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Restarting international travel in the “new� normal. Providing an end to end real-time platform which ensures safe international travel. Managing the risk in reopening borders with a digital pathways solution. Keeping national and international communities safe.

“This is the 4th epidemic of my career - but this is the first where the potential to use digital technology to enhance the traditional methods of public health controls to rapidly and efficiently minimise spread.� - Dr John Shephard

goPassport Leadership Team BORDER SECURITY

Klaus Felsche – Borders Protection

ALPHAZETTA – Founded the first Advanced Analytics unit in Australia’s Immigration and Border Protection. Developed and deployed the Analytics driven Border Risk Identification System and the Next Generation Border Security System.


Dr John Shephard – Medical Director

OSS HealthCare – 30-year medical expertise in communicable diseases and international public health. Was responsible for clinical operations in Australia’s Ebola response in West Africa and led the first nationwide GP telehealth helpline.


Tony Ohlsson – Founder and CEO

ALPHAZETTA – AlphaZetta draw from the expertise of 780 Analytical Consultants worldwide to build applications and process through remote virtual project management. The hallmark expertise is cybersecurity and data privacy.


Mark Radford – Founder and CEO

KNOWESIS – Founder and CEO of Knowesis, a high performance real-time, analytics platform that performs automated alerts and encrypted location-based warnings, 7 x 24 platform and program management


Matt McKinley – Founder and CEO

DIDGIGO – Global Supplier of itinerary management and documentation systems used by the international travel trade to provide quality and detailed logistics data for the traveller via print or digital presentation.inbound and supplier management expertise.


John Crutchley – International Study Head of International Banking

Volt BANK – Specialising in the International Student and Migrant Banking sector, focusing on predeparture consumer problems and solutions that enabled ease of arrival into Australia.

The Problem Non-Resident Visitor “Invisibility” Student/Visitor (Invisible)

Visa Application

Visa Grant

GDS Airline Data

Student/Visitor (Invisible)

Check-in off-shore

Government Controls Visa Risk System

Movement Alert List

Advance Passenger Processing

Regional Movement Alert System Arrival

• Governments have limited visibility of the

• Dealing with potential infection on arrival puts

health status of a non-resident prior to arrival,

other travellers at risk and imposes logistic

during travel and when returning to their

burdens on the traveller, the Australian

home country.

community and government resources and

• When a traveller is “off radar” there is no mechanism to monitor their exposure to infection, compliance or the management of breeches on a large scale • Without effective controls and integrity through visibility, current clipboard style control cannot deliver at scale

has been demonstrated to be a fragile ‘lastline-of-defence’ solution. • As the only control measure, the blunt tool of on-arrival quarantine is not only a very expensive solution but also one that Departure has been shown to be imperfect full of gaps that allows for breeches with potentially devastating consequences.

The Solution Non-Resident Visitor “Visibility” Student/Visitor (Visible)

goPassport Controls

Visa Application

Visitor, Location and Carrier Health Risk Assessment User Registers goPassport App

Visa Grant

GDS Airline Data

Student/Visitor (Visible)

Check-in off-shore

Self Report Health Status Daily via goPassport App

Pre-departure Health Check Report Travel Itinerary

• Visibility gives process control and audit capability • Visibility ensures significant risk to be mitigated offshore prior to arrival • Reliable pre-travel preparation allows a layered approach to the border. Starting with travel bookings, pre-departure testing, potential pre-departure managed quarantine/isolation, alerting travellers about current and emerging risk pre-departure, integration with airline check-in systems and the Australian Border Force, support of on-arrival processing and then monitoring on-arrival quarantine/ self-isolation and real-time support of health agencies minimises the chance of failure.


• Through automation and end-to-end integration with travel industry lead “managed itineraries” delivers a “no gaps” “high service high touch and scalable” approach • Automation eliminates human error and creates swift automatic escalation procedures • Visibility to Border and Health control’s and management allows for large scale interconnected responses while supporting shifting policies and requirements • Every traveller pathway is based on health risks to the traveller and the community, supported by constantly updated data and state-of-the-art, real time communication systems that alert and monitor and inform health and border agencies as needed to mitigate any risks.

Student/Visitor (Visible)


Initiatives of Managed Travel supported by goPassport 1

Offshore Risk Management Process prior to Travel


Capture Pathway of Travel prior to arrival


Provide Compliance Guidance to traveller each step of the itinerary


Monitor, Audit and Alert compliancy by traveller


Rapid Alert process for breach of compliance.

Managed travel supported by the goPassport program becomes an advertisement for Australia as managed and safe destination.

“Privacy concerns are important but must be balanced against the imperatives of the pandemic.” – Dr John Shephard

Date security and privacy Privacy and security by design are key features of goPassport. Personal data is encrypted, access to systems is strictly controlled and, at the end of the journey, travellers can request to have all of their personal data deleted, permanently. goPassport aims to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and the Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation.

The Product Risk Assessment Profile goPassport maintains a dynamic COVID-19 risk rating for each traveller. “Health Risk Flag” (HRF) for each traveller assessing their individual risk of importing COVID-19 into Australia. Advanced analytics process streams of constantly-changing clinical, population and related data, the HRF is established prior to travel and constantly reviewed throughout the immediate pre-travel, transit and quarantine periods. Only non-resident visitors with an acceptable HRF are permitted to board flights or continue their itinerary.


goPassport captures traveller itinerary and any required pre-travel test requirements and relevant health history. GUIDE COMPLIANCE

Provide information to support compliance with any mandated self isolation and quarantine requirements, utilising real–time geo fencing and biometric and location based verified logins. MONITOR COMPLIANCE

Constant itinerary monitoring, daily health status reporting and cross checking with real–time location-based activity will allow alerts to be generated should a traveller trigger non-compliance. Alerts will be sent to the traveller and support travel and health management. ALERT AND MANAGE

goPassport constantly monitors the environment to identify locations of risk. A traveller whose itinerary or actual location indicates that they would be endangered is alerted about the risk. In the event of an adverse health event, goPassport will manage an automatic next best action including escalating contact policy, advice and action steps. ESCALATE

goPassport will manage alerts to the traveller, travel management, health authorities and if necessary current national support. Upstream and downstream contact mapping includes other

Pilots – why they are crucial for the industry to prove control and results The open / shut policies for the pandemonic control will ensure that border closures remain for further in time than necessary due to the limited blunt natural of the control tools. To open up without the “how” thoroughly tested, audited and agreed process will ensure that the first breech will result in a closure. Our international travel industry can’t sustain this process. To test new systems and processes and build confidence in these, small scale targeted pilots are the answer. A focus on specific low risk groups with high economic value, highly

managed and supported with technology with results demonstrated through data, can achieve the required government and public confidence-building. The pilot collaboration now underway with the education industry gives the tourism industry the chance to prove the significant value created through managed itineraries supported by goPassport technologies. Supporting international students to return to studies in Australia provides hope for institutions to recover and continue their high value contribution.

Subsequent small-scale pilots supported by managed itineraries can be addressed to focus on: 1

Social Fabric Health – Control Visiting Friends and Relatives


High Net worth Individuals – Control through charters / exclusive use services


Corporate travel – High Value Transactions and Product Installations


Green Corridors – Reciprocal Pilots with Australia Residents and incoming Non-residents.

The Product Overview goPassport is a comprehensive, real-time COVID-19 alert system for inbound international non resident visitors, that monitors and audits compliance with government policy:

• Pre-travel health and flight risk assessment • Pre-travel screening procedures • Pre-travel isolation and quarantine measures • In-country quarantine management • Ongoing symptom checking and escalation • Programmed testing • Traveller Medi-stay and Tele-health assistance • Real-time non-compliant response and escalation • Integration of service provider compliance status updates • Ability to manage multi-tiered national and regional policy programs. goPassport is compatible with the Android and iOS solutions for national COVID-19 contact tracing.

The goPassport solution has 4 proven components: 1

A Travel Risk Assessment solution providing an end-to-end view of all the aspects of a traveller’s trip that will influence their risk of exposure in the cycle of travel.


A real-time policy engine that maintains every traveller’s individual pathway status to safe entry and health compliance in a country. Multi-level capability to warn, alert and escalate non-compliance back to the individual, managing institutions or health and local enforcement agencies.


An individually tuned app for travellers that guides their programme simply, safely, prior to and during their country travel.


A portal with live relevant dashboards and other tools at a national, regional and institutional level for travel management, health departments, Immigration / Border Force and management institutions.

The Product Status goPassport is being fast tracked by adapting existing and proven technologies. The goPassport consortium has brought together three companies to fast-track the delivery of an agile management platform.

• Didgigo documents over 100 000 traveller itineraries per year includes traveller’s APP and is used by many of the world’s best travel companies.

• Knowesis brings its real time decision engine and database that is in production at scale today managing 4 million Australians at Telstra.

• AlphaZetta is an Australian Data Science and Data engineering company with 787 consultants. Core tech is in production already, with team assembled, product scoped and peer reviewed. The core goPassport Real-time Model is protected by an Australian Innovation Patent application.

Sectors include • International inbound and Outbound Travel Networks, • Education Market • Corporate travel market

Traveller goPassport App

Traveller Contact Channels

Personalized Alert and

• App Alerts

Notify Channel/s


Health and Safety Access Channels • Digital Health • Tele Health

• Email Journey Orchestration

Journey Use Case Builder

Health Status Next Best Actions

• Symptom Checklists Compromise Profile

Itinerary Geo-Fencing Status

Real Time Profile Requests

Real-time GPS Data

Real Time Traveller

GoPass Tokenised

Real Time Traveller

Profile Data Mart

Real Time Profile

Profile Data Mart

Recommendations Push Channel Systems Integration for real-time traveller status updates

Industry Compliance Channels • Tourism • Business • Official

KNOWESIS Community Tracing App Data

Traveller Health Status

and DOH Compliance

• Education


SIFT Platform

• Care escalation

Infectious Diseases

Third Party personal Screening and testing profiles

Travel Itinerary Portal

Border Security Applications

• Pre travel health • Pre travel locations • VISA Status • Isolation status / Requirements • Exposure risk level

Establishing travel confidence The travel, education and hospitality communities around the globe are supported by goPassport’s operation to ensure travellers from outside a country represent no increased risk to the operation of these community sectors nor its citizens. By providing confidence that inbound travellers have been continuously screened and cleared before travel, that they are monitored during their stay and have active travel-case management, then more crude, generalised lockdowns can be avoided as these travellers present no additional risk to the local community.

Managed travel supported by the goPassport program becomes an advertisement for Australia as managed and safe.

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