Architectural Portfolio | Didem Pamuk | 2018

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currı c u l u m v ı t a e


communal reprogrammıng

a future for the old gas factory compound


ferma avanhard

a hub for scıentıfıc research in kiev


saraçoğlu reborn

archıtecture that heals: saraçoğlu quarter


health through water

aegean salutogenic housing tourism


p r o thesıs productıon a t e l ı e r

urban ınstıtute: metal technology


s p o r t s center and co - h o u s ı n g

habıtat : social hub & co -housing


traces of tıme

reprogrammıng an urban fıeld: atakule


therapeutıc wınter garden

a locus of cultıvatıon: cultıvatıon of self


p e r s o n a l works

DÄ°DEM PAMUK A R C H I T E C T (+90) Balgat ,





9911 Turkey


Tasarımcılar Kapadokya'da | Design Camp | TAK Kar tal | Project for Kar tal Square

2016, Oct

Designing Urban Design: Towards A Holistic Perspectıve | International Symposium Prof. Jon Lang, Prof. D. Grahame Shane, Prof. Baykan Günay, Onur Tümtürk, Emre Özyetiş, Cihan Erçetin, Büşra Durmaz, Mustafa Kızıltaş, Yiğit Acar, Merve Başak

2016, Feb

Development of Housing and Urban Transformation in Turkey Prof. Dr. Nil UZUN

2016, Feb

How Rural Areas are Being Constructed in Turkey Prof. Dr. İlhan TEKELİ

2015, Sept Ç i n i c i A r c h i v e , A n O u t l o o k o n M E T U Güven Arif Sargın, Ayşen Savaş, Agnes van der Meij, Aydan Balamir, Ali Cengizkan, Aslı Can

2015, July

S u r v e y i n g M o d u l e | Middle East Technical University

2015, July

M o d e l C o n s t r u c t i o n W o r k s h o p | Middle East Technical University

Documentation of topographical features of an open area and architectural features of a building by computer aided drafting for 10 working days.

2015, June B u i l d i n g C o n s t r u c t i o n M o d u l e | Middle East Technical University

Hands-on experience on how different construction materials are applied at construction sites after obtaining the application knowledge.

2013, July

Warm-up Architectural Studio | Middle East Technical University and TED University


To o k A rg e n t i n e Ta n g o d a n c e f rom METU Dance Sports Club.


Staged an interpretation of a Broaway musical and an original play as a technical crew member at METU Musical Club.

To o k c h a rc o a l d r a w i n g l e s s o n s a n d c o n tributed to the art exhibition at METU Fine Arts Club.

Enrolled in several pilates, zumba and yoga classes of METU Off ice of Sports.

Completed online courses.

Been to Italy, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Ukraine. Stayed with locals.


01 To achieve the full potential of the site, the Gas Factor y needs to be reclaimed by the society. To do so, an extensive multi-actor study with the community along with the exper ts must be conducted and the common sense f rom diverse minds will be the keystone for its continuity. With the design of a par ticipator y and democratic process, it will come into prominence once more and change with the needs of time.

Commun al R ep rogrammi n g 4 th year . 2018

A Future for the Old Gas Factor y Compound of Ankara in Maltepe, Çankaya, Ankara.

As we conducted a three-step sample study, f irst we came across some contradictions with the site analysis and problems that most architects overlook. Then, we asked people to describe their vision of the site no matter how unor thodox it may seem. Finally, we sat down with a group of f ive people, discussed and superposed their proposals. Before f inalising the site plan, we completed a comprehensive analysis of the city and spoke with urban planning studio to take their exper t opinion. As we designed for the current situation, a flexible hybrid structure is integrated to ensure that the area will not go neglected again but adapt to future needs. Traces of The Gas Factor y is rebuilt for the open air museum which can be experienced

Instructors: Cana Bilsel, Eren Başak, Neris Parlak

in different levels. Maltepe Bazaar which is value for the community is transferred to the boulevard. The green belt is strengthened. Landscape design and experiential paths had been of impor tance as the project requires the use of public open spaces.

*In collaboration with Çağıl Aydemir, İlker Yurtcan, Naufal Andi Irsyad

*Given the Honorable Mention Prize in a national design contest by the Chamber of Architects and Medical Chamber Ankara Jan 2018 7












Gasholders are rebuilt as open playground, congress hall and semi-open obser vation platform which connects the factor y to the AnÄątkabir and the Citadel. 19




02 FermaAvanhard is a ver tical farming research project that aims to revitalive the agricultural background of Ukraine with the integration of its current technological potential. Experimentation and innovation in farming are key points as the name suggests with a respect to the countr y ’s histor y. As agriculture is the biggest source of waste in the planet and the biggest threat to the

Ferma Avan h ard 4 th year . 2018

A Hub for Scientif ic Research on Life and Environmental Sciences in Kiev, Ukraine

ecological life, FermaAvanhard depicts a futuristic utopian image in which we farm where we live, we produce where we consume and give the ear th a chance to heal itself by leaving a smaller footprint. Design takes its form in respect to the urban morphology and constructivist style of the city. The idle silos at the ver y hear t of Kiev are refunctioned as an experimental production area by adding technical suppor t units that exhibit its complexity. A spine coming out f rom the silos, a metaphorical dock towards the river, incorporates all programs. Food can be obser ved in its full life cycle f rom agriculture to commerce, gas-

Instructors: Cana Bilsel Eren BaĹ&#x;ak Koray Pekeriçli Neris Parlak

tronomy and f inally waste composting. Public movement by the river is integrated within the project to achieve public awareness and social collaboration.





Ver tical farming uses indoor farming techniques and controlled-environment agriculture technology where all environmental factors can be controlled. These facilities utilize ar tif icial control of light and environment. Hydroponic systems are lit by LEDs that mimic sunlight. Software can ensure that all the plants get the right amount of light, water and nutrients. 27











Concept model 38

03 Our society is now squeezed into shopping malls, feeling lonely in crowds, af raid of communicating with one another, has forgotten the sense of neighbourhood which needs to be reconsidered for the sake of our sanity. Despite being at the center of all the chaos, Saraçoğlu has a healing tranquil spirit. Using its location, volunteers and ar t as tools, social healing can be achieved. By turning Saraçoğlu houses into ar t houses and thus, revitalizing the quar ter at the ver y hear t of the capital, healing is aimed to be not only in the district but at a higher level. The

Sara çoğl u R eb orn 3 rd year . 2017

Reconsidering Urban Assets of Ankara Architecture that Heals: Saraçoğlu Quar ter An Extension to Namık Kemal Primary School in Kızılay, Çankaya, Ankara.

concept of giving back helps healing the society. Houses are occupied by economically def icient ar tists and in return, they teach what they know, show what they do or experiment together. The quar ter is once more hand in hands, this time including the fellow citizens. Thereby, community will rise above the problems caused by the urbanisation as a whole. Since it is an extension of the school for hands-on lectures and ar t education, it is used by students in day time. Yet, in other times it is open to the public for workshops arranged by the occupants of the Quar ter. The axis f rom Güvenpark/Kumrular Street to Necatibey Street splits the quar ter in two

Instructors: Mualla Erkılıç Vacit İmamoğlu Ömer Faruk Alp

par ts as in the earlier model of the Saraçoğlu project. More impor tantly, the axis acts as an extension of İzmir Street, which has a high ar tistic potential with several theatres, ar t courses and craftshops. By completing the existing ar t axis, connection with the city is strengthened. While tr ying to bring back the street life of the quar ter, a small scale city model is employed. The pathways/streets take the lead to create an urban culture.


Ar t heals, changes a person’s psychology, physiology and attitude. It lessens the stress caused by the urban life we lead. Either by bringing us together and making us feel more integrated or on our own, having time for ourselves and healing at a spiritual level, ar t is the tool for the betterment of society. 40









f rom


Quarter neigh-

bourhood relations and the culture it developed. Therefore, the streets must be revived as lively as they were. 43








04 Conditions of the contemporar y lifestyle threatens our well-being, thus, health and wellness tourism gained acceleration in last few years. Since Çeşme hosts the wealthiest geothermal springs in Europe and benef its of water on our mental and physical health are countless, geothermal therapy is selected to be the method. Also the climate and soil proper ties are suitable for gardening Mediterranean Medicinal Plants like thyme, sage and lavender which will assist the wellness program. Design takes form f rom the topography creating a ‘Çınaraltı’ type square in the middle as in Aegean villages. The center hosts the common facilities as spa, gym, massage rooms. Accommodation is located in upper par ts while gardening terraces are going towards the sea shore where they verge into water. Throughout the project, water is used in ever y possible form.

Heal th Th rough Water 201 7

3rd year Spring Semester A e g e a n S a l u t o g e n i c H o u s i n g To u r i s m p r o m o t i n g H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s in Çeşme, İzmir.

Instructors: Mualla Erkılıç Vacit İmamoğlu Ömer Faruk Alp








05 A vocational school on metal technology, prothesis production. The school puts emphasis on the impor tance of health. Studies on biocompatibility and technology regarding medical procedures are conducted to better help those with physical disadvantages. The atelier is located at the core of the site therefore has relation with all of the social hubs surrounding it. Theoretical education and computerization of data occur at the top floor.

Proth esi s Prod uc ti on Atel i er 2 nd year . 2016




Te c h n o l o g y

in Kazıkiçi Bostanları, Altındağ, Ankara.

Machiner y work is done at the basement. The process is completed with the bio-compatibiliy tests at the ground level. Cafeteria, exhibition hall and off ices are located at the back. Terraced cour tyards and pathways allow transition and connection throughout the site. Dormitories, staff housing and social hubs are later designed individually by group members.

Instructors: İnci Basa Güven Arif Sargın Fatih Öz Yiğit Acar Barış Yağlı Marco Bruno Ela Alanyalı Aral Can Baykan Sinem Çınar Ezgi Balkanay Zuhal Acar Gökçe Önal *In collaboration with Nihan Bulut, Dilara Erkaya and Pınar Kaya 57




06 The rehabilitation center for the handicapped offers water therapy and f ree standing exercises to improve muscle strength. Cafeteria of the hub also connects to the housing units with a bridge that completes the coherence. Mixed housing scheme of the project maximizes the interaction possibilities. It consists of 1, 3 and 10-person units. Each unit has a roof terrace that is open to everyone, hence, a vatriety of activities can take place at the same time.

Sports Center and Co-Housing 2 nd year . 2016

U r b a n I n s t i t u te : M e t a l Te c h n o l o g y *Social Hub and Housing for the Atelier in Kazıkiçi Bostanları, Altındağ, Ankara.





07 Main idea is to revive the traces of time, one of which is entirely destroyed(Social Facility), one damaged(Greenhouse), one abandoned(Atakule itself ). These nodes are connected to Botanic Park with an experiential pathway that is designed to evoke senses in individuals. When examined thoroughly, impact of 3 structures can be observed in last 50 years. Atakule maintains its function. The closed par t is used for more formal events as the ro tating terrace ser ves public for viewing cityscape at highest level. The destroyed American Social Facility is revived as a multinational area. The area is initially for other nations’ organizations, however, locals of the neighbourhood can spend their time there. The multifunctionality is completed with glass facade and sliding structure, so that the space allows landscape to flow through and adapts to unsettled weather conditions of Ankara. The Green House is conver ted into an exhibition hall with an architectural touch. The top provides an individual experience at the lowest level of the park. Between these areas, a pathway offers a sensational journey and eventually connects to the original pathway of the Botanic Park. T h e f o u n t a i n p o o l o n t h e f a c a d e o f t h e demolished mall with decorative trees now works as a sound barrier between the city and the tranquil Botanic Park. The pathway continues with a dramatic road. Long trees with huge shadows create suffocating feeling which later contrasts with th e relaxation of a bright open view. Th e scent of th e pin e forest surroun ds as you walk on trees via the bridge. The silent area to sit back, read and enjoy your morning coffee and the playground with appropriately changing slopes complete the variety of activities in the area.

Traces of Time 2 nd year . 2016

Reprogramming An Urban Field Landscape Design Strategies to Atakule in Çankaya, Ankara.

Instructors: Funda Baş Bütüner, Can Kubin, Ela Alanyalı Aral, Begüm Yazgan.

*In collaboration with Çağıl Aydemir, Mer yem Çinar, Dilara Erkaya and Nihan Bulut



Changes in last 50 years. 66






08 Aim is to help stressful urban people gain a self-understanding through stimulating perception and rejuvenate within nature. The sensual experience offers a mental, emotional healing and eventually leads to a physical one. Each of the units is purposed with a diverse sense of nature. Since Ankara is famous for its black f rosts, evergreen plants are selected: f irethorns to provide a warm welcome, a linden tree to evoke the sense of peace within the soul in the very simplistic Zenlike courtyard. Facing the existing pine forest is a seclusion area. Terrace and the reception room

T h erap euti c Wi n ter Gard en 2 nd year . 2016

A Locus of Cul tivation: Cul tivation of Self in Lake Eymir, Gölbaşı, Ankara.

offer exceptional views f rom the Lake Eymir, one of the few areas in Ankara that is yet untouched. Simplicity and transparency had been fundamental to avoid any interruption while communing with nature. Natural building materials are also preferred to create a cozy feeling. Steel f ramed light-weight structure is lifted f rom the ground to provide a ventilation beneath. Roof vents on the north-east side provide air circulation in summer to prevent overheating.

Coordinator: İnci Basa








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