolframalpha.com Type any question or calculation and watch Wolfram Alpha provide the answers. This search engine is extremely clever- it can even demonstrate how it works out the maths equations. Ask a question and it will provide you with as many up to date facts as it can about the topic. This search engine is different to Google in that it is not about information- it is about hard facts.
TOPOROPA http://www.toporopa.eu/en/ Have students test themselves or use this online program as a classroom quiz to revise countries, rivers, mountains and a wide range of other geographical topics. All you need to do is click on the area of interest and TOPOROPA does all the hard work of creating the questions for you.
SURVEY MONKEY www.surveymokey.com Survey Monkey allows you to create surveys and questionnaires with up to 10 questions. You have multiple choice answers, text answers, yes/no answers etc. Once you share the link with participants and they complete the survey you can view the results (usually shown as graphs). This is a quick way of getting feedback from multiple people.